The composition of the vaccine against influenza

Do I need to get a flu shot?

The flu is so dangerous for people that it is on the third place among the most treacherous diseases of our time. Therefore, doctors recommend that you vaccinate to avoid the flu and its complications. Meanwhile, up to 80% of US residents prefer to vaccinate, about 10% of the population of Russia, and in Ukraine - up to 1%. There are a lot of rumors about vaccinations - truthful and not very good. Do I need to get a flu shot?

Who needs flu vaccination?

WHO argues that although everyone is sick with the flu, not everyone needs vaccinations. But there are groups of people who need flu shots. It:

  • Children from six months who have not yet acquired immunity to colds and whose immune system is still very weak
  • People with chronic diseases of the respiratory system (but not in an acute state and without temperature)
  • Those who have immunodeficiency
  • People who have crossed the threshold of 50 years

Why is it so difficult to get a flu shot?

In the composition of the influenza virus, there are special antigens, the formula and form of which forms varieties of the same viruses. These varieties, to our regret, change their composition every year, because of what it is quite difficult to find an effective vaccine against the flu.

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In order for the vaccine to be developed correctly and, accordingly, it is necessary to rely on the doctors' forecasts regarding the likely changes in the structure of the virus. This is quite difficult, so if the vaccine is not properly selected, you can not guess and not protect the person from the flu completely. The fact is that if scientists have not guessed with the vaccine, then it will not have enough antimatter to withstand the flu. With an incorrectly selected vaccine, its effectiveness is reduced by a factor of three - this explains the inefficiency of vaccinations.

What is the composition of the flu vaccine?

As part of the vaccination against influenza viruses are contained, but not alive, but already killed. These viruses, getting into the human body, increase its immunity and cause it to fight with the infection. Having trained on weak viruses, the body instantly recognizes influenza viruses that get to it from the external environment. And easily copes with them. In this - the essence of the vaccine against the flu.

The vaccine differs from the present influenza virus in that it contains too weak viruses or inactivated viruses (generally without virus content). These are inactivated viruses and can give most complications after the flu. After the vaccination, two weeks pass from the flu, and this is the time when the body fully adapts to this type of flu. Therefore, it is better to vaccinate against influenza not during epidemics, but before their onset - beginning in October.

Pros of vaccination against influenza

Vaccination against influenza helps reduce the incidence of influenza in a rather impressive scale - this is a fact. For example, among the elderly people who were vaccinated against the flu, up to 60% later they are not sick with acute respiratory diseases in general. Vaccination from the flu makes it possible not to ache more than 80% of people of all ages who have been vaccinated. Children who were vaccinated against influenza cease to be ill in more than 92% of cases. Vaccination against influenza also reduces the likelihood of complications by more than a third - one of them is a painful otitis for children.

Cons of vaccination against influenza

There are also side effects of flu vaccination. They are related to:

  • Incorrect use of the vaccine (not corresponding to the influenza strain)
  • Vaccination in those conditions that are prohibited for vaccinations - pregnancy in the first trimester, high fever, acute disease during vaccination
  • A negative reaction to vaccine substances that were not taken into account

Consequences of the negative reaction of the body to the vaccine - weakness of the body, redness at the injection site, fever and flu symptoms in mild form - headache, lethargy and so on. With a normal reaction of the body to the vaccine, these symptoms disappear within two days after the vaccination, and In case of complications, a person's condition worsens after 6-12 hours Inoculations.

It is worth knowing that, in addition to vaccination against influenza, there are other methods of prevention: more abundant drinking with vitamins (decoction of rose hips, sea ​​buckthorn, tea with lemon and honey), wearing an antiviral mask, taking multivitamin preparations to maintain immunity, frequent washing hands. They should be used, because in the cold season, a person loses a lot of vitamins - up to 70% of what is needed!

Therefore, using a vaccine against influenza as the only means is wrong. But you do not need to give it up. Especially if you find yourself on the list of people who need flu shots.

Who does not have a flu vaccine?

There are people who do not get a flu shot, because it can cause a number of complications.

