Inflammation and redness of the eyes and eyelids: causes and treatment, eye drops, than to rinse and treat

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  1. The abscess of the eyelid is their inflammation caused by the penetration of bacteria into their tissues. Abscess is a very dangerous process, accompanied by accumulation of pus, swelling, fever, inflammation and redness of the eye.
  2. Blepharitis is characterized by inflammation of the eyelids, is bacterial in nature, sometimes can be caused by fungi, mites, allergens and other inflammatory diseases of the eyes. Pathology is accompanied by the appearance of crusts on the edges of the eyelids, rapid fatigue of the organ of vision, uneven growth of the eyelashes, their loss and pronounced itching. The disease is common, with it at least once in a lifetime there are 30% of the entire human population, develops bilateral, often recurs.
  3. Dacryoadenitis is a disease that is caused by multiple endogenous infections, for example, gonorrhea, mumps, scarlet fever, pneumonia, etc. It is characterized by swelling and redness of the eyelids against a background of headache, weakness and fever.
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  5. Dacryocystitis is an inflammation localized in a lacrimal sac, characterized by persistent lacrimation, swelling, tenderness, redness and narrowing of the ocular gap.
  6. Impetigo is a skin disease caused by bacteria in the coccus group and sometimes affects the conjunctiva.
  7. Iritas, endophthalmitis, uivitis, iridocyclitis, choroiditis - these inflammations affect the choroid of the eye. If the irites and iridocyclitis affect the anterior section of the choroid, then the choroiditis causes inflammation of its posterior part.
  8. Canalikulit - inflammation of the eyelids, lacrimal sac and conjunctiva as a result of the penetration of bacteria, viruses, fungi. Symptoms: puffiness, increased lacrimal points, separated by a different nature, depending on the type of pathogen.
  9. Keratitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the cornea of ​​the visual apparatus. This is a serious disease caused by ingestion of viruses, bacteria or fungi into the eye. In addition to the standard set of symptoms in the form of inflammation of the eye, its redness and visual impairment, keratitis is often characterized by opacity of the cornea and an increase in its sensitivity. Keratitis is dangerous for its complications.
  10. Contagious mollusc , caused by the corresponding virus and affecting the skin of the eyelids, as well as conjunctiva, stimulating inflammation of the eyes.
  11. Conjunctivitis is the most common cause of inflammation. It has a different origin, the disease can be caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses and allergens. In each case, the symptomatology and degree of inflammation will differ. All conjunctivitis, except allergic, are contagious and require treatment to the ophthalmologist and the appointment of appropriate treatment.
  12. Meibomite is an ophthalmic disease that leads to the development of inflammation. Characterized by the appearance of internal barley, located in the cartilaginous plates of the inner and outer eyelids, is caused by pathogenic flora.
  13. Roger is a disease that affects the mucous membranes, including the eye, caused by the development of group A streptococcus.
  14. Tenonitis is an eye disease that occurs acutely, most often affecting one eye.
  15. Thrombophlebitis of the eye socket is an acute process of inflammation localized in the veins of the orbit and often occurs after the transferred infectious diseases.
  16. Phlegmon is a process of inflammation and suppuration of the ophthalmic cellulite, characterized by rapid development, acute course, fever, headache and other symptoms.
  17. Furuncle is a swollen purulent nodule with a core inside, most often localized in the eyelid region. Causes inflammation of the eye, often accompanied by an increase in body temperature and headaches.
  18. Exophthalmos is the eyeball's eye. With a severe form of the disease, edema of the conjunctiva, redness of the eyelids, displacement of the apples themselves are observed.
  19. Corneal ulcer is a destructive process that causes inflammation of the eyeball, accompanied by pain, decreased vision, and corneal opacity. Ulcer can be both infectious and non-infectious.
  20. Barley is a common cause of inflammation of the eyelids and the appearance of redness in the eyes. It appears against the background of the fact that either the hair follicle or the fat gland of the eyelash is infected. Barley is always accompanied by the appearance of abscess.

