Massage with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine and cervical lesion

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  • 1Treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
    • 1.1The essence of the procedure
    • 1.2Principles of Massage
    • 1.3Gentle procedure
    • 1.4Classical technique
  • 2Massage with cervical chest thoracic osteochondrosis
    • 2.1Causes of pathology
    • 2.2Symptomatology of pathologies of the spine
    • 2.3Basic principles of treatment
    • 2.4Non-drug therapies
    • 2.5The technique of the massage
  • 3Massage with chest osteochondrosis
    • 3.1Efficiency of massage
    • 3.2Indications
    • 3.3Contraindications
    • 3.4rules
    • 3.5Method of implementation
    • 3.6Classical massage
    • 3.7Acupressure
    • 3.8Sessions: duration, frequency, full course
    • 3.9Search for a specialist
  • 4Osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Diagnostics
    • 4.4Treatment
    • 4.5Exercises exercise therapy
    • 4.6Massage
    • 4.7Prophylaxis and prognosis
  • 5How correctly to do massage at an osteochondrosis of a thoracal department of a backbone?
    • 5.1Indications and contraindications
    • 5.2Features and techniques of therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
    • 5.3Acupressure with chest osteochondrosis
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Treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Massage with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is considered an important part of the complex treatment of this pathology.

Despite the fact that such localization of the lesion is rare enough, it can create problems for any person, especially those who have reached advanced age.

Knowledge of the principles of therapeutic massage will help you get rid of many painful manifestations that violate the habitual way of life. Correct it allows you to provide a sufficiently pronounced therapeutic effect.

The essence of the procedure

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a degenerative disorder of the structure of intervertebral discs, which leads to loosening of the fibrous ring and its subsequent destruction under the influence of penetrating pulpous tissue. Pathology develops gradually with a pronounced graduality.

At the initial stage, as a result of disturbances in blood circulation and metabolism, the drying of the pulp nucleus, leading to a shift down the intervertebral disc and the formation of microscopic cracks in the fibrous ring. Displacement of the discs causes weakening and sagging of the muscle tissues and ligaments, which significantly weakens the vertebral fixation and increases the risk of their displacement relative to each other even with a small load. This process provokes instability of the vertebral-motor system. It is at this stage that the most effective therapeutic massage, which helps to strengthen the muscular fixation of the vertebrae.

What is good for osteochondrosis? When massaging, the effect on muscle tissue, skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue and Other structures in the affected area of ​​the spine, which stimulate blood circulation and cellular food. During the procedure, reflex interrelations are used.

Principles of Massage

When chest osteochondrosis develops, the technique of massage differs little from typical techniques. The main methods used: stroking, kneading and rubbing.

Drastic impact methods are not recommended. Very limited use is left for vibration methods - light vibratory movements along the spinal column are possible.

Effectively shows itself a therapeutic massage of a point type.

Massage with chest osteochondrosis provides the following positive results:

  • reduction of pain syndrome intensity in the affected area;
  • normalization of blood and lymphatic circulation in the thoracic vertebral region and spinal muscular tissues;
  • elimination of spasms, reduction of muscle tension, normalization of muscle tone;
  • increase muscle strength, which helps to keep the vertebrae from shifting;
  • increased trophism of cartilaginous tissues in the intervertebral zone.

Therapeutic massage and the scheme of its holding should be prescribed by the doctor after diagnostic studies and establishing the stage of the disease development.

The procedure is recommended in the following circumstances:

  • frequent pain in the thoracic region of the spine;
  • limitation of mobility;
  • the presence of muscle tension and spasms;
  • occurrence of respiratory problems against the background of development of osteochondrosis.

In addition, there are contraindications to the procedure of massage:

  • arterial hypertension or hypotension;
  • diseases associated with impaired blood circulation in acute form;
  • the probability of internal bleeding;
  • hematological and cardiological pathologies;
  • thrombophlebitis and vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, aneurysms, angiitis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • febrile condition, in particular with ARI, ARVI;
  • manifestations of inflammatory or purulent reactions of an acute nature;
  • severe injuries;
  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • tumor processes;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • in women the period of pregnancy and menstruation;
  • presence of skin anomalies at the site of exposure (warts, ulcers, birthmarks, purulent rashes).

