Food Poisoning: First Aid

Food poisoning in adults and children, including poisoning with sausage, meat and fat, usually begins suddenly after a short incubation period and is characterized by acute and short flow. The disease is often of a massive nature.

An adult should know clearly what to do and how to provide first aid at home if his loved one or the child is poisoned with food( meat, sausage or lard).


Types of food poisoning

Food poisoning can be of bacterial and non-bacterial origin. The first includes botulism, food poisoning, to the second - poisoning with substances of animal or vegetable origin.

Of all these types of poisoning in everyday life,

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is most often found - toxic intestinal diseases associated with ingestion of infected pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms and their toxins.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning

In case of food toxic infection, the clinical picture consists of the following symptoms: general malaise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The temperature rises to 38-39 ° C.The liquid stool can be up to 10 times a day. Sometimes it contains impurities of mucus and blood veins. The disease lasts 3-6 days.

For mild forms of the disease, patients recover without treatment( only hunger and a strict diet for 3 days).

First aid and treatment for food poisoning

In case of severe poisoning, first aid should include the following measures:

  1. inform your doctor about food poisoning;
  2. to identify the cause of poisoning;
  3. take first aid measures;
  4. do not allow dehydration of the body of the affected person.

Early abundant gastric lavage with weak solutions of potassium permanganate and soda.

Folk remedies at home

Traditional medicine advises for food poisoning: and Activated charcoal , take 3-5 g every 15 minutes for an hour. As adsorbent, specially treated clay sold in powders can also be used.

As the old emetic of the following composition is used: 1 teaspoon of mustard powder in a glass of warm water. The mixture is drunk one-time and acts almost instantly.

Bed rest, hot water on the stomach, strict diet.

Milk of thistle seeds ( helps the liver to quickly process toxic substances that get into the body) take 10-15 drops every 30 minutes( you can cook and take an extract of thistle seeds in the same dosage).

To remove symptoms of poisoning, plant products such as ginger ( concentrated drops or extract), garlic, infusions and decoctions from of dandelion root, tea from plantain help also to remove symptoms of poisoning.

The effects of food poisoning can be treated with large doses of vitamin C ( 1 g every hour for three hours).

Neutralize toxins that have got into the body products such as black tea, lemon water, a suspension of magnesia, onions.

Ingestion of castor oil, diluted in water, also reduces the risk of poisoning( 1-2 tablespoons of castor oil pour into a glass with lemon juice and drink on the throat every 3-5 minutes).

To the excretion of toxins from the body is facilitated by taking medicines such medicinal plants as astragalus, eleutherococcus, sea microalgae.

A good sauna or bath expels toxins from the body with sweat.

In ancient folk medicine for poisoning with mineral poisons( mercuric, mercury, arsenic, arsenic, white, etc.) it is recommended to take 1 kg of clean sifted ash, pour it with 3 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Then drain the clean liquor and give the drinker 150 ml each 15 minutes. Wash down with fresh milk( also a glass).Treatment continues until the pain and burning in the stomach disappear.

When poisoning with any poisons, folk medicine advises drinking milk with lean oil.

Note. For all types of poisoning healers, healers are advised not to go to bed( no matter how bad it may be), but to walk: the more, the better. Of the 2-3 poisoned by the same poison in 90% of cases, the one who can not overcome himself and go to bed is killed, the same one who tries to walk the last of his strength, even to run, survives. This is due to the fact that, in addition to the two kidneys, each of us also has a third skin. When walking, the body emits poisons and then cleanses itself. Warm baths, a shower for rinsing off the products of poisoning are also useful.

Chinese medicine recommends several massage courses for acute food poisoning and during rehabilitation after poisoning.

  1. The patient lies down on the couch facing down, and the caregiver massages the spine and body parts located along it.
  2. In the position of the patient on the back with a thumb pad massaged area above the navel( 3 min).
  3. With your thumb, a point massage is performed between the eyebrows. Make 30-40 pressure.
  4. Massage the point located at a distance of one finger from the outside of the eyebrow.

People suffering from food poisoning are recommended to rest, plenty of liquids, bed rest and starvation. Consumption of food usually causes a deterioration in the general condition.

