The reasons for refusing to vaccinate against influenza

What reason to indicate for refusal to vaccinate against the flu? Forced to make children in school



you do not have to specify the reason, the vaccination is personal, but do not forget that you expose your child to the risk of getting sick


but why do not you want... (you can consult a doctor... he will give a certificate of non-portability ...)


Predisposition of the child to allergic reactions.
Poor health of the child.

Lyudmila Chernyshova

the simplest thing is getting sick. In general, no one has the right to force anyone. This is a violation of human rights

Yuliya Gulidova

Refer to the fever and runny nose and that you will go to the doctor for a med-vod.


None. If you do not want, no one will force.


Respiratory infection is currently a type of snot or sore throat, but almost honey. The withdrawal of the week for two, and then forget.


What do you mean forced?? have no right to force. Written refusal of vaccination in writing.. and that's all.


they do not have the right to force. by law you choose. so tell me that nowhere is the student's obligation to vaccinate against the flu. this is their whim. and in general this vaccine is not suitable for everyone and good immunity is needed to put it.

instagram viewer


Tell me there was a cold a week ago. They will give you a temporary method. And you still have the right to just write a refusal in writing - there is no reason why you should not indicate it.

svetlana n

Just go and write a refusal of vaccinations. It's not necessary to explain anything to anyone-it's your right not to get vaccinated.


Tell me, for what reason do you want to give up vaccination? I myself all the way do all the prescribed vaccinations, my children and family vaccinate. And while we are vaccinated, do not get sick with "fungus". But last year I did not attend, so I caught the flu swings. My family, vaccinated, did not get sick, although they coughed and sneezed assiduously.

Mikhail Kokarev

Just refuse and do not explain why


whatever you want, you can just write that you are afraid, you have no right to force to give consent.
but most easily - write that the child is always with a cold.
but I would have agreed to the vaccination.

Ruslan Lakushev

you vseravno make! there will be a fairy tale that the lessons will not be allowed! Zdelay as I (5 years already do) bawl failure about not trust and lead to the hospital where they create a mantu! but there is someone to ask! there otvetstveney!

Elena Katanova

So write: I want the weakened organism of my child to pick up diphtheria, mumps (or from what you are offered an inoculation) and get sick in severe form and to have complications later. (LORD, do not bring)
Well, what are you doing, dear mothers??? Why do you need extra problems?
After all, your parents at one time did not refuse that you were vaccinated.

Anna Poselenova

The reason can not be explained. Just write a failure

Elena Larionova

tyatja wrote the statement-refusal, it is possible to take a pediatrician's certificate, there all competently write

yura derevyanko

They say here about the violation of human rights. And you, parents, how do you feel about giving a baby a baby or what? I think you are about your children and do not think. Or do you think?


Oh, yes, I always indicate the same thing. an allergy in an anamnesis. rolls.

Valery Balantayev

They do not have the right to make them do it without your consent, too. This is an amenable matter. And this can be intimidated.

How to write an application for refusing to vaccinate a flu?


Personal Cabinet Removed

Approximately so: to the Director of the Municipal Department of Higher Education No.
Full name
Parents of a classroom student
Full name
I, Surname, declare the refusal of the vaccination against the flu to my child Name, who is studying at the secondary school No., on the basis of:
1. Fundamentals of the RF legislation on the protection of public health of July 22, 1993. № 5487-1, Article 32 (Consent to medical intervention) and 33 (Refusal of medical intervention);
2. Federal Law of September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ "On the immunization of infectious diseases Article 5 (Rights and duties of citizens with immunization) and Article 11 (On vaccination with parental consent minors)
month year. Signature


I'm Natallia Dubetzkaya. I refuse to vaccinate against the flu for my daughter (name). signature number

Mouse Norushka

Ask the daughter, she was not given a standard form in school? To the son in an elementary school before each inoculation distributed such form, the general or common sense - it is possible or not to do an inoculation? Without the parents' completed form, they were not vaccinated until they found out with their parents.

Should I explain the reasons for refusing the flu vaccine?


hope zhuchkina

this is a voluntary matter. no prosecutor's office here is an edict. I did not even put this muck to the children. although in the kindergarten and at school required. also sent (to the forest)

Vitaliy Dogin

Finally, we still have democracy

or is it not already?

Yeah, get vaccinated and work with the flu.

Choking with snot - hospital fuck will give ISBO temperatures NEBUDET


Demand is not allowed.
Let them show the vaccination order at the enterprise. This is an excuse for the prosecutor's office.
But here sorits with the boss bad. Better refer to the personal incompatibility of vaccinations.
Type allergic reaction to egg whites.

Genady Pukin

This matter is purely voluntary, if you want to take a shower, do not. The receipt was not required, initially a survey was conducted, who would be vaccinated and who did not, did not require any receipts. And let the prosecutor's office be intimidated, only I wonder what they say to her, and even then the prosecutor's office ...