The inflammatory process in the eyes, in their mucous membrane and the eyelid surface is a natural protective-adaptive reaction of the organism to the invasion of a pathogenic foreign stimulus. Although our eyes can blush and tear not only in connection with external causes, but also internal, for example, with the flu, ARI and other disease states.

Inflammation and reddening of the eye, upper and lower eyelids occur at any age - in children and adults, and regardless of sex - in men and women. Inflammatory process can be localized both in the eye itself and in the peri-ocular area. The degree of manifestation of inflammation depends on the cause of its causing. The reaction of the eye to the stimulus is not limited to redness alone, pain, swelling, lacrimation, or visual impairment can still be observed.

Today we will look at the causes and treatment of inflamed and red eyes, ranging from simple inconveniences, ending with serious and formidable conditions requiring immediate reference to an ophthalmologist, or ophthalmologist.

In general, the treatment of the eye as their own - adults, and the eyes of the child entrust to the doctor-oculist, believe me, he knows exactly what to do. This article is of a reference nature and does not imply a substitute for traditional treatment in a medical institution.


Why eyes become inflamed and blush: causes of eye inflammation

Reasons, causing the inflammatory process can be divided into four main groups: infection, trauma, allergic reactions, exposure to corrosive substances.

If we consider diseases that cause inflammation of the eye, we can distinguish among them the following:

All the data of the disease lead to inflammation of the eye to a greater or lesser degree, localized in different parts of the organ of vision and is caused by various pathogens.

Inflammation of the upper and lower eyelid: causes, symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the upper and lower eyelids is caused by various pathological agents and includes a large group of eye diseases.

Among them can be identified such as:

  1. Abscess.
  2. Blepharitis. Demonecosis.
  3. Impetigo.
  4. Molluscum contagiosum.
  5. Meybomeit.
  6. The erysipelas.
  7. Phlegmon.
  8. Furuncle.
  9. Barley.

In order to prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused the inflammation of the eyelids. Do it in the state of only an ophthalmologist.

Common symptoms typical for inflammation of the lower and upper eyelids: puffiness, hyperemia, discharge, photophobia, itching, burning, narrowing of the eye gap, lacrimation.

Depending on the type of pathogen and the nature of the disease, symptoms such as headache, skin rashes, fever, nasal discharge, etc. can be added.

Since the symptoms of many diseases are milestones are quite similar, sometimes one doctor's examination is not enough, sometimes it may be necessarytaking a scraping, examining the secretions, a blood test. Only after this treatment is prescribed.

If the cause of inflammation is allergy, then the patient is prescribed antihistamines, and if possible, it is necessary to minimize contact with the allergen. It can be dust, cosmetics, medicines and other chemicals.

In other cases, drops are prescribed to fight against viruses, fungi or bacteria that lead to inflammation. The basis for the treatment of any illness of the century is compliance with his hygiene. To do this, the end of the century is important to regularly wipe with antiseptic solutions or rinse with boiled water. This procedure will help to relieve inflammation, reduce puffiness, purify from purulent and other discharge.

In order to reduce the traumatic effect on the eyelids, during the treatment it is important to avoid wearing contact lenses and using eye cosmetics.

If treatment was started on time and carried out by all rules, then after two weeks the inflammation of the eyelids often passes. Otherwise, this condition is threatened with serious complications, which can not always be completely eliminated.

Inflammation of the cornea: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye is keratitis .The disease affects the anterior part of the organ of vision and greatly influences its acuity. There are several reasons for the appearance of keratitis, it is not only infection with fungi, viruses and bacteria, but also mechanical trauma, as well as thermal and chemical burns.

