If the recipe contains 300 grams of flour, how many glasses it will be

Flour is wheat, rye, corn, oats, linen. Flour is a product obtained as a result of the grinding of grains. It has a lot of useful properties, it gives a charge of energy for the life of the organism, it is possible to prepare a lot of delicious dishes from flour.

Bread, cakes, buns, cakes are baked from flour. It is also the basis of pasta, dumplings and dumplings. Flour is often used for cooking omelettes, dressings for soups, sauces. Pancakes and fritters without flour can not be baked. She panie cutlets and fish, it is added when cooking gravy to meat.

Flour in cooking should be dosed in order not to spoil the dishes. You probably noticed that in the recipes there are such indications: to prepare a dish you need to take 100, 200, 300 grams of flour.

And here, how many glasses or cups can it be, how correctly to pour off, having measured off, the necessary quantity of a flour if the measuring kitchen adaptations are not present near at hand?


How much flour is placed in the glass?

In almost all recipes, the authors give the necessary amount of flour in the glasses. When the housewife prepares for the first time, is not experienced enough, she often thinks about how many grams of flour in the glass can be.

The usual volumes of cups and glasses that occur in the kitchen are 300 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml. A measuring glass with divisions for various bulk products is far from every landlady has a home.

The amount of flour in a glass depends on its volume:

  1. in 200 milliliters of is a faceted glass( Soviet times), 130 grams of flour are placed.
  2. in 250 milliliters - a thin-walled glass - a tea glass, you can pour 160 grams of the product.
  3. in 300 - a cup of or a non-standard glass( glass), respectively, 195-200 grams.

Flour should be poured into the glass along the edges so that it does not spill out( do not ram it).

How to measure the amount of flour with a glass?

It also happens that the recipes for the preparation of meals indicate the products in weight measures. Kitchen scales under the hands of not all the housewives have, and prepare a delicious dish you need exactly according to the prescription.

Measure the flour( and other loose products) with a glass or a cup. And then how to learn 200 or 300 grams of flour - how many glasses will it be? Of course, it all depends on the volume of the glass or cup.

For a capacity of 200 ml, the flour will be:

  1. 130 grams of flour - 1 glass,
  2. 200 grams - 1 glass + 1/2 cup,
  3. 300 grams - 2 cups + 1 cup glass,
  4. 400 grams 3glass.

For a glass of 250 milliliters, will be:

  1. 160 grams of flour - 1 glass,
  2. 200 grams - 1 glass + 1/4 cup,
  3. 300 grams - 1 cup + 3/4 cup + 1/8 cup,
  4. 400 grams -2.5 cups.

Table: Compliance of glasses and grams of the product

Often, using recipes, you need to invent, not only how to measure 300 grams of flour( how many glasses), but also how to measure the right amount of other products.

See table of conformity for weight and glasses:

Glass or cup for 200 ml,( pcs.) Flour, fine powder( grams) Groats( buckwheat, rice) in grams Large powder( sugar) in grams Liquid( milk) in ml. Dense liquid in grams
1 130 150 190 240 200
3/4 97,5 113 143 180 150
2/3 87 100 125 160 133
1/2 65 75 95 120 100
1/3 43 50 63 80 67
1/4 32,5 38 48 60 50
1/8 16,4 19 24 30 25

By using the above information, You can properly fill the right amount of ingredients for cooking.

Take an example, you need to determine 300 gr.milk, 300 grams of sugar, 300 grams of flour - how many glasses this will tell you the table of matching glasses and grams.

Questions and Answers

What is in the flour?

Flour as a useful food, contains vitamins important for the body, minerals and trace elements. In her hundred grams contains:

  1. carbohydrates - 74.9 grams;
  2. proteins - 9.2 grams;
  3. fat - 1.2 grams.

As you understand, this product is very high in calories. After all, the energy value of a hundred gram of wheat flour is 342 kilocalories.

Culinary products from cereal products are tasty and many are loved. It's hard to stay away from delicious homemade pasta and fragrant hot pastries. Therefore, in cooking with the use of flour should be very carefully measure the amount of the required product.

Do not exceed the dose of high-calorie meals. What's delicious is not always good for weight and waist. Purchase a measuring container and a kitchen scale. Or have always at hand a table of matching grams and glasses and a regular standard glass. And then you can always measure 300 grams of flour, knowing how many glasses this will be.

How to measure flour with improvised means?

On the video channel "TSV".Often, to prepare pies, cakes and cookies, you must observe strict proportions. It is only a little pour or nedosypat flour - and the result is far from the expected result. However, even if you do not have kitchen scales, you can measure flour with improvised tools.

How many grams of flour are in the glass?

On the video channel "Proportions of Taste".How many grams of flour are in the glass?200?Sure? We conduct the experiment using kitchen scales.

Source: in-depth article of the site https: //www.syl.ru/article/314878/ v-retsepte-gramm-muki-skolko-eto-stakanov

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