Bruises under the eyes of children: reasons and what to do

The state of children's health is determined by external signs. Parents are often concerned about bruises under the eyes of a child. The appearance of circles is not an independent pathology, but only a symptom of some disease or overwork. Painful sensations they are not accompanied, but the reasons for the appearance of bruises should be understood.

  • Causes of appearance
  • Day mode is broken.
  • Disturbance in the diet
  • Various diseases
  • What to do if the baby has circles under the eyes
  • Red circles in the newborn
  • How to treat bruises at home
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Causes of appearance

Bruises usually have a clear outline and are accompanied by a discoloration of the skin. Most often the area of ​​the lower eyelids in children is painted in a red or bluish tinge. The appearance of circles is not always a symptom of the disease. Sometimes this is due to the peculiarities of the child's organism.

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Deep-set eyes create the effect of bruises. The lower eyelid has a very thin skin, there is no fat in it, small blood vessels are visible through the skin, giving it a bluish color. Sometimes there is a venous congestion in the capillaries, when the tissues do not get enough oxygen.

Natural causes of the appearance of circles:

  • heredity;
  • overwork;
  • non-observance of the daily routine;
  • malnutrition.

Heredity is a possible cause, because of which bruises have appeared. The child can inherit from the parents the thickness of the skin of the eyelids and the depth of the blood vessels. In this case bruises are not a disease, it is impossible to get rid of them. Reduce the manifestation with lotions from the decoction of chamomile, tea bags.

Day mode is broken.

Overwork, in which the blue circles appear, is more typical for school-age children (6-7 years). The child's organism was not used to the stresses, as recently the kids spent the whole day playing games, slept during the lunch break. Sitting at a desk, mental stress and doing homework causes them to feel tired. Need more rest and play in the fresh air.

Non-compliance with the regime of the day leads to the fact that children often have gray or lilac circles in the lower eyelid. A toddler under 5 years of age must sleep at least 9 hours a night, in the afternoon - about an hour. One-year-old child must be packed 1-2 times a day.

After a sleep, recommend outdoor games. Daily you have to walk for 2 hours. Sometimes a kid at the age of 9 months does not sleep well at night, because during this period the first teeth are cut. In the morning, he has reddish circles. It happens that children often wake up because they are frightened by something, they have a stomachache or thirst.

Disturbance in the diet

Incorrect nutrition, abuse of sweets, small amount of liquids are also the cause of bruising. Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract affect the health of the child, resulting in pallor of the skin and dark depressions under the eyes. It is necessary to normalize the diet, food should be rich in fruits and vegetables, in the diet - predominate porridge, soups, casseroles, dairy products. Drink you need more than 1 liter of liquid per day, but only up to 18 hours, and before going to bed it is useful to give the children a cup of warm milk or yogurt.

Various diseases

Children under 3 years are often capricious, fall into hysterics, cry when they do not get what they want. Bad mood or emotional instability is displayed on the external appearance of the child - swollen red eyes, circles in the lower eyelid. It is necessary to treat attentively the desires of the little ones, try not to bring them to tears. With children you need to behave calmly, you can not scream, frighten them.

Pathologies that cause bruising:

  • anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • allergy;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • dental diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • a diseased liver;
  • kidney disease;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • heart disease;
  • worms;
  • adenoids;
  • bruises.

Anemia occurs if the body lacks iron in the body. Almost black circles, pale complexion, weight loss - all these are symptoms of the disease, signaling that it is urgent to raise the level of hemoglobin. Increase the content of iron can, using the liver, eggs, fish, hematogen and special products for children.

  1. Hypovitaminosis develops as a result of insufficient intake of vitamins. Dark circles appear if there is not enough vitamin B12, C, B9. Deficiency of nutrients affects the circulation of blood, the work of all organs.
  2. Symptoms of allergy: red circles in the lower eyelid, edema, runny nose, cough, rash on the body. It is necessary to find out the cause of the illness and protect the child from a dangerous allergen. Usually the allergy occurs on chocolate, citrus, carbonated water, medicines.
  3. Schoolchildren often develop vegetative-vascular dystonia. There are red spots under the eyes. Children suffer severe headaches, they have a pale complexion. In this case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. With diseases of the nervous system, you need to turn to a pediatric neurologist.
  4. Yellowish circles indicate an increase in the specific pigment - bilirubin. At the same time, not only the skin but also the sclera turns yellow.

Infectious diseases of the mucous eye can cause reddening of the lower eyelids. At the initial stage, conjunctivitis is manifested by itching in the corners of the eyes. The kid often rubs his eyes, so they turn red. In ARVI, sore throat, bags, bruises, fever may appear.

  1. Poisoning can lead to serious gastrointestinal disturbances. The child has vomiting, colic, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. In the lower eyelid, dark spots appear.
  2. With liver and gallbladder disease, yellow or brown spots appear under the eyes. In this case, you need to contact the pediatrician. Children are prescribed a course of therapy, daily you need to follow a strict diet.
  3. Red circles, swelling under the lower eyelids, regardless of the amount of fluid drunk - all this indicates a kidney disease. Sometimes the eyelids turn dark.
  4. Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease) can appear brownish circles in the lower eyelid. But with these pathologies, other symptoms associated with impaired glucose metabolism or thyroid hormones are at the forefront.
  5. Violet circles indicate a child's heart disease. This is one of the manifestations of cyanosis. The child quickly gets tired, he has shortness of breath, a headache. Cyanosis of the lips, nasolabial triangle can be observed. In this case, a cardiologist is needed.