  • These are people with chronic diseases of the nervous system
  • Those who have problems with the genitourinary system (ureter, bladder, kidneys and so on)
  • People suffering from diseases of the endocrine organs (thyroid, adrenal, pituitary)
  • Those who have heart failure, and clearly expressed
  • People with bronchial asthma
  • Patients with blood diseases of any age
  • Pregnant women before the third trimester of pregnancy
  • Those who have an allergy to chicken protein

Vaccination against influenza, introducing viruses into the body, can cause an adverse reaction even in healthy people who do not suffer from the above contraindications.

Influenza in Figures

Today the flu is a real plague of the century. In terms of complications and mortality, influenza is in third place after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. And the flu together with ARVI occupy 95% of infectious diseases. These viruses each year strike up to 500 million people on the planet. Of these people, up to 2 million people die. To reduce these deaths, scientists recommend vaccination.

Vaccination, according to WHO, should protect people from the flu and prevent complications after the flu, not to mention the mortality, which is significantly reduced. The vaccine works, strengthening primarily the immune system.

But, unfortunately, this protection does not always work. As a minus, it is not always right for physicians to select a vaccine, but as a plus, even if the vaccine does not fully protect against infection with the virus, but it makes it possible to weaken its influence on the body.

More on the influenza virus

The flu virus is far from alone. There are at least three of them - the influenza virus A, B, C - as the first letters in the English alphabet. The most dangerous is considered to be influenza type A, epidemics and pandemics are associated with it. Influenza type B is also not a gift - it causes damage to the body in many people, but affects people more locally. The most mild in its impact is the influenza C virus, although it is undesirable to suffer from none of the three types of influenza.

Vaccination against influenza 2015-2016

Every year in the period of cooling and increasing humidity increases the risk of contracting acute respiratory viral disease and its epidemic spread. Vaccination is an effective measure for the prevention of pathology. And the composition of the drug for this procedure changes every year in accordance with the forecasts of the World Health Organization (WHO). The recommended vaccine against influenza 2015-2016 should be 3-or 4-valent - to include 3, 4 live, but weakened strain of the virus, respectively.

The name of the vaccine against the flu epidemiological season 2015-2016

For the routine vaccination of adults this year, the drug Grippol was chosen. It is a mixture of inactivated strains of the virus.

This drug promotes the formation of immunity to influenza for 8-12 days. Acquired resistance persists for a long time, up to 12 months.

There are other names of influenza vaccines:

  • Influvac;
  • Agrippal;
  • Vaxigripp;
  • Inflexal;
  • Begrivac;
  • Grippovac;
  • Fluuarix.

If desired, you can independently choose a drug, having discussed your decision with a district therapist beforehand.

Which strains will be included in the vaccine against the flu 2015-2016?

According to WHO forecasts, in the forthcoming epidemiological season, 3 types of viruses will be distributed, the strains of which should be in the composition of influenza vaccines:

  • A (H1N1) pdm09, similar to the virus California / 7/2009;
  • A (H3N2), similar to the virus Switzerland / 9715293/2013;
  • B, similar to the Phuket / 3073/2013 virus.

If you plan to introduce a 4-valent drug, it will additionally include influenza type B, similar to the Brisbane / 60/2008 virus.

Indications for vaccination against influenza 2015-2016 and contraindications to it

Vaccination is a voluntary activity, but it is very desirable to conduct it if there is one of the following groups:

  • people over 60;
  • adults suffering from chronic forms of cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • hospital staff;
  • women planning a pregnancy or staying in the 2nd, 3rd trimester of gestation;
  • persons living in collective institutions (nursing homes, dormitories, prisons) or visiting such places on a daily basis;
  • patients oncology departments who had a course of chemotherapy over the past year;
  • patients with metabolic, immunological disorders, pathologies of the liver, kidneys, hemoglobinopathy.

Contraindications to the introduction of anti-influenza drugs are:

  • allergy to chicken protein, preservatives used in the manufacture of medicines;
  • diseases in acute stage;
  • relapse of chronic diseases;
  • The presence in the anamnesis of the complications that have arisen after the introduction of such vaccines.

Consequences and side effects of the flu vaccine 2015-2016

Soon after vaccination, usually in the first 1-3 days, post-vaccination reactions often develop:

  • increased body temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • redness, swelling, some soreness at the point of injection.