Gentle procedure

Therapeutic massage with osteochondrosis of the thoracic vertebral department begins in a sparing regimen. In this case, the following recommendations are taken into account:

  1. The procedure is performed during the remission period, but at the discretion of the doctor it can be performed in a subacute and even acute phase of the disease. The optimal time is the start of the procedure - 3-4 days after the appointment of therapeutic treatment. The main areas of influence: the upper region of the back, shoulders and the shoulder.
  2. The first procedure is performed without a significant increase in muscle tone, i.e. easy movements.
  3. During the massage, the age of the patient is taken into account. In young people, priority is given to the effect on muscle tissue. The treatment of elderly patients is oriented to the treatment of spinous processes, and the main method is rubbing.
  4. The effectiveness of massage is increased by combining it with physiotherapy (electrophoresis, diadynamotherapy).

The massage technique is based on the following actions. The procedure begins with the site of the back where the pain syndrome is less pronounced with a gradual transition to the pain zones. With unilateral osteochondrosis, massage begins with a healthy half of the back.

Classical technique

Classical massage with osteochondrosis is usually carried out while the patient is in a lying position on the abdomen.

The procedure begins with stroking, and then goes on kneading and squeezing the back. The most intense impact should be in the area of ​​the scapula.

Such movement is carried out: stroking from the bottom of the scapula up to the neck, alternately on both sides.

The next stage of classical massage is the treatment of the shoulder-straps. Such methods are used: stroking (6-8 times), squeezing (4-5 times) and kneading (2-3 times).

Complex treatment includes mild neck massage. Stroking is carried out in a downward direction.

The procedure is continued by squeezing in the upper dorsal region, the movements being made by the pads of the fingers. In total, 4-6 such actions are recommended on both sides.

After this massage of the pectoral muscles is performed. This sequence of methods is used: stroking, squeezing, kneading, light shaking and stroking again. The following movements again move to the cervicothoracic zone.

An important stage of the procedure is rubbing along the spinal column. Actions begin in the region of the occipital bone with a descent down towards the thoracic area.

Effects should be made as close as possible to the axis of the spine. Massage it is carried out with maximum relaxation of the cervical and dorsal muscles.


After grinding should be 3-5 strokes and squeezing. In the end, one more stroking is needed.


If chest osteochondrosis is accompanied by painful sensations in the shoulder, then an additional massage of the shoulder joint is performed.

In subsequent sessions, the gradual contraction of light strokes begins with the addition of a stronger effect in the form of rubbing and squeezing.

After a long treatment, the basic method of massage becomes grinding.

Massage procedure of the classical type with chest osteochondrosis, as a rule, lasts 6-8 minutes at the first sessions. Gradually, their duration increases to 14-17 minutes.

In total, up to 12 sessions of massage are prescribed. In the chronic course of the disease, it is recommended to conduct courses of such effects every 3-4 months.

The maximum frequency is 1 time in 2 months.

Massage with osteochondrosis of the thoracic vertebral part is important in the scheme of conservative treatment of pathology.

Such an effect gives a positive effect only if properly conducted and attracted by experienced masseurs.


Scheme, duration and number of procedures should be prescribed by a physician taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the stage of development of pathology.


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Massage with cervical chest thoracic osteochondrosis

Massage with cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis of the thoracic region refers to non-medicamentous methods of therapy of the pathologically tense zone.

The emergence and development of the disease, which medicine qualifies as an osteochondrosis of the cervico-thoracic region, is preceded by a number of factors, both hereditary and somatic.

Causes of pathology

The disease is considered quite common among the adult population, but also recorded in children. The development of the disease is preceded by physical factors:

  • violations of posture, leading to compression of the vertebrae, their bending;
  • overweight;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Negligent attitude to the spine, manifested in the refusal of physical activity, non-compliance rules of correct posture, improper and excessive nutrition gradually lead to deformation of the dorsal vertebrae. The first to assume the impact of the vertebrae of the neck, then the pathology seizes the thoracic spine.