  1. Fungal keratitis. Bacteria most often fall on the cornea of ​​the eye as a result of eye injuries, for example, when the lenses are not properly worn and operated. Fungi - parasites become the cause of fungal inflammation of the cornea. It is this kind of keratitis that is considered to be the most dangerous, since it greatly influences visual acuity. In some cases, fungal keratitis can cause the formation of a thorn.
  2. Viral keratitis in most cases causes the herpes virus. This kind of keratitis is dangerous by diminishing vision with long neglect of the disease.
  3. Herpetic keratitis occurs, both superficial and deep. If with a superficial form of the disease a person does not experience special problems in terms of treatment and recovery, then deep keratitis can provoke the development of an ulcer or a thorn. This is due to the fact that it captures deep layers of the cornea of ​​the eye.
  4. Ochnocercosis keratitis. The result of a strong allergic reaction can be ochnocerciasis keratitis, which is dangerous because it can lead to a complete loss of vision.

Unlike conjunctivitis, any keratitis leaves traces on the cornea. If the surface form of the disease, they are almost invisible, then deep scars form, leading to a different degree of vision loss.

Treatment of inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye

As for the treatment of keratitis, it is completely dependent on the cause of its causing. Antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal drugs supplemented with a diet may be prescribed.

Treatment should never be completed after the first signs of the disease have disappeared. This is a long and planned process that takes months. Only in this way will it be possible to avoid the formation of scars and scars on the cornea, which lead to poor eyesight. The decision to complete therapy can only be taken by an ophthalmologist. Creeping corneal ulcer .Separately it is necessary to allocate such disease, as a creeping ulcer of a cornea. This is a severe corneal sheath disease caused by pneumococci, streptococci and other pathogens. The disease develops sharply, the person suffers from severe photophobia, severe lachrymation, in the place where the infection gets, an infiltrate appears which, after its breakdown, forms an ulcer. Treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision with the definition of an agent that caused a pathological process in a hospital.

Inflammation of the mucosa: causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the eye mucosa is the most common ophthalmic problem. Doctors with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ of vision diagnose - conjunctivitis.

The causes of for the development of the disease can be very diverse: it is a violation of metabolism, and penetration into the conjunctiva of allergens, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and malnutrition, and eye injuries, and inflammatory diseases of nearby organs, and vitamin deficiencies.

The disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Acute disease is caused by pathological agents - viruses, bacteria, fungi. Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane develops against the background of a decrease in the body's immune forces, or with improper treatment of acute infection.

What is characteristic of conjunctivitis of any origin is the similarity of symptoms to .A person feels itching, burning, tingling and aching in the eyes, there is photophobia, tearing increases. All these signs are worse in the evening. Distinctions will be the discharge from the eyes, they can be catarrhal or purulent, depending on the type of pathogen. Some conjunctivitis are characterized by the appearance of grayish films that are easily removed.

Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye depends on the cause of its occurrence.

First of all it is necessary to eliminate the factor provoking the development of the disease. In all cases, long-term local antiseptic treatment is prescribed, if necessary, use antibacterial drops, hormonal eye aids, specialized ointments.

Treatment of inflammation of the eye mucosa is a process that is stretched in time and its lightest forms after only two weeks.

Inflammation of the eyes in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the eyes in children have some characteristics. Infants most often suffer from dacryocystitis. This pathology is characterized by complete obstruction of the lacrimal canal, or its significant narrowing.

There may be several reasons for the - the presence of an overlapping membrane that does not completely dissipate by the time the baby appears on the light or a stale gelatinous plug.

Symptoms of , characteristic of dacryocystitis, are increased tear marks, it is observed when the child is at rest. Then the eye begins to blush, and the process is usually one-sided. Stagnation of tears provokes the development of the infectious process and after an average of 10 days, the baby has purulent discharge from the eyes that appear when pressing on the tear sack.

Most often, this pathology occurs in children by the half-year and does not require surgical intervention. The doctor recommends massage by special technology, washing the eyes with antiseptic solutions. If these measures do not help, the child is prescribed special drops with antibacterial effect.

Older children often suffer from conjunctivitis, contracting from other people. Particularly susceptible to this disease are babies beginning to attend kindergarten.

Often, the eyes of small patients are exposed to various inflammatory processes as a result of getting on them external stimuli. It can be bath, pool, light, dust inflammation.

