Types of conjunctivitis and the ways of transmission of the disease

Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyeball delivers uncomfortable sensations to people of different ages. Redness of the eyes, tearing, fear of sun rays, unpleasant mucous discharge, accompany this disease. Everyone should clearly understand what conjunctivitis is, how it is transmitted, how it flows. It is necessary to take appropriate precautions, even at the first symptoms of an inflammatory disease, to know how to neutralize it. The disease will not go away without a course of treatment, there are several ways of transmission, it is impossible to become infected only by the allergic appearance of this disease.

  • Causes of the problem, its signs
  • Types of the disease, as transmitted by conjunctivitis of each type
  • Ways of transmission of conjunctivitis of the viral type
  • Bacterial form - transmission features
  • Allergic conjunctivitis
  • The problem, as a consequence of the presence of infections in the body
  • Ways of solving the problem and precautions
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Causes of the problem, its signs

The emergence of such a problem as conjunctivitis brings a number of troubles to adults and children. There are several reasons, the ways leading to the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of different types. The causes of the development of the disease are:

  • long-term contact with vectors of the disease - other sick people;
  • different inflammatory processes of the eyes;
  • getting into the eye of harmful microorganisms, foreign objects.

Important!What to do if there was a conjunctivitis at pregnancy, read in our article.

The onset of this disease makes itself felt immediately. The signs of formation of the inflammatory process of the conjunctiva are as follows:

  • redness of the eye;
  • excessive sensitivity to the effects of sunlight;
  • formation of mucous secretions;
  • the appearance of tear;
  • painful sensations, discomfort.

Note!At the first signs, speaking about conjunctivitis, a person should make an appointment for a consultation with an ophthalmologist. The doctor will be able to determine the nature, type of illness, and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Types of the disease, as transmitted by conjunctivitis of each type

The question is contagious if conjunctivitis is not an unambiguous answer, because almost all of its species that exist in nature can easily be infected, only the allergic form of conjunctivitis is not transmitted. To know which conjunctivitis is contagious, it is necessary to understand what each of its species is, to study its specificity.

Specialists distinguish such varieties of inflammatory problems:

  • viral conjunctivitis;
  • bacterial origin;
  • infectious;
  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • allergic.

Each type is unique in terms of transmission from person to person, the signs and manifestations of all types are the same.

Ways of transmission of conjunctivitis of the viral type

The problem of this type is viral, it is transmitted more often than other types of the disease. The transmission paths of this species are:

  • the use by different people of common things in the period of illness is one of them;
  • airborne droplets;
  • with close contact with the carrier of the disease.

Attention!Details about adenoviral conjunctivitis can be found here.

If a person does not know if conjunctivitis is transmitted by airborne droplets, the answer will be extremely positive. The viral form of the disease can easily spread.

It is important!The viral form of the disease is the most contagious. If the carrier of an inflammatory disease is in crowded places, it takes only a few minutes to cause an epidemiological outbreak.

Bacterial form - transmission features

Bacterial conjunctivitis occurs subsequently in the eye of bacteria, which are the causative agents of inflammatory processes. A person can be infected by the following ways:

  • airborne droplets;
  • close contact - hugs, kisses;
  • sleep in a shared bed;
  • use of personal belongings of an infected person.

Bacteria from one person to another are transmitted quickly, the first signs of an infectious disease manifest themselves almost immediately after exposure to the human eye.

Allergic conjunctivitis

This is the only type of problem that can not be transmitted by any of these methods. An allergic variety of the problem arises from the contact of the eye shell with an aggressive allergen. Once the source of the problem is completely eliminated, the problem will disappear.

Be carefull!Do not engage in self-medication, because it is impossible to distinguish independently one form of the disease from another. Self-treatment of medicines, even those that are in free sale, can only do much harm.

The problem, as a consequence of the presence of infections in the body

Infectious conjunctivitis is a complex form of the problem, resulting from the presence of various infections in the body. The answer will be as follows in adults and children:

  • through objects of common use;
  • airborne droplets;
  • as a result of close contact between the patient and a healthy person.

How to solve a problem of this nature, an experienced ophthalmologist can tell a patient. If you discard the ability to treat the problem, immediately after its occurrence, let everything go on its own - chronic conjunctivitis is provided to the person.

Ways of solving the problem and precautions

Get inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye through infection from another person simply. On the question of how many days infectious conjunctivitis there is no single answer, it all depends on its type of features of the course of the disease. The greatest danger of picking up the problem occurs when a person contacts a patient whose problem has only just arisen.

Important!Treatment of conjunctivitis at home in adults: read with us.

All modes of transmission of an inflammatory disease are so accessible that anyone can quickly become infected. If parents want to know how conjunctivitis is transmitted to children, they should study all the subtleties of this process in adults, because the principle of conjunctivitis infection is the same.

Important!To which specialist to consult with conjunctivitis, read here.

That the usual form of the disease could not develop into acute conjunctivitis, the person with this problem is:

  • seek medical advice immediately;
  • undergo the necessary examination;
  • in time to take prescribed medications;
  • try not to contact healthy people.

Note!During treatment, the patient must isolate himself from others, completely avoid touching healthy people, not using things that are designed for common needs.

If the problem is with a child who is in a kindergarten, a school, he should spend the entire period of treatment at home to prevent an epidemic. To protect themselves from a problem of this nature, everyone will be able to:

  • compliance with the rules of personal, general hygiene;
  • the exclusion of contact with sick people;
  • the exclusion of handshakes, embraces, the use of the things of the patient;
  • raising the level of one's own immunity, frequent washing hands.

Get an inflammatory disease, a person is able to communicate with the patient for a few minutes, but it will take at least a week to get rid of it. Any form of the disease is dangerous, it brings discomfort, reduces the quality of life, makes you protect yourself from society.

Important!Details on how to treat conjunctivitis at home can be found in our article.

Fight ophthalmic disease effectively help:

  • eye drops;
  • ointments, gels;
  • antibiotics for internal use;
  • additional funds designed to eliminate the primary sources of the problem.

Use prescribed medications is necessary according to the instructions of the doctor, in order to completely solve the problem it is necessary to undergo a certain course of treatment.

Be carefull!People who constantly work at a computer can take conjunctivitis for normal eye fatigue, after working with a monitor. It is worthwhile to carefully study the symptoms of the disease and at the first manifestations of the problem it is necessary to visit the ophthalmologist urgently.

Conjunctivitis is a contagious disease. Chances to get a problem from a sick person for each type of disease are different, but only the allergic form of the disease can not be obtained by any of these ways. Treatment medication, ignoring the painful condition leads to complications. After infection, you must immediately begin treatment, because only so you can get rid of conjunctivitis in 4-7 days. The inflammatory process brings discomfort, impairs vision. The risk of infection is present if a person is constantly in crowded places, works for a large company, goes to a kindergarten, college, school. The patient must necessarily be isolated from healthy people, common objects should remain inaccessible.