Of the somatic factors contributing to the emergence of violations of the structures of the cervical and thoracic spine, doctors identify:

  • hormonal failures;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • nerve stresses on the background of stress;
  • infectious diseases.

Symptomatology of pathologies of the spine

Symptoms, against which there is an osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic, are diverse, so the disease is often defined as dystonia, heart failure, angina attack, dental defeat.

The main signs of pathology include:

  • pain syndrome in the arm, upper trunk region;
  • sharp pain in the chest, intensifying on inspiration;
  • frequent headaches, vegetative syndrome;
  • toothache;
  • pathological sensations in the neck, upper extremities, numbness;
  • sharp pressure jumps;
  • insomnia, difficulty with falling asleep;
  • increased irritability, mood swings;
  • stiffness of movements in the upper part of the trunk.

Symptomatic picture of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis is based on the concentration of pain in various areas, symptoms of impaired circulation of blood vessels of the brain. Only the doctor can determine the true cause of the symptoms, having conducted a comprehensive diagnostic and clinical examination.

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Basic principles of treatment

During the exacerbation of the disease, therapy is prescribed as a complex, since it is necessary to ensure the removal of the inflammatory syndrome. The complex of therapeutic procedures includes:

  • treatment with medicines and pharmaceuticals;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • special physical exercises.

The medicinal treatment of the doctor is prescribed simultaneously in several directions, since it is necessary to stop the pain syndrome, to remove the inflammation, to reduce the tension in the muscles. To this end, use anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anesthetic drugs, including steroid.

Non-medicamentous methods of influencing the focus of the disease include massage with cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis, therapeutic physical training, therapeutic gymnastics.

Non-drug therapies

An effective component of the complex treatment is swimming, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, a simple complex is effective, which the patient can conduct independently:

  1. Every hour during the day, leaving for fresh air, cross your hands with a lock on the back of your head. Make turns from side to side, holding the position of the body for a few seconds at each turn. The inhalation is deep.
  2. Sitting on a solid support, straighten your back and do unhurried slopes to the right and left alternately, lingering for a few seconds with each movement.
  3. Leaning his head back, trying to reach alternately the right and left ear shoulder. Begin to do with 2 times in the right and left side, leading to a maximum of 10.

In osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, the movements carried out in the supine position on an even surface are added to the list of the listed exercises:

  1. Lying on the back, legs alternately pull to the chest and slowly lowered several times.
  2. Turn on his stomach, kneel, straighten his arms. After that, bend your back as much as possible. Returning to the initial state, slowly bend over to the floor. The number of approaches is several times, with small time intervals.
  3. Lie on the floor, relax, stand up after a full recovery of breath.

The technique of the massage

Massage is considered an important component of non-drug therapy.

Experts argue that the procedure should be carried out without sharp, pressing movements, without manual techniques.

Massage with cervical osteochondrosis refers to the category of soothing, relaxing and mild procedures. The main tasks of these manipulations are:

  • relaxation of muscle spasm;
  • pain relief;
  • restoration of blood flow and circulation.

Because of the risk of a possible sudden surge of blood to the head that causes a stroke, massaging the affected area should closely monitor the patient's condition. As soon as the patient feels the pulsation of blood in the temples, the procedure should be stopped.

Massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine is carried out in the following sequence:

  • massaging in the neck;
  • shallow grinding of the head;
  • massage of the vertebral zone;
  • massaging of the shoulder zone;
  • rubbing of the thoracic area with increased massage of the zone of the scapular region.

Massage of the cervicothoracic spine is prohibited in the stage of exacerbation of the disease, in addition:

  • pregnant women;
  • hypertensive patients with exacerbation;
  • patients with pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • with cancerous growths;
  • with skin diseases in the field of massage.