What nonsense! This is your personal business! Do not inoculate! Doctors do not have a vaccine for doctors!!! They need a plan! And if it comes to trial (which I personally doubt), then you will receive compensation for moral damage !!!)))


a flu vaccine is not necessary, but desirable, to force to put it are not allowed. this is voluntarily put

Sergey Poznyak

According to our valorous legislation, you have the right not to comment on your decision regarding voluntary vaccinations, which is a flu shot. In case of refusal from obligatory vaccinations, you must have either a medical officer or a written refusal.


Nonsense. Nothing you should explain to anyone. And if the administration has nothing more to do, then let them write at least to the Prosecutor General. Vaccination is voluntary!

Irina Shcherbakova

It is a matter of kindness. no prosecutor's office will help. In an extreme case, in order not to argue with the authorities, go to the doctor and say that she has just been ill with the flu, she will say a month later. A month later the same... I never! I did not vaccinate against the flu and I will not. Their 1500 or 2000 kinds of a flu, and inoculation do from two-three. ITak that vaccination does not fall.

gulnaz salihov

if you do not want to do, then there must be a reason.
we have written explanatory for refusal.
I did and did nothing, last time it hurt in March

Can they be dismissed for refusing vaccination against the INF?


Marianna Bystritskaya

I at one time also "fought" with these vaccinations. I just very confidently expressed my opinion about these vaccinations. never was on sick leave. and the flu did not hurt. and those who like to find love, they fell ill with flu and spent a long time on sick leave. let them do the vaccination! I was then left alone

Vladimir Erokhin

Can not be dismissed, because this vaccination does not guarantee 100% of the result.

Woman, what a lot

of course not. In our country, voluntary vaccination


Rospotrebnadzor unlimited? ))))) You write a written refusal, the cause of which you point out that you have a phobia before infection and let go all the nah!

Irina Ivanova

What disgrace we still have in the country... In general, these vaccines are very harmful to health ...


Is there an article in the RF Labor Code? No? Let them go to the forest!

Kozlov Stepan

can not. Inoculation protects you from others and not others from you


Yes... fired... for sure

zlobníIi troll

they do not have the right to fire. vaccination is voluntary, not forced. write a written refusal. the reason can even be omitted.

Vaccination against influenza: contraindications. Do I need a flu vaccine?

Seasonal flu is a disease that affects millions of citizens annually. The most favorable time for the disease is autumn and winter, when human immunity is weakened and can not cope with viruses so effectively. Different strains of viruses can cause the development of an acute respiratory disease, but, despite the nature of the pathogen, the symptoms are very similar in all cases. The patient has a fever, a sore throat, a cold, a cough and a headache.

Inoculation against influenza

To prevent the onset of many infectious diseases, vaccination is given. After the opening of the first vaccine, doctors saved hundreds of millions of lives. Against the flu every year, millions of people are vaccinated, because the vaccine is today considered to be the main preventive method in the fight against infections.

Sometimes potential patients have a question: do I need a flu vaccine? The vaccine is a weakened viral material that can not reproduce in the body. When a vaccine material is introduced to a person whose set of proteins is identical to the active virus, his immune system starts producing antibodies against the virus.

Time for vaccination

To be vaccinated against the flu is best in the fall (from September to November), because the epidemic of the disease at this time is becoming a massive one. Inflammation is administered to children and adults. It is not recommended to vaccinate the vaccine in the spring or summer, as the amount of antibodies decreases with time, and the effect from it is not so strong.

You can get a vaccine against the flu even after the epidemic begins. If the vaccination was carried out and the next day the person was infected, the vaccine will not worsen the course of the disease. Much worse the flu will leak if such vaccinations are not done, even there is a risk of serious complications.

Who needs an inoculation

To date, inoculations are already done by infants from 6 months of age. There is a category of people who need a vaccination against the flu in the first place. In the high-risk zone, there are elderly people, patients who are on inpatient treatment, pregnant women. It is necessary to vaccinate children and adolescents (from 6 months to 18 years), especially if they have been using aspirin for a long time for the purpose of treatment. Such patients may have severe complications after the flu. This category includes people with problems of the kidneys, lungs, heart, with metabolic disorders, patients with immunodeficiency, with hemoglobulinopathies, with staphylococcal infection, as well as students and schoolchildren who are constantly are in society.

Vaccination against influenza: contraindications

The main material for the manufacture of the vaccine is chicken embryos. Not every organism is susceptible to them, and there are a number of cases when a flu vaccine is not recommended. Contraindications are primarily to those patients who suffer from an allergic reaction to chicken protein. It is not necessary to vaccinate people during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Vaccination is undesirable for two weeks after the final recovery, because the body is weakened and may react incorrectly.

