Turpentine ointment for coughs for children reviews

Instructions for the use of turpentine ointment for children

turpentine ointment for coughs for adults and children for coughing

In the treatment of cough very often used warming ointments. Today in pharmacies, they are presented in a wide range, so it is easy to choose for your case your tool. Among the whole variety of products, Turpentine Ointment is in great demand. It is allowed to be used to treat cough in children and adults.

The effect

turpentine ointment for coughs for children

Turpentine ointment for coughing has an irritating, distracting, analgesic and disinfecting effect.The product is based on turpentine oil.It is preliminarily purified from turpentine. With its application it is possible to achieve deep penetration through the skin and irritation of nerve endings.

For the production of turpentine, coniferous resins are used. Isolation of active components occurs under the influence of turpentine. They have an annoying effect. Histamine and other mediators, which cause the inflammatory process, can provoke reddening of the epidermis, dilate the vessels and lead to a small swelling. Enkephalins and endorphins possess analgesic effect.

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asthmatic cough in a childHow to cure an asthmatic cough in a child, you can learn from this article.

What to do when tortured cough, you can learn from this article.

Than you can treat a cough during pregnancy, you can learn from this article: http://prolor.ru/g/lechenie/chto-mozhno-ot-kashlya-pri-beremennosti.html

What can be the reasons for a night cough in an adult, you can find out by reading this article.

Distracting effect is achieved due to the effect of active components of the ointment on the nervous system.As a result, two excitation flows awake: on the skin treatment site and on the internal organs.The presence of an expectorant and mucolytic effect allows the use of Turpentine ointment for coughing attacks.

The video tells about the use of turpentine ointment for children:

In addition to cough, ointment is actively used in the following pathologies:

  • rheumatism;
  • arthralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • myalgia;
  • pathology of respiratory system organs of acute and chronic form.

According to the instructions for use, turpentine ointment is prohibited for use in the following conditions:

  • skin diseases with damage to the integrity of the epidermis;
  • pathological process in the kidneys and liver;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

In addition, do not use the tool for patients whose age does not reach the mark, -2 years. The reason is that it is contraindicated any procedures that provide warming rubbing. But for adults to apply the ointment is very cautious. Until now, it is not known about the complete safety of the use of medicament in medicine.

Use for small patients

If the medicine is used for various diseases of the joints and muscles, then the treatment of the affected area should be done 2 times a day. After that, it is necessary to cover the treated area with parchment and a warming bandage.

turpentine ointment for children with cough

When the treatment of a child's cough is administered, Turpentine ointment is used in the form of rubbing. The drug is rubbed into the epidermis of the soles and upper half of the trunk. Be extremely careful when performing the treatment, do not avoid getting the ointment on the heart and nipples. Upon termination of grindings of the child it is necessary to envelop and keep in heat. Already after 2-3 manipulations, the patient will become much better, and the cough leaves him for a long time.

at the child in 2 years a rhinitis and tussisWhat to do when a child has a cold in 2 years and a cough, you can find out by reading this article.

What to do. when the baby has a cough and runny nose without fever, you can find out here

How to treat nasal congestion and cough in a child is indicated here: http://prolor.ru/n/detskoe-zdorove/sredstvo-ot-zalozhennosti-nosa-dlya-detej.html

Can a banana, honey and milk help you cough by reading this article.

When using the ointment for the first time it is very important to mix it in the same proportion with the baby cream. Thus, it is possible to prevent a burn on the body. Do not use the formula for children under 2 years.

But also for more adult children, the ointment should be used only after the permission of the attending physician, otherwise you can provoke a number of complications and achieve the opposite effect. In no case do not engage in treatment. In case of emergency it is necessary to apply the ointment to the little baby on the soles of the feet and wear warm socks on top.

During the cold, you can apply ointment to the child on your feet and chest in the area of ​​the bronchi.Turpentine ointment has a warming effect and soothes a severe cough.It is very effective to use such a medicine at the first manifestations of a cold disease. With the timely use of ointment it is possible to defeat the disease at its initial stage.