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Massage with chest osteochondrosis

Massage is one of the most effective non-medicamentous ways of treating osteochondrosis. It acts on the affected area of ​​the spine, muscle fibers, skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue and other structures through mediated, including reflex action.

When the disease is localized in the thoracic spine, the massage has some important features.

They must be taken into account during the procedure. In this anatomical zone, there are certain limitations on the effect on muscle fibers.

Particular attention is paid to reflex interrelations.

Massage reduces pain

Efficiency of massage

In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, classical and acupressure massage is used. The procedure has several therapeutic effects at the same time:

  • reduces pain in the affected area;
  • improves lymph drainage and circulation in the thoracic region of the spine, as well as in the muscles of the back;
  • helps to eliminate the pathological tension of muscles, their spasm;
  • improves muscle tone;
  • increases the strength of the muscles of the hands due to a reduction in their hypotrophy, improving blood circulation and normalizing the supply of tissues;
  • increases the trophism of intervertebral cartilage.

Massage helps to eliminate muscle causes of disorders that occur with chest osteochondrosis, as well as to remove the pathological strain of the back muscles, spasms and improve local metabolism, but since the cause of abnormal stress are the spinal-bone factors, they will again provoke the described state. Therefore, massage sessions with osteochondrosis of the thoracic, lumbar, cervical spine should be done regularly. This will help prevent a relapse of the disease and further tissue degeneration.


Massage is usually prescribed after elimination of acute pain, in subacute stage of chest osteochondrosis. The procedure is indicated with the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations in the field of localization of pathological changes;
  • limitation of mobility;
  • increased muscle tension;
  • disturbance of respiratory function (in particular, a reduction in the depth of inspiration and expiration due to the occurrence of severe pain).


Massage is not recommended in case of an exacerbation of the disease. At its or his appointment the state of health of the patient and presence of accompanying pathologies is considered also. In particular, the procedure is not indicated in the following diseases and conditions:

In case of blood diseases, massage is contraindicated

  • significant increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • acute circulatory disorders;
  • tendency to bleeding;
  • blood diseases;
  • cardiac pathologies;
  • thrombophlebitis, other vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, aneurysms, angiitis);
  • heat;
  • feverish conditions (for example, in ARI, ARVI);
  • presence of acute inflammatory or purulent processes;
  • severe injuries;
  • postoperative period;
  • severe cerebral vascular sclerosis;
  • allergies;
  • tumors;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence on the skin of birthmarks, warts, eczema.


The first massage - gentle

  1. Basically, massage is prescribed in the subacute stages and stages of remission of osteochondrosis in the thoracic spine. Ideal is the appointment procedure for 3 or 4 days of treatment. However, in some cases, the session can also be conducted during exacerbation.

    At the same time, the main task of the masseur is reflex action on pain localized in the thoracic or cervicothoracic region. Such an effect is obtained by treating healthy parts of the body: the upper back, shoulder, shoulder, etc.

  2. The first few sessions should be sparing. Effects on the body should not lead to an increase in muscle tone: after all, muscle fibers can be strong reduce in the case of vigorous, rigid conduct of the session, which provokes an increase in pain in patient.
  3. When carrying out the massage of the thoracic department, the young patient is given special attention to the development of muscle fibers.

    For elderly patients with instrumentally confirmed pathological changes, the optimal use of triturating methods and effect on spinous processes is considered optimal.

  4. To increase the effectiveness of massage in chest osteochondrosis can be through its combination with physiotherapy, in particular - electrophoresis and diadynamic therapy (DDT).
  5. With compression fractures and the presence of osteoporosis, intensive exposure should be avoided. If the symptoms of osteoporosis are greater than the procedure, it is better to refuse.

Method of implementation

With osteochondrosis of the thoracic and any other form, the choice of the massage technique is determined by the stage, clinical picture and some other features of the disease.

If the pain is one-sided, it is recommended to start the massage with a healthy part of the back. In cases where the pain covers the entire back area, massage of the part of the back is first performed, in which the pain is less pronounced.

Since chest osteochondrosis often extends to the neck area, if necessary, the collar zone is also treated. The cervico-thoracic form of osteochondrosis almost always leads to the defeat of the occipital nerves.

