Itching in the throat causing coughing

When coughing it itches in the throat - possible causes, diseases

Strong cough and it itch in the throatIn the world there are a huge number of respiratory diseases. Many of them start with a slight persecution in the larynx and cough. These are very common diseases and everyone is perfectly familiar with this symptom. If your throat itches and a slight cough begins, then it's time to begin treatment.

If this problem is ignored, the disease will begin to progress and then complications can not be avoided. Many people do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor, considering this symptom a trifling and hoping that, that the throat itches and you want to cough, it's just a small ailment that will go through a few days.

Causes and diseases, from which the throat is itching and there is a cough

Cough and it itches the throatThis ailment can be both a symptom of a beginning throat disease, and a more complex respiratory illness. In order to accurately understand the cause of cough, you will need to see a doctor. Only after the examination and necessary tests, the doctor will diagnose and prescribe a treatment that will relieve you of discomfort and a feeling that the throat is itching.
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Here is a list of some of the reasons for which the throat is itching and there is a cough:

  • Acute respiratory diseases and viral infections, in which one of the first symptoms is cough and inflammation in the larynx.
  • All kinds of angina are also characterized by this symptom, as these diseases are localized in the pharyngeal region and are distinguished by a huge number of bacteria that affect the mucous in the larynx and cause its irritation and coughing. Rinsing with saline solutions and medicinal broths will ease the condition and remove the unpleasant sensations inside.
  • Tonsillitis, mainly appears as a complication after severe forms of sore throat. With this disease the throat itches and there is a slight cough. Rinsings will not help here, since only cardinal measures will be suitable for treatment. It basically ends up by removing the glands.
  • Pharyngitis is another reason why the throat constantly heals and overcomes an easy reflex act. Sometimes these are the only symptoms that are present in the disease with this ailment. It's quite easy to get rid of it.
  • Allergies sometimes cause the throat to itch and constantly want to cough. In order to get rid of the problem, you need, first of all, to determine the cause and try to stay away from the stimulus. The allergist prescribes drugs that will help get rid of this symptom, and will give advice on further actions. Of course, this is a very unpleasant kind of allergy, but if it has already happened, you need to protect yourself as much as possible and rid yourself of an obsessive cough.
  • diseases of the neckDiseases of the neck, spine, can cause unpleasant feelings, such as pain, perspiration, there is a dry cough, the throat itches and there is a feeling of discomfort. Usually this is due to diseases of the thyroid gland, esophagus, cervical spine and other parts of the body. Mechanical damage, or bacterial and viral infections of these organs also cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, including a constant reflex act.
  • Smoking often becomes the reason that the throat starts to itch, there is a cough, unpleasant feelings in the larynx and other abnormalities. This can happen with any smoker, but is especially common in people who smoke low-quality and cheap cigarettes. Chemical additives irritate the throat, and it begins to itch, become covered with transparent mucus and there are coughing attacks. Of course, all cigarettes are dangerous to health and each of them brings a lot of hassle and illnesses for the body.

When using any method and method of cough and discomfort treatment in the upper respiratory tract, do not forget to consult a doctor. Only he will be able to determine for sure whether this or that drug will be effective and will not harm you. Do not self-medicate and be healthy.

Pershit in the throat and want to cough: than to treat if tickles the throat

Almost everyone faced with a sore throat and a dry tearing cough. These unpleasant feelings arise at the most inopportune moment and can disrupt plans.

Why does it tickle in the throat and how to cope with it? Let's try to figure it all out.

The first thought that arises is the beginning of the common cold. In fact, cough and perspiration can be associated with various diseases. They are conventionally divided into two groups: inflammatory, not inflammatory.

If there is inflammation

In the inflammatory process, we are talking about diseases:

  1. nasopharyngitis;
  2. pharyngitis;
  3. ARVI;
  4. ARI.
If there is inflammationThe disease begins with a strong irritation of the nasal mucosa, pharynx. At this point, and there is a dry cough, sneezing. Mucous in this way protects the body from harmful viruses and bacteria.

If the pathological process is not stopped, the inflammation drops lower. There is damage to the lungs, bronchi and trachea. When there is no timely treatment, the patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating.

