Tablets from cough or mucaltin which is better

List of inexpensive but effective cough medicines

Cough is a symptom of catarrhal disease, which causes a lot of trouble. Most people with the onset of colds suffer from coughing, working, resting, sleeping normally and eating becomes harder. Discomfort is not only delivered to the sick person, but to everyone around him. When choosing a remedy for coughing, you do not need to self-medicate, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for help and prescribing the drug. But, if you decide to choose a remedy on your own, remember that the medicine should be bought first depending on the type of cough: dry or wet. Here is a list of not only the most effective tools, but also affordable. Cough medicine is inexpensive and effective.

What can be coughing to a child of 6 months is indicated in this article.

How to treat a cough and runny nose without fever in a pregnant woman is indicated in the article.

How to treat dry paroxysmal cough is indicated in this article here:

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How to cure a cough from a baby without temperature, is indicated in this article.

From dry

In the absence of phlegm withdrawal cough is called dry. For its treatment, drugs are used:

  1. The Falimint.By properties similar to menthol. Causes a feeling of coolness and freshness in the mouth. Do not dry the mucous membranes, the effect and cessation of reflex cough is seen after the first application. It is available in the form of dragees for resorption, it can be given to a child, suitable for children from 5 years of age, contraindications, except for minor allergic reactions, does not. Price: 150 rubles.
  2. Libexin.Has a triple action, reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings, relaxing the bronchi and reducing the reaction to irritation. It is used for the treatment of severe dry cough, the effect is observed within four hours after administration. Produced in the form of tablets and syrup, not contraindicated to children, there are side effects (dizziness, allergy, fatigue). Price: 300 rubles.
  3. Kodelak.An antitussive agent of plant origin. Produced in various forms: tablets, syrups, elixirs. Has a combined effect, reduces excitability, increases the viscosity of phlegm with a damp cough, does not cause respiratory depression. It is not recommended to use a long term - the drug causes dependence. Children are appointed from 6 years. The price: 140 rubles.
  4. Herbion with plantain. Syrup has antitussive and antibacterial effect. Increases the amount of sputum, reduces its viscosity. Due to vitamin C increases immunity. The drug forms a protective film on the mucous membrane, reduces irritation, reduces inflammation. Suitable for children from 2 years. Has almost no contraindications. Price: 250 rubles.
  5. Haliksol.One of the most effective drugs, the effect comes after half an hour after use, dilutes sputum, reduces its viscosity, soothes the mucous membrane. Produced in the form of syrup, has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden in pregnancy and with gastrointestinal diseases. Children are appointed from 5 years. The price of the drug: 100 rubles.
  6. Lazolvan.It is prescribed for acute pneumonia, chronic sinusitis, acute bronchitis. The effect is observed after half an hour after administration, the effect lasts up to 10 hours. Cough is eased, sputum is diluted, respiratory tract irritation decreases. Produced in the form of tablets, syrup and solution for inhalation. Suitable for children over 6 years. Price: 150 rubles.
  7. Ambroghexal.The remedy is used for chronic and acute bronchial diseases, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis. Used in the treatment of complications after surgery, as well as to stimulate the fetus during pregnancy. It has well-pronounced properties, well-established in the market. The price: 70 rubles.
  8. Omnitus.Produced in the form of tablets and syrup. Reduces the inflammatory process, fights infections, relieves dry cough, positively affects the general condition of the body. Has a number of side effects, including. drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, stool disruption. Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 6 years. The price of the drug: 90 rubles.
  9. Stoptussin.It is a combined remedy, has antitussive and mucolytic effect. It is used in the treatment of dry and unproductive cough, is made in the Czech Republic. Produced in the form of tablets, drops and syrup of vegetable origin. Price: 150 rubles.
  10. Lorraine.The product is suitable for combating dry cough, it is available in various forms: powder, capsules, tablets, suspension and solution. Eliminates the symptoms of ARI and colds, has antipyretic properties, suitable for children from 6 years. Side effects include increased blood pressure, dizziness, mild irritability. The price: 200 rubles.

