Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint: symptoms and treatment of VNCH
    • 1.1Symptoms of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint
    • 1.2Diagnostic measures
    • 1.3Orthopedic and medical methods of treatment
    • 1.4The main types of physiotherapy
  • 2Osteoarthritis of TMJ symptoms photos: treatment with folk remedies
    • 2.1The causes of arthrosis of the TMJ
    • 2.2Classification
    • 2.3Symptoms of arthrosis
    • 2.4Diagnosis of TMJ arthrosis
    • 2.5Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint treatment
    • 2.6Treatment of arthrosis of the TMJ by folk methods
  • 3Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint: causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 3.1Why can the disease develop?
    • 3.2How to classify
    • 3.3What is the symptomatology of the pathology
    • 3.4Painful dysfunction
    • 3.5Methods of diagnosing the disease
    • 3.6Principles of treatment of arthrosis
    • 3.7Physiotherapy techniques
    • 3.8Treatment of traumatic arthrosis
    • 3.9Features of surgical therapy
    • 3.10Treatment with folk methods
    • 3.11Preventive actions
  • 4Osteoarthritis of the TMJ
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Causes of TMJ arthrosis
    • 4.2Symptoms of arthrosis of the TMJ
    • 4.3Treatment of TMJ arthrosis
    • 4.4Prognosis and prevention of osteoarthritis of the TMJ

Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint: symptoms and treatment of VNCH

The causes of this disease are quite diverse. It is formed if the cartilage covering the surface of the joint begins to undergo dystrophy. The cartilage can completely disappear, because of this, the perforation of the disc begins.

Changes in the bone body lead to the destruction of the head, and it changes shape. In some cases, only a slight regeneration of the cartilage takes place, and the treatment takes a short time.

Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint can be provoked by a variety of causes. In particular, the following violations are caused by the disease:

  1. Neurodystrophic,
  2. Exchange,
  3. Endocrine,
  4. Chronic inflammation of the joints and a constant load on them, especially on the lower jaw,
  5. Infections,
  6. Neuromuscular disorders of the face,
  7. Bruxism,
  8. High abrasion of the teeth, their deformation and loss.

All these reasons can be present in a complex or separately. Osteoarthritis of the TMJ is a very dangerous disease, which requires a timely call to the doctor.

A major role in the appearance of the disease is played by perestroika in the dentition, as well as violations of the motor algorithm of the lower jaw. The load varies, which means that the metabolism in the tissues and cells of the joint itself is disturbed.

Symptoms of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint

Patients can complain about different conditions. Some people note aching constant pain, which becomes greater with the load on the joint. Others complain only about the appearance of crunch, noise, snapping and crepitus.

Patients may also experience reduced mobility of the joint, especially in the morning, a restriction in the opening of the oral cavity, a shift toward the lower jaw.

Among other things, doctors record people's complaints about difficulties in chewing food on the one hand, because chewing is accompanied by pain and inconvenience.

Osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joint begins gradually. Before the onset of the disease, a person can have:

  • the transferred inflammation of the joint,
  • injuries,
  • absence of teeth for a long time,
  • strong erasure of teeth,
  • prolonged use of dentures with irregular interzalveolar height and occlusal surface of dentition.

Some patients associate the appearance of joint disease with rheumatism or complications of influenza.

During medical examination, the symptoms that the patients noted, as well as manifestations that were not mentioned, are revealed.

It must be remembered that not all symptoms of nosology can be in patients simultaneously.

After examination of the person's face, the following can be found:

  1. decrease in the height of the lower part, which shows an increase in nasolabial folds,
  2. maceration in the corners of the mouth,
  3. lip twitching,
  4. asymmetry of the face due to displacement towards the patient joint of the lower jaw.

When auscultation and palpation, doctors identify crepitus and crunch of the joint. As a rule, the process of palpation of the lateral pterygoid muscle passes painlessly.

Clinical evaluation of the motor specificity of the mandible provides an opportunity to know the degree of limited opening of the mouth, which is determined by the distance between the main incisors. Sometimes the limitation can be no more than a centimeter.

A clear violation of the motor activity of the mandible in the disease, is the displacement of the jaw to the side when opening the oral cavity. This is revealed by observing the incisal point when closing and opening the mouth.

In this case, there may be several options.

For example, the lower incisor point when opening the oral cavity forms a curve, but at the end it becomes one line with the top incisal point.


Or, when opening the mouth, the lower incisor point normally moves, but at the end of the opening, it begins to shift substantially to the side.


The doctor receives all the necessary data in the process of examining the teeth next to and the teeth themselves. He evaluates occlusal contacts. Patients are identified:

  • strong erasure of teeth,
  • poor-quality dentures,
  • absence of teeth,
  • decreased or elevated interalveolar height,
  • Modified surfaces of some teeth and dentition that create incorrect occlusal contacts,
  • incorrect direction of movement of the lower jaw or obstruction.

