Is it possible to treat intestinal dysbiosis in adults with folk remedies?

Dysbacteriosis is not considered an independent disease. Very often he is the cause of quite serious ailments. When the balance of microflora is disturbed in the intestine and dysbacteriosis occurs.

Microbial interactions are usually accompanied by a disorder of the digestive or immune system. It is worth knowing that in medicine such a concept as a dysbacteriosis displays a picture of the microbial landscape of the large intestine.

Bacterial disorders in the small intestine are defined by the term "syndrome of excessive bacterial growth".

Specialists are discussing the prevalence of this disease. Many doctors are confident that this disease is present in 90% of patients of the gastroenterological profile. Others disprove this assertion.

Such close attention to the cocci that live in the human intestine is explained as follows: these bacteria play a very important role in maintaining health and well-being.

In addition to useful cocci in the intestine there are also conditionally pathogenic microbes. In a perfectly healthy person, their number is strictly limited and they are not capable of causing any harm to our body.

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But, with a decrease in immunity, after the transferred stress or intestinal diseases, these dangerous organisms begin to develop and have a negative impact on the body, and this leads to clinical symptoms.

Article content:
  • Causes of the disease in adult patients
  • Symptomatic symptomatology
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat at home?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention

Causes of the disease in adult patients

In adults, this unpleasant phenomenon occurs periodically, which can not be called otherwise than discomfort. The natural microflora of the intestine is often under the negative influence of various factors and it has to deal with a pathogenic "evil spirits".

There are many reasons for this disease. Some of them are easily eliminated, while others are hidden in an unhealthy lifestyle, improper diet of the inhabitants of large cities, and to finish with the third ones you need to take long and carefully to be treated.

To its appearance, dysbiosis may be due to the following factors:

  1. Uncontrolled administration of medications, in particular: antibiotics, psychotropic and antitumor agents, laxatives and adsorbents.
  2. Infectious ailments of various etiologies.
  3. Improper power supply. If your diet is dominated by products with dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers, this can trigger a dysbacteriosis.
  4. To prolonged starvation, forced nutrition through a vein, abuse of strong alcoholic beverages.
  5. The presence of various ailments of the digestive system.
  6. There are inherited defects in the digestive organs or disorders that have occurred after surgery on the stomach or intestines.
  7. Long-term psychoemotional state.
  8. Allergic diseases.
  9. Unsatisfactory state of the immune system.
  10. Excessive physical activity.
  11. Problems with the environment.
  12. Sharp change in climatic conditions of residence.

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An unpleasant phenomenon, such as dysbiosis, can catch a person at the most inopportune moment. So, what are the symptoms that should alarm us:

  • A frequent stool in a liquid or mushy form, it is often foamy.
  • Constipation repeating with enviable regularity.
  • Unstable chair. This is when constipation changes to diarrhea and it happens quite often.
  • Unpleasant putrefactive or sour smell of stool.
  • Excessive gas generation. Gases can be odorless, and can be very unpleasant, can go out without sound or and very loudly.
  • The swelling of the abdomen, which is especially pronounced in the evening.
  • Severe pain in the abdomen, which disappear after the gases come off.
  • Allergic skin rash.
  • Because of frequent loose stools, unpleasant burning sensation occurs in the area of ​​the anus. Only in liquid feces the content of aggressive organic compounds increases.
  • Extremely fatigued.
  • There are signs that the body lacks nutrients and minerals. Skin begins to peel on the hands and feet, lips show cracks, hair falls out, nails become brittle, the tongue swells. People often worry about insomnia and depression.
Some patients have no signs of dysbiosis. It can be detected only through bacteriological studies. In this case, you should rely only on the qualification of the laboratory assistant, who will conduct the analysis of feces.

General recommendations of

Treatment of dysbacteriosis is necessary only under the strict supervision of the attending physician. This applies to traditional medicine. It is worthwhile to watch how the disease proceeds, so as not to miss an important point in the correctness of therapy.

Otherwise, the ailment can turn into irreparable consequences. First of all, I want to draw your attention to the following points: during the period of bearing the baby and feeding the baby with the breast, the mother's body is in a weakened state.

And the presence of dysbiosis can damage the health of a young woman. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it, but very carefully.

If the disease occurs in severe form, then in addition to drugs, you need to keep foods rich in vitamins in your diet. The food in this case should be full and stable.

There is a purely female dysbiosis, its name is bacterial vaginosis. His treatment must be taken with particular severity.

How to treat at home?

  1. Yeast Infusion .To make it, you need to take 500 ml of warm water and add to it one tablespoon of sugar and honey. All this must be carefully stirred and added 2 grams of dry yeast and put in a warm place for fermentation. The remedy should not wander for more than one hour. Take this infusion is needed at a time. Drink in the morning before breakfast. This recipe is the most effective against dysbiosis.
  2. Frozen, with the addition of garlic .To obtain a healing agent take a liter of fresh milk and bring to a boil. Cool at room temperature. Then, ferment the milk with pieces of dry black bread. It takes 24 hours to break the milk. After that add the rusks, rubbed with garlic. Prostokvasha is ready for use after the rusks are completely softened. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and drink until complete recovery.
  3. Topinabmur .From it you can make an effective remedy against dysbiosis. Prepare the broth as follows. We take 300 grams of Jerusalem artichoke, cut it into small pieces. Put the root in a saucepan and add water and milk, in a 1: 1 ratio, a tablespoon of butter and the same amount of flour. The mixture is cooked over low heat until the root is fully cooked.
  4. Broth from the tinder .To make it, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry grass and pour it with a glass of hot water. Put on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand 10 to 12 hours. Take a decoction of 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals. Kefir with garlic and onions .Take 4 - 5 small bulbs and 2 heads of garlic, all finely chopped and poured with kefir( 1 liter).Stir and remove in a cold place for 3 - 4 days. Take the drug for 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for at least one week.

What is not recommended?

With dysbacteriosis, you can not eat foods that can further damage your intestines. In the period of illness on your table there should not be spicy, salty and sour food. Fatty, boiling broths are not allowed to be consumed.

It is necessary to completely eliminate smoked meat and sweets. In no case should you eat mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, onions, garlic, as well as fried fish and meat. It is not superfluous to refrain from sweet carbonated drinks, kvass and alcohol.

Should not overeat at night. After 19.00 it is necessary to refrain from eating.

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What is the prevention of dysbiosis?

  1. First and foremost, you need to learn how to take antibiotics correctly, as they are one of the main reasons for the development of this ailment. They should be drunk, strictly following the instructions of the doctor.
  2. The correct mode and balanced power.
  3. Timely identify and treat diseases of the digestive tract.
  4. Observe the rest mode.
  5. Try to protect yourself from unnecessary psycho-emotional stress.
  6. Persons who are engaged in harmful production should include as much of their fermented milk products as possible in their diet.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following fact: dysbacteriosis often arises due to negligent attitude towards one's health. Therefore, in order to avoid this unpleasant state, one should change the howl of life and attitude to one's own body.

Also see the video about the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis:

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