Application for adults

Apply the ointment is on those areas that were susceptible to hypothermia. As a rule, these are the heels, the wings of the nose, the thorax. But do not treat the left side of the breast, it is better to apply the medication to the middle or between the shoulder blades.

turpentine ointment for coughing for adults

If there is still a runny nose, then you can smear ointment under your nose. Now after that, it is worth wrapping yourself in a warm blanket and taking mors, tea with raspberries. You do not need to remove the ointment at once, it is best to do it before going to bed.

Turpentine ointment, in its effect, resembles mustard plasters. Thanks to her, it is possible to activate local blood circulation, warm and quickly remove all toxins and microbes from the body. It is necessary to carry out such procedures 2-3 times a day.In this case, after each manipulation it is necessary to monitor the skin condition.If you suddenly find red spots, rashes and itching, then therapy with ointment should be stopped and seek help from a pediatrician.

But before the treatment with ointment, you need to test for an allergic reaction. Just treat the elbow with a small amount of ointment. In a day, look at the condition of the epidermis. If there is no itching, erythema, then it can use ointment for further treatment.

But it is not recommended to use the medicine for acute colds or flu. The reason is that the ointment will be powerless. It has the necessary effect only at the initial stage, for example, when you soaked the burden and a slight runny nose appeared. If already 2-3 days have passed, then Turpentine ointment will not have a therapeutic effect.


  • Tamara, 23 years old:"On one rainy day I got very wet at the bus stop. I came home, the weight was normal, but by the evening I began to feel mild ailment, cough, and a runny nose. I remembered how my mother treated me with her Turpentine ointment as a child. She wiped her feet well, put on her socks and wrapped herself in a blanket. I made such procedures 3, and after that I began to feel much better, and my cough and runny nose disappeared completely. "
  • Christina, 32 years old:"I always use Turpentine Ointment for the whole child, when I notice that he has the first symptoms of a cold. I'll rinse it thoroughly, wrap it in, and let it stay 2 hours. In a day I perform similar procedures 2-3 times. After such treatment my son became immediately active, and he does not have any cough. "

Turpentine ointment is very effective against cough. It can be used for children and adults, but before that consult a doctor. If you follow all the rules and conditions, then a positive effect will come in a couple of days.


Turpentine ointment!!! (when coughing)


~ Serve the Coronum, the croaker ~

it does not burn at all, do not believe it. it warms and no more. We in the childhood always this ointment rubbed, and not only a sole. chest and back too. then put on something warm and under a blanket, warm up, usually such procedures were done at night, but only on the condition that there is no temperature.


so namazh, what's the problem... then tell us ...


I smear my chest, back and legs. There were no burns. Avoid the heart area. Helps also with the common cold, if immediately start to smear (at night).


I even inflicted turpentine backs on my backs from infancy and normal. They, by the way, are very fond of turpentine ointment, they themselves ask to be smeared.


At me two daughters I shall rip apart their legs or foots and I smear with turpentine ointment BUT to us helps or assists when a rhinitis


I smeared with ointment "Momona's warming paper.

Is it possible to smear with turpentine ointment breast, a child 3 years old, from a cough? Just at hand nothing else.



You know, the doctor prescribed a cough for that ointment. It warms the chest. I do not understand why there are so many disturbances.


Spoon yourself spread, milf
and show the child to the doctor


on coniferous in young children can have a severe allergy... the same turpentine or fir oil ..


you can soles, palms and a kiddie with lapists to put on and the back is not in the heart and kidneys.

Concentrate hatred

Anoint yourself with this ointment. you can not! ask the doctors about cough remedy.

Winter cherry

Do not breastfeed, so that the smell does not start to cough more. But the back is very good even with turpentine ointment, and warmly dressed to warm up. but only if there is no temperature ...


You can not!


And that the pharmacy has already closed? 21 century in the yard, and you turpentine ...

