How to correct posture with a corset

With the curvature of the spine, a person can face at any age. The corset for correcting the posture is able to return it to the correct position, maintain the muscles in the tone, reduce the load on the thoracic area.

Such adaptations can be worn not only to eliminate certain problems in the development of the spine, but also for prevention of diseases (those who are forced to sit for long or whose spine during the day is exposed to serious loads).

The design of the corset for correcting the posture allows you to model an orthopedic product under the figure of any person, without interfering with the functioning of internal organs and without squeezing them. This is possible due to two stiffeners, special straps and velcro fasteners.


  • 1The principle of the corset
  • 2In what cases are you wearing a corset
  • 3Contraindications
  • 4How do electronic posture correctors work?
  • 5Corset for correcting posture: how to choose the right one
  • 6Breast Corsets
  • 7Reclining machines
  • 8Groin-Lumbar Correctors
  • instagram viewer
  • 9Terms of Use
  • 10When and how much to wear
  • 11How correctly to put on
  • 12Important nuances
  • 13How effective can be the use of a posture corrector

The principle of the corset

The corset operates according to the following principle:

  • gently fixing the upper part of the spine, helps to straighten the shoulders;
  • stiffeners on the back of the corrector affect the entire thoracic region, gradually aligning the back and making the posture beautiful;
  • elastic belt and special straps help the body "remember" the correct position of the back.
During the wearing of the corrector, training and strengthening of the muscles atrophied as a result of the disease takes place. Due to this they can better support the spine.

In what cases are you wearing a corset

Doctors recommend wearing a posture corrector for the following diseases:

  • Scoliosis (1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd degree) with vertebral deformity and a curvature angle of more than 200 degrees (also with its periodic increase every year);
  • pathology, in which there is a physiological curvature of the spine - lordosis and kyphosis.


Corset for the spine can be useful for posture, and can also hurt her, if not take into accountcontraindications to its wearing:

  • pulmonary / cardiac failure;
  • patient's intolerance of materials from which the corrective device is made;
  • suppuration, fresh wounds or abrasions in the area of ​​the corset.

How do electronic posture correctors work?

Electronic corrective devices are small devices that are worn on the ear, fixed on the body or worn as a suspension. They are small in size, very convenient to use and absolutely do not interfere during the day.

The principle of operation of such devices is simple:During fixing, you must take the correct position, in which the back will be straight. The device for correcting the posture will fix the correct position and in the case when the person's back is taking the wrong posture, the corrector will give an audible or vibrating signal.

The model is quite effective in dealing with the initial deformation of the spine, when there is practically no serious curvature, and the muscles have not lost shape.

Corset for correcting posture: how to choose the right one

A beautiful posture is best formed in childhood or adolescence, when the bones are not yet strong enough. But this does not mean that it will be impossible to correct the curvature later.

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In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is better to consult a specialist. He will talk in detail about the existing models of posture correctors (for children, adolescents, adults) and how to choose the product for your particular case.

To begin it is necessary with definition of the size of a corset.To do this, use a centimeter to measure the circumference under the chest during inspiration. The fabric of the product should be light and elastic on the inside and cotton with the outside. Metal inserts should not cause discomfort and bulge under clothing. Conveniently, posture correctors with wide straps and adjustable parts. In the product you should be comfortable.

Depending on the stage of curvature of posture, a certain type of corrector is chosen.

Breast Corsets

They regulate the position of the chest. Can be made in the form of the following varieties: belt, reklinator, corset or product with straps.

Thoracic correctors are designed for people with the following problems:

  • scoliosis;
  • pathology of the cervico-thoracic department;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • slouch.

There are baby breast correctors. They are aimed at unloading the muscles, straightening the spine and strengthening the ligament apparatus, but should only be used in combination with special exercises.

Reclining machines

These are posture correctors, assigned mainly to adults at an early stage of curvature. They allow to align the upper part of the spine. It looks like such a reclinator as two loops, thrown over the area of ​​the shoulder joints and entwined in the form of a figure-eight between the shoulder blades. The design allows you to align the thoracic area and straighten the shoulders.

