We get rid of the spinal hernia at the minimum time

If you consider the spine carefully, you can see between the vertebrae of cartilage and discs. They allow the spinal column to perform its functions. Often because of an incorrect or excessive load on the spine, discs may form a hernia. In such a situation, it is possible to treat the vertebral hernia at home without surgery by folk remedies.

  • What recommendations to remember
  • Treatment without surgery
  • Treatment according to the Bubnovsky method
  • Traditional treatment during the recovery period
  • Massage with honey
  • Saline solution
  • Fir oil
  • Broths of herbs
  • Agrimony
  • What to do in the late recovery period
  • Turpentine baths
  • Physiotherapy exercises - gymnastics
  • Ointments for accelerating regeneration
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Interesting! There are no blood vessels in the intervertebral discs. So the metabolism is through the body of the vertebrae. If the load is moderate, they improve metabolism. The core of the disk is a shock absorber, very elastic.

The hernia is formed rather quickly because of the protrusion of the nucleus beyond the disk. More often it happens against a background of an osteochondrosis, on 2-3 stages. The need for treatment is determined by the doctor who treats the hernia, but you can also use home treatment methods for general improvement of the condition.

What recommendations to remember

When treating a vertebral hernia at home, folk remedies need to be remembered that a long and difficult process of rehabilitation is taking place. During this period, you need to learn how to get up and lie down correctly. It is important not to make sudden movements that can provoke severe pain.

Important! Doctors do not recommend in the presence of a hernia of any part of the spine for a long time to be in a sitting position. When you have to sit, the back and head should be kept as straight as possible.

After medical treatment, the second week of rehabilitation, you can gradually begin to move actively, walk in small steps (often even using a cane).

Treatment without surgery

When treating a hernia without surgery, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and carry out complex therapy:

  1. The first actions: to provide the patient with bed rest for 3 days, the next days it will be possible to gradually increase the activity.
  2. It is necessary to remove puffiness and inflammation, this is done with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. To reduce pain, resort to pain medications (pills and injections).
  4. As soon as you come to a positive result from the treatment, enter into the complex special exercises and massage.
  5. It is not recommended to resort to folk remedies without first consulting a doctor.

Treatment according to the Bubnovsky method

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky developed a special set of gymnastic exercises, thanks to which the mobility of the spine is markedly improved. Everyone can do these exercises. They are designed for a category from infants to retirees. It is important to follow several rules:

  • remember personal feelings;
  • do not perform sharp, strong blows, jumps - the main thing is not to overdo it;
  • do gymnastics about 5 times a day;
  • start the exercises with the easiest.

Examples of some exercises:

  • lie on his back, stretch his hands along his body, take a deep breath, while exhaling raise the maximum pelvis, focusing on the shoulders and feet;
  • in the same position, put your hands under your head, push your elbows up, rest your chin against your chest, bend your knees, try to reduce your elbows to your knees;
  • get on all fours, breathe in and bend your back in parallel, with an exhalation - bend;
  • sit on the buttocks, stretch your legs forward, put your hands behind your head, make a few forward movements with your buttocks, then back.

Traditional treatment during the recovery period

Important! Curing the intervertebral hernia folk methods can not be, only a qualified specialist will help. But in the recovery period, many folk remedies are extremely effective.

Massage with honey

Before the massage, among other things, it is recommended to drink comfy oil. It's easy to make by yourself, mixing 0.5 liters of any vegetable oil and 50 grams of plant roots. After 10 days of insisting on drinking 2 tablespoons. spoons before each massage.

The massage is shown curative and is performed by a specialist. Massage movements should be soft, they include patting.

Saline solution

Before proceeding to treatment of the vertebral hernia, it is worth noting the merits of a saline solution:

  • 10% solution of table salt, diluted in water, is an active sorbent, which relieves the body of the disease, with a bandage that does not allow air to pass through;
  • Displays excess fluid - anti-edematous action;
  • the result comes after a week's procedure;
  • The concentration of the solution should not exceed 10 percent, it is desirable to entrust the preparation to the pharmacist.

To make the dressing, you need a cut of cotton or linen fabric. Fold the material in 2-4 layers, moisten it in a warm salt solution and wring out. Put the bandage on a sore spot and fix it with a bandage.

Fir oil

The site with diseased vertebrae should be oiled with fir oil, then apply a mixture (100 g honey / 1 g of mummy dissolved in 1 hour. l. water). Make a small massage: pat on the smeared area with the palm, it will be a little painful, the skin area will turn red, but it's for the best. After the procedure, you should wash off the mixture and apply Finalgon, cover your back with a blanket and allow to warm up thoroughly.

Broths of herbs

What to take inside:

  1. Infusion of chamomile and linden. In equal amounts, chamomile and linden are taken, several rose hips are added. Pour boiling water, after 20 minutes the broth is ready for use. Drink several times a day for half a glass.
  2. Broth of bran. To 1 tbsp. a spoonful of bran (best to take rye bran or wheat bran) add 500 ml of water. Boil for 30 minutes. Drink in warm form three times a day, in small portions. The inflammation of the nerve roots will decrease significantly, the metabolism will improve.


For treatment, seeds of burdock will be needed: pour 500 grams of seeds with 500 ml of boiling water, put on fire and let it simmer for 20 minutes. The resulting broth strain and add water as much as boiled. Take 1/3 cup for seven days after eating.

The second way is to use the leaves of the thistle: remove the fresh leaf of the plant and attach it to the sore spot, place a piece of cotton cloth on top and fix it with elastic bandage. The procedure should be performed overnight for two weeks.

What to do in the late recovery period

After a few months, many symptoms must pass and the spine will again be accustomed to various loads. You can stop taking anti-inflammatory, pain medications. If the treatment was carried out correctly, then at the end of the second month the pain should completely disappear.

But treatment of the vertebral hernia at home with folk remedies, even at this stage, must be continued. It is better to try to stand more often (even if there are empty seats on the bus). The most preferred posture is the vertical or horizontal position of the body.

Turpentine baths

As for folk recipes, you can take baths based on turpentine. For this 4 tbsp. Spoonfuls of turpentine are filled with half a glass of water. Take a bath for 20 minutes to improve blood supply and removal of the inflammatory process. This method should be discussed with a doctor, it is not suitable for all patients.

Only after 6 months, with proper treatment and observance of all medical recommendations, the fibrous ring in the area where the hernia was, will grow stronger. But even after that, do not stop caring for the spine, because there is always a chance of a relapse and it is quite high.

Physiotherapy exercises - gymnastics

Thanks to regular home physical therapy it will be possible to reduce the risk of relapse. Doctors recommend doing stretching of the back - this is the best treatment and prevention in the described pathology.

Gymnastics is recommended to be done after acute pain is gone. The complex of necessary exercises is chosen by the attending physician. Often appoint:

  • exercise "Kitty" in yoga;
  • to get on the elbows and knees, pull the trunk forward, without bending in the lower back;
  • in a similar pose, pull the right leg - back, the left hand - forward, then do the same with the opposite side;
  • put a pillow on the chair and lie on it with the stomach, bend the trunk in a sore spot;
  • Walk around the room with a flat back;
  • Lie on your stomach, lean your shoulders and elbows on the floor, try to bend your back, but do not take your hips off the floor;
  • in the position of lying on your stomach place your hands on the floor at shoulder level, with a slow movement raise your head and shoulders, while keeping your hips pressed to the floor. Try to climb as far as the outstretched hands, bring the chin to the chest. Before raising the torso, you need to inhale, after - exhale.

Important! It also helps in swimming with this disease.

Ointments for accelerating regeneration

At the stage of late recovery, various ointments should be rubbed into the lesion area. These can be funds based on decoctions of wormwood, cones of hops, comfrey or chestnut seeds. Be sure to use olive or castor oil, glycerin, various essential oils and liquid vitamin E.

If there is a hernia, do not make this tragedy and put an end to an active, healthy life. Treatment will be difficult and long, but with due diligence it will be possible to cope with everything.