[email protected]

No, you what! I'm an adult I can not tolerate turpentine. At me even the allergy from it or him at once also begins burns on a skin. So I'm an adult, but imagine what kind of baby the tender skin?


In no case! The skin of a child is much more sensitive than an adult's. Burn the skin. In addition, it is much more permeable to any substance, and turpentine can get directly into the skin through the skin! And this is dangerous for life!

Elena Smirnova

Spoon yourself and put on an apron and around the house a dozen times. .
and the child's hands and feet

Natalia Tkacheva (Babanova)

If there is no temperature in the child, you can make a cabbage compress. Good for cough. Broke cabbage leaves before the appearance of juice with a hammer for chops. To put on the body of the child on the chest and back, on top of the compression paper (I take from the packaging sterile gloves), crammed with an elastic bandage, applying eight-round-around the neck and around the body (not tight). Hold the compress, -2 hours, then take off. If the child is worried, you can remove it earlier. Cabbage can also leave redness on the skin. After the compress, smear with baby cream, and wear a clean dry T-shirt (T-shirt-cotton). And before you put cabbage leaves on the body, they should be slightly heated, seconds 10 in the microwave.


Oh, and we have good family! Everyone made me laugh! Do not worry, until tomorrow nothing will happen to him. Warm drinking, a warm shirt, and tomorrow to the doctor. There the duty officer should be!


you try first on yourself. if tolerable. then smear.

nina raisin

Do not do nonsense... Do you know the cause of the cough? and in general turpentine for toddlers is not applicable.

Turpentine Ointment: instructions for use

Turpentine ointment belongs to the group of plant anti-inflammatory drugs, used to relieve the symptoms of muscle and joint pain, as well as for problems with respiratory system (coughing).

Description of turpentine ointment

Form of issue

Ointment turpentine instructionOintment is produced in glass jars and tubes. The volume of the drug in the package is 25 or 50 grams. One gram of the ointment contains turpentine turpentine, in an amount of 200 micrograms.

Mechanism of action

Turpentine ointment has an antiseptic, analgesic, irritant effect on the skin. The preparation is prepared on the basis of the turpentine oil (turpentine oil) that has been specially purified. Turpentine easily penetrates through the upper layers of the skin and reaches the end of the peripheral nerves. The substance of terpentine is found mainly in coniferous trees.

Getting into the skin, turpentine affects the production of biologically active substances: histamine, endorphins, enkephalins, etc. These substances provide relief of pain syndrome, dilate blood vessels and improve metabolism. By stimulating the skin nerves, a distracting effect is created. Use of the drug on the chest area, facilitates the withdrawal of sputum and eliminates bronchospasm.

Ointment turpentine instruction

Dosage and frequency of administration depends on the location of the affected organ. With muscle diseases and nerve damage, the drug is applied to the skin 2 times a day. Carefully rub. The treated surface is covered with a dry bandage.

Turpentine ointment indication for use

The drug has an effective effect with: myalgia, neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, joint pain, respiratory system diseases.

Turmeric ointment application

The drug is used only on intact skin. Do not apply the product on mucous membranes, it is necessary to avoid getting Turpentine ointment in the eyes.

Turpentine ointment for children

The drug has found application in children's practice. When first applying the ointment, it must be mixed with any baby cream (to prevent skin irritation). Also Turpentine ointment can process the scalp, in case of lice. At the next stage, the head is washed with shampoo.

It is also forbidden to use the drug in children younger than 2 years. At an early age, any grinding is contraindicated.

Turpentine ointment for coughing

Use of the drug on the chest area, facilitates the withdrawal of sputum and eliminates bronchospasm. Turpentine ointment is applied to the thorax and soles. It is forbidden to apply the drug to the cardiac region and areola nipples. After such rubbing it is necessary to be in a warm room. Even 2-3 such procedures can improve the state of the airways.


It is forbidden to apply ointment in case of skin lesions with damage to its integrity, kidney and liver failure. It is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Adverse Reactions

Allergic manifestations:burning, itching of the skin, redness, swelling, the appearance of rashes.