What causes can be a night cough in an adult, indicated in the article.

From wet

Cough with sputum is called wet or productive. For its treatment, preparations with an expectorant effect are used:

  1. ATSTS.Liquefies phlegm, promotes the productivity of cough, relief comes in the first days of admission. Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It does not combine with paracetamol and other cough drugs. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers. Price: 130 rubles.
  2. Doctor Mom.Means of plant origin fights with diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, relieves of the common cold, colds and bronchitis. Available in the form of lozenges, lozenges, syrups, tablets, ointments, roller pencils. Suitable for children from 2 years. The cost in pharmacies: 140 rubles.
  3. Broncholitin.It is very popular as a trustworthy tool. Suppresses the center of a cough, does not depress breathing, treats acute respiratory illnesses, displays phlegm, relieves the mucous membrane from swelling. Effective in childhood. Has only a few side effects: allergies, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate. The price: 55 rubles.
  4. Bromhexine.The agent is used for acute and chronic bronchial diseases with sputum of increased viscosity. The drug is well tolerated, prescribed from the age of 6, combined with antibiotics, contributing to their penetration into the bronchial secret. When treating, you need to consume more fluid, exclude driving and performing hazardous work. Price: 30 rubles.
  5. Ambroxol.Bulgarian preparation of expectorant anti-inflammatory effect. It is also used for the prevention of respiratory tract infections, it is available in the form of a syrup with a pleasant smell and raspberry taste. Helps in a short time cure cough, tracheitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and bronchitis. The price: 25 rubles.
  6. Mukaltin.A natural remedy fights with a wet cough, relieves viscous sputum, which prevents normal breathing. The effect of taking tablets is observed a couple of days after the start of the course. Contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, diabetes mellitus. It is not addictive, children can be taken from the age of 12. Cost: 15 rubles.
  7. Ambrogen.The chemical preparation expectorant and diluting effect, facilitates the outflow of sputum from the bronchi, neutralizes the damaged molecules. The action is seen after only half an hour after taking, lasts about 10 hours. Produced in the form of capsules, syrups, tablets, solutions for inhalation and injection. Children are appointed from 2 years. The packing price: 105 rubles.
  8. Fluidite.It is used for acute diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract, accompanied by viscous sputum. Poorly combined with other drugs, weakening their effect. Struggles with infections without clarifying their form and localization. Available for adults and children in the form of syrup, as well as in the form of granules for suspension. Price: 250 rubles.
  9. Herbion with primrose.The drug is made using plant material. A syrup is prescribed not only with a moist but also senile cough, when the lungs are not adequately supplied with blood. Improves the work of the adrenal glands, is a diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic, strengthening agent. It facilitates breathing, removes inflammation of the mucous membrane. Children are appointed from 2 years. The price: 200 rubles.
  10. Gedelix.I have recommended myself as a means to combat productive cough in children. Has spasmolytic properties, removes sputum from the bronchi, relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract. Form release: syrup with mint extract, eucalyptus, menthol. Side effects usually do not appear, does not contain sugars and alcohol. Price: 150 rubles.
  11. Pertussin.One of the most inexpensive, but very effective tools in the fight against wet cough. Has an expectorant property, dilutes sputum, promotes its excretion. In the preparation of a substance of chemical and vegetable origin, incl. thyme. Children are appointed from the age of 3, during the reception it is necessary to dilute with water. The price: 15 rubles.
From this article, you can find out what can be cured during a pregnancy.

How does a cough of an asthmatic nature look like in this article.

What to do when a child's wheezing and coughing is indicated in the article here:

Among the most effective drugs for dry and wet cough in the Russian market you can find inexpensive means. Before using it is necessary to consult with specialists, since cough is just a symptom of other diseases, it is necessary to fight first of all with the cause of coughing. Remember that timely diagnosis can save a person's life.