All these problems are completely normal, as a rule, are poorly expressed, and pass independently. If hyperthermia is severe, it is recommended to take any antipyretic. Removing discomfort at the injection site can be achieved through non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is important to note that vaccination against influenza in 2015-2016 does not exclude the intake of alcohol and low-alcohol beverages. However, after the vaccination, it's over, you need to observe the measure, since any alcohol significantly weakens the immune system.

What is more effective: "Vaksigripp" or "Influvak"? Which vaccine against influenza is better?

Are you afraid of getting sick with the flu? Then you should think about how to vaccinate. Thanks to this event, a person will keep his health, do not get sick with the flu or get sick, but in an easy form. Immunization is the right thing, especially if it concerns our children. Therefore, today we will consider what the Influvak influenza vaccine is, as well as Vaxigripp. These are common drugs used in Russia and Ukraine. They are able to prevent infection with the flu. Below we consider the composition of both vaccines, their dosages. We also determine which of them will be better than the other.

Composition, form of the vaccine "Influvac"

This drug is sold as a suspension, which is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The Influvac vaccine is sold in syringes, which should be disposed of after the injection. In the kit with the drug there are also needles.

The composition of this vaccine is as follows:

- Hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of viral strains of types: A (H3N2), A (H1N1), B.

- Auxiliary elements: sodium phosphate dihydrate, potassium, calcium and magnesium chloride, hydrophosphate, water for injection.

Dosage of the Influvac vaccine

- Adults, and also children from 3 to 14 years ml once.

- Babies from 6 months to 3 years - 5 ml once.

Children who have never been vaccinated before, it is desirable to inject the drug twice with an interval of 4 weeks.

Immunization should be carried out once a year in the autumn.

Extraneous effects after vaccination with Influvac

The use of this agent can cause such undesirable reactions:

- From the side of the central nervous system: often - headache; rarely - neuritis, convulsions, neuralgia, encephalomyelitis, paresthesia.

- From the heart and blood vessels: rarely - vasculitis (immunopathological inflammation of blood vessels).

- From the musculoskeletal system: often - arthralgia (joint pain), myalgia (pain in the muscle area).

- Common disorders: often - fatigue, fever, pain in muscles and joints, malaise, trembling, chills.

- Other manifestations: often - severe sweating; rarely - cutaneous manifestations (itching, urticaria, nonspecific rash).

- Local reactions: swelling, tightness, tenderness, redness.

Composition, form of vaccine "Vaksigripp"

This drug is also a suspension for administration under the skin or intramuscularly.

Vaccine "Vaksigripp" is produced in syringes or ampoules.

The formulation is as follows:

- Active elements - haemagglutinin and neuraminidase of virus strains, such as A (H3N2), A (H1N1), B.

- Auxiliary components - sodium, as well as potassium chloride and dihydrogen phosphate, hydrophosphate dihydrate, water for injection.

Rules of immunization and dosage of the drug "Vaksigripp"

This influenza vaccine can be administered:

- Subcutaneously in the upper part of the front side of the shoulder.

- Intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle.

- To small children - in the anterolateral region of the thigh.

The dosage of the drug is as follows:

- Adults and children from 3 years ml means once.

- Babies from six months to 3 years 5 ml of the drug.

- People who have not been vaccinated before, as well as those who did not have the flu, this vaccine should be injected 2 times with an interval of 4 weeks. That is, one dose should be divided equally.

- Patients with immunodeficiency should also be given a drug twice a day, 5 ml with a gap of 1 month.

Side effects after vaccination with the drug "Vaksigripp"

This remedy also has negative effects. How to understand which vaccine - "Vaksgripp" or "Influvak" - is better? To do this, you can see a list of side effects of each drug. So, at means "Vaksigripp" he such:

- Often - headache, malaise, sweating, fatigue, pain in the muscles and joints, neuralgia.

- Rarely - convulsions, paresthesia, neuritis, encephalomyelitis.

- Very rarely - allergic manifestations on the body, vasculitis.

- Local reactions - compaction, tenderness, edema at the site of injection.