The first thing you need to do is rinse your throat. You can use both medicines and folk recipes. Very often doctors advise gargling with medicinal plants, solutions. Additionally, the nasal passages are washed, cleansing them from accumulation of infection and mucus.

You can treat the throat with a tincture of propolis. It is sold in pharmacies or beekeepers., And you can use a rinse with tincture of propolis of the throat. Special sweets from cough will also help to remove perspiration. They are often made on the basis of honey, eucalyptus. There is nothing harmful in them.

It is important to consult a therapist if the tickles the throat and dry cough does not go away for several days. The patient will be recommended treatment according to his condition. It will not only be nasal sprays, pills and candies, but also drugs that eliminate the cause of the painful condition:

  • anti-virus;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Already after 7-10 days, if there are no complications, a person will feel completely healthy and full of energy.

When there is no inflammation

If you want to cough and tickle in your throat, it can be symptoms of a non inflammatory etiology. At what illnesses does it occur? Among them one should name such problems with health:

  1. diabetes;
  2. Throat neurosis;
  3. pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  4. allergic reactions;
  5. occupational diseases;
  6. reflux esophagitis.

With a neurosis of the throat, the patient will note other symptoms. Usually there are complaints of numbness, tingling and tenderness near the neck or ears. These symptoms indicate a breakdown of the nervous apparatus of the throat. It will take a serious diagnosis of the body, because the nerve endings of the throat are connected with the entire nervous system.

Sometimes it persists in the throat and worries about a dry cough with severe damage to the nervous system, syphilis or neoplasms in the brain.

Another thing is with allergies. It becomes a reaction to an external stimulus and passes after its disappearance. Coughing and tickling in the throat area increases as the allergen approaches. To determine the exact cause, you should consult an allergist.

Dry cough and drying of the mucosa occasionally causes a change in the level of glucose in the blood. To calm down these symptoms, a breath of pure still water will help. If the persecution is repeated again and again, most likely, it is the onset of diabetes.

It would be desirable to cough and tickle in a throat if the patient smokes for a long time. But a mark on health can leave some professions. Harmful working conditions often leave a serious mark on the mucosa of internal organs. For example, pershit in the throat and develops a dry cough in:

  • metallurgists;
  • miners;
  • builders.

The main reason is a prolonged exposure to the breathing apparatus of high temperature, smoke and dust.

Constantly irritation and perspiration in the throat occurs in people who due to professional activity for a long time strains the vocal cords.

If there are problems with the thyroid gland functioning, then this may be a prerequisite for the fact that from time to time you want to clear your throat. Do not do without examination by an endocrinologist.

Strange, but dry cough and tickling arise from reflux esophagitis. This is a disease of the esophagus. It occurs after eating - the acid content of the stomach is gradually thrown up and provokes unpleasant sensations.

What to do?

copious drink.The usual story is when people, not knowing the causes of the problem, try to eliminate cough and discomfort in the throat just at home. Doing this is not always justified. You can not treat the symptoms without having established their causes.

In inflammatory diseases, the doctor will appoint not only antiseptics, but also abundant drinking. Good help to treat dry inhalation cough. It is useful to breathe over hot boiled potatoes or specially steamed herbs.

Perfectly eliminate cough:

  • pine needles;
  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • eucalyptus leaves.

They rinse the throat with broths or infusions, if there is no intolerance. To do this, take calendula, chamomile or sage. But to treat the throat with a cocktail of iodine, soda and salt is undesirable. Such a mixture not only very much overdry the mucous membrane, but also strengthens the cough.

The causes of an allergic cough will eliminate antihistamines. Thanks to such drugs, cough, which tickles the throat, can be treated not only efficiently, but also quickly.

When there are no obvious reasons, and the throat is constantly persistent, you will need to undergo a diagnosis from a neurologist. In this case, candies and similar products will not help to clear your throat. This same rule is relevant in the pathology of the thyroid gland. If there are no other serious violations, treating the disease will not be difficult.

Strengthening of the immune defense

natural juicesWhatever the reasons, why it tickles in the throat and wants to cough, a person needs to work on strengthening immunity and treating associated diseases, from which pershit.