Additional diagnostic information for arthrosis of the TMJ is obtained by physicians through one of the laboratory-instrumental methods. It can be:

  • radiography,
  • electromyography,
  • recording movements of the lower jaw.

When X-ray examination revealed changes that are characteristic of arthrosis. So, the radiography reveals:

  1. exophytic overgrowth,
  2. thickening of the head with a decrease in height,
  3. change the shape of the head, it can be pointed, clavate or in the form of a hook.

X-ray is recognized as the best diagnosis for various joint diseases.

Changes in the early stages can be found on the tomograms, for example:

  • sclerosis of bone,
  • narrowing of the joint space,
  • erosion in the cortical layer of the articular tubercle and head.

Diagnostic measures

It is necessary to distinguish arthrosis from arthritis and neuromuscular disorders. Such changes, as a rule, occur in people after 50 years of age.

Disturbances develop rapidly and are accompanied by severe pain. Arthrosis proceeds slowly enough, and occurs in people after 45 years.

Acute arthritis is most often determined by a strong swelling near the joint. The disease causes:

  • temperature increase,
  • severe malaise,
  • loss of appetite,
  • sleep disorders.

Symptoms of arthritis of chronic form resemble arthrosis, but differ in characteristic pain - acute and "shooting." With the disease of the temporomandibular joint, chewing and painful sensations always appear when chewing. A man complains about:

  1. noise in ears,
  2. decrease in the threshold of audibility,
  3. headache.

Radiography and manual method are the main researches, revealing arthrosis and disorders of muscles and nerves in a person. With the use of anesthesia, diagnosticians diagnose arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint in order to continue treatment.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor determines the treatment strategy. It is important to create a sequence of the use of the selected remedies, to determine the dosage and duration of the medication that will remove the symptoms of the disease.

It is necessary to think, what to apply from the rich arsenal of medical means, which include also stomatologic and orthopedic methods.

Orthopedic and medical methods of treatment

Treatment of the disease is characterized by a set of actions:

  • use of medicines,
  • physiotherapy,
  • surgery,
  • orthopedics.

Orthopedics are needed to eliminate reloading of the jaw joints. This can be achieved by improving the shape of the dentition and the teeth themselves. Treatment is divided into several stages:

  1. correction of teeth and occlusal contact,
  2. correction of dentition,
  3. restoration of the teeth,
  4. normalization of smoothness and correctness of movements in the joint
  5. lower jaw.

The first stages are aimed at repairing damage to the teeth and their rows. The last stage of treatment should be used, if there is a need for a prosthesis, it should be combined normally with all the features of the lower jaw. Grinding of the tooth surface is also allowed.

Orthopedics is combined with the use of medications. Treatment eliminates excessive contacting of the teeth, which affects the muscles and joints of the face. To normalize the teeth and their rows, you need to use crowns, bridges, and clasp prostheses.

Before the orthopedist there is a task to achieve improvement of the joint heads, leading them to a full-fledged work. This is achieved with the help of:

  • limiter opening mouth,
  • plastic caps, which are installed on the upper or lower dentition,
  • Apparatus made of crowns having a plane with a slope,
  • A special plate in the sky with an inclined surface.

Before applying all prostheses for the disease, it is necessary to study the individual features of the patient's jaw. It is important to consider the requirements for prostheses. The duration of treatment and the passage of stages directly depends on the clinical picture and the level of deformation of the jaw joints.

If the patient has a tooth erasure or a decrease in bite, then it is necessary to apply artificial limbs. Treatment will be started only after the position of the lower jaw normalizes.

Treatment is effective with the use of plastic mouthguards. To check the correctness of the prosthesis, X-rays are attracted, if necessary, the kappa is corrected.

In most cases, after using the kappa, pain and other symptoms of the disease go away within four months.

After achieving a sustainable result, permanent prostheses are created.

The main types of physiotherapy

The patient is advised to perform a series of special exercises, which lead the jaw to normal, and restore the chewing muscles.

In the framework of complex therapy, operational methods are effective. Surgical intervention involves surgery on the joints and teeth of the patient.

Treatment suggests several options that are part of the physiotherapeutic method of treating temporomandibular joint arthrosis:

  • electrophoresis,
  • method of galvanization,
  • massotherapy,
  • fluxorization.

Electrophoresis uses 10% solutions of potassium iodide and novocaine. The method of galvanization is carried out with the help of special equipment. Therapeutic massage should be prescribed to patients during complex treatment, as well as after the main therapeutic course.

After the treatment is completed and the patient is discharged from the hospital, doctors monitor his condition for a month to assess the correctness of the selected therapeutic methods. To the person at an extract, specify to come in an out-patient department of 1 times a month for planned detailed survey of a status of the maxillary or mandibular activity.

Osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joint, as well as arthritis of the jaw joint, requires a fairly long treatment process. However, the earlier the patient begins treatment, the faster it will be possible to eliminate the disease without undesirable consequences.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/arthrosis/artroz-visochno-nizhnechelyustnogo-sustava.html

Osteoarthritis of TMJ symptoms photos: treatment with folk remedies

Osteoarthritis of the TMJ is a complex pathological disease of the temporomandibular joint. Arthrosis promotes tissue changes and is often chronic.