Cost of vaccines

The drug "Vaksigripp the price of which varies in different pharmacies, on average can be purchased for 400 rubles. This amount a person will have to pay for 1 dose of this remedy. I wonder how much is the drug Influvac? The price of this drug varies between 520-570 rubles.

So what to choose?

To date, both vaccines are considered the most common of influenza for children and adults. Both drugs give the same result. However, parents do not stop terrorizing pharmacists and family doctors, so they advise which of the two vaccines - Vaxigripp or Inffluvac - will be better. The fact is that both drugs are almost not different from each other. Indications for use, the form of release and even the composition they have is similar. But at this point, as side effects, there is a difference. Thus, the "Influvac" means has a much larger list of possible negative manifestations, while for the drug "Vaksgripp" this list is much shorter. If we consider the cost of these vaccines, then there is also something to catch on. The drug "Influvac" is somewhat more expensive than its competitor. Therefore, if you choose from these two criteria, then you should opt for the "Vaksgripp" tool. The price is lower, and the side effects are less. But it is better to find out what people think about these two vaccines, and on the basis of their responses decide for themselves what to choose.

The drug "Influvac reviews

About this tool, Internet users write mostly only positive opinions. So, those patients who were vaccinated with this drug note that the injection itself is painless, because the needle in the syringe is very thin. Also, few people have noticed that after the vaccination, this remedy had problems. People, on the contrary, praise the drug "Influvac" for the fact that it almost never causes unwanted reactions in the body. Also, women and men choose this particular vaccine, because it is imported, which means that it is better purified than domestic. In addition, the composition of the drug is improved every year, because there are new strains of influenza, so the developed immunity may not work.

There are, however, negative responses from people. The first thing parents pay attention to is that the "Influvac" remedy is sold in a standard dosage. That is, it turns out that for both adults and children, syringes are the same. This is very inconvenient, because if you do the vaccine to children, then excess amount of the drug should be drained. It turns out that it is inefficiently spent. Also, there are people who say that after the vaccination with the "Influvac their health has greatly deteriorated. To prevent this from happening, you need to inject only when the person is completely healthy. That is, he should not have any colds. And if a person will listen to the doctor and follow all of his recommendations regarding vaccination, then the drug "Influvak" reviews will receive only positive. About the cost of this tool, people say that its price is quite adequate, and many it is suitable.

The drug "Vaksigripp reviews

This vaccine has encouraging feedback from patients. One is injected with this drug completely free of charge, others buy it at their own expense. However, both of them note the effectiveness of this vaccine: during the year people do not get flu. However, there are exceptions, when a person picks up the virus, but the disease is much easier. Also, people note that although the drug "Vaksgrippp" is not the best of the existing ones, however it is affordable. And this is an important factor. After all, it is often necessary to vaccinate all family members, and this can seriously damage the family budget. Therefore, people also choose a cheaper means - "Vaksgrippp". Reviews of a positive nature are also written by parents who are satisfied with the fact that the drug is sold separately for children, that is, in special syringes, 5 mg. And do not pour out excess fluid, because the dosage is accurate.

Opinion of specialists

And what about immunologists and pediatricians talking about these vaccines? Which is better: "Vaxigripp" or "Influvak"? Doctors in this regard are unanimous. They believe that the properties and effects of these drugs are about the same. They do not single out any of them specifically. And the fact that the drug "Influvac" is purer, it is, according to doctors, an insignificant feature that does not affect the development of immunity, as well as the perception of his body. Therefore, if you are offered a free vaccination at work, for example, with Vaxigripp, then it is advisable to agree. Since the drug "Influvac" is sought in pharmacies is stupid, because these vaccines will be of equal effectiveness. Well, if you do not have such an advantage, then really, you can buy either of these two yourself. The main thing is to pay attention to the shelf life of the drug, as well as to comply with all recommendations for proper storage and transportation.

Now you know which of the two means - Vaxigripp or Inffluvak - is better. Also have understood, that actually the difference in them is not present. Nuance is that the first product can be sold in a special small dosage (for children). While part of the drug "Influvak" will have to be poured, since the children need to be stabbed in total, 5 mg, and in the syringe goes, mg. Also, one more thing is that the suspension "Vaksgripp" is a little cheaper. Well, doctors do not allocate these funds, believing that they are about the same efficiency.