Do this all the time and at any time of the year, it will allow the body to resist the infection, which causes problems with the throat. It will be easier for a person to resist diseases, but also to transfer them if infection has already occurred.

Pershit and tickles in the throat area from the lack of vitamins and trace elements. If there is not enough seasonal vegetables and fruits, special complexes will help to fill the balance.

It is very useful to drink natural juices:

  1. cherry;
  2. carrot;
  3. currant.

Beverages increase immunity, promote health, but also help against cold symptoms. For the same purposes it is shown to use bees honey and lemon, but if there is no individual intolerance.

In conclusion, it should be said that in some cases, the perspiration in the throat passes, if you just drink a glass of water. But usually tickling in the throat is a symptom of health problems. They can be treated with medicines, changing the lifestyle of the patient.

Sometimes there is no other way out, how to change jobs or living conditions. Everything depends on the severity of the pathology. In any case, you should carefully listen to your body, exercise and eat right. And the video in this article sums up what the persecution is from.

What will help me? I have irritable itching in my throat, causing coughing up to the urge of a vomiting reflex.


Evgenia Sleptsova

candies with lidocaine, a noch and analgesic of some, better long-acting (nayz for example)

Zhanna Kuznetsova

used to make a sugar barley
In a tiny frying pan or spoon with a handle insulated from overheating, heat the sugar to a boil and yellow flowers, pour on a saucer or a plate, chill, suck these candies.
Look for a recipe on the Internet.

Lena Kuznetsova

help suckling pastilles from the pharmacy

Kira Russian

This can be an allergy, but chronic pharyngitis can be treated, and both should be treated, go to the ENT if the cough begins immediately after inhalation, maybe tracheitis

Ksenia Tsalkovskaya

At me now the same such problem pershit a throat and a strong cough when the cough begins lasts longly minutes 15-20 I can cough without a break the simple water I am helped or assists 3-4 smoothly at me it's not the first time I drink it very well and quickly removes all the sputum from the lungs + to all this syrup it is suitable for both children and adults 2-3 days and you are almost healthy!

sergei korsakov

Very similar to an allergic reaction! try to drink tavegil and enterosorbents, for example, polysorb! it effectively removes allergens from the body.

When you cough, it tickles your throat

It tickles my throat when I cough"I tickle in my throat and cause a cough patients often complain to the therapist with such a complaint. However, some of them prefer to stay at home, doing self-medication and writing off this uncomfortable symptom troubling them for an ordinary cold. In order to understand that tickling in the throat, a cough that occurs suddenly and lasts a long time - is often a dangerous sign, you should know what diseases it accompanies.

Cough, tickles in the throat for colds and ARVI

It tickles my throat when I coughA common cold or respiratory seasonal infection can indeed cause such a sign. The patient tickles his throat and wants to cough in this case for two reasons. The first lies in the ingress of pathogenic bacteria onto the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. They cause its inflammation and swelling, which causes a sensation of scratching. The second reason is due to the fact that a patient with a cold or ARVI also has a runny nose. It provokes the flow of mucus discharged from the nose, along the back wall of the larynx, as a result of which it is irritated, and the patient has unpleasant sensations.

If you have a cough, tickling in the throat, and you suspect the presence of a cold or SARS, a visit to the doctor is not necessary, but it will clearly not be superfluous. After all, these symptoms can be the cause of more serious diseases.

Tickles in the throat and cough for allergic reactions

Tickles the throat for allergiesVery often people who first encounter allergies confuse it with colds. There is nothing surprising in this, because their symptoms are really similar. At the patient at occurrence of allergic reaction also there is a cough, a tickling in a throat, zalozhennost a nose, drowsiness and delicacy with the general fatigability of an organism. Often this disease also occurs with skin itch and constant sneezing. In order to identify the cause of the allergy, you need to contact a specialist in this field. The possible causative agent of the reaction is determined by laboratory tests. Tickling in the throat and cough in this case are only symptoms and do not require separate treatment. A patient with an allergic reaction, which can cause food, medicine, dust, flowering plants, pet hair and so on, prescribe a course of antihistamines. The contact of the body with the allergen for the success of treatment should also be excluded.