"Mukaltin" or "Tablets from a cough" - what is better? Instructions for use, feedback

Everyone knows of such a disease as coughing. And only a few know that you can get rid of it quite quickly, using very inexpensive drugs. In this article we will try to consider the question: "Mukaltin" or "Tablets from cough" - what is better? How to take these drugs to achieve the best effect?


Coughing is a rather complex reflex phenomenon that occurs in the lungs as a consequence of the protective reaction that occurs when foreign elements or microbes or bacteria get into them.

Often cough can cause penetrated microbes, dust, sand. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body. And in most cases, he does not need treatment, only expectorants will suffice.

Sometimes the causative agents of coughing are different:

1. Allergic. Virus. Bacterial.

Cough is of the following types:

1. Wet is a cough accompanied by phlegm. The cause is, as a rule, the occurring inflammatory processes in the lungs and the respiratory tract. Dry. In this case, the sputum does not depart. The patient has a constant need to get rid of something superfluous in the throat.

In order to appoint an adequate cough treatment, you need to seek the advice of a specialist. But if there is no possibility to visit the doctor, then the cough that has arisen can be tried to cure by taking cheap "Tablets from a cough". Further in the article we will tell about preparations that will help to provide first aid in such a case. And also how to take "Mukaltin" in tablets.


When buying this remedy, the question often arises: "Mukaltin" from which cough?

This drug has been known to us since childhood. It has an expectorant effect, it is used to relieve cough in diseases of the respiratory tract.

The form of these tablets is biconvex, they are gray-brown in color. As a rule, they are packed in paper contour cells from 10 to 30 pieces. Also there are also cans in a dosage from 10 to 100 pieces in each. "Mucaltin" has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. It is important to remember that it does not eliminate the disease, but only facilitates its course. That is, a rough cough, becomes softer, and a sharp dry moisturizes.

Thus, one can unequivocally answer the question posed, "Mukaltin" from which cough - from anyone.

It is used for the following diseases:

1. Acute bronchitis. Inflammation of the lungs. Bronchial asthma. Tuberculosis with symptoms of bronchitis. Acute respiratory diseases accompanied by a severe cough.

Indications and contraindications

Sufficient studies that give a clear answer, "Mukaltin" can be children or not, in the required volumes was not carried out. Therefore, leading pediatricians in Russia recommend giving the children such a good expectorant drug only after the child reaches the age of two. However, it is possible to give "Mukaltin" to pregnant women. The only restriction is the althea extract included in the composition. Its use in the first trimester of pregnancy is not recommended. However, to be sure that the benefits of taking the pills will be much higher than the threat to the child, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

In this case, the reception of Mukaltina by pregnant women is significantly different: it is enough to take 1-2 tablets several times a day strictly after meals.

The method of use in women in the position is similar to the usual, but to achieve the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to crush tablets and take them, diluting in a small amount of water.

How to take "Mukaltin" in tablets

"Mukaltin" is recommended to be taken before meals, more precisely, for 30-60 minutes. An adult is recommended to take 1-2 tablets at a time. The daily rate can be divided by 3-4 times. Children under the age of 12 years are prescribed a regimen similar to that of adults. Children from 3 to 12 years of age, the drug is recommended to take the following scheme: 1 tablet 3 times a day. That is every 4 hours.

Children under 1 year to 3 years of age are prescribed a regimen: ½-1 tablets. Babies up to a year of taking the drug can take ½ tablets. But it is better for babies up to 2 years not to give this medicine.

"Mukaltin" is recommended to dissolve in the mouth. However, people who do not tolerate the taste of tablets, as well as children can dissolve tablets in a warm liquid. To do this, you can use water, juice in an amount of 150 ml per dose of the drug.

How to take "Mukaltin" in tablets to achieve a quick therapeutic effect? The time taken to take the medicine is 7 to 14 days. In this case, the use of a large amount of liquid is recommended.