"Grippol" (vaccine): reviews. Which vaccine against influenza is better

With the onset of cold weather, we begin to observe whole flu-like epidemics. Every year a new strain of this disease dominates, so it is not so easy to protect yourself from it. Treatment of influenza is always fraught with large financial costs, as it is necessary to buy potent expensive medicines, which, unfortunately, in many cases, do not help.

Influenza is a complex viral infection that can mutate and cause severe complications, which affects the reduction of immunity and can provoke the development of all kinds of inflammatory processes. In practice, over the past decade there have been many deaths, regardless of the patient's age. Therefore, the problem of preventing influenza is very disturbing both ordinary people and doctors. What measures need to be taken to protect yourself and your family from the next epidemic and survive the winter calmly, without worrying about every cough or cold?

What is the current prevention of influenza?

Over the past five years, doctors have focused on mandatory vaccination of different age groups of people. Vaccination against influenza is a purposeful introduction into the human body of a weakened virus in order to develop physiological protection of this from new microorganisms. The reaction is different. Many vaccines may not be suitable for people at the expense of their basis. So, many are faced with an allergic reaction to chicken protein, which is found in most types of influenza vaccines.

To be vaccinated against the flu or not?

Despite possible side reactions, every year, people who wish to be vaccinated become more. They do not want to risk their health and the health of their loved ones and are of the opinion that the side effect as a consequence of the injection is much safer than the disease itself.

Vaccination against the flu today is done at will. If it concerns children, the decision to vaccinate always depends primarily on the parents. Informed dad and mom themselves are determined today, it is advisable for the child to inject or not. Since the quality of the vaccine today often leaves much to be desired, many fear the vaccination of babies. But, following the advice of doctors, still most of the parents agree to vaccinations for their children.

First of all, protect your body from a viral infection - flu, advise older people whose age has crossed the limit of sixty years, children under three years old, pregnant women in the first trimester, people with immune deficiency, persons whose professional activities involve communicating with infected patients - pharmacy workers, doctors and medical personnel of hospitals, and servicemen.

Which flu vaccine is better? There is no unambiguous answer to this question, since each drug is designed for preventive control of a specific strain. Producers try to predict future epidemics, but not always succeed. Therefore, influenza can be ill and vaccinated people if they catch the infection in an "updated" form.

Since various viral types of a life-threatening disease prevail today, one must unequivocally graft from them. If preventive maintenance of a flu will not be carried out, the mankind will give chance of this mutating illness to develop with greater force and the effect of a plague of twenty-first century can turn out.

Dates of vaccinations

Vaccinations are beginning to be done both for adults and children in the period from October to December, that is, immediately after the onset of cold weather. After all, frequent colds are associated with a temperature drop, when warm days are coming to an end, and cloudy, wet or frosty weather changes them.

Influenza is an infection that does not bypass either those who become hardened and play sports, or those who do not think about their health at all. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and to be 100% insured against the fact that tomorrow you will not rise sharply temperature or drip from the nose, you can not. And to minimize the risk of developing the disease and vaccinated population.

How safe are vaccines against influenza with the help of modern drugs?

As noted above, there is no answer to the question, which vaccine against influenza is better and safer. The quality of vaccination of people depends on the state of their health at the time of the implementation of a certain serum, from the doctor's knowledge of the patient's illnesses, possible allergic reactions.

In medical practice, there have been cases when a certain lot of the influenza vaccine produced produced side effects and was immediately withdrawn from circulation.

So, it is still imperfect to produce vaccines, to say unequivocally at once, it is safe to vaccinate or not, it is impossible. But due to common sense, many people do this and observe positive tendencies of increasing their body's resistance to all possible strains of influenza. After all, high mortality is observed not from the virus itself, but from the complications it causes.

At what age is vaccination against influenza carried out?

The vaccination can be performed already at the age of six months. The procedure is carried out annually several times. It all depends on what kind of vaccine is introduced to an adult or a child.

Which flu vaccines are being used now?

Currently, doctors for grafting people use in their practice fluids of a different range of effects. They can be given by drops through the nose or injected injectively, by injecting into the forearm or thigh.