Treatment of is based on finding out the cause of inflammation and eliminating the irritating factor. In no case should you wash your eyes with saliva or breast milk, because in this way you can bring the infection and aggravate the pathological process. Also, babies up to a year are contraindicated antibiotic ointments based on antibiotics. It is better to use antiseptic solutions in a certain concentration. In any case, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment is fraught with the fact that it is possible to spoil the sight of a child because of the immaturity of his visual apparatus. In addition to pharmacy products, after consulting with the doctor, you can use for washing eyes with herbs, for example, chamomile. It is always important to treat both eyes, regardless of whether one or two of the eyes have been affected by the infection.

In case of eye burn, it is important to deliver the baby as soon as possible to the ophthalmologic department. Before that, you can drip adrenaline, apply a cotton pad and cover your eyes with a dark bandage.

Such a disease as congenital glaucoma can be detected immediately after the birth of the child, or during the first year of life, which is due to increased intracranial pressure.

Tumors of the eye in children are found, but it is rare, however, and in childhood they can be both benign and malignant.

Eye injuries most often children get in school age and can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to explain to children how to keep their eyesight and make rules for safe behavior.

Inflammation of the eyes, redness of the eyelids: treatment of

How to treat red and inflamed eyelids and eyes?

How to rinse the eyes of .To wash the eyes, a wad of cotton wool moistened with freshly boiled and chilled infusion. Spread the eyelids with the index and thumbs of the left hand - and rinse the eye, squeezing a lump of moistened cotton wool over it.

How to make lotions .The lotions are made as follows: a pure cotton wool soaked with a solution of the medicine is applied to the closed eyelids, changing every 10-15 minutes. The total time of the procedure is 30-60 minutes.

How to Bury in the Eyes and Conjunctival Bag .Instillation: thoroughly wash your hands, take the pipette with two fingers of your right hand, take the medication, and pull the lower eyelid with the index finger of your left hand. Look at this upward. Do not touch eyelashes and eyelids, drip 1-2 drops of medicine on the mucous membrane of the drawn age. To prevent the drops from dripping onto the cheek, put a wad of cotton wool under your finger.(Do not pour the remnants of the medicine into the medicine bottle.) Immediately after dropping the drops into the eye, the inner edge of the lower eyelid near the nose is pressed with your finger( here are the tear ducts) and keep it in this position for about a minute so that the medicine does notleft my eye through the tearful ways into the nose and nose.

Than to treat inflammations and redness of eyes, eyelids?

Inflammation of the eye is treated depending on which area was affected, and what caused the onset of the pathological process.

Therefore, it is possible to consider the basic principles of treatment from the area of ​​eye inflammation.

Inflammation of the eyelid

Therapy aimed at eliminating the inflammation of the eyelids depends on the pathological factor that caused it.

Processes such as abscess, barley, furuncle, phlegmon require oral antibiotic use. It can ampicillin, oxacillin and other means. Also, sulfamilanide preparations, biseptol or bactrim, are prescribed.

Locally inflamed area is treated with various antiseptic solutions. Sometimes it is required to open the abscesses surgically.

The pronounced effect comes from the application of ophthalmic ointments having an antibacterial effect. For the treatment of blepharitis, local treatment with mercury ointment, followed by tetracycline, furacilin, gentamycin and others. Showing drops of sodium sulfacil, "Софрадеквс и другие.

For the treatment of molluscum contagiosum , scraping of the nodule and then greening should be performed. Impetigo is also treated topically, after surface treatment with salicylic alcohol, it must be greased with greenery or iodine. Burying of sodium sulfacyl and application of ointments - erythromycin or tetracyclic - is shown.

Eye cornea

Treatment of the cornea depends on the pathogen that led to inflammation. To do this, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal drugs are used in combination with eye treatment with solutions of antiseptics, penicillin, furacillin, sodium sulfacyl, etc. After the organ of vision is cleaned and disinfected, ointment - gentamicin, erythromycin and others - is inside the eyelid. If local therapy is not effective enough and keratitis does not go away, then intravenous or intramuscular antibiotics are indicated. As for herpetic keratitis and creeping ulcer of the cornea, these conditions need treatment in a hospital.

