We treat conjunctivitis at home quickly

Conjunctivitis is a fairly well-known disease in which the thin film of the eye (conjunctiva) becomes inflamed and blushes. The cause of the appearance of the disease is often the deposition of dust grains in the eyes. It is no coincidence that it occurs in children much more often than in adults. To be engaged in treatment of conjunctivitis in house conditions it is possible and even it is necessary.

  • How to treat adults
  • Viral conjunctivitis
  • Treatment of the disease with folk remedies
  • Allergic conjunctivitis
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis
  • Medicinal herbs
  • Conjunctivitis in young children (in infants)
Related articles:
  • Viral conjunctivitis symptoms and treatment at home
  • Treatment of conjunctivitis in adults at home
  • Adenoviral conjunctivitis - effective treatment
  • Types of conjunctivitis and the ways of transmission of the disease
  • Which specialist treats conjunctivitis?

Depending on the cause of conjunctivitis, three types of this disease are distinguished, each of which has its own treatment methods: viral, bacterial and allergic, and separately considered fungal and atypical chlamydia. Of course, as with any disease, it is better not to experiment, doing self-medication, and consult a doctor (ophthalmologist), as you should do with the inflamed eye. But folk remedies can speed up the process of recovery.

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Important!How is conjunctivitis transmitted, read here.

How to treat adults

Viral conjunctivitis

This type of disease is considered the most dangerous, since it is fairly easy to spread. Appears red in the eyelids, lachrymation. First, obvious signs of viral conjunctivitis can be seen only on one eye, but soon the second eye is also infected by the virus. The cause of infection is often the communication with an already ill person. This type of disease can also be caused by a specific virus (herpes, Coxsackie virus, shingles), and a disease (cold, flu, chickenpox, rubella). This species is practically not transmitted by airborne droplets (if the cause is not herpes).

Important!How to treat conjunctivitis during pregnancy, find out in our article.

In this case, the antiviral action drops are suitable for treatment:

  1. Actipol.
  2. Poludan.
  3. Ophthalmoron.
  4. Sulfacil sodium.

They must be digested at least six times a day for 10 days, one at a time - two drops.

Important!The treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis and its symptoms is described in detail in our article.

To speed up the process of treatment, it is possible to apply antiviral ointments:

  1. "Bonafton."
  2. "Tebrofen Ointment."
  3. Florenal.

Consult an ophthalmologist for the frequency of application of these drugs.

Attention!Before applying drops, the eyes should be washed with infusion of chamomile or sage, and no less than 30 minutes after instillation should be applied ointment.

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

In no case can we hope only for traditional medicine. If you decide to make lotions, the application of which is most effective, then only in conjunction with the above described means.

  • moisten a small piece of gauze in freshly squeezed dill juice and apply to the eyes for 15 minutes;
  • Instead of dill, you can use fresh potato juice;
  • herbs of herbs are also suitable as lotions;

Remember!The main task of treating viral conjunctivitis is to strengthen immunity in order to avoid relapse. Therefore, the course of treatment will not be superfluous use of drugs that strengthen immunity.

Allergic conjunctivitis

As it is clear from the title, this type of disease acts as a protective reaction to the allergen. Allergic conjunctivitis is fairly easy to identify by the characteristic symptoms: itching, burning, uncontrolled lacrimation, sneezing, runny nose. Can be manifested in a certain season or year-round. To address it is necessary at once to several doctors: the ophthalmologist and the allergist. After testing, you will accurately determine your allergen. In children, this form of the disease is much easier than in adults.

In the course of treatment, different types of medications are prescribed:

  • antihistamines - drops "Cetrin", "Claretin";
  • topical antihistamines - drops "Allergodil", "Histimet";
  • the most commonly used method of treatment - drops "Kromogeksal", "Opticrom" (derivatives of cromoglycic acid);
  • topical corticosteroid preparations - ointment "Hydrocortisone", drops "Dexamethasone".

Important!Instructions on how to take these medications should be clarified by the ophthalmologist.

Before using traditional medicine, it is better to consult a doctor, since this method is not suitable for everyone. Combining the two methods of treatment will not be effective, so it is better to alternate them.

The most effective are:

  • impose on the eyes gruel from grated raw potatoes;
  • compresses made from aloe juice;
  • tinctures of cornflowers, rose petals;
  • drops of honey;

Important!Which doctor treats conjunctivitis, you can find out in our article.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

This kind of inflammation of the conjunctiva requires careful care of eye hygiene. First, the eyes are wiped with antiseptic, pus is removed, then a solution of dimexide, novocaine, tetracycline is added to the conjunctival sac. The cause of this disease are such bacteria as streptococci and staphylococci. And the general weakening of the organism promotes bacterial conjunctivitis. Often this disease, even without treatment, can take 2 to 3 weeks. But to speed up the process and not risk the emergence of possible complications, it is better to help the body.

Infectious conjunctivitis is one of the varieties of bacterial infection. As a rule, it is treated by the same folk remedies. Preparations that use - tetracycline ointment (effective for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis), ciprolet (antibiotic).

Treatment with folk remedies does not differ from the ones written above, but you can add some more useful recipes:

  • juice of aloe. A universal remedy that is applied both as drops (3-4 drops at night), and as a solution inside (3 times a day for 1 hour. l.);
  • 1 hour l. Honey is boiled with a glass of water for five minutes. Strain, apply lotions 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes;
  • to remove discomfort in viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, warm compresses should be applied 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes, and for allergic - cold compresses, for example, a cooled tea bag.

Medicinal herbs

Decoction broach

The product is sold in any pharmacy. 3 hours l. dry herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and put on the fire, boil for 5 minutes, allow to stand for 30 minutes, filter and apply either as a compress or just for washing the eyes.

Treatment with chamomile

You need to rinse your eyes with infusion of chamomile (1 tbsp. boiling water 2 - 3 tbsp. l. inflorescences, infuse for 1 hour) or saline water solution (1 tbsp. l. salt per 1 tbsp. water).

Decoction from the collection of herbs

Herbs of calendula, nettle, cornflower can be used in the form of lotions or just for washing eyes. These herbs can be used both individually and in combination with others.

Advice!The use of the tea mushroom as droplets will greatly accelerate the recovery of chronic conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis in young children (in infants)

It is no coincidence that this item is considered separately. Determining and curing this disease in children can be much more difficult than in adults. No one is immune from conjunctivitis, this disease can appear even in a newborn. Symptoms are the same as in an adult, that is, abundant tearing, reddening of the conjunctiva, purulent discharge. When conjunctivitis occurs in the baby, it is necessary to carefully monitor its hygiene, wipe the eyes with a cotton pad dipped in a solution of furacilin. Depending on which of the types of diseases described above, your child should first cure the underlying disease.

Attention!Do not engage in self-medication, since with improper dosage of drugs, the state of the child's eye can only worsen.

To help at least somehow and alleviate the condition of the baby, wipe his eyes with a cotton swab soaked in soft tea. For this you can use green or black tea. Take 1/4 part h. l. tea and pour boiling water. Let it brew and warm wipe the baby's eyes.

How to prevent the disease?

  1. The most important and the main rule is the preservation of eye hygiene. Do not rub your eyes with your hands, for such cases you need to use a clean handkerchief.
  2. Change linens and towels more often.
  3. Properly care for contact lenses.
  4. When out in the sun, wear sunglasses.

Important!Like any other disease, each kind of conjunctivitis can go into a more severe phase, in this case, a chronic form, the treatment of which will cause much more trouble.

Nevertheless, one should not avoid going to an ophthalmologist, hoping only for successful self-medication at home, including on folk remedies.

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