Symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in adults

Laryngitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process of the larynx arises. This process involves the mucous membranes of this organ, so the symptoms bring a lot of suffering to the patient. The disease is most often manifested against the background of colds. What is laryngitis, what are its symptoms and treatment in adults?

  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Types of laryngitis
  • Treatment of the disease
  • Loss of voice with laryngitis: how to treat
  • Home treatment in adults
  • Prevention
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Causes of the disease

Laryngitis is one of the diseases that accompanies viral as well as infectious diseases. The most common prerequisites are:

  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • irritation of the larynx by chemicals;
  • damage to the larynx.
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Also at risk are people whose professional activities are related to oratorical speeches in front of a certain audience. That is, teachers, actors, and leaders of various activities are vulnerable to the appearance of laryngitis.

Important to remember!Overvoltage of the vocal cords may lead to the development of laryngitis!

Symptoms of the disease

Laryngitis is always accompanied by painful sensations in the throat, especially when swallowing. The most striking signs in the period of exacerbation:

  • dryness, perspiration, tickling in the larynx;
  • dry cough, sometimes with excretion of phlegm;
  • rapid overfatigue of the body;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • change of voice, right up to its loss;
  • regular headaches;
  • general weakness of the body;

Important to remember!At the first symptoms of the disease, you should seek help from a specialist! This will help avoid complications.

Types of laryngitis

There are several types of disease, depending on the course and causes.

  1. Acute laryngitis. With this form of the disease the symptoms are quite bright, have a sudden and sharp character. Usually, the acute form develops against the background of severe colds and viral diseases. Pathogenic viruses and bacteria affect not only the larynx, but also the mucous membrane of the trachea.
  2. Chronic laryngitis. It is formed as a result of repeated appearance of the acute form of the disease. Factors contributing to chronic form, may be excessive drinking, smoking, overstrain of the vocal cords.
  3. Catarrhal laryngitis. One of the easiest kinds of illness. Accompanied by a slight tickling and tickling of the throat. It is treated quickly enough.
  4. Hypertrophic laryngitis. It occurs as a result of a strong overstrain of the vocal cords. The hypertrophic form is characterized by a slight hoarseness in the voice.
  5. Atrophic laryngitis. With this form of the disease, thinning of the mucous membrane of the larynx is observed. It is accompanied by dryness and perspiration in the throat, as well as a periodic cough. The reason for the atrophic form is eating food that irritates the mucous membrane of the larynx.

It is important to know!Any kind of laryngitis should be treated promptly! Otherwise, the disease will pass into a chronic form.

Treatment of the disease

In order to get rid of laryngitis, a complex treatment should be performed. It includes such events:

  1. Reception of antipyretic and analgesic drugs. They should be used in case the body temperature is increased. To take off pain when swallowing will help the tablets for resorption, which have analgesic effect.
  2. Abundant drink of warm drinks. To do this, you can use various teas, herbal medicinal herbs, and also milk, into which you can add honey.
  3. Use of inhalation.
  4. Rinse throat with various special products or decoctions.
  5. Humidification of air in the room. Dry air aggravates the symptoms.

If laryngitis has developed as an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to exclude the allergen, and also start taking antihistamines. Severe forms of the disease can be treated with the use of physiotherapy. The most effective are: electrophoresis, laser therapy and so on.

In the chronic form of laryngitis, various preventive measures are required to prevent exacerbation. For this, you can use warm drinking, as well as voice gymnastics.

For disease caused by viruses, infections or bacteria, antibiotics should be used. They should be prescribed only by a specialist after a thorough examination of the patient. Antibiotics for laryngitis are prescribed only in severe forms.

Important to remember!How to cure laryngitis can be suggested only by a specialist! It is not worth it to choose medicines. This can adversely affect the course of the disease.

Loss of voice with laryngitis: how to treat

Loss of voice is a common sign that accompanies laryngitis. Particular inconveniences this malaise delivers to people whose professional activity is connected with constant performances before a wide audience. How to restore voice quickly? To do this, people's means can help, which have been tested not by one generation. Cure the throat and restore the vocal cords in such a way:

  1. Heat the milk and add mineral water in the ratio 1: 1. Drink this remedy in small sips throughout the day.
  2. Take 0.5 liters of warm milk, add 1 chicken egg and 2 hours. l. liquid honey. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and take 2 times a day for 1 glass. Drink in small sips.
  3. Use of warming compresses. They are required to be applied immediately before bedtime and left overnight.
  4. You can prepare a restoring tea based on calendula flowers. It will take 1 tbsp. l. dry flowers, which should be filled with 1 glass of steep boiling water. Add 1 hour l. honey and allow to cool slightly. Drink cooked tea 3 times a day in small sips.
  5. Rinse with apple cider vinegar. This will require 1 glass of warm water, which should be added 2 tbsp. l. vinegar. You can add a little lemon juice and honey. Thoroughly mix the medicine, gargle 5 times a day.
  6. Use of inhalations with essential oils. The most suitable for restoration of a voice can be: eucalyptus, mint, chamomile oil.

It is also very useful to use honey. If there is no allergic reaction, then it can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Honey has a beneficial effect on the condition of the larynx, just hold it in your throat for a few seconds.

Important to remember!You should treat the laryngitis completely, not only until the symptoms disappear!

Home treatment in adults

Home treatment of the disease must necessarily be agreed with a specialist. He will appoint a set of measures that need to be followed to completely eliminate laryngitis. The most effective are:

  1. Observe bed rest and rest. You should try to minimize the load of the vocal cords.
  2. A plentiful warm drink. You can cook a decoction of any medicinal plants. Also very useful is the use of warm milk with a small amount of honey.
  3. Gargling. It can be rinsed with the same decoctions, and also use for this purpose a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Trays for feet. They help to improve the general condition, but on condition that the body temperature is normal.
  5. Use of warming compresses, which can be prepared at home.
  6. Inhalation with medicinal decoctions and baking soda.
  7. Follow the diet. That is, to exclude foods that irritate the larynx from the diet.
  8. Strengthening the immune system. Prevents the reappearance of laryngitis.

Important to remember!The entire period of treatment at home should be observed at the doctor! This will help control the effectiveness of the tools used.


In order to avoid the initial or re-occurrence of laryngitis, the following rules should be adhered to:

  • to give up smoking;
  • use alcohol in moderation;
  • timely treatment of infectious and viral diseases;
  • To exclude from food extremely sharp dishes, and also not to use too hot food.

Also, one should not forget that increasing the immune system can exclude not only the appearance of laryngitis, but also other unpleasant diseases.

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