The causes of narrowed pupils (miosis), types, methods of treatment

There are many different abnormalities associated with the organs of vision.Some of them are understood and do not cause fear, others may be associated with rather serious problems and can lead to rather negative consequences. Why do some people have too small pupils, what is the reason for this, and how dangerous is it to eye health?There are quite intelligible answers to this question, which you will find in this article.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Types and causes
    • 2.1Kinds
      • 2.1.1Medicamentous
      • 2.1.2Paralytic
      • 2.1.3Spastic
      • 2.1.4Syphilitic
    • 2.2Causes
      • 2.2.1Ophthalmic
      • 2.2.2Neuropathological
  • 3Diagnostics
  • 4Treatment
  • 5Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Definition of a symptom

Healthy pupils of the human eye should have a round shape and correspond to a certain size.At a rate of illumination their size should be not less than two and no more than six millimeters. Two muscles participate in the process - radial for expansion and circular for constriction.

In ophthalmology, this symptom is called "miosis" and is characterized by a reflex narrowing of the pupils, in which its diameter reaches no more than, mm.

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Physiological miosis is a standard constriction, manifested as a reaction to bright light and with a strong overvoltage. When diagnosing hypermetropia, miosis is the norm, not a deviation due to the impaired capacity of the optical media of the eye.

Often the narrowing of the badges is observed when the organism is strongly intoxicated with narcotic drugs and alcohol. Also provoke miosis potent drugs used in psychiatry.

Types and causes

In medicine, there are two basic forms of miosis - one-sided and two-sided.Two-sided usually develops on the background of taking medications, is a normal reaction to bright light, can be observed in people of advanced age. One-sided is more often a sign of certain pathologies, including syphilis.

Manifestation of unilateral miosis


Various factors contribute to the appearance of this or that form of myosis. They need to be considered in detail.


This narrowing of the pupil develops on the background of taking those medications that reduce the functions of the dilator or stimulate the pupil's sphincter.Drug-induced miosis can be caused by different groups of drugs. Provoke it:

  • Adrenoblockers. These funds are used to treat arrhythmias, diseases in terms of urology.
  • M-holinomimetiki, including pilocarpine and gliatin.These drugs are used to treat glaucoma, hypertension, as well as to treat craniocerebral injuries, accompanied by a violation of blood circulation in the brain.
  • Holinostimulants, including acetylcholine.These drugs are mainly used to treat glaucoma. Less commonly, they are used to treat the gastrointestinal tract.
    Fentolamine refers to alpha-blockers

It is also this form of myosis that is the narrowing of the pupils against the background of increased consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and the entry into the body of certain types of dyes. It develops and against the background of human poisoning with nerve agents.


This kind of miosis occurs against the backdrop of the paralysis of the dilator.In all clinical cases such paralysis occurs against the backdrop of pathological processes localized near the carotid artery, the beginning of the cervical nerve or the sympathetic trunk.

this process is typical for some serious diseases. In particular, it is often observed in patients with tuberculosis.


This kind of miosis, which usually manifests simultaneously on the right and left eye, is caused by spasm of the pupil sphincter.This spasm usually occurs against the background of excitation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

This condition is typical for various diseases, including brain tumors, the formation of cavities in the spinal cord, encephalitis, meningitis, uremia. This kind of miosis is also observed during epileptic seizures.


This form of miosis occurs when pale treponema enters the central nervous system.There, the causative agent of syphilis provokes the emergence of symptoms of meningitis, stroke, meningomyelitis.

miosis occurs more often in patients in the third stage of the disease. It can be avoided if the disease is treated in a timely manner.


The emergence of miosis is due not only to ophthalmic diseases, but also neuropathological.Which specifically provoke the miosis will be considered further.


This symptom can accompany various ophthalmic diseases.Among these, we can rightly include the corneal ulcer, acute form of iritritis, anterior and posterior uveitis.Also observed miosis in the foreign cornea body and eye trauma, including mechanical damage.

also this symptom may occur in Horner's syndrome. In such cases, it will manifest simultaneously with ptosis and enophthalmos.


