Neurodermatitis in adults and children: photos, symptoms and treatment

Neurodermatitis is a skin disorder in adults and children belonging to the group of neurodermatoses, the main symptoms and signs of which are itching and skin changes. The changes are manifested by densification and coarsening of the skin, as well as by intensification of the skin pattern.

Today we will consider the causes, symptoms and treatment of neurodermatitis in an adult and a child with certain medications, ointments, procedures, how to treat and how to cure neurodermatitis at home using folk remedies or in a hospital.

In any case, medical consultation is mandatory, especially when treating a child's neurodermatitis. Videos with useful information you can see at the bottom of the publication.


Neurodermatitis photo

Causes, types, symptoms

The main role in the appearance of neurodermatitis in adults is played by genetic factors and functional disorders from the nervoussystem. Although the exact causes of this disease are still not fully understood.

There are limited and diffuse neurodermatitis.

Both forms are characterized by an intolerable itch with deep combs, after which small scars, flesh-colored papules( prone to fusion and infiltration), and white persistent dermographism are often formed.

Neurodermatitis limited: symptoms

With limited neurodermatitis , the process is most often observed on the skin of the posterior surface of the neck, in the area of ​​the elbow and knee folds, on the inner thighs.

In the center of the lesion the skin is thickened, pink or red, its pattern is strengthened. Here, dense and glittering papules of pale pink color are visible, towering above the skin, on the periphery of the focus - hyperpigmentation.

A variety of restricted neurodermatitis is the so-called giant neurodermatite, characterized by formation in the genital area and perineum of infiltrated tumorous foci, which are accompanied by severe itching.

The limited neurodermite begins gradually with an itch on any small site of a skin, then the itch is amplified, all phenomena gradually increase.

Diffuse neurodermatitis: symptoms of

The diffuse neurodermatitis begins with intense pruritus that occurs in seizures, over large areas of the skin.

Gradually all large areas of the skin are involved in the process. They noted increased pigmentation, firming and dry skin, increased clarity of the skin pattern. On the surface of the affected areas, there are separate nodules, thin scurvy scales, cracks and serous and hemorrhagic crusts.

With diffuse neurodermatitis, the skin of the face, the upper chest and the flexion surfaces of the extremities suffer most. In severe cases, the entire skin is affected.

Both in limited and diffuse neurodermites, microbes often get into places of scratching and diseases such as furunculosis, pyoderma, impetigo develop.

Sometimes, if a patient moves to a terrain with a dry hot climate, the neurodermite passes by itself. Important factors in the treatment of the patient are factors such as normal mode of work and rest, arranged daily life, diet and rest.

It is very important for any neurodermatitis that the nervous system of the patient should leave the state of stress, it must be protected from any external stimuli.

Treatment of neurodermatitis in an adult and a child

How to treat a neurodermatitis with folk remedies at home

Before or during treatment, should cleanse the body of with enemas from toxins( cleansing of the body should be performed in the treatment of any chronic skin disease).Cleansing of the intestines with enemas is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Week 1 - enema daily;
  • 2nd week - every other day;
  • 3rd week - two days later;
  • 4th and all subsequent weeks - once a week.

For enema, you need to prepare 2 liters of warm boiled water and juice of one lemon.

After cleansing the body, you can begin treatment with herbs. It should start with the elimination of the cause of the disease, improve metabolic processes and normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. You need to treat the entire body, not just the affected areas of the skin. Skin is a mirror of the health of internal organs.

"This intense desire of the body to get rid of the poisonous harmful factors inside us. It is necessary to purify the body, not the skin, but to provide it with an influx of air "(AS Zalmanov).

As an anti-inflammatory agent, use the fresh yarrow in the form of compresses or steep broth from it in half with chamomile. Apply powder from the same plants, mixed with peach, vegetable or corn oil.

Fresh, cleanly washed leaves of plantain, which act as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and wound-healing agent can be applied to the inflamed areas.