Cheap "Pills for cough"

The modern pharmacy market is so rich that the presented cough remedies are divided into different price categories. In the pharmacy you can find such cough tablets, the names of which are familiar to many:

1. With an expectorant effect - "Stoptussin" Tussin ".2. Tablets against cough with anti-inflammatory effect - "Broncholitin" .3. Tablets with mucolytic effect- "Ascoril" Ambroxol "Gedelix."

There is also a drug, which is still called - "Tablets from a cough." He has no other name (international). By color this preparation is gray or greenish-gray in color. It refers to drugs that have an expectorant effect, and is also used to treat colds. Indication for the use of this drug is only one - chronic bronchitis. The form of the release of "Tablets from cough" is usually a paper packing of 10-20 pieces. The main component in the composition of these tablets is the extract of dry thermopsis, which has an expectorant effect.

Indications and contraindications

Choosing a cough pill for a child is possible only on the basis of recommendations from the treating doctor. He will conduct a preliminary study and establish the cause of the disease. It should be taken into account that "Tablets from cough" in the composition contains extracts of medicinal plants. Therefore, the child may have an allergy. In order to avoid such a complication, along with medications, the child is prescribed antiallergic drugs.

Also with caution should be taken and pregnant women to choose different tablets from cough. They may contain substances that are prohibited for reception in an interesting position.

Moreover, in the instruction "Tablets from a cough" it is registered, that it is impossible to take them to children under two years of age. They contain codeine, which also penetrates the placenta to the fetus.

Accordingly, the use of "Cough Tablets" during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding is prohibited.

Choosing a medicine for children and pregnant women, "Mukaltin" or "Tablets for cough" - what is better to buy? The conclusion is obvious.

The use of "Cough Tablets"

The drug "Tablets from coughs" should be taken strictly according to the doctor's recommendation. Do not prescribe this medicine yourself. It is contraindicated in some situations, and also has severe symptoms of overdose, such as nausea, vomiting. Adults "Tablets from cough" take 2-3 times a day, in an amount of 1 to 2 tablets, washing down with the necessary amount of water while doing so. The course of treatment lasts no more than 5 days.

Children over 12 years of age can take this medicine in a dosage of ½ tablet not more than 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment will be only 3 days. And the maximum allowable course of treatment for a child will be no more than 5 days.

However, one should pay close attention to the fact that with the use of this medication it is necessary with caution manage a vehicle, as well as engage in other activities that require concentration and attention. Also, patients with a violation of liver function should increase the interval between pills.


Let's try to answer the question: "Mukaltin" or "Tablets from a cough" - what is better? It is worth mentioning that among the listed drugs in this article is "Mukaltin" is the most budgetary means. Its price for today ranges from 10 to 20 rubles for 10 pieces. At the same time, "Tablets for cough, calculated for a minimum course of admission (5 days), cost from 45 to 75 rubles.

Reviews about "Tablets from a cough are contradictory." After all, using this drug yourself is not entirely safe. Moreover, they are forbidden for admission during lactation and pregnancy.

Reviews from the drug "Mukaltin" are quite positive, because many are familiar with this drug since childhood. "Mukaltin" or "Tablets from a cough" - what is better? Many prefer the first option.

According to the generally accepted opinion, "Mukaltin" moisturizes the dry cough rather quickly, and the coarse moist makes it more calm. This drug is absolutely safe for children, pregnant and lactating mothers.

It should be remembered that cough is a symptom of the disease, and it is not necessary to treat it, namely the disease that is its cause. And in order to understand which drug is better, it is first of all necessary to get qualified help from a doctor who, according to the results of the examination, will prescribe an adequate treatment.

Can I use pills for cough with thermopsis and mucaltin?