Simply put, the joint near the ear serves to connect the skull to the lower jaw of a person.

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Thanks to this joint, a person is able to eat, and also to talk.

Osteoarthritis of temporomandibular joint

Arthrosis promotes deformation of this joint and entails its thinning.

A person with this kind of disease feels strong pains with various jaw movements.


Arthrosis of the joint - the disease is complex and very dangerous, because with insufficient treatment, it can affect hearing impairment.


Frequent cases are also the combination of arthrosis and joint arthritis, which is commonly called arthrosoarthritis.

Arthrosoarthritis is associated with a simultaneous violation of cartilage tissues and the emerging inflammatory process. Treatment of arthrosoarthritis is medication only.

Also, arthrosoarthritis is treated with the use of physiotherapy, massage, and also with the help of various types of ointments.

X-ray of the healthy jaw and sick

The causes of arthrosis of the TMJ

In most cases, the disease is divided into two main categories:

  1. local character. A category that carries the character of the inflammatory process of the joint. Also, this category includes the appearance of arthrosis due to excessive overload of the joint (occur mainly due to a disease associated with gnashing of teeth). Of course, abnormal abrasion of teeth is also included in this category;
  2. of a general nature. To this category it is customary to attribute various kinds of infectious diseases. Also, specialists include in this group various disorders of the metabolic systems of the body.

The manifestation of arthrosis begins when the cartilage is severely damaged, and the inflammatory processes only aggravate the situation.

With a strong thinning of the cartilage, its functionality and elasticity are lost, and as a consequence - the bone structure is damaged, while the masticatory functions are violated. With age, the risk of developing this disease only increases.

However, in dentistry there is also the concept of so-called juvenile arthrosis, which is a consequence of the wrong development of the human skull.

Often the cause of the disease is the resulting injury.

Arthrosis can be of two main types: local and general


In accordance with the X-ray image, specialists distinguish two types of arthrosis, namely:

  • sclerosing. This type of arthrosis is characterized by sclerosis of the bony surfaces and narrowed articular fissures;
  • deforming. A characteristic feature of this type is the compaction of the joint fossa, the head, and also the tubercle. In advanced cases of the disease, a change in the joint of the jaw is diagnosed.

Arthrosis is also divided into primary and secondary (in accordance with the causes of appearance):

  1. Primary arthrosis has nothing to do with pathologies or various kinds of other inflammations. It is mainly a consequence of age-related changes (most often found in people aged fifty years).
  2. Secondary - can be formed in people of different ages, as it appears from previously received joint injuries. In addition, it can be formed due to the transfer of various types of diseases or inflammatory processes.

During arthrosis, clicks can occur during movements of the jaw joint

Specialists also established four stages of the course of the disease:

  1. Stage of initial manifestation. At this stage, the joint is not stable. With the help of an X-ray, narrowing is determined, but not strong.
  2. Stage of pronounced changes. With the help of pictures, signs of sclerosis and deformation of the condylar process are determined.
  3. Late stage of the disease. At this stage, the functions of the mandibular joint are broken. There are no or severe violations of the jaw. An X-ray photograph indicates complete deformation of the cartilage, a strong degree of sclerosis of the surfaces of the joints, as well as compression of the joint fossa.
  4. The started stage of the disease. At this stage the development of fibrotic ankylosis of the TMJ begins.

Symptoms of arthrosis

Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint mainly affects people over the age of fifty. In addition, statistics speak for 90% of people at the age of seventy who suffer from this disease. Osteoarthritis is most often seen in women.

At the age of up to fifty years, the cause of this disease is mainly jaw injuries.
Arthrosis is not an easy disease, if only because the symptoms of this disease appear gradually, and at the initial stages may be completely absent.

It is generally accepted that the main symptoms of arthrosis are:

  • slightly painful pain;
  • clicks and crunches of the joint.

Most often, arthrosis is manifested in women

Nevertheless, the nature of the course of the disease is very protracted and prolonged due to the presence of various processes in the anamnesis, namely:

  • all kinds of inflammatory processes in the joint;
  • received various kinds of trauma;
  • patient's tooth-jaw surgery;
  • the presence of anomalies of the oral cavity (an example may be abnormal abrasion of the teeth);
  • unsuccessful prosthetics and jaw damage; The procedure between a healthy jaw joint and a patient
  • painful sensations due to physical exertion;
  • small facial asymmetry;
  • audible crunches and snapping in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • seal in the area of ​​the disease when touched.

At an early stage of the disease, patients can feel a click and a crunch in the joint. Sometimes in the morning you feel a certain discomfort, going through the day.

In the following stages, patients experience mild blunt pain, mainly associated with chewing or when talking. When the disease goes to the third stage, the pain becomes more frequent and stronger, especially with any overload.