Conjunctival sheath and bag

Treatment of conjunctivitis, as well as of other eye diseases, depends on what caused it. Antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral agents are also prescribed. If conjunctivitis passes into a chronic form, then prolonged treatment with local drugs - antiseptic solutions and antibacterial agents. In some cases, the use of hormonal drugs, such as prednisol, or hydrocorizonone, is recommended. When complicating the disease with blepharitis, it is necessary to apply ointments with antibacterial effect, for example, gentamicon, tetracycline and others.

Most inflammatory eye diseases can be successfully prevented by following simple recommendations. Sometimes it is enough to stop rubbing the eyes with a handkerchief and rub your eyes regularly.

If a person is inclined to frequent irritations of the conjunctiva and allergic reactions, it is necessary to wash eyes as often as possible with ordinary boiled water, saline solution or chamomile broth.

Do not forget about glasses with dark glasses that can protect the eyes from burns.

Do not use eye drops on your own to prevent disease. Such self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of loss of vision and the occurrence of side effects.

It is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist once a year for preventive examination of the eye.

In case of inflammation, than to wash the eyes?

For washing eyes, both folk and pharmaceutical products are used, which have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect.

One of the most effective solutions for eye washing is solution of furacilin .It can be prepared independently, enough to dilute 2 tablets 200 ml of boiled water and allow them to completely dissolve.

With this solution you can cope with conjunctivitis, scleritis, dacrosysthitis, blepharitis in complex therapy. The agent is shown even if any foreign body enters the eye, as well as with mechanical damage to its mucous membrane.

It is often recommended to use infusion of chamomile for eye rinsing .It can also be used as a lotion, since it has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps quickly and safely remove small foreign objects from the eyes.

No less effective means for eye washing is strongly brewed tea .It helps to relieve inflammation and has an antiseptic effect.

When starting eye rinsing, it is important to remember the following two rules: one eye uses one tampon, the other one uses another one. In this case, each of them must be sterile. The direction of movement - from the temple to the bridge of the nose, this will avoid the spread of infection on the inner layers of the eye, in particular - on the cornea.

Eye drops from inflammation

Eye drops are applied by instillation into the conjunctival sac. They affect the mucosa of the eye, the cornea and the surrounding tissues. They differ in composition and effect, so their use is possible only after consulting a doctor. To eliminate infectious inflammation, most commonly prescribed drugs such as sodium sulfacil, levomethicin, sulfapiridazine. The period of their use and dosage is determined by an ophthalmologist.

To eliminate corneal inflammation of the eye, sulfasil sodium , dexamethasone , norsulfazole is used.

Children of can not always use drops prescribed to adults. Therefore, to combat inflammation of the eyes, the child uses such tools as Atropine, Florax, Levomycitin, Albucid, Shintomycin, Torbeks .

In order for to remove the reddening of from the eyes and moisturize the mucous, the following drops are used: Vizin, Ophtholix, Oxicol, Inox and others.

If eye inflammation is caused by by the allergy, in order to reduce the effect of the allergen use special antihistamine drops, it can be Okumentin, Vizin, Naphthysin, Dexamethasone .It is important to note that the latter preparation in addition to eliminating the symptoms of allergies can relieve the organ of vision from non-purulent inflammation that has developed as a result of injury, or other mechanical irritation. Often, Dexamethasone is prescribed to people who underwent surgery before their eyes. However, it should be used with caution in women bearing a child, since the composition of the drug includes hormones.

For very young children, at the age of 1 month, you can use tools such as: Kromoglin and Hi-krom .Older children, who reached the age of 4, are prescribed Opantol, Allergodil, Lecrolin and others.