Daughter of the King

In no case!!! this is an incompatible drug!!! If you have a cough dry, then take an antitussive with thermopsis, codeine, etc., If the same wet, but sputum thick at first diluting phlegm-ACC, mucalin, but only then expectorant-bromhexine. Do not take diluting sputum and expectorants at the same time! You just choke on it!! Like your case, you take thinning phlegm and suppress cough!! You will suffocate simply


mukaltin also has a herb of thermopsis, why then drink 2 medicines

Irina Matveeva

no together they should not take 3 tabs of cough 4 times a day and drink 0.5 glass of warm water

Tablets from dry cough to adults: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs

Cough is a protective reaction to various irritating factors. A similar symptom may occur if dust, smoke or chemicals get into the pharynx. Cough is often developed for allergies. But most often the cause of development of an unpleasant symptom is any infectious disease. Dry cough irritates the throat, does not allow to sleep at night. Initially, it is necessary to make phlegm less viscous. There are effective tablets from dry cough to adults, with which you can quickly get rid of the problem.

Why there is a dry cough?

In most cases, dry cough is observed with ARI or influenza. Such a symptom may indicate irritation of the mucous membrane with an extraneous object. Severe attacks of dry cough may indicate the development of bronchial asthma or pneumonia. A characteristic symptom is a whistle when inhaled. This condition requires urgent care. You will need treatment in a hospital. Effective tablets from dry cough will be part of complex therapy.

In rare cases, dry cough can occur when treating high blood pressure. Such drugs as "Maleate "Liznopril "Enalapril" can lead to irritation of the mucosa. For the treatment of cough in this case, no special medication is needed. It is only necessary to cancel the drug from high blood pressure or to reduce its dosage.

An allergic reaction to spring flowering or animal hair can cause bronchospasm. In this case, dry cough manifests itself sharply and does not stop until the patient takes an antihistamine. Frequent manifestation of an allergic cough is a serious problem. If you do not deal with its elimination, bronchial asthma can develop.

What medicine should I choose for a dry cough?

In pharmacies, you can find a lot of drugs with which you can overcome a dry cough. Treatment, tablets and medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor. To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you must first identify the cause. The specialist conducts a series of tests that allow you to put the correct diagnosis. After all, the treatment of an allergic cough with mild expectorants will not yield any results.

If a patient has a dry, painful cough that does not allow him to sleep properly and perform daily duties, the combination drugs are usually prescribed. These are medicines that promote liquefaction of phlegm, and also relieve throat irritation. It is worth remembering that mucolytic tablets from dry cough to adults and children are never taken with antitussive drugs. Below is a list of tablets that are most often prescribed to adults.


A popular mucolytic agent with an expectorant effect. Assign the drug in the development of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum. Bromhexine tablets help to thin the secretion in the bronchi, so that the dry cough grows into a productive cough. The drug may be part of a comprehensive therapy of chronic pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Contraindications tablets almost do not have. In rare cases, there is an increased sensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Tablets "Bromhexine" can not be taken simultaneously with codeine-containing drugs. Such treatment will not give any result. Only under the supervision of a specialist should the drug be used by patients who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Adults take one tablet three times a day. As soon as the dry cough grows into a productive cough, you should stop taking Bromhexine.


Popular tablets from dry cough to adults, the main active substance in which is ambroxol hydrochloride. As auxiliary components are lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch and microcrystalline cellulose. The drug "Khaliksol" has an excellent mucolytic and expectorant effect. It is prescribed for the treatment of acute conditions of chronic respiratory diseases. If liquefaction of mucus is necessary for infectious diseases of ENT organs, the tablets "Haliksol" are also used.

Do not prescribe the drug to children until they reach the age of five. During pregnancy, tablets can be taken only from the second trimester under the supervision of a doctor. People with renal insufficiency do not prescribe the medicinal product "Khaliksol".


Popular mucolytic tablets from dry cough to adults. Like the previous remedy, the drug "Lazolvan" is made on the basis of ambroxol. Additionally used are lactose monohydrate, corn starch, silicon dioxide colloid, and also magnesium stearate. Tablets "Lazolvan" are excellent for treating dry cough with ARI and flu, as well as for liquefying sputum in pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Do not prescribe the drug in the first half of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. In juveniles, tablets "Lazolvan" are contraindicated.