Painful sensations are worse when exposed to cold.
After a while it will be possible to notice the difficult movement of the jaw, its displacement. In some cases, the asymmetry of the face appears.

Often talk about the appearance of a numbness, tingling. Often pain is given in the ear or head. Hearing impairment may also occur.

Sometimes asymmetry of the face

Diagnosis of TMJ arthrosis

Arthrosis is not a rare disease, therefore, specialists in their field have long formulated certain methods and methods for diagnosing this disease.

First of all, it is necessary to apply for help to doctors in time, because only they can determine the presence of various anomalies of the oral cavity, as well as conduct a general analysis.

Traces of abnormal abrasion of the teeth are the first sign of the presence of arthrosis. Of course, the diagnosis begins with a detailed medical examination of both external and internal signs of the development of arthrosis.

To accurately diagnose the problem it is necessary to pass certain tests. To determine the nature, extent, and neglect of the process of the course of this disease, radiography is assigned.


With the help of an X-ray, the joint space will also be narrowed. If the disease is in the second or third stage, with the help of an X-ray it will be possible to easily establish the deformation of bone tissues and a ligamentous apparatus.


If the inflammatory process is suspected, the doctor may prescribe a CT or blood test.

A doctor's examination with a suspicion of arthrosis is mandatory

Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint treatment

Treatment of this disease is performed by an orthopedist. At the very beginning the doctor will try to determine the root causes of the onset of the disease. Investigating why the joint was overloaded, this or that treatment option will be determined.

At the heart of the treatment is the problem of eliminating the factors that cause the reboot. In addition, with severe pain, special medications are prescribed in the form of ointments and tablets.

During the treatment, the patient must follow a special diet and minimize unnecessary burden on the jaw. In order to normalize the occlusion, the dentist takes steps to polish the teeth (used with an uneven erasure of tooth enamel).

Normalization of this process makes it possible to reduce abnormal abrasion, reduce pressure on the joint, facilitate the process of eating and talking. In more complex cases, to achieve these goals, the dentist can recommend the establishment of crowns or prostheses.

Treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies, leading primarily to abnormal dental abrasion, is a very long and complicated process. Therefore, wearing a cap for normalization of the interalveolar height takes about three to four months.

At the last stages of development of arthrosis of the TMJ (or a possible dislocation of the lower jaw), experts appoint surgical treatment, which may include the removal of the joint disc, transplantation of the removed articular heads.

After treatment (correction of bite, installation of crowns or prostheses), the dentist will offer a course of physiotherapy, which is aimed at improving the chewing functions of a person.

In the list of physiotherapy doctors include electrophoresis and paraffin therapy. Good results of treatment can be achieved with a course of massage and mud treatment.

Of course, the treatment will be ideal with the help of all the methods presented at once.

Even after the best results of treatment, the patient must be registered in dentistry for continuous monitoring.

Treatment of arthrosis of the TMJ by folk methods

Folk remedies against arthrosis of the joint are represented by a plural variety (ointments, tinctures, compresses and others). They help to eliminate pain, swelling and other symptoms of arthrosis.

However, it must be remembered that without the advice of a doctor, the treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies is strictly prohibited.

After all, if you have allergies to those or other components used in the preparation of recipes, you can only worsen your condition and complicate the process of treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment are aimed at eliminating pain

I propose to consider the most famous recipes of folk medicine against arthrosis:

  1. To create the first remedy, you will need 200 grams of regular garlic (peeled) and 500 grams of cranberries. These ingredients must be grinded (you can use a blender). One kilogram of honey is added to the resulting mass. Method of administration: one teaspoon three times a day (preferably before meals).
  2. To prepare the next recipe, where the main ingredient is apple cider vinegar, you will need two teaspoons of vinegar and about half a glass of drinking water. This solution should also be consumed before meals. The course of treatment is one to two months, alternating in three to four months. Vinegar as an active substance contributes to the elimination of salts from the human body, stabilizes the flow of blood in the muscle tissues in the region of the joints. The main thing is not to ignore the symptoms of the disease and get a doctor in time
  3. Another well-known method of combating arthrosis is therapy, the essence of which is the treatment with bee stings. The poison released by the bee stings, promotes an active influx of blood and, accordingly, activates the work of the immune system.

When using folk remedies against arthrosis, it must be taken into account that these methods help to eliminate only the symptoms of the disease or to warn against the disease as a preventive measure.

As already mentioned, when symptoms of the disease appear, urgent consultation and diagnosis of the doctor are needed, because traditional medicine will not help you cure arthrosis of the last stages.

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In addition, with the appearance of pain or any signs of allergy (rash, redness, etc.), it is necessary to immediately stop treatment with folk methods and consult a doctor.


It is also important to remember that the use of traditional recipes for preventive or curative purposes is unacceptable without prior consultation with a doctor.


Prevention of the disease with arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint, as in principle and other diseases of the mouth, is the timely access for help and treatment to the dentist. If you start to fix this problem in the initial stages, the treatment will be most effective and fast.