Cardiovascular manifestations:increased heart rate, lower blood pressure.

General reactions of the body:convulsions, suffocation, impaired consciousness.

Ointment turpentine instruction

Turpentine ointment price

The cost of the drug is from 15 to 20 rubles depending on the region of your residence.

Ointment turpentine reviews

Elena:a few years ago, my husband worked as a builder. After another working day, she grabbed her back so that he could not straighten up. We went to the hospital, had a radiography of the spine, an MRI. We were diagnosed with a hernia. The only way out was an operation. But we could not make up our minds. Found a recipe for using turpentine ointment. And really helped. Used several times a day. I think that at first it is better to try proven inexpensive drugs.

Igor:I learned from acquaintances about the properties of turpentine ointment. It can be used for colds and rheumatism. My wife and I used Turpentine Ointment to treat our baby when he was ill with a cold. Then he was three years old. Rubbing the chest and feet, at night, put on socks. She was not allergic to it. I think that this drug is good for relieving inflammation.

Galina:I want to tell all mothers how I treat my children for colds. I buy every time the usual 20% turpentine ointment. It is cheap and always in the pharmacy can be found. Most of all in this preparation I like the thermal effect. Ointment does not irritate the skin, does not bake. Warming perfectly helps in the treatment, as it reaches deep tissues. I apply the drug with mild massage movements, until completely absorbed. I dress the jacket of natural fabric and put the child to sleep. The smell of turpentine ointment is pleasant. Night cough does not bother us. Simultaneously, the ointment can be applied to the feet and calf muscles. You also need to wear warm socks. I try to give children natural products, soar their legs and make herbal inhalations. Of course, all this can be done after two years. After all, small children can not do trituration at all. I can recommend such an ointment to all mothers.

Alla:For a long time I had a debilitating cough, because of which I woke up in the middle of the night. No drugs, pills, syrups helped. In the morning I got up broken and tired. A friend advised me to try rubbing myself with Turpentine ointment, to put on warm clothes, to wrap myself in a rug and go to bed. Feeling of perspiration in my throat immediately passed, it became warm and for the first time I slept without awakening for the first time. After a lapse of 3 days, the symptoms of coughing went completely. I'm very glad that I tried this drug. It should be said that I did not have skin irritations or other allergic reactions. Only a little flushed skin on the chest and back. This is a godsend for me. And now, it has also been used for children. As soon as they begin to fall ill, I rub their back and feet, and by morning they are all well. Has found in the instruction, that the ointment can be put and at other diseases. For example, we rub the joints of the grandmother, sometimes the lower back. We are very glad that there is such an effective and natural preparation.


Turpentine ointment: features and uses for children

Recently turpentine ointment has become a rather popular medicine, the application for children of which gives a very good result. This drug is completely natural, so it can be used to treat even young children. The main feature of turpentine ointment is that it gives a therapeutic effect for colds. Especially good turpentine ointment from cough. But before resorting to such treatment, caring parents should necessarily familiarize themselves with the features of the application and the main contraindications to this ointment.

Turpentine ointment for cold treatment

Composition of turpentine ointment

Turpentine ointment has in its composition a very strong components, the main one of which is turpentine made of turpentine. As a rule, they are often treated with rheumatism and other joint diseases. But also for the cold, it helps perfectly. Another very important property of turpentine ointment is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. This helps the body cope with the infection, removes pain in the chest and throat during coughing, and also prevents the development of complications.

To use this ointment for the treatment of children is still very convenient because it has a rather pleasant smell, it distracts the child from the very process of treatment, which often causes inconvenience to the baby. In addition, this agent has a strong warming effect, as it actively irritates the skin's receptors. This is achieved through the release of special substances from the ointment, which lead to a slight swelling and reddening of the skin, which gives a healing warming effect. And this is also very important for colds.