Worms also cause redness in the lower eyelid. Often they suffer from children who attend kindergartens (2-4 years). It is necessary to observe hygiene, wash hands before meals and undergo examination in a polyclinic, hand over the analysis of stool, before contacting a pediatrician or parasitologist.

The increase in nasopharyngeal tonsils causes reddening under the eyes, puffiness, shortness of breath. Often a similar condition occurs due to a cold. Correct the situation will help the ENT.

Sometimes, from a blow to the nose, the child has claret bruises. After a day they become blue-violet, and then yellow-green. If the baby fell and hit, you must immediately attach to the hematoma of ice, wrapped in tissue. Excellent bruises eliminated shredded cabbage leaf. After a while, hematoma can be smeared with Lyoton. Preliminary consultation of a traumatologist is mandatory.

What to do if the baby has circles under the eyes

The bruises of the child can be of different colors. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby's body and a particular disease. To remove the circles, you need to determine the cause. For this you need a consultation of a child's doctor. If these are not individual characteristics, one should look for the disease. The kid needs to take tests and undergo an internal examination.

Red circles in the newborn

Infants are sometimes sick with tonsillitis, very rarely they have angina. The disease is characterized by reddening of the tonsils, the formation of a white coating on them, swelling of the face, circles under the eyes due to intoxication.

Treatment of bacterial tonsillitis or tonsillitis is carried out according to the method of Komarovsky. Doctors prescribe antibiotics (Flemoxin, Amoxicillin), for local treatment use sprays (Trachisan, Bioparox), use antipyretics (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). It is important to offer a plentiful drink with tonsillitis, if possible, feed the baby with breast milk. Thanks to him, the child receives local protection.

Circles under the eyes of newborns can not be ignored. Even at this age, children have severe illnesses:

  1. If the baby has bruises under the eyes, it is difficult for him to breathe, he pales, there is cyanosis, you need to urgently call an ambulance. These signs indicate problems with the heart or acute arisen choking.
  2. If the baby always has a stomach ache, there are yellow spots under the eyes, swelling, fever is increased, then it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. There may be kidney or liver problems.
  3. Occurrence of reddening of eyelids at a monthly child is sometimes associated with subcutaneous hemorrhage during childbirth or as a result of hemangioma. Up to a year, this redness disappears by itself.

Reddish circles under the eyes of a 3 or 6 month old baby are caused by a cold. The kid does not know how to blow himself up. From the common cold, the nasal cavity is released using an aspirator. Drops in the cold can be prescribed only by a doctor. It is impossible without the advice of a pediatrician to treat a baby.

The cause of the bruising can be identified only by a specialist. If he did not find signs of pathology, then you need to pay special attention to nutrition and the regime of the child's day. It is necessary to constantly consume vitamins, to regularly visit the fresh air. After suffering a cold and SARS, you need to properly dress the child, avoid hypothermia, do not overheat.

Important! Blue and red circles under the eyes from birth often indicate a pathology. Find out the reason will help the pediatrician. In school-age children, bruising is often a sign of fatigue or a lack of vitamins.

How to treat bruises at home

Folk remedies bruises that have arisen because of illness, can not be cured. Doctors do not recommend using even herbs, as in young children they provoke an allergy. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician and undergo a course of treatment, according to the established diagnosis. At home, you can only remove the cosmetic defect.

Tea bags

To get rid of dark circles, it is necessary to apply tea bags to closed eyelids. The procedure should be done daily, for 5 minutes. To small children simply wipe the region of the eyelids with tea leaves several times a day.

Fresh cucumber

If the bruise does not pass, you can lighten it with cucumber juice. For this, the vegetable is rubbed on a grater, and the eyelids are lubricated by the juice of the baby. The procedure should be carried out in the evening.


The bruise under the eye after the impact is treated by heating with the help of warm salt, sewn into a bag. But the procedure can be done only when the edema recedes. The warming of tissues increases blood circulation, the hematoma dissolves more quickly.

Well proven Ointment bruise-off, Rescuer. Every day you need to rub the drug into the area of ​​the hematoma.

When hypersensitivity reactions the child should be protected from an allergen, then the reddish circles will disappear. It is important to monitor the baby's nutrition, adhere to a diet and give him plenty of fluids.

Why there were bruises under the eyes, the doctor can establish on the basis of the analyzes. Small reddening of the eyelids arise from tears or if the child often rubs his eyes with his hands. In this case, you just need to wait for a while and do nothing. Redness will pass by itself.

At home, you can only treat bruises that have arisen because of bruises or because of the proximity of the vessels to the skin. If the circles under the eyes - a symptom of the disease, you need to deal with his treatment. In this case, reddening or darkening in the lower eyelid area will take place after the course of therapy.