Pain in the initial stages of arthrosis is not strong, but when it appears, you should consult a doctor

If you delay with the solution of this problem, the disease will develop, and without surgical intervention can not do.

In addition, the symptoms will develop more strongly and lead to the appearance of strong painful sensations, the appearance of swelling and even hearing impairment.

https://www.youtube.com/watc? = 2oyx5mY7GIA

Treatment of arthrosis in the home is possible with the use of folk remedies, but it must be remembered that this treatment gives a result only in the early stages of the disease. Using traditional medicine, you can also eliminate a number of symptoms that accompany this disease.

However, it must be remembered that without the doctor's prior consultation these methods should not be used, since in some cases they can only aggravate the situation. For preventive purposes of diseases, it is also important to timely eliminate the problems that have arisen.

And remember that attending a dentist at least twice a year will help you get rid of various types of diseases, since many diseases of the oral cavity at the initial stages pass without significant symptoms.

Remember, your health is in your hands!

A source: https://ZubPro.ru/zabolevanija-zubov/artroz-vnchs-simptomy-i-lechenie.html

Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint: causes, symptoms, treatment

For arthrosis of the maxillofacial joint, symptoms and treatment are associated with dystrophic changes in the structure. What are the main causes of this disease, its symptoms, methods of therapy and methods of prevention, and what kind of treatment folk remedies can be used?

Why can the disease develop?

This pathology of the musculoskeletal system is of chronic origin. Osteoarthritis of the TMJ is caused by long dystrophic processes in the tissues. They are accompanied by a violation of the performance of the lower jaw.

The problem is common. According to the latest data, signs of this disease occur in about half of patients after 50 years.

In people older than 70 years, this pathology occurs in 90% of cases, regardless of gender.

Osteoarthritis of the jaw joint refers to a polyfactor pathology. The reasons for it are both local and general. Local factors of the disease development include:

  • chronic arthritis of the maxillofacial joint;
  • pathology of occlusion;
  • adentia (most often absence of molars on the lower jaw);
  • pathology of enamel;
  • bruxism;
  • improper installation of seals;
  • errors in the process of prosthetics of teeth;
  • injuries;
  • presence in the anamnesis of operations on the jaw joint.

Among the common factors causing this disease:

  • adverse heredity;
  • disorders in the work of endocrine glands;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • systemic diseases;
  • infection;
  • women - menopause and the decline in the production of female sex hormones due to age-related changes;
  • pathology of bone tissue and cartilage.

The pathogenesis of this disease is associated with an additional load on the joint, which is higher than the limit of normal endurance.

This happens as a result of permanent microtrauma, inflammation, metabolic disorders in the body. Gradually the pathology of chewing muscles develops.

All these processes provoke changes in the tissue supply of the joint part, there is a loss of the elastic properties of its tissues.

The head of the jaw gradually changes its shape (becomes clavate, mushroom-shaped, hook-shaped). It diagnoses the signs of osteoporosis.

How to classify

Jaw arthrosis can be classified as follows:

  1. Sclerosing arthrosis. It is manifested by sclerosis of the bone surface, narrowing of the joint slits.
  2. Deforming arthrosis is manifested by flattening of the fossa of the joint, its head and articular tubercle. At the same time, the formation of osteophytes on the joint surfaces is determined radiographically. In advanced cases arthrosis of the mandibular joint is manifested by very strong deformation of the head.
  3. Primary arthrosis develops in a person without previous diseases. This kind is found mainly in old age.
  4. Secondary arthrosis is associated with frequent and severe injuries, inflammations, metabolic disorders or vascular function.

There are 4 stages of maxillary pathology:

  1. At the first stage there is instability in the jaw joint. The radiological sign of such instability is a fickle joint narrowing (it is weak or moderately pronounced). There is a moderate degradation of the cartilage.
  2. At the second stage marked changes are noted. Radiographically, sclerosis and ossification of the condylar process in the lower jaw are diagnosed.
  3. At the third (late) stage, the function of the jaw joint is limited. Radiographically, almost complete degeneration of the cartilage is determined, massive sclerosis of the joint surfaces occurs. The condylar process is gradually shortened, the joint fossa is compacted.
  4. At the advanced stage there is a fibrous degeneration of the joint.

What is the symptomatology of the pathology

This disease develops for a long time. At first, the patient does not notice the changes that occur in the body. Among the earliest signs of a degenerative change in the organ - clicks and crunch, stiffness in the morning.

During the day, such symptoms gradually disappear. In the future, such pain is added pain: first with conversation and chewing, and then at rest.

Pain symptoms are worse when weather changes, often towards evening.

In the future, the function of the joint is gradually limited. This becomes noticeable when the amplitude of movements in the joint is limited. The following symptoms are noted:

  • poor mobility;
  • asymmetry of the face;
  • change in the position of the jaw during opening the mouth;
  • numbness on the affected side;
  • pain in the tongue;
  • pain in the ears, in the eyeballs, the head, sometimes the hearing loss.