It should be noted that tickling in the larynx in humans can and when inhaled dust or foreign bodies, as well as by inhaling them with sharp and unpleasant odors. However, these reasons do not always refer to allergic reactions.

Cough from tickling in the throat can be caused by a pharyngeal neurosis

Tickling in the larynx can be caused by a breakdown in the nervous apparatus of the pharynx. This disease refers to damage to the central nervous system. It tickles in the throat, coughing and the feeling of a passing coma in the airways is not the only symptoms. Neurosis of the pharynx is accompanied by sensations of numbness and tingling, as well as a feeling of impossibility to swallow saliva or swallow food.

When inhaled, tickles in the throat and cough with gastroesophageal reflux disease

Sore throat when coughingGastroesophagitis is a disease in which the esophagus becomes inflamed. Because of this, there is a casting of its contents into the larynx, which causes painful sensations when inhaled. Reflux disease is also accompanied by belching, perspiration and pain in the stomach.

Why does it tickle in the throat and cough with gastroesophageal reflux disease? The fact is that the larynx with this disease gets the contents of the esophagus with high acidity. It is because of him and there is an unpleasant sensation of tickling. The attacks of a dry unproductive symptom in this case appear due to the narrowing of the glottis.

Tickling in the throat causes a cough for a number of other reasons

There are other reasons that can cause tickling in the throat and cough:

  • Cough and tickles the throat for various diseasesProfessional. Teachers, entertainers and opera singers, lecturers and hostesses of events often face not only tickling, but also hoarseness. This is due to the constant tension of the vocal cords.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, including the presence on it of benign or malignant neoplasms.
  • Tickling in the throat and cough - frequent complaints of gastroenterologist patients. These symptoms can occur with gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis are two more diseases that are accompanied by this symptom.

Sore throat: treatment. What medications help with perspiration in the throat?

Pershenie - unpleasant sensations in the back of the throat. The cause may be inhalation of dust, feathers and animal hair. Often, discomfort is a symptom of seasonal allergies to plant pollen. Even cold causes perspiration in the throat. Treatment with antibiotics is required if the "culprits" of discomfort are bacteria. Unpleasant sensations in the neck often haunt people suffering from reflux-esophagitis, a neurosis of the pharynx.

Why pershit in the throat?

There are medications that relieve unpleasant symptoms of sore throat, pharyngitis, flu, when there is itching, burning, sore throat. A survey will be required to prescribe adequate treatment. The fact is that the causes of persecution in the throat are very different:

  • infections of the upper respiratory tract (bacterial and viral);
  • throwing acid from the stomach into the upper part of the esophagus;
  • allergy to perfume, dust;
  • Pollinosis (hay fever);
  • diabetes;
  • neurosis of the pharynx;
  • smoking;
  • whooping cough;
  • stress.

Sore throat treatment

Unpleasant sensations in the tonsils

It is easy to catch an infection in an unhealthy autumn or frosty winter, during epidemics. Mucous walls of the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx are sensitive to bacteria, viruses, fungi. If the matter is in bacteria, it helps to heal the disease, to eliminate dryness and sore throat treatment with antibiotics.

It should be noted that these symptoms are not always associated only with inflammatory processes. The true reason will help to establish a doctor. Medicamentous treatment in the case of bacterial and viral infections will avoid complications associated with the lower respiratory tract.

why pershit in the throat

Sore throat infections

Local antiseptic medications facilitate the patient's condition. Produce such preparations usually in the form of sprays, lozenges for resorption, pastilles. Names of medicines from the sore throat, dispensed without a prescription: Ingalipt, Proposol, Septotelet, Falimint and others.

Soften the mucous of the mouth and pharynx rinsing with salt water. There are other simple home remedies that eliminate dryness and choking in the throat. Treatment of these symptoms, accompanied by a cough, includes the use of expectorants and mucolytic drugs. When throat is throttled, inhalations are performed with a nebulizer. A good therapeutic effect is obtained with the use of antimicrobial agents.

from a sore throat medication

Persecution in the throat in children with whooping cough

The child approximately 8-9 times a year falls ill. From angina and acute respiratory disease, pertussis (coughing, tickling in the throat) should be distinguished. Treatment of an acute infectious disease is carried out in a hospital or at home, depending on the age and condition of the child. Pertussis stick (bacterium) first causes perspiration in the throat, runny nose and a slight cough. Symptoms that resemble a cold, after about two weeks, are replaced by a heavier condition. The disease is characterized by bouts of coughing, sometimes with vomiting.