Reclining machines are:

  • Medical (due to its rigidity can stop the formation of pathological disorders);
  • preventive (due to its softness form the right ratio of the thoracic region and the shoulder girdle).

Groin-Lumbar Correctors

Used in patients with osteochondrosis and similar diseases affecting the spine. They consist of a long corset (belt) and a reclinator. They help to deploy the shoulders, adjust the position of the thoracic region and reduce the lumbar lordosis.

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Terms of Use

When and how much to wear

To increase the effect of wearing a corset, try to wear it immediately after waking up and morning hygiene procedures. Back for the night had time to relax, the muscles are relaxed, the pain (if any) has not yet reached a peak and do not attract the attention of a person to yourself, which means that it will be easier to "make the posture".

According to the classic recommendations of "corset" treatment, wear this orthopedic product for 3-4 hours a day. The doctor should determine the exact time, it depends on the severity of the spine disease, age and lifestyle of the patient.

If the orthopedist has not otherwise prescribed,proofreader can not be used during sleep(both night and day, if it is a child's corset), since the risk of injury to the back due to a random uncomfortable posture is great.

The total time of use can be from 1 month to 6 months. At an easy degree of a disturbance of a posture (when there are no serious diseases of a backbone, and the muscular corset remains in a good tonus) it is better to not take a great interest wearing the corrector and finish the procedure in a month and a half or two months, so that the back muscles do not get used to, that an important part of the work the corset does for them.

How correctly to put on

The corset is usually worn on the naked body (in autumn-winter time it is permissible to wear the corrector over a cotton T-shirt) while standing. Before fixing it with clasps, you should straighten your back: expand your shoulders, lift the thoracic area, "clean up" your stomach.

If you are not sure about the correctness of the posture, use a large mirror or the help of relatives. Make sure that the belts are not twisted and the main part of the product fits snugly to the body, and only then fasten the corset. Listen to your feelings -straps and other parts of the corrector should not squeeze the muscles and completely impede movements.

To check whether the desired effect has been achieved, try to assume your usual relaxed posture. If the corset is worn (and picked up) correctly, it will not allow you to stoop. Otherwise, it is worth repeating the entire procedure anew, otherwise there will be no use for posture.

To the body got used to innovations gradually, at the very beginning of wearing a corset you can fix it with clasps a little weaker than it allows a personal sense of comfort. Every 3-4 days you can tighten the belts (up to the maximum permissible level). So the back will be easier to adapt and "remember" the right position.

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In any case, using a corset to correct the posture is quite simple, and the feedback of people who have been assigned to wear such an orthopedic device usually confirm this. After a week or two people get used to putting on and off the corset every day, getting used to unusual sensations and creating the most optimal schedule for such treatment activities.

Important nuances

Wearing a corset is possible only in a calm state, when a person does not need to perform any active movements (to run, jump, bend, etc.), when he can move at a calm pace and sit.Any significant load can change the position of the corrector and provoke a worsening of the problems of the spine.

How effective can be the use of a posture corrector

Wearing a classical corset can be prescribed in the form of an independent preventive or curative measure, but more often a complex of procedures is needed to achieve a better effect. In it, in addition to the use of orthopedic corsets for posture, should enter the exercises aimed at forming a "strong" muscular corset, as well as playing sports (to keep the body in a tonus, avoid the poses in which a person usually pulls stoop).

This is explained by the fact that without strengthening the muscles of the back, one can not achieve its correct position by a corrector alone, especially since it can not always be worn constantly.

If a person has a strong enough back, then the corset will greatly accelerate the development of a beautiful posture.

In the case of electronic models, additional complications arise. Their sensors work, even if the person does not slouch. It is enough to bend down, sit down or lie down, while keeping your back straight, so that a signal sounds calling for returning to the "right" position. It turns out that such proof-readers better entrust their posture only in the event that a person needs only a reminder of a healthy posture for sedentary work or study.

In comparison with the cost of an ordinary corset to correct posture, the price of an electronic variety may seem overestimated if it is required to train the muscles to work in a certain way. If the device is purchased for the sake of the function of the "sharp-sighted controller then this measure justifies itself, allowing both the person and his relatives to concentrate on other pressing issues.

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