Medical care should be requested in cases where:

  1. food poisoning does not occur within a week;
  2. if the victim's temperature is greater than 37.5 ° C;
  3. for 1 or 2 days there is severe vomiting and diarrhea, which do not stop with the use of home remedies;
  4. If the patient is a child or an elderly person, medical help should be obtained as soon as possible;
  5. the patient's condition worsens.

Treatment in a medical facility

To remove toxins from the body, rinse the stomach with water or 5% solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate, the ambassador of which, with staphylococcal poisoning, you can prescribe a salt laxative. With the development of dehydration( poisoning with clostridium toxin) a complex of rehydration measures is carried out. With , the medium-heavy form of is injected intravenously with an isotonic solution of sodium chloride or equal volumes with a 5% glucose solution in the amount of 1000-1500 ml.

With heavy and very heavy forms of , Trisol solution is successfully used. Its composition is as follows: 1000 ml of pyrogen-free sterile water, 5 g of sodium chloride, 4 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate and 1 g of potassium chloride."Trisol" is recommended to be combined with colloidal solutions, which promote the removal of toxins from the body, the restoration of microcirculation. The principles of rehydration therapy are the same as in the treatment of patients with cholera( see).With staphylococcal poisoning, antibiotics are prescribed. When poisoning caused by clostridia, taking into account the possibility of anaerobic sepsis, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action( tetracyclines, levomycetin, erythromycin) are prescribed.

The prognosis for staphylococcal poisoning is favorable. When poisoning with Clostridium toxins, the prognosis is serious, especially with the development of anaerobic sepsis.

Poisoning with sausage, meat, fat

In meat products such as sausage, pork, canned food, ham with improper storage, so-called sausage poison is often formed. At the same time, the appearance of the product is not changed and it is visually difficult to determine whether it is unfit for consumption.

Symptoms of

If an adult or a child is poisoned with sausage, meat or lard, the main symptoms of poisoning with sausage poison are: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, rumbling in the stomach, pain in the pit of stomach, shortness of breath. Heart weakness begins quickly. Pupils are dilated, they do not respond to light.

First aid

Urgently call an ambulance home! !!

At home, when there is no doctor or medical institution nearby, take the following measures:

  1. if the patient does not vomit, cause it by tickling a finger or a feather in the throat. You can give a glass of soapy water( soap is taken care of) or 200 ml of warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt. As an emetic, seawater can also be used. Vomiting should be abundant;
  2. give the victim any laxative that is at hand;
  3. to make an enema;
  4. rub the body with a woolen cloth, put a hot-water bottle on the stomach with hot water;
  5. with the weakening of the heart to give coffee, ethereal-valerian drops, hawthorn tincture, Corvalol or Valocordinum;
  6. to impose a patient on warmers, give him a hot drink in large quantities;
  7. for a day - hunger. Then start gradually giving mucous decoctions, soups from rice and flaxseed;
  8. at strong thirst to give to drink only strong tea.

First aid for poisoning with any food

a) Rinse the stomach with warm water with a little salt, ie drink 2-3 cups of salted water with

and artificially induce vomiting, pressing the root of the tongue with two fingers. Repeat rinsing up to 10-20 times;

b) give a salt laxative: 20-30 g of magnesium sulphate or sodium sulfate dissolved in 400 ml of water. Children give laxative at the rate of 3 g for 1 year of life;

c) give a gruel from 1 tbsp.spoon of activated carbon( carboline) or burnt magnesia. Drink salt laxative in ½ liter of water with the addition of 1 g of tannin or tea;

d) to delay the absorption of poisons, give an enveloping agent: beaten egg white or protein water( 1-3 egg whites per liter of water), milk, whey, jelly, flour, starch;E) put a hot water bottle on the kidney area. If the poisoning is not very strong, you can limit yourself to washing the stomach, salt laxative and enveloping agent. Children to rinse the stomach to drink plenty of milk.

Try to pour a lot of salt into vodka, stir it and drink. The best result is achieved if vodka with salt alternate with orange juice every 15 minutes( you can eat at once 1 orange).

In case of poisoning, it is possible to give a mixture of milk with egg whipped into a foam.

Source: YNGogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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