How to apply

Compress with turpentine ointmentIt is very important to know the main features of the application of turpentine ointment for the treatment of children.As a rule, in pharmacies this product is sold in separate tubes or small jars. The consistency is always the same. The drug is designed only for external use, rubbing it into the chest or back will give an expectorant effect when coughing.

For children turpentine ointment can be used in the form of compresses and rubbing both with joint diseases and with colds. Another tool is used to fight against lice and fleas. The peculiarities of treatment differ from one another in different cases.

So, if a child has aching muscles and joints, then an excellent effect will rub in the sore spots of turpentine ointment. Before use, wash the affected area with warm water and wipe dry. After this, apply ointment with gentle movements. It should be rubbed for 3-5 minutes, and then you need to take parchment and wrap the sore spot. On top of the parchment it is still good to impose a warm woolen shawl - this will provide the maximum warming effect. Such therapeutic rubbing should be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. The course of treatment depends on the well-being of the child, but must be coordinated with the treating pediatrician.

If a baby has lice, then you can also try to withdraw them with a turpentine ointment. To do this, you must first thoroughly wash your head with a mild shampoo and wipe with a towel. When the hair is slightly dry, but will remain slightly damp for the time being, start rubbing.

Ruby with turpentine ointmentOintment is intensively circular movements should be rubbed into the scalp and, if possible, distribute a small amount means for hair, then immediately wrap the head with two layers of polyethylene film, and then with a towel and leave it on 2 hours. At the end of this time, you should rinse everything thoroughly with warm water and shampoo. It is best to wash the hair several times so that the product does not remain in the hair. It remains only to comb the child.

But at such disposal of lice it is necessary to consider that if on a head at the child there are even small wounds or grazes, to use such agent it is not recommended. At least until these wounds heal. Otherwise, the skin will be strongly irritated.

A good effect gives ointment for coughing for children with bronchitis and other colds. But it is necessary to know the basic rules of rubbing the child with turpentine ointment, so as not to cause health even more harm. So, first the baby should be bathed and dried dry. Then you need to put the baby in bed on your back and start taking the treatment. First, rub the ointment intensively into the heels, while trying to massage them. This will act as a kind of mustard plaster. In this light massage will calm the child, he will relax and will not be capricious.

After rubbing the ointment into the heels, immediately wrap your feet with a warm blanket and start rubbing the medicine in the upper part of the body. You must first rub the ointment in the chest. In this case, you should avoid getting medication on the nipple and heart area. On the neck of getting this tool is also undesirable.

Temperature - a contraindication to the use of turpentine ointmentThen you can turn the baby on his tummy and begin rubbing the ointment in the upper back. This is especially effective if the child does not have a simple cough, but bronchitis of any degree of complexity. After grinding, the child should immediately wrap in a blanket, you can give a warm therapeutic tea with sea buckthorn or honey, so that the warming effect is strengthened, and the child quickly falls asleep.

But it should be understood that if rubbing with turpentine ointment is made for a very young child, then you need to mix it with a soft baby cream in the proportion:. This is necessary in order to prevent the appearance on a very delicate skin of a chemical burn from the medicine. And if the child has not yet turned, the year, turpentine ointment is prohibited.

If you treat the child with turpentine ointment correctly, the effect will be noticeable the next day. And after 2-3 days, coughing will disappear altogether. First, a strong expectoration of sputum begins, and then the child's health will fully normalize.

Contraindications to the use of ointment

You need to know the basic contraindications, which apply to both adults and children. In the treatment of children should be extremely careful not to harm an insufficiently strong body.

Consider the main contraindications for the use of turpentine ointment.

Asthma is a contraindication to the use of turpentine ointmentIn no case can it be used for warming triturates, this remedy, if a person has a fever. The thing is that this way it can go up even more. In this case, instead of relieving a person will begin to feel worse. This is due to a strong warming effect.

If the child has asthma, which manifests itself in recurrent attacks, then this medication for treatment is also not recommended. There is already a strong smell here. It though also pleasant, but for asthmatics can be pernicious. And all because of the high concentration in the medicine of essential oil.