For this reason, the procedure of massage includes methods of influencing the exit points of small and large occipital nerves.

Osteochondrosis in the thoracic spine is often accompanied by pain in the upper limbs. In such cases, hand massage is also performed.
Inclusion in the treatment procedure of elements of segmental or acupressure massage contributes to a significant increase in its effectiveness.

Classical massage

With osteochondrosis, the technique of classical massage does not significantly differ from traditional techniques. Classic techniques are used: stroking, kneading, grinding.

Shock techniques are not recommended. Almost completely absent and vibration.

Nevertheless, some vibratory techniques can be used - for example, vibration action longitudinally along the vertebral column.

During the session, the patient is recommended to be in a recumbent position, although some of the massage can be carried out in the sitting position. The next video features a classic back massage session:

In chest osteochondrosis, massage begins with stroking, followed by squeezing, back kneading. Receptions are performed 3 or 4 times.

Particular attention should be focused on the upper back, the area of ​​the scapula.

In this part, strokes are carried out from the lower angle of the scapula towards the neck (alternately on both sides).

Then a massage of the shoulders is performed:

  • stroking - up to 8 times;
  • squeezing - 5 times;
  • kneading - up to 3 times.

If the patient is sitting, similar techniques can be performed on large pectoral muscles.

In the upper part of the back, finger pads are followed by 4-5 squeezes on each side, then go to stroking the upper thoracic region of the back and squeezing the upper part of the shoulder (trapezius muscles).

After that go to stroking the neck, then repeat the massage of the muscles in the thoracic part in the following sequence:

  • stroking;
  • squeezing;
  • kneading;
  • slight shaking;
  • stroking.
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Then again switch to the cervico-thoracic department.

The next stage is rubbing the spine. It is made from the occipital bone down to the thoracic region, as close as possible to the vertebral appendages.

During grinding, the neck and back of the patient should be extremely relaxed, which allows the masseur to find lateral and spinous processes of the vertebrae and optimally work them out.

After rubbing, several strokes followed, followed by 3-4 squeezing and as many squeezes. This stage ends with stroking.

The next part of the massage session recommended for breast osteochondrosis is a repetition of the upper massage department of a back with the subsequent careful grinding of a backbone then again pass to processing of thoracal department. Massage techniques are carried out in such a sequence: stroking - squeezing - kneading - stroking.

After cupping the pain syndrome, the number of stroking techniques is reduced, and the number of squeezing, kneading and rubbing movements, on the contrary, increases. Grinding becomes the main method at the last massage sessions with chest osteochondrosis.

It is also possible to use other techniques. For greater clarity and proper performance of the massage in chest osteochondrosis, it is recommended to watch the video:


In chest osteochondrosis, acupressure is also very effective. It is used both for softening the symptoms, and for fixing and improving the results of classical massage.

Acupressure is effective for osteochondrosis

To conduct the procedure, choose pain and acupuncture points.

The point is affected by circular motions with the pads of the fingers (middle or index). First they are held in the clockwise direction, then against it.

The duration of exposure is from 2 to 3 minutes. Force and intensity of depression should gradually increase.


The procedure is performed with the help of three fingers: the middle, index and large (with the finger pad or with the nail pressure).


In chest osteochondrosis, acupressure should include the following techniques:

  • pressing with a finger;
  • finger sticking;
  • kneading;
  • a nail prick.

The point may be exposed to high, medium or weak intensity.

  • A strong effect has a calming (inhibitory) effect. The optimal duration is 3-5 minutes.
  • The average effect also leads to relaxation, but it has a shorter duration and is not so effective.
  • A weak effect produces an exciting effect, is carried out quickly and strongly. Its duration is up to 30 seconds. With osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, this method of acupressure is not recommended.

When the pathological process is localized in the thoracic spine, pain occurs in the chest area, in the intercostal space, in the heart region. To eliminate them, the braking effect is on the following points:

Scheme of acupressure

  3. HE-GU;
  