The development of this symptom is also often accompanied by a variety of neurological diseases.So it can be observed with encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, meningitis, various types of brain tumors.Often observed and with injuries of the spinal cord or brain.

it should be remembered that with these pathologies, miosis will always be accompanied by accompanying symptoms, including headaches, decreased vision, general weakness. When suspected of such diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for qualified help as early as possible.


As a rule, the diagnosis of "miosis" does not cause difficulties for ophthalmologists. It is based on the results of a number of studies, including:

  • General examination and questioning of the patient.In the course of this, the doctor must establish how long a man had a miosis, after which he appeared, and whether such symptoms had been in his past. Also, in the framework of such a study, a slit lamp is examined.
  • The study of the reaction of the pupil to light.Normally, with muted light, the pupil will expand, but in bright light it will narrow. With serious infectious diseases, as well as injuries, such an eye reaction to light is usually absent.
  • Blood test.Allows you to determine the presence in the body of certain infections that provoke this condition. It is necessary for suspected syphilis and other diseases. It also allows you to determine the presence in the blood of drugs or poisons, if there was poisoning of the body.

In severe conditions of the patient, MRI, CT and other studies can additionally be prescribed to him.They are necessary in the presence of craniocerebral injuries or severe general conditions. The list of such studies is established by the doctor for each patient individually based on the data obtained during the primary general examination.

If necessary, the patient with pathological narrowing of the pupils may be assigned additional consultations with general specialists, including a neurologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist.


The choice of therapeutic agents for this disease directly depends on what causes caused the development of miosis.So, if the cause was a foreign body entering the eye, it is removed, and then the patient is prescribed local antibacterial drugs.

With the medical form of myosus, specialized treatment for patients is usually not prescribed, since this type passes by itself after the end of the administration of the drugs that caused it.The same applies to the processes caused by the common poisoning of the organism. In such cases, the miosis passes on its own after the end of the effect of certain substances on the body.

Vigamox -
antibacterial eye drops

At a pathological narrowing of pupils, caused by disturbances of functions of a brain caused by a malfunction cardiovascular system, patients are prescribed vitamin complexes, nootropic drugs, as well as vasoactive facilities.

If the narrowing of the pupils is of an infectious nature, the patient will be assigned therapy directed at the coping of the underlying disease, since with its successful cure this symptom will pass yourself.For example, with syphilis, a person is usually prescribed antibiotics and a number of restorative drugs. Local eye care will not be used in this case.

it should be noted that in each specified case the list of drugs for the treatment of a particular disease, as well as the schedule of their admission, is determined by the doctor individually for each patient. Violation of medical recommendations in each specific case may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment and worsen the overall condition of the patient.

The duration of miosis treatment can range from several days to several weeks. Treatment can be carried out both in a hospital (in the presence of severe acute infections) and outpatient, if the patient's condition is characterized as satisfactory.


If you find the first signs, you need to visit a doctor to make sure that there is no tumor, no rupture of blood vessels, no other pathology. Preventive measures include:

  1. A full rest and a sound sound sleep.
  2. Vitamins and balanced nutrition in the most positive way will help strengthen the vessels of the eyes and the health of all muscle groups.
  3. Sports activities and an active way of life will help the full enrichment of all eye systems with oxygen.
  4. Timely and regular visits to the doctor will not allow the development of eye ailments.



Miosis is pathological and physiological, and often the first is triggered by a poor lifestyle, avitaminosis and other unfavorable factors. Therefore, as a basic therapy to avoid the development of critical narrowing of the pupils, it is enough to revise your lifestyle and improve its quality. In cases of the presence of additional symptoms with constant miosis (lacrimation, headaches, redness of the conjunctiva), you should consult a doctor for advice.