It's worth remembering that Lazolvan tablets are a mucolytic drug. Therefore, it should not be taken together with antitussive drugs. This will only lead to difficulty in excretion of sputum from the bronchi.

When dry cough occurs adults take one tablet of the drug "Lazolvan" three times a day. As soon as the cough becomes productive, the medication is stopped.


Very good pills for coughing dry. Medication belongs to the group of mucolytic agents. The medicine, like the previous ones, is based on ambroxol hydrochloride. As auxiliary elements, calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate, carboxymethyl starch sodium, magnesium stearate, as well as silicon dioxide colloidal. If there is a dry cough, tablets from the cough "Ambroghexal" can give a positive effect in the first days of admission. The drug is prescribed for bronchial asthma, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.

"Ambrohexal" in tablets is not prescribed for babies under 6 years, as well as for women in the first half of pregnancy. During the period of breastfeeding the drug is also contraindicated. Only under the supervision of a doctor should people take pills with peptic ulcer. In rare cases, there may be increased sensitivity to the main components of the drug.


A popular antitussive drug, made in the form of tablets. The main component is butamyrate citrate. In addition, hypromellose, silicon dioxide, colloidal anhydrous, lactose monohydrate, and also magnesium stearate are used. Tablets from dry cough "Omnitus" are prescribed for stopping severe attacks caused by infectious diseases such as influenza, whooping cough, ARD. The agent can also be prescribed to suppress reflex cough after surgery.

One of the least expensive are these tablets from a dry cough. The price of the drug in pharmacies does not exceed 200 rubles. But you should not buy a drug without the recommendations of a specialist. Often there is sensitivity to certain elements of the drug. Contraindicated tablets "Omnitus" also during lactation. In the second half of pregnancy, a drug should be used only if the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the potential harm to the baby.


If there is a dry cough in an adult, the tablets "Libexin" will be able to help. The main substance of the medicine is. As auxiliary components, talc, glycerin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, and corn starch are used. Tablets from dry cough "Libexin" can be taken with various inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract. Often prescribe the drug before the bronchoscopic examination.

Tablets "Libexin" are contraindicated in patients with diseases in which there is an increased secretion of bronchial secretions. Children and pregnant women are not contraindicated. Treatment must necessarily take place under the supervision of a physician. In rare cases, increased sensitivity to the main components of the drug.


Not everyone knows if a dry cough develops, which pills take. Many seek to achieve several effects simultaneously. For such purposes, combined medicament preparations were created. A bright representative is the pill "Stoptussin which have an expectorant and antitussive effect. The main active ingredient is butamyrate dihydrocitrate. In addition, silicon dioxide colloidal, microcrystalline cellulose, glyceryl tribehenate, and magnesium stearate are used. Tablets "Stoptussin" appointed for the treatment of dry irritant cough, which develops due to infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Do not prescribe the drug "Stoptussin" for patients under 12 years, as well as women in the first trimester of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, tablets can only be used after consultation with the pediatrician.


Good and inexpensive tablets from dry cough to adults. The composition of the drug includes paracetamol, chlorphenamine, as well as phenylephrine. The drug has a combined effect. It should be taken when the first symptoms of a common cold appear in adults. Tablets "Lorain" effectively dilute sputum, help reduce body temperature, as well as general improvement in the patient's condition.

Medication is not prescribed for children under 6 years old, as well as pregnant lactating women. People with a tendency to allergic reactions and gastrointestinal problems should be taken with caution.

Can I do without medication?

With a dry cough, which pills will work best, only the doctor can tell. But what if I can not ask for help? There are folk methods that will temporarily remove unpleasant symptoms. Perfectly dilute sputum warm drinks. It is worth heating the milk and adding a teaspoon of honey. Such a drink is not only expectorant, but also removes the irritation of the pharynx. In addition, milk with honey is very tasty.

Good results are given by conventional inhalations with medicinal herbs. It is necessary to bring two liters of water to a boil and add a little chamomile. Breathing is necessary over a container with hot water, covered with a towel.

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