The composition of the dropper from the drinking-bout: what is included in it

One of the most common diseases is alcoholism. Suffer from alcoholism is not so much themselves abusing alcohol, as their close and native people. The problem of alcoholism is not discussed especially among friends and neighbors. Most try to hide the alcoholic illness of their loved one. Whatever the relations in families, and whatever irritable, desperate and violent emotional reactions of family members they somehow have to interact with each other everyday: to swear, talk, provide assistance and help, including medical ones. What can be applied to improve the condition of a sick person after drinking at home?

Dropper from a drinking-bout at home

The main thing is an understanding of what is happening with a drinking person after a long drinking-bout. A drunken alcoholic, when he is tired of drinking or his alcoholic swill ends, begins to feel very bad. Everything hurts - head, heart, liver, everything shakes, the head breaks, there is not enough air to feel comfortable. Products of alcohol breakdown, poisoning the entire body, affect the cells of the liver, brain, pancreas, intestines, stomach. Alcoholics do not have a single live place after a long drinking day.

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Give the patient an alcoholism pill with absorbent properties. For example, activated carbon, Enterosgel. These medicinal medicines will help to bind and remove toxins from the body. Use medicines on the instructions for use attached to them.

After the necessary purification of the body proceed to intravenous drip introduction of medications. The dropper is put after a drinking-bout at home by a person who has skills and medical education, but it is better when a professional medical worker puts a dropper.

What is included in the dropper from the binge

To remove the sick man from drinking-bout, it is necessary to alleviate his psychological and physical condition. It is necessary to get out of the binge gradually. First, they replenish and restore the water-salt balance and the lack of glucose in the blood. To do this, use droppers with glucose and physiological solution in a volume of up to 1500 ml. Then there are general therapeutic measures, when additional drugs and preparations are introduced into the dropper to normalize the functioning of the liver( for example, Essentiale and the like), the heart, the kidneys. It is necessary and introduction of antihistamine medications - ketotifen, suprastin, dimedrol, etc.

The withdrawal from drinking-bout is always complicated by the psychological state of the alcoholic, which requires constant close observation from the caring people. After a drinking-bout at patients with an alcoholism the syndrome of an abstinence develops. Alcohol abstinence syndrome is a special psychosomatic state, a complication of alcoholism, which is characterized by tremor in the extremities, anxiety, general discomfort and other external manifestations. Inside, in the soul of a sick person, there is a terrible storm from an eerie mix of emotional experiences of anxiety, despair, depression. Mental reactions are dangerous, it is not always possible for even experienced specialists to predict the patient's behavior. The alcoholic is experiencing fear, which can be replaced by aggression directed at both those around him and himself.

In these cases, dribbling substances and antidepressants supplement the dropper from the binge: piracetam and its derivatives, hydazepam and others. By the way, it is very useful for alcoholics to take long-term courses "Piracetam" in tablets and "Glycine" in accordance with the instruction for the use of these funds.

Skilled medical care

The conclusion of a binge is not an easy task. After all, despite the persuasion, patients do not want to leave the drinking-bout. Tablets and droppers, which help to effectively remove from drinking-bout are not something universal. Any patient has an individual set of symptoms, signs and manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, and reactions from the undermined organism to medications can be the most unpredictable. To lead treatment after a drinking-bout at home it is necessary in clinic, a dispensary and under observation of the expert in narcology. If, nevertheless, you do not wish to treat a relative in the inpatient( this is the most favorable option), you will agree and invite a doctor to your home. This service is chargeable, but for that you guarantee confidentiality.

In self-medication, no one is responsible for the health and life of the patient. Do not be alone with the problem. There are emergency teams who can professionally stop any of the most difficult drinking-bouts. Trust those who constantly work with this! And do not forget that the conclusion of a binge is just the beginning of a long and long journey to a sober and happy life.

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