Visomax, Ophthalmologist, Zorro and others are used as prophylactic agents, improving eyesight and moisturizing eye mucosa. They nourish the cornea, relieve irritation and tension.

By its action, eye drops can be divided into several large groups:

  1. Antibiotics - aminoglycosides, cephalosparins, glycopeptides. Anibacterial synthetic drops - fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides.
  2. Antiseptic drops.
  3. Antiviral drugs.
  4. Antifungal Drops.
  5. Aniparasitic drops.

Combined drops combining antiviral and immunomodulating effect can be attributed to Ophthalmoferon .Also the antiviral effect is possessed by the drops Aktipol, Oftan-Idu .

Treatment of inflammation of the eyes with folk remedies

To eliminate inflammation of the eyes, you can use folk remedies. These include, in the first place, chamomile pharmacy .Her infusion is washed with eyes. With the same purpose it is possible to use strong brewing from black tea without flavoring additives. To do this, it is moistened with cotton wool discs and applied to the organs of vision.

As a compress, you can use the decoction yarrow, tea rose, bay leaf . leaves are popular with aloe. To do this, they should be chopped, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew, then with this remedy you can wash your eyes to relieve the inflammation.

Folk remedies can be used as ancillary methods to fight the disease. However, they can not replace a full-fledged therapeutic course appointed by a doctor.

What to do if the eyes fester, there is fatigue and redness of the eyelids

Treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley. It is used for red eyes, itching and purulent discharge.

Than to drip and rinse the eyes :

  1. With red eyes moisten cotton cloth in fresh dill juice, squeeze out slightly, folded several times. Apply to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Inflammation of the eye mucosa is helped by lotions of infusions of cornflower blue flowers. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of flowers 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours and drain. With a curative purpose, fully-blossoming cornflowers without baskets are used.
  3. In case of eye inflammation( blepharitis, conjunctivitis) make lotions from the infusions of cherry flowers: 1 teaspoon of flowers pour 1 cup of cold boiled water and insist for 8 hours.
  4. Pour 10 g of pounded plantain seeds with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Use for lotions and eye wash.
  5. It is useful to wash the sick eyes with filtered decoction of herb linseed, or picking of herb linseed, cornflower flowers and elderberry flowers. Take 20 g of each herb, mix, pour the collection 2 cups of boiling water, insist 8 hours and strain. You can use such a decoction in the form of lotions. It reduces inflammation, eliminates pus and improves vision.
  6. Take one tablespoon of chamomile, pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 2 hours wrapped, drain, cool. To wash eyes, well will remove an inflammation, will eliminate purulent discharges.

With fatigue and redness of the eyelid :

  1. Take 3 tablespoons of cornflower flowers, pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. Use for eye baths also with reddened eyelids, barley and tired eyes that have lost their luster.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of cornflowers 1 cup of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, drain. Tampons, moistened with warm infusion, put on eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Common restorative products :

  1. Prepare a mixture of juices from carrots , celery , parsley and salad endive in a ratio of 4: 1: 1: 1.Drink 0.5 cup 3 times daily before meals. A common restorative.
  2. Prepare a mixture of juices from carrots and parsley in a 3: 1 ratio. Drink 0,7 cup 3 times daily before meals. Increases immune defense.
  3. Mix in equal parts the blueberry grass and hop cones .Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture 1 cup of boiling water and insist, wrapped, 1 hour. Drink 3 sips 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. Gives a safety margin to immunity.

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Moscow Eye Clinic.

The reasons why the eyeballs blush, how to diagnose and treat them, says the doctor the ophthalmologist of the Moscow Eye Clinic. The phone number of the Moscow Clinical Hospital in Moscow for information and appointment: 8( 499) 322-36-36( daily from 9:00 to 21:00)

Article source:

  1. Author - Degtyarova Marina Vitalevna, ophthalmologist, site http: // lechenie_glaza_vospalenie.php
  2. Herbalist: golden recipes of folk medicine / Comp. A. Markov.- M.: Eksmo;The Forum, 2007. - 928 p.