It should also be understood that a doctor should prescribe a course of treatment with turpentine ointment for a child. But do not forget that it should not exceed two weeks, provided daily grinds.

If you start rubbing with turpentine ointment at the earliest stages of the disease, when the symptoms only started to manifest, then there is enough one procedure to make it go away.

Do not apply turpentine ointment for children, if there is any pathology of the kidney or liver. After all, the ingredients of this medicine have the property of being absorbed into the skin, and therefore, get into the body. And on these organs, if they are sick, the ointment does not affect very well.


Taboo on the use of ointment is also placed on children who have an individual intolerance to this remedy. It usually manifests itself in skin rashes, fainting, cramps, suffocation and pressure disorders. If you even have a minimal degree of these symptoms, you should immediately stop treating yourself with this remedy and find a replacement.

So, the peculiarities of turpentine ointment, as well as the rules for treating children with such a medicine, are fully considered. Do not forget that this medicine is intended for external use only.

In this case, hit, even accidental, on the mucous membranes can not in any case be tolerated. After all, in sensitive areas of the skin and mucous membranes, small burns can form, which then will still torment for some time.


And more: be sure to consult a doctor before you treat the child at home.


Turpentine ointment for children

turpentine ointment for children

Trying to help children recover, mothers are ready to use any means. The main thing is that these funds do not harm the child. This is where the various folk methods come to mind, which have recently been supported by doctors. Unfortunately, to foresee the result of such treatment is very difficult, because a variety of herbs, lotions, ointments in the laboratory were not tested. Yes, mothers know that it is better to use proven drugs, but when they turn out to be ineffective, and the child continues to ache, then they decide on a dangerous experiment. Another argument in favor of such funds are children of a neighbor or girlfriend who have got rid of the disease in this way.

When a small child coughs, suffers from a cold, fever, doctors recommend a turpentine ointment. If they do not prescribe this ointment, then grandmothers will necessarily advise her. Is not it harmful for turpentine ointment for children, especially those who are breast-feeding? Let's try to understand.

Alternative to medicinal products

The structure of turpentine ointment includes, of course, turpentine turpentine. This natural substance is used to rub the painful and affected skin areas with rheumatism, arthralgia, myositis, myalgia, lumbago, neuralgia and other ailments. In addition, turpentine ointment with bronchitis also demonstrates high efficiency. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Also rubbing with turpentine ointment of the breast and feet helps deepen the skin warmth.

If you decide to apply turpentine ointment for a cold, then rub her breasts and back to warm them well. Before applying turpentine ointment for children, perform a simple test. Apply the ointment on a small area of ​​the skin and follow its reaction. But even if no allergic reactions are observed, the first time you rub the child with turpentine ointment, you can only mix it with an equal part of the baby cream. If you are not sure that you know exactly how to use turpentine ointment, rub it only the feet of the baby, and then put on the legs woolen socks.

Another area of ​​application is parasites. So, turpentine ointment helps to get rid of lice in a few hours. But do not experiment on children, because not only the skin will feel the influence of the ointment, but also the airways.


It is not surprising that turpentine ointment has contraindications, which must be taken into account. First, individual sensitivity to turpentine. Secondly, the presence of kidney disease and any skin diseases. In general, the ointment is considered quite harmless.

With caution apply turpentine ointment to children under one year with colds.

turpentine ointment for childrenThe annotation states that it can not be used by children until two or three years, but since studies have not been carried out, it can not be precisely stated.

Whatever it was, turpentine ointment for babies is a danger, so it is better to find an alternative: a pack of boiled potatoes, grinding butter, plenty of drink. The benefits that a turpentine ointment can bring can be insignificant if you compare it with the risk to the health of the child.

And further. Applying turpentine ointment when coughing children, to be sure of its naturalness is difficult, since there are pharmaceutical companies that manufacture this product on the basis of chemical (non-natural) components. And this fact negates all the efforts of mothers who do not want to use ordinary medicines in the treatment of their own children.


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