It is not necessary to inoculate patients with progressive forms of neurological diseases, as well as with an allergy to influenza vaccines.

What is the flu?

The disease belongs to the category of acute viral infections, is accompanied by a general infectious syndrome in severe form and affects the respiratory tract. Not all patients realize the full danger of this disease. In some cases, the flu begins with a cough, fever and a runny nose, and can end with the death of the patient. Statistics show that annually about 40 thousand people from developed countries die from the flu and complications caused by it.

Types of the causative agent of influenza

The causative agent of the virus is divided into three independent types: A, B and C. The constant mutation of the virus, which leads to a change in its antigenic structure, leads to the fact that qualitatively new varieties of the influenza virus actively appear and multiply. The danger for the population is that the immunity to them in the human body has not yet developed, so the virus affects the patient and can cause unpredictable complications. The transmission of the influenza virus from a sick person is carried out by airborne droplets, which allows it to spread to all categories of the population.

Influenza A type instantly spreads over vast areas and is pandemic or epidemic in nature. Local spread of the influenza B virus type allows recording its individual outbreaks and taking timely measures. Sporadic outbreaks of infections cause influenza type C.

Benefits of Inoculation

The vaccine helps the body develop a permanent immunity, which will help to avoid getting infected with the flu. If even a vaccinated person has taken up an infection, then the disease goes on without complications and in a lighter form than those who refused to vaccinate. Specific prophylaxis is carried out by live and inactivated vaccines. The vaccine against influenza for children over three years old is of domestic origin. Imported vaccines, which have all the necessary licenses, are intended for children between the ages of 6 to 12 months.

The maximum amount of antibody is reached 14 days after vaccination. The annual vaccination is explained by the fact that the vaccine provides the body with short-term immunity (6-12 months). Vaccination should be carried out before and during the epidemic season.

Vaccines against influenza

Vaccines aimed at fighting the flu are divided into several types. The first is live vaccines. They are made from strains of the virus that are safe for humans. With intranasal administration, they contribute to the development of local immunity. Vaccination before the beginning of the epidemic period. Live vaccines vary depending on who they are intended for - children or adults.

People who are older than 7 years are assigned inactivated vaccines. It is a concentrated and purified influenza virus, grown on chick embryos and inactivated by UV radiation and formalin. Inactivated vaccines include flu-like liquid chromatographic, centrifugal and eluate-centrifugal.

Subunit and split vaccines have domestic and imported varieties. These include drugs such as "Grippol" Agrippal "Begrivac" Waxigrip "Influvak" Fluarix. "

Refusal of vaccination

Increasingly, people refuse to vaccinate. This is explained by the fact that often after vaccination against influenza, unwanted reactions of the organism to the material occur. Illiterate introduction, poor quality of the vaccine or non-compliance with the rules after vaccination leads to complications. Another reason for not taking vaccinations is that parents think this is harmful to the health of their child.

Refuse can be from all vaccinations or from some specific. Refusal to vaccinate against influenza should be argued and notified about this decision of employees of the polyclinic.

There are a number of cases when medical workers confirm that it is undesirable to vaccinate against influenza. Contraindications relate primarily to the health of the child, when he suffered a trauma or is ill. But after the state of the baby is normalized, the vaccine still has to be done.

To refuse the vaccination, you must write a special application in two copies (one for yourself, and the second for a school, kindergarten or polyclinic). The application must be registered in the institution's documents journal, it must contain: a deciphered signature, a number, a document number, a seal. It is also worth remembering that the refusal of vaccinations is a decision to take responsibility for the diseases against which vaccination is carried out.

Consequences of refusal of vaccinations

Not always refusing to vaccinate the flu (sample - below) is the right decision by the parents. Preventive vaccinations are protected by law, and their absence makes life difficult for citizens. Thus, they are prohibited from traveling to countries that require specific vaccinations. Citizens may be temporarily denied admission to health or educational institutions, especially if there is a threat of epidemics or infectious diseases. In the absence of the necessary vaccinations, citizens have problems in hiring, where there is a risk of contracting infectious diseases. In other words, non-vaccinated children and adults are not allowed into the collective if there are suspicions of an epidemic.

Effects of flu vaccination

Vaccination against influenza, contraindications to which have already been thoroughly studied, may also negatively affect human health. It is about the occurrence of side effects. Before you do the vaccination, you need to go through the examination and consult with your doctor. The maximum caution should be exercised in the case of vaccination of children, pregnant women and elderly people. Vaccination does not save from all diseases (in this case from influenza) at all, but it at times reduces the possibility of infection. Untimely vaccination can lead to flu. But even then, the disease will be much easier to transfer than by giving up the vaccine.

