Treatment at home phimosis in boys

Often boys of age up to three to five years on routine preventive medical checkups are diagnosed as phimosis. Usually it does not mean anything terrible, this condition is the norm in newborn boys and passes with age without treatment. However, it is important to be able to distinguish a harmless growth feature from a pathology that can lead to serious consequences.

  • Children's phimosis: what is it?
  • Pathological phimosis
  • Causes
  • Symptoms and signs
  • Than the disease is dangerous
  • Balanoposthitis
  • Acute retention of urine
  • Paraphimosis
  • How to treat
  • Home treatment without surgery
  • Surgical intervention
  • Folk treatment
  • Prevention
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Children's phimosis: what is it?

Phimosis - a state of fusion of the foreskin with the glans penis with spikes, otherwise - synechiae that interfere with the free exit of the head. Physiological phimosis in the infants is normal, only in a very small number of infants the head immediately opens freely. There is an opinion that such fusion at a small age is necessary to protect the body from harmful bacteria.

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Up to three years, no conservative treatment or surgeries are performed, during which time the problem must be resolved by itself. Further, medical intervention may be needed, but not in all cases. If the fusion of the extremely flesh does not cause discomfort, does not interfere with urination, therapy can be delayed.

Pathological phimosis

Pathological phimosis is a condition where the fusion of the foreskin causes painful sensations and prevents normal functioning. Pathological phimosis is divided into two groups:

  1. Cicatricial phimosis. This form is also called atrophic. With her flesh loses elasticity due to the formation of scars.
  2. Hypertrophic phimosis. This form is characterized by an excess of tissues of the foreskin, which prevents the exit of the head.

Treatment of both forms of the disease is similar. The main indicators of the need for intervention are some symptoms.


There are several reasons why this disease develops.

  1. Congenital phimosis occurs with certain disorders in the formation of organs. This is the most common case of the disease.
  2. Injuries of the reproductive organ, the consequences of poor healing after surgery. In this case, connective tissue forms scars that reduce the elasticity of the foreskin and cause its narrowing.
  3. Balanoposthitis. This inflammatory disease can be the cause and the consequence of phimosis. With extensive lesions, there is a possibility of narrowing the foreskin.
Phimosis congenital

Photo of phimosis in boys

In most cases, the appearance of this condition in very young children can not be affected, since it is normal at a certain stage. It is important to maintain hygiene so that complications do not arise.

Symptoms and signs

There are a number of symptoms that indicate that it is necessary to see a doctor in a condition resembling phimosis.

  1. Difficulties arising when trying to open the glans penis, the inability to do this is the main symptom, but not always an indication for urgent intervention.
  2. Violations, difficulties with urination. It becomes painful, in some cases almost impossible. In young children, this is sometimes accompanied by increased nervousness and sleep disorders.
  3. Painful sensations in erection in older children. This symptom can go unnoticed if the relationship of children and parents is not trustworthy.

Important!If you do not consult a doctor if you have such symptoms, the probability of developing more unpleasant complications is greater.

Than the disease is dangerous

The greatest danger is the complications of this disease, it is much more unpleasant and harder to engage in their therapy.


Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory process in the foreskin and glans penis. It arises from the accumulation of smegma - a specific secret, the remains of urine and other secretions, the reproduction of bacteria in them. Normally, with careful maintenance of hygiene, this problem does not arise, but with phimosis it is impossible to make a full toilet, which leads to inflammation.

For balanoposthitis the following symptoms are typical:

  • itching, painful sensations;
  • reddening of the head and tissues around;
  • purulent discharge.

See what the balanoposthitis (photos) can lead to in boys.

Balanoposthitis is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor.

Acute retention of urine

Often occurs in very young children as a reaction to pain in phimosis. The child can not perform an act of urination, palpation of the lower abdomen feels a strained filled bladder.

Acute urinary retention is a dangerous condition that requires urgent help. Usually, they try to get the urine out by local means, in some cases, a catheter is required.


Paraphimosis is the result of too gross, unsuccessful attempts to remove the head of the penis from the foreskin. It arises from the constriction of the limb with the foreskin, which causes painful sensations.

Important!In no case should you try to separate the soldered skin by itself in phimosis.

There is a squeezing of the blood vessels, the tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen. Therefore, without timely therapy for paraphimosis, gangrene or necrosis of the penis may begin. This can lead to removal of the organ.

The main signs of paraphimosis:

  • swelling of the glans penis;
  • strong pain.

Also probably a complete fusion of the tissues of the foreskin, which will make access to the head impossible. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary.

How to treat

The tactics of treating phimosis depends on the form and severity of the disease. There are conservative methods of therapy that do not require surgery, and surgical methods. They are used when local techniques become ineffective, usually surgery is avoided.

Home treatment without surgery

In the treatment of phimosis at home, various methods are used, sometimes they are combined.

  1. Mechanical stretching of the foreskin with a light stretch on the glans penis. It is also used in young children with mild disease severity. Do this carefully, trying not to damage the organ and not cause pain. At occurrence of easy unpleasant sensations of exercise stop. It is better to do this after bathing, in warm water the tissues become more elastic.
  2. Hydrocortisone ointment. This remedy is used much less often, mainly in adults, because hormonal ointments have quite an aggressive effect and a lot of contraindications. Without the appointment of a doctor, it is not recommended to use it.
  3. Vaseline in phimosis can be used to soften the foreskin and carry out the stretching procedure.
  4. A solution of furacilin or manganese. Usually used when inflammation occurs. A careful rinse of the foreskin is done, then stretching exercises are continued.

Important!Before treatment, consult a doctor.

Surgical intervention

Operations are required in the event of complications or inefficiency of conservative agents.

Usually circumcise is done - circumcision of the prepuce. Sometimes this operation is done to prevent the development of phimosis and other inflammatory diseases of the penis. In the course of the operation, the extra foreskin is removed, the head is released. It is important to remember that after the intervention, it is even more necessary to carry out hygiene procedures until complete healing.

Folk treatment

Folk remedies will help speed up the process of treatment and can act as a local anesthetic, because children can not take most drugs.

  1. Chamomile. This plant has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Based on the infusion of camomile can make baths and lotions. Spoon dried herb to pour a glass of boiling water and insist for five hours. After you need to strain.
  2. Calendula. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. You need to take a teaspoon of dried flowers of a plant, pour a glass of hot water, insist for about an hour. Then with the received solution to do or make trays.

The main thing is to make sure that the baths are not too hot, it is better to cool the broth completely. The procedure should not last more than 15-20 minutes. After it, you should do stretch exercises.

Important!There may be an allergy to medicinal plants, in this case, the people's means should be abandoned.


It is impossible to protect yourself from the physiological form of the disease, this is normal for most young children. It is necessary to prevent the development of the pathological form and the appearance of inflammation, then the probability that the problem with age will be solved by itself is extremely high.

Keep the genitals of a young child clean always. After changing the diaper necessarily wash. It should be taken from the front to the back, otherwise the likelihood of infection is increased.

Do not try to move the foreskin if it does not give way. This can cause pain and anxiety in the baby, in the worst case there is paraphimosis.

Subsequently, you need to teach your child to keep the body clean. It is worth remembering that the probability of developing pathological phimosis remains at any age, but the older a person is, the more it depends on his cleanliness and accuracy.

If you follow these simple rules, physiological phimosis will never go into a pathological form.