All symptoms and signs of a micro stroke and women

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From this article you will learn: the most typical signs of a micro-stroke in women and its first manifestations. Symptoms that do not necessarily indicate a stroke, but should alert a woman, giving rise to a more attentive attitude to their health, or serve as a signal for a detailed examination.

Contents of the article:

  • The main and characteristic symptoms of micro-stroke in women
  • Other symptoms
  • How to identify the first signs?
  • "Masks" of micro stroke
  • Further development of symptoms of

It is believed that a microstroke is less dangerous than an extensive stroke. This is true, but even with small brain lesions, serious health effects can occur. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the first symptoms of a micro stroke in time and start treatment.

The signs of a micro-stroke in women do not have any specific characteristics compared to a micro-stroke in men. A timely diagnosis is often associated with certain difficulties: minimal circulatory disturbances are transient( quickly appear and pass), often do not have specific features specifically for stroke, so the disease can be missed - a person who has suffered a microstroke often does not know about it. But even such unobtrusive, self-vanishing violations do not really pass for the body without a trace, and are capable of causing complications and repeated, more severe episodes.

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The neurologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

The main and characteristic symptoms of micro stroke

As micro stroke causes insufficient blood supply to the brain area, characteristic signs of the lesion of this area appear - the so-called focal neurological symptomatology. Symptoms are quite specific, their presence and severity depend on the localization of the pathological process.

If blood supply to certain areas of the brain is impaired, the patients have the corresponding neurological symptoms

We will analyze the focal symptoms depending on the place of circulatory disturbance in the cerebral cortex.

Symptoms of circulatory disorders in the frontal lobe of the brain

  • Uncertain gait, "wobbly" when walking.
  • Lethargy, uncertainty of movements, lack of clear control over movements and reduction of muscle strength.
  • Motor aphasia - difficulty speaking, in which a woman suffering from a micro stroke suddenly has difficulty with the selection of verbal definitions to describe the events( including her own well-being), or misuse of cases, declensions, etc.
  • Short-term convulsive twitchings and musclespasms in the fingers or toes.
  • Behavior changes - inappropriate gaiety, joking, or, on the contrary, fits of rage, apathy is possible.
  • Disturbance of smell( usually a loss of sensitivity to odors is noted on one side of the nose).

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  • Decrease or loss of tactile sensitivity - it is diagnosed by the inability to detect with the eyes closed the characteristics of the touch object( smooth-rough, hard-soft, cold-hot, etc.).
  • Difficulty trying to read, write and( or) read.

Temporal fraction of

  • Deafness provided ear health.
  • "Dips" in memory and other memory impairments, for example, frequent "deja vu" sensations.
  • Noise in the ears.

Occipital lobe

  • Visual impairment - from narrowing the field of view to its complete loss.
  • Visual impairment is the inability of visual recognition of objects and living people( a person sees the object, but can not understand what it is, does not recognize acquaintances in person - but can remember them by voice or name).

Typical symptoms of micro-stroke are very bright, visible to others, and it is impossible to miss their appearance. But women themselves in case of cerebral blood flow disorders sometimes can not adequately assess their condition and refuse to recognize themselves as sick. In such cases, relatives need to convince a woman of the need for examination and immediately contact a specialist - a neurologist or a therapist.

Other symptoms of microstroke

Among the other symptoms typical for cerebral circulation, the microstroke may include:

  1. sudden severe headache, sometimes accompanied by nausea or vomiting;
  2. short-term recurring attacks of headaches in women who did not suffer from migraines and other types of headaches;
  3. is one of the most typical symptoms - facial asymmetry( lowering of the corner of the mouth, one eyelid, flattening of the nasolabial fold on one side);
  4. Face asymmetry - one of the symptoms of a micro stroke
  5. loss of consciousness;
  6. the state of "stunnedness", the lack of response to what is happening around;
  7. paresthesia - various unpleasant sensations - "crawling crawling," tingling, numbness in the hands and feet;
  8. numbness of the tongue, violation of pronunciation of sounds;
  9. impaired consciousness, loss of orientation in time and space.

In a number of cases, a microstroke in women( as well as in men) can occur without typical symptoms, showing only scanty, less specific signs:

  • by dizziness;
  • feeling of fatigue, lethargy;
  • double vision, flashing "flies";
  • weakness in the hands or feet.

Unfortunately, most women pay insufficient attention to such complaints, considering them a natural result of overwork at the end of the day. However, if these symptoms are unusually severe, especially if you have never experienced fatigue before with weakness and dizziness - you need to see a doctor( a physician who, after examination, can recommend a neurologist's consultation).

How to identify the first signs?

To determine the first signs of a micro-stroke, use the following tests:

  1. Smile - it is obtained by "curve", one of the corners of the mouth remains motionless.
  2. Voynovyvanie language - the tip of the tongue with a stroke deviates to the side( right or left).
  3. Closing - one eye closes tightly.
  4. Checking the coordination of movements - when a micro stroke occurs, it is difficult to try to close both hands with your eyes closed( one of them starts to "go down"), when you try to slowly raise your arms up, a "lag" of one of the extremities appears.
  5. Test for clear speech - a patient can not pronounce complex words, tongue twisters, repeat a long sentence without errors.
Test for determining the signs of a micro stroke

"Masks" of a microstroke

1. Alcoholic intoxication

Most often, a microinsult is "masked" for alcoholic intoxication. Indeed, focal and cerebral symptoms of disorders of cerebral circulation are very similar to the behavior of drunken people: the same uncoordinated movements, stumbling and staggering when walking, vagueness of pronunciation, confusion, loss of orientation in space and inadequate answers to questions. The main distinguishing feature is the absence of the smell of alcohol.

However, in itself, alcohol, even in small amounts, is capable of provoking a disorder of cerebral circulation. And in this case it is extremely difficult to distinguish one from another. And if a woman after taking an alcoholic drink has an atypical behavior or strange for intoxication symptoms, a doctor's consultation is mandatory.

2. Hypertensive crisis

Another mask of micro-stroke - hypertensive crisis. Increased pressure is also accompanied by a headache, with a crisis, nausea, vomiting, and visual impairment are possible.

On the other hand, high blood pressure can cause a micro stroke, so if high blood pressure values ​​were detected during the measurement, it is impossible to write off all symptoms for hypertension only. Observing signs will be problems with memory, impaired consciousness, sensitivity and positive tests( two or more) on cerebral circulation disorders.

Further development of

symptoms The microinsult, unlike a stroke, is characterized by transient symptoms - complaints appear sharply, suddenly, but do not last long - from several minutes to several hours( maximum - one day).Then the symptoms disappear, but they do not pass without a trace - in the area of ​​the brain, which has suffered from a circulatory disturbance, changes are often kept. They can lead to the appearance in the future of a variety of complaints and signs, for example:

  • chronic headaches;
  • memory problems;
  • speech disorders( indistinct pronunciation of words, stuttering);
  • difficulties in the selection of definitions, terms, characteristics of actions and subjects;
  • absentmindedness, inability to concentrate;
  • periodic attacks of dizziness.
Disorders that may occur after a microstroke has been suffered

If you have never previously been diagnosed with a micro stroke or other brain and memory problems, but the above complaints begin to occur - it is possible that you have transferred the microstroke "on your feet."In this case, it is also necessary to consult a doctor, otherwise the problems will progress, and cerebral circulation disorders may recur again, and with much more serious health consequences.

Remember that according to statistics, almost half of the patients who underwent a microstroke, within the next three years, there is already an extensive stroke in the brain. Therefore it is extremely important not to ignore even short-term symptoms, but to consult a specialist-neurologist or therapist.