After vaccination, allergic reactions and chronic illnesses can become aggravated. To avoid this, you need to warn the doctor about their availability. Children should be vaccinated only healthy, because even a slight runny nose during vaccination can turn into a child's insomnia, loss of concentration and reduced immunity. Also, you must follow the rules of care for the vaccination, in order to avoid local problems on the skin. If the organism somehow reacted to previous vaccinations, then the following should be abandoned.

How to correctly write a refusal to vaccinate flu?


Galina Galkina

Parents have the right to refuse ANY vaccination without explaining the reasons. But, so as not to carp, you can write that the child had a low-fever temperature (for example, 3,), and a stuffy nose. Yes, anything from the field of catarrhal phenomena. The text is about the following: from vaccination against the flu to my child, (name, surname), I decline due to his poor health (here you will specify the choice: ache, runny nose, sore throat, etc.). There is a cough or not to challenge difficultly - many children cough only at night. And tolerated on the feet of ARVI + vaccination against influenza = a dense mixture with unpredictable consequences. No doctor will risk taking a flu shot from a child with any minor symptoms of the disease. Do not be ill!


In nonsense, we just wrote, please do not do ...


I do not want! and I will not! I want to get sick and be contagious!
it's your right to do vaccination or not. and no one can force you.


Why do not you want to, I'm going to do


I refuse to vaccinate the flu to my child (Fio) on the basis of Art. 30-33 "Fundamentals of legislation on the protection of public health" (1993), the Law on Medicines (1998) and the Law on the Immunoprophialtics of Infectious Diseases (1998).


I wonder who can force you to write the reasons. Do not want and that's it. So write.


Just a refusal ...

Yuri Novikov

Write: "it's bad for your health and that's it." or on medical contraindications.


Refusal of vaccination is written without specifying the cause. I work in the hospital and I know for sure! Nobody has the right to force to write the reason !!!

How to correctly write a refusal to vaccinate against a child's flu



In accordance with the recommended pattern of voluntary informed consent for the provision of preventive vaccinations to children or abandonment of them (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2009 No. 19n)
1. I, the undersigned,
(last name, first name, patronymic of the parent (other legal representative) of a minor under 15 years of age, a minor patient with drug addiction before the age of 16) / minor
aged over 15 years, a minor drug addict over 16 years of age)
year of birth, I hereby confirm that,
(the year of birth of the minor
aged over 15 years, a minor drug addict over 16 years of age)
that is informed by the doctor:
a) that the prophylactic vaccination is the introduction of a medical immunobiological preparation into the human body to create a specific immunity to infectious diseases;
b) the need for a preventive vaccination, possible post-vaccination complications, the consequences of abandoning it;
c) medical care for preventive vaccinations, including mandatory medical examination of a minor under the age of 18 years before the vaccination (and, if necessary, a medical examination), which is included in the Program of State Guarantees of Provision citizens of the Russian Federation for free medical care and is provided in state and municipal health institutions is free;
d) on the fulfillment of the prescriptions of medical workers.
2. I am informed (a) that in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of September 17, 1998 № 157-ФЗ "About immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" the absence of preventive vaccinations entails:
prohibition for citizens to travel to countries where they stay in accordance with international health rules or international treaties of the Russian Federation requires specific preventive vaccinations;
a temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational and health facilities in the event of massive infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics;
refusal to admit citizens to work or the removal of citizens from work that is associated with a high risk of infectious diseases (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 1999 in № 825 "On approval of the list of works, the implementation of which is associated with a high risk of infectious diseases and requires mandatory vaccination").
I had the opportunity to ask any questions and received exhaustive answers to all questions.
Having received full information about the need for a preventive vaccination
(name of vaccination)
possible vaccination reactions and postvaccinal complications, the consequences of rejecting it, I confirm that I understand the meaning of all terms, and:
voluntarily agree to vaccination
(name of vaccination)
(voluntarily refuse to vaccinate)
(name of vaccination)
to a minor.
(the surname, name, patronymic and year of birth of the minor
under 15 years of age / underage drug addiction
under the age of 16)
I, the undersigned (aja)
(last name, first name, patronymic of the parent (other legal representative) of a minor under 15 years of age, a minor drug addict under the age of 16) / minor
at the age of over 15, an underage drug addict
aged over 16)
I testify that I clarified all the questions connected with carrying out preventive vaccinations to a minor and gave answers to all questions.
(surname, name, patronymic) (signature)


Doctors should have an application form.


In an arbitrary. Just write that you refuse on your own responsibility.

Olga Lobureva

Say you just do not want to


there are lines for an answer where to write for example I'm F, I, O refuse vaccination against the flu for my child. and then the signature in the right place.


Dear Aesculapius, guided by the inner conviction, that my child should flush with the flu this year, in the connection with the fact that I will be given extra leave in the form of a hospital, I beg you, not to introduce to him his disgusting vaccine
Mother Echidna, Svetlana Osipovskaya

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