Among the commonly used are the so-called live vaccines and their inactivated forms. The first species contains weakened and non-contagious viruses. The second one does not contain live viruses.

Inactivated vaccines, in turn, are divided into whole cell, containing cells of the virus influenza, split-diluted virus cells, and subunit vaccines containing surface proteins.

Today the practice of using subunit solutions for the inoculation of adults and children is observed in medicine. One of those is known to many "Grippol" - a vaccine, reviews about which are mostly positive. Also in this group are the vaccines "Influvac" and "Agrippal" tested on adults and children.

What is a vaccine against influenza Grippol?

This is by far one of the most effective injectable formulations against the influenza virus. He is able to form against him a specific immunity in the body of an adult and a child, reduce the risk of colds and increase resistance to other respiratory-viral infections.

A lot of questions are caused by the parents of young children "Grippol" - a vaccine, the responses about which are not as unambiguous as many would like. It is natural that the reaction of each individual organism to the vaccine is individual. But if you observe the overall effect, then the conclusion suggests itself: it is the most common vaccine, which many are inoculated, and the stable result of its influence on immunity, strengthening it against influenza is proved.

There are cases when "Grippol" is negatively characterized. The vaccine (reviews of some patients claim that this is so) is simply not effective. This is quite an explicable situation. The vaccinated person could have another type of flu. The vaccine "Grippol" (instruction indicates this) is aimed at developing immunity against strains of influenza A (H1N1 and H3N2) and B, which were observed in the epidemiological inflow at the beginning of the 2000s, and to date have reduced their activity. But this does not mean that they are not modified into more complex forms.

"Grippol" is prescribed for children and adults in certain doses specified in the instructions, which are clearly followed by doctors.

The list of contraindications to vaccination with this drug includes cases of fever, acute infectious diseases, chronic ailments in the acute stage, allergic reactions to early vaccinations of this vaccine.

The vaccine "Grippol" for children is first made in the thigh at the age of six months.

Today this is not the only effective injection for influenza of Russian production, which is used by doctors.

Vaccine for children "Grippol plus"

For vaccination against influenza in small children, parents choose this drug to a greater extent.

Doctors also advise the drug "Grippol plus" for children. Reviews about this vaccine are positive. It does not contain preservatives in its composition, it causes less allergic reactions. This is an improved version of the vaccine sample "Grippol".

Where is the vaccination carried out?

Injections of the vaccine are made in specialized offices of polyclinics. The vaccination of children is carried out on a specific schedule. But the state of health at the time of injection is an important factor determining the further actions of the medical staff.

Reviews on the effectiveness of vaccination against influenza

General impressions, which causes "Grippol" (vaccine), reviews about the drug in most cases are positive. The same applies to the already mentioned composition "Grippol plus".

These and other injection fluids are provided by the country's polyclinics in full, because these are domestic medical products that are constantly being improved.

The vaccine "Grippol" (the instruction to the drug says exactly this) is a safe method of preventing influenza.

Doctor's advice

Today, the drug "Grippol" and the vaccine "Grippol plus" are prescribed for children. Comments of physicians tend to be used for small patients after all, the second type of means for injecting against the flu. The lack of preservatives in its content causes fewer side reactions. And this is the main task at the time of bringing to the vaccination all age groups of people.

Refuse to vaccinate the doctor strongly advise. In cases of ambiguous response of the body to the vaccine, it is no longer used, but another species is selected.

Many people say that vaccination is dangerous, after vaccinations people get sick even more often. But personal experience is the best proof of all sorts of rumors, which are then refuted, then supported by supporters.

The modern generation must understand the moment that vaccination (not only from the flu) is an opportunity to develop a common resistance to all complex diseases that lead to death. If humanity does not fight them, in particular, refuses to help doctors do their work, will soon face epidemics.

While we weigh the pros and cons, the ailments do not slumber, and tomorrow can be our big headache. Therefore, take care of your health when opportunities are provided for this.

Vaccination against influenza with drugs "Grippol" and "Grippol plus" is free for all comers. No positive or negative feedback on the Internet should decide whether to be healthy or not.

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