Antibiotics in the initial period are used to suppress the activity of the pathogen, and not from the throat. Medications that reduce the unpleasant sensations in the throat are of an antiallergic nature. Appropriate antihistamines such as Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolphen. To rinse the throat is used calcium chloride, which has anti-allergic effect. For oral administration, a doctor may prescribe calcium gluconate. If the diagnosis is "pertussis then it is necessary to ensure the absence of various factors causing coughing attacks in the room where the patient is located.

Neurosis of pharynx

Otolaryngologists are often visited by patients with complaints of perspiration in the throat, often a desire to clear their throat. Such people, their surroundings, are familiar with the specific sounds of "khe-khe as if a person had a lump in their throat. This condition can be a symptom of pharyngeal neurosis. Why pershit in the throat with this disease?

There is a violation of innervation of the larynx or pathology is associated with nerve endings in this organ. A person may not be bothered by other unpleasant sensations, only a sore throat and a dry cough. Folk remedies that relieve symptoms of pharyngeal neurosis - tea with mint and melissa, tincture of thyme.

Pershit in the throat cough cure

Sore throat at night and stomach work

Heartburn, throwing the contents of the stomach into the throat - the unpleasant consequences of violations in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Persecution in the throat causes gastroenterological problems, in this case it is necessary to start treatment with drugs that increase the contractile efforts of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Reflux esophagitis is accompanied by the intake of acidic gastric juice in the esophagus. Hence - a burning sensation in the throat, pain behind the sternum, often arising at night, coughing in the morning. To get rid of reflux esophagitis means to be free of perspiration in the throat. Medications that help in this case belong to the prokinetic group. Examples of such drugs and active ingredients:

  1. "Motilium "Passagex "Motilak" - domperidone.
  2. "Itomed "Ganaton" - titled.
  3. "Trimedat" is trimebutin.

Those suffering from reflux esophagitis can take medicines that neutralize the acid or reduce its production of glands in the walls of the stomach. The following drugs belong to these groups: Ranitidine, Gistak, Famotidine, Omez, Lanzap, Zipantola, Sunpras, Pariet.

sore throat at night

Allergic reactions

How to cure a perspiration in the throat, if this condition is caused by an allergy? A difficult question, considering the variety of manifestations of an insidious disease. The reaction of the body in the form of lacrimation, runny nose, itching of the skin, throat and coughing are caused by many factors. Let's name some of them:

  • food products, individual components in their composition;
  • Isolation of ticks inhabiting feathers and birds;
  • perfume compositions;
  • animal hair;
  • pollen.

Allergic reactions are dangerous with consequences such as laryngeal edema and asphyxiation, which is life-threatening. Antihistamines are prescribed in cases where perspiration in the throat arose in response to the effect of an allergen. In this case, you must definitely stop contact with an irritating object or substance. Medicinal products will help in cases when after exposure to an allergen pershit in the throat, cough. Treatment can be carried out with medications "Tsetrin "Zirtek "Suprastin "Tavegil".

Itching in the throat with fatigue of the vocal cords

Representatives of many professions have a lot to say: actors, teachers, announcers, politicians. A plentiful drink with honey softens the unpleasant symptoms caused by the peculiarities of the human occupation. It is recommended to protect the voice apparatus, to learn professional techniques that allow you not to strain it once again. If pershenie caused by fatigue of the vocal cords, it is better to avoid the sprays prescribed for angina. As an ambulance, itching in the throat is helped by mint candies, warm tea or milk with honey.

how to cure a sore throat

General rules for getting rid of a sore throat

Discomfort in the back of the pharynx, in the tonsils helps to eliminate the observance of simple recommendations:

  1. Take a plentiful warm drink, best of all herbal tea.
  2. Provide regular rest to the vocal cords.
  3. Keep the humidity in the room at 60%.
  4. Reduce the amount of spicy food, spices in the diet.
  5. Refuse from carbonated drinks, smoking, alcohol.

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