Prepare the collection 1 :

  1. rhizome with valerian roots - 10.0,
  2. nettle leaves - 25.0,
  3. grass clover - 10.0,
  4. grass oregano - 10.0,
  5. grass violet tricolor - 10.0,
  6. grass horsetail field - 15.0,
  7. chamomile flowers - 20.0.

Two tablespoons of the collection pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink half the glass 4 times a day before meals.

Extract Passiflora for 30 drops in the evening an hour before meals.

Skin lesions should be rubbed with creams recommended for dry skin.

With neurodermatitis baths with starch, walnut leaves or birch are useful.

If the neurodermatitis lasts more than six months, the patients are recommended microclysters with infusion of tansy flowers and wormwood ( 1: 1).One teaspoon of the mixture pour 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and use every other day. The course of treatment 10-12 procedures.

With prolonged chronic processes phytotherapy courses are held twice a year - in spring and autumn for 1.6 months.

Prepare the collection 2 ( monastic recipe):

  1. oak bark - 50 g,
  2. scum leaves - 40 g,
  3. sage leaves - 15 g,
  4. rowan fruits - 40 g,
  5. grass horsetail - 30 g.

Two handfulsCollect 3 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes on low heat. The broth is added to the water for common and local baths.

Broth of herb marmalade .2 tablespoons for 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take half a glass three times a day before meals.

Aboveground part of the plant( cocklebur) mash and slurry cover the affected area.

Grass of the gold-bearing mill .Two teaspoons of herbs pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and take three times a day for 100 ml on an empty stomach.

Apply ointment from thickened broth of celery root in sunflower or peach oil at a ratio of 1: 3.

For topical use: compresses from the infusion of nettle leaves and raspberries , taken 1: 1.Apply for 3-4 hours 2 times a day.

The infusion of strawberry leaves is used in the form of lotions and for baths.

Inside, take the broth burdock root ( 1 teaspoon of root to a glass of water, boil 10 minutes, infuse for 1 hour, strain) two-thirds of the glass three times a day.

Apply herb packs with astringent properties to the wetting areas:

  1. decoction of herb tinder grass 20.0 per 200 ml of water;
  2. broth oak bark 20.0 per 200 ml of water;
  3. decoction of herb horsetail 20.0 by 200 ml;
  4. infusion shamrock 15.0: 200.0;
  5. infusion of St. John's wort 15,0: 200,0.

In the treatment of neurodermatitis, ointments with tinctures of eucalyptus, calendula, sophora, valerian, lily of the valley, plantain are useful.

Ointments are prepared in a ratio of 1: 4 on unsalted pork fat or lanolin.

Treatment of the neurodermatitis with medical procedures, preparations and ointments

Diffuse neurodermatitis is treated in a hospital. With limited neurodermatitis, the patient is prescribed calming and desensitizing agents. For external use, pastes and ointments containing tar, sulfur, antipruritics, naftalan, etc. are used.

The diet for neurodermatitis should be milky-vegetable.

The main thing in the treatment of neurodermatitis is the treatment of the nervous system. For this purpose, bromine preparations, electrosleep, hypnosis are used.

To influence the function of nerve centers - Novocaine blockades( para-vertebral, circular) ionophoresis with novocaine or novocaine inside 0.5% solution of 2 tablespoons three times a day for an hour before meals.

In case of widespread skin damage - autohemotherapy, calcium gluconate( 10% intramuscular) or sulfate magnesia( 25% intravenously), sodium thiosulfate( 30%).

Symptomatic treatment: vitamins B6, PP( has antipruritic effect).

Affected areas of the skin are lubricated with hydrocortisone or prednisolone ointment( alternate with creams every 3-4 days).Applying of foci of lesions with hydrocortisone emulsion;

Of physiotherapy, local X-ray therapy, ultrasound, carbonic acid massage, paraffin, ozocerite applications;

In severe cases, corticosteroids are indicated.

Balneological treatment is very important in the treatment of neurodermatitis: hydrogen sulphide and sulfide baths( Pyatigorsk, Sernovodsk, Mineral Waters), therapeutic mud( Slavyansk, Staraya Russa).

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Source: YNGorgov Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.