Peripheral vision: features, disorders and training

Peripheral means a special category of vision, for which a certain part of the retina corresponds.It allows a person to normally see objects, people in the dark and recognize objects located on each side of the direct view area. If the lateral view is normal, then the person sees well, but various violations of this function are possible.More information on the severity of peripheral vision, the possible diseases that cause it to decline, ways to develop a lateral review and prevent abnormalities read in this review.


  • 1Definition of peripheral vision
  • 2Diseases and diseases
  • 3Diagnostics
  • 4Side-view training
  • 5Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Definition of peripheral vision

The peripheral review resolution is low, it catches only black and white tones. Moreover, in women peripheral vision is much better developed than in men.

Peripheral vision is a lateral perception that is made possible by the operation of certain areas of the retina. It helps to coordinate normally in space and see, including in the dark. Peripheral vision is also called a lateral view, since it is responsible for the perception of objects located on either side of the field of direct view.

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Consider all the features of peripheral vision:

  1. Its sharpness is much lower than the sharpness of the central vision.
  2. The quality of lateral vision in adulthood is often different from the quality of vision given from birth.
  3. Peripheral vision can be trained.
  4. The lateral review is especially important for representatives of certain professions.

In addition, the presence of problems with peripheral vision is characteristic of a number of pathologies, so you need to take timely medical examinations and diagnose the existing diseases.The earlier the pathology is detected, the higher the chances of its successful treatment.

If the normal peripheral view is disturbed, even if the central vision is normal, the patient can not move without problems in space.

In a number of scientific studies it was proved that women have better developed lateral vision, and men central.Scientists associate this feature with the occupation of ancient people - before men hunted and had to be able to clearly concentrate on a specific goal, and the ladies followed caves and other dwellings, where snakes, insects, animals freely penetrated, and instant response to any changes was the price of their lives tribe.That is, in the case of peripheral vision, the effect of genetic memory has worked.

Diseases and diseases

The main task of the peripheral survey is normal orientation in space.With retinal injuries, brain diseases, the impact of other factors, the peripheral review is severely affected. Only one eye or both can be affected.

Peripheral review can be disturbed on one eye or on two.

Most often, problems with lateral vision arise against a background of various ophthalmic diseases. Among them:

  1. Glaucoma,accompanied by increased intraocular pressure and causing damage to the optic nerves. At first, minor fallouts are observed at the periphery, then (in the absence of treatment) the field of vision narrows, irrevocably. At advanced stages, lateral vision is completely atrophied.

  1. Mechanical damage to the retina- arise as a result of sudden changes in pressure, stress, heavy loads, certain diseases, head injuries. Defects in the retina lead to damage to the optic nerve, and the latter already has a corresponding effect on the viewing angle.

  1. Disturbance of blood circulationin the optic nerves or the brain.
  2. Education is of a good and malignant nature.
  3. Craniocerebral injury.
  4. Degenerative processes in the retina.

Often, peripheral vision suffers after a stroke. Most often this problem occurs in people aged 60 years and older.


To determine changes in peripheral vision, special optical devices are used, and the procedure itself is called perimetry. There is a usual and computer perimetry. A person is offered to sit on a chair about a meter away from the doctor. Alternately, the ophthalmologist asks the patient to close their eyes and look at the object being moved in front of him.Also, a doctor can use a perimeter - a device with a small pendulum centered.The lateral view in this case is diagnosed by pendulums (they glow) located in different parts of the field of view. After processing the results of computer testing, taking into account the number of points and their brightness, the doctor makes a diagnosis and gives recommendations for working with the violations.


Side-view training

Peripheral (lateral) vision can be developed by performing special exercises.

Side-view training is useful for the brain and allows you to maintain its function for a long time.Especially they are shown to motorists, professional athletes, the military, teachers, educators, policemen, people who train speed reading skills. Exercises are simple and do not require much time for execution, but they need to be done regularly:

  1. Fix your eyes on any object that is in front of you.Now consider the objects located on each side of you, without moving the pupils.
  2. Select on the wall an object that you will look at - but you need it to be located 3 m from your eyes.Then pick up two pencils, pull them out in front of you and slowly start to spread them on the sides. Spreading the markers, keep looking carefully at the object in front of you.
  3. Take images with large characters - numbers or letters, it does not matter.Sit on a chair and place them in front of you. Pictures should be in the zone of peripheral vision - so that you can distinguish what is on them. Gradually, bend them to the sides more, increasing the viewing angle.
  4. Stand near the window, look at any object behind it.Now, without moving the pupils, start calling those objects that are near the indicated point.
  5. Open a book or newspaper, select a word and focus on it, and then try to read the words next to it.

Also, walking on the street, pay attention to the defects of the ground, directing your eyes forward. Performing such exercises is not at all difficult, but they are great for the eyesight.


The main measures to prevent problems with side vision:

  1. Regular examinations at the ophthalmologist and timely treatment of chronic diseases.
  2. Taking measures in the diagnosis of glaucoma, dystrophy, retinal detachment.
  3. Prevent head and eye injuries.
  4. A healthy lifestyle (especially in those over 60 years of age).
  5. Special gymnastics

Eyes, like any organ of the human body, require constant attention and careful care. Keep track of their condition, avoid injury, infection, timely treatment of existing diseases - and many problems will be avoided.



Peripheral vision is responsible for the normal visibility of objects located on the sides.If it is violated, the quality of life suffers greatly, up to the point that a person can not move normally in space. The main causes of the development of pathology are concomitant diseases, trauma, stroke, age over 60 years.Side-view can and should be trained - regular simple exercises are with fixation of a sight on the chosen object before itself and recognition of the subjects located on periphery.

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