At a palpation and auscultation the crunch and crepitation is defined. When probing the pterygoid muscle, the patient usually does not feel pain.

Often the patient can not open his mouth wide; in rare cases, the opening width of the mouth is not more than, cm.

Sometimes a person shifts the lower jaw to the sides to normally open his mouth.

In addition, with active movements, patients feel very sharp pain. The condition thus sharply worsens, the temperature rises, chills occur.


With purulent mumps, the inflammatory process can spread further to the salivary glands, the inner ear.


Characteristic symptoms of mumps and otitis occur.

Painful dysfunction

With uneven (unilateral) load on the joint, severe pain dysfunction occurs. It is characterized by the appearance of a constant aching pain.

Usually it radiates to the cheek, ear, back of the head. The possibility of a normal opening of the mouth is usually broken. The palpation of the chewing muscles usually causes pain.

Treatment of painful dysfunction is directed primarily at the elimination of its manifestations. This can be achieved through the use of analgesics and sedatives. Showed drugs that have miorelaksiruyuschimi properties. Most often, Sirdalud is used for this purpose.

Methods of diagnosing the disease

The earlier you start to treat arthrosis, the greater the likelihood of a favorable outcome. The diagnosis is based on functional data, radiography.

If the patient turns to the dentist, then complaints are analyzed, the oral cavity is examined, palpation of the muscles and joint is performed.

The dimensionality of movements in the joint is carefully determined.

As the main method of diagnosis is the radiography of the joint. With its help, the initial signs of arthrosis are found. Computer tomography allows you to more accurately determine such changes in the joint. Additionally, the following examinations are carried out:

  • arthrography;
  • orthopantomography of the jaw;
  • electromyography;
  • rheography;
  • arthrophonography;
  • axiography.

The consultation of orthodontist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist is shown.

This disease is differentiated from arthritis, muscle and joint dysfunction, chondroma, osteoma.

Principles of treatment of arthrosis

In the case of detection of arthrosis of the jaw joint, comprehensive treatment is compulsory. The necessary therapeutic, orthopedic, orthodontic measures are envisaged.

The entire period when the treatment of TMJ arthrosis is being treated, a sparing diet is shown, with the restriction of solid food, and it is also necessary to chew products intensively.

Sometimes a restriction of conversation is shown to limit the intense stress on the joint.

The dental stage of treatment implies elimination of factors leading to joint overload. There is elimination of defects of teeth, correction of bite.

Sometimes a patient needs to grind teeth, with the replacement of seals. Eliminate unnecessary load and installation of crowns, wearing of prostheses and orthodontic systems.

It should be remembered that this method of treating arthrosis of the jaw joint is quite long.

It is very important to stop the pain that occurs with such a disease. And for this, the traditional method of pain elimination is often used - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


Most often, these agents are used in tablet form. Less commonly used ointments with NSAIDs. Chondroprotectors are used to improve the trophism of tissues and slow down the degenerative process in tissues.


Well proven means such as Chondroxide.

Physiotherapy techniques

Physiotherapy with a disease has a positive effect on the jaw joint and prevents its further damage. Among physiotherapy procedures, the following are often used:

  • ultrasound phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis (weak electric shock);
  • treatment of the affected joint with a laser;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • galvanotherapy;
  • fluctuation;
  • treatment with paraffin;
  • treatment with ozocerite;
  • irradiation of the joint with infrared rays;
  • Microwave treatment;
  • massage.

Treatment of traumatic arthrosis

This type of disease occurs as a result of severe injuries in this area. the task of the surgeon is to achieve the immovability of the joint. This can be achieved by imposing a so-called sling dressing. It reliably fixes the jaw and prevents sharp movements.

Wearing a sling dressing is recommended for 2 - 3 days if the patient develops an infectious nature of arthritis. The period of wearing a bandage for injuries to the jaw joint is increased to 10 days. During this period, to avoid complications, it is recommended to eat only liquid food.

If traumatic arthritis is accompanied by swelling, the patient is usually prescribed drugs to stimulate impaired blood circulation in diseased tissues.

To reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, antibiotics are prescribed. Additionally, immunomodulators are recommended to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Features of surgical therapy

Surgical treatment of such a disease is indicated in severe cases.

Currently, minimally invasive operations are used, which help to quickly restore normal functions of the jaw joint.

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At the same time, there are no abnormalities of bite, chewing functions, as it was earlier when performing traditional joint operations.

Usually, the doctor chooses one of the following ways to promptly treat arthrosis of the jaw joint:

  • resection of the joint head;
  • removal of the disc within the joint (meniscectomy);
  • transplanting the joint;
  • prosthetics (in especially severe cases, when there was a complete destruction of the joint).

Arthroplasty is used in neglected cases, when other ways of restoring normal joint function are impossible.

Treatment with folk methods

The purpose of treating the arthrosis of the jaw joint with the help of folk remedies is to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and its causes. Ointments, compresses, tinctures are most often used.

The best ways to treat arthrosis at home are as follows:

  1. A mixture of cranberries, honey and garlic is ground with a meat grinder. The internal reception of such a drug significantly improves the nutrition of affected tissues, relieves inflammation and pain. It is desirable to take this mixture before eating.
  2. Before each meal, it is advisable to drink water-diluted apple cider vinegar. Such a medicine very well removes the salt deposits found in the body. The course of treatment lasting at least 1 month helps to normalize metabolic processes in muscles.
  3. Treatment with bee products gives a powerful anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. Use as a therapeutic agent of bee venom helps to activate the immune system and strengthen the tissues of the body. Before using bee products for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to make sure that there is no allergy.

Before using folk remedies, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Preventive actions

Prevention of this disease is reduced to certain measures:

  • improvement of the quality of nutrition;
  • increased motor activity;
  • combating bad habits;
  • careful oral hygiene;
  • timely correction of bite defects, sanation of the oral cavity;
  • regular visit to the dentist.

Osteoarthritis of the jaw joint is a fairly common disease. It is well treatable in the early stages. If you start the disease, the results of therapy will not be so high.

Everyone is able to prevent disease. It is very important to visit the dentist regularly to treat possible joint dysfunctions. In advanced cases, the patient is recommended surgical treatment for joint repair. Modern medical technologies make treatment simple and painless.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artroz/artroz-chelyustno-litsevogo-sustava-simptomy-i-lechenie.html

Osteoarthritis of the TMJ

Osteoarthritis of the TMJ- pathology of the temporomandibular joint, caused by dystrophic changes in its tissues.

Osteoarthritis of the TMJ is manifested by constant dull or aching pain in the joint, by the presence of crunching, snapping, stiffness, stiffness, restriction of opening the mouth.

Diagnosis of arthrosis of the TMJ helps the palpation of the joint, evaluation of the amplitude of motion of the lower jaws, the study of diagnostic models, radiography, arthrography and tomography of the TMJ, orthopantamography, EMG.

Treatment of arthrosis of the TMJ can include orthopedic measures (selective teeth polishing, prosthetics, etc.), therapeutic gymnastics, massage, physiotherapy.

Osteoarthritis of the TMJ is a chronic disease caused by dystrophic processes in the tissues of the articulation (sclerosis, degeneration of the articular cartilage) and accompanied by a violation of the temporomandibular the joint.

Osteoarthritis of the TMJ is one of the most common problems: according to statistical data, signs of arthrosis to one degree or another are present in half of people over 50 and almost 90% of 70-year-old patients sex.

In young and middle age arthrosis of the TMJ is more common among women.

The solution of the problems of preservation and restoration of the function of the TMJ, affected by arthrosis, is engaged in a number of clinical disciplines: dentistry (orthopedics, orthodontics), maxillofacial surgery, rheumatology, traumatology, physiotherapy.

Causes of TMJ arthrosis

Osteoarthritis of the TMJ is a multifactorial pathology, which can be caused by local and general causes.

Local causes may include chronic TMJ arthritis, malocclusion, partial adentia (mainly absence of molars of the lower jaw), bruxism and pathological abrasion of teeth, improper placement of seals on the chewing surfaces of teeth and incorrect prosthetics, injuries and operations on the temporomandibular joint in history and other

Among the common factors contributing to the development of TMJ arthrosis include genetic complications, endocrinopathies, vascular, systemic and infectious diseases.


The risk factor for the development of TMJ arthrosis in women is menopause and the age-related decline in the synthesis of female sex hormones that are involved in the metabolism of cartilage and bone tissue.


Often local and common factors are combined, aggravating the course of arthrosis of the TMJ.

The mechanism of development of arthrosis of the TMJ is associated with the mismatch of the load on the joint to the limit of its physiological endurance.

As a result of micro- and macro-traumas, inflammation, metabolic and neurodystrophic processes, the load on the joint surface, the synchronization of the functioning of both temporomandibular joints is disrupted, dysfunction of the chewing muscles. All these processes result in deterioration of trophic cartilage, loss of its elasticity, dystrophy and destruction. At the same time, bone tissue rearrangement is developing: bone growths (osteophytes), mandibular head becomes clavate, mushroom-shaped or hook-shaped, microscopically it determines the phenomenon of osteoporosis and osteosclerosis. The regular result of the described pathological processes is deformation and violation of congruence of the joint surfaces, asynchrony of movements in the lower jaw.

Taking into account the revealed X-ray changes, sclerosing and deforming arthrosis of the TMJ is distinguished. In the first case, the changes are expressed by the expressed sclerosis of the bone surfaces and the narrowing of the joint slits.

X-ray signs of deforming arthrosis of the TMJ are the flattening of the joint fossa, articular head and tubercle, exophytic excrescence on articular surfaces; in far-reaching cases - a pronounced deformation of the articular head of the lower jaws.

Depending on the origin of arthrosis, the TMJ can be primary and secondary.

Primary arthrosis occurs without the previous pathology of the joints (usually in the elderly and senile age) and are of a polyarticular character.

The development of secondary arthrosis of the TMJ is etiologically associated with previous trauma, inflammation, metabolic or vascular disorders, etc.; defeat in most cases monoarticular.

On the basis of clinical-roentgenological data during the arthrosis of the TMJ, there are 4 stages:

  • I(stage of initial manifestations) - the instability in the joint is clinically noted; X-ray a moderate uneven narrowing of the joint gap due to degeneration of the joint cartilage.
  • II(stage of pronounced changes) - in the clinical aspect corresponds to the developed symptomatology; X-ray changes are characterized by sclerosis and ossification of the condylar process of the lower jaws.
  • III(late stage) - the function of the TMJ is limited; X-ray signs of complete degeneration of cartilage, massive sclerosis of articular surfaces, bone proliferation, shortening of the condylar process, flattening of the articular pits.
  • IV(advanced stage) - development of fibrotic ankylosis of the TMJ.

Symptoms of arthrosis of the TMJ

Osteoarthritis of the TMJ develops gradually; the symptomatology grows gradually, so the patient at first does not pay attention to the changes that are taking place.

Early signs of arthrosis are clicks, crunch, morning stiffness in the TMJ, which disappears during the day. In the future, with the functional load of the joint (chewing, talking,

) dull aches join; in the case of development of reactive synovitis, the pain becomes aching, permanent; exacerbated by overloading the joint, in cold weather or in the evening.

A few months after the first signs of arthrosis of the TMJ, the amplitude limitation movements of the lower jaw, stiffness of the joint, when the mouth is opened, the jaw bias in the sore side, asymmetry face. On the side of the lesion, there may be sensations of numbness, tingling of the skin, glossalgia, otalgia, hearing loss, pain in the eye, headache.


The diagnosis of arthrosis of the TMJ is based on clinical, radiological and functional data.


At the reference to the stomatologist-orthopedist the analysis of complaints, inspection of an oral cavity, a palpation of chewing muscles and TJJ is made, the amplitude of movements, etc. is defined or determined.

Examination of occlusal contacts is carried out by studying diagnostic models of jaws.

With the help of the X-ray of the TMJ, as a rule, already pronounced changes are detected; early signs of arthrosis of the TMJ makes it possible to identify computed tomography (CT of the TMJ or CRTC of the TMJ).

In addition, arthrography of the TMJ, orthopantomography of the jaws can be performed. Electromyography is shown to evaluate the activity of chewing and temporal muscles in osteoarthritis of the TMJ.

To study the function of the TMJ, rheography, arthrophonography, axiography, gnatography are used.

If necessary, a patient with arthrosis of the TMJ is assigned a consultation of orthodontist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist and other specialists. Osteoarthritis of the TMJ should be distinguished from arthritis of the TMJ, musculo-articular dysfunction, chondromas, osteochondromas, osteoma of the articular process, etc.

Treatment of TMJ arthrosis

When revealing arthrosis of the TMJ, a complex of dental (therapeutic, orthopedic, orthodontic), physiotherapeutic treatment is necessary.

At the time of the main course of treatment, a patient with arthrosis of the TMJ is recommended a gentle diet, reducing the load on the affected joint (restriction of chewing, talking,

), exclusion of overvoltage.

At the stage of dental treatment, factors that lead to overload of joint elements (dentition defects, occlusion disorders, bite disorders) can be eliminated can be shown selective polishing of teeth, replacement of fillings, manufacturing and installation of artificial crowns, bridged or removable dentures, wearing removable orthodontic devices, kappas, braces, etc.)


For relief of the pain syndrome with arthrosis of the TMJ, NSAIDs are used in the form of tablets or ointments. Chondroprotectors are used to improve the nutrition of the cartilaginous tissue.


Of the physiotherapeutic procedures for arthrosis of the TMJ, ultrasound therapy, ultraphonophoresis, electrophoresis, laser therapy, magnetotherapy, galvanotherapy, fluctuorization, paraffinotherapy, ozokeritotherapy, infrared irradiation, microwave therapy, etc.

Physiotherapy is combined with a massage of the masticatory muscles and the joint area, a special physiotherapy exercise.

With the usual dislocation of the lower jaw or late stages of arthrosis of the TMJ, surgical treatment is indicated (removal of the joint disc, removal of the joint head or removal of the head with replacement transplant).

Prognosis and prevention of osteoarthritis of the TMJ

An important condition for a favorable prognosis and prevention of arthrosis of the TMJ is timely and rational prosthetics of the teeth, normalization of the occlusion, elimination of concomitant diseases.

In the advanced stages, restoration of the full function of the joint without surgical treatment is impossible.

Patients with arthrosis of the TMJ should be registered at the dentist for dispensary, and take necessary medical courses.

A source: http://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/zabolevanija_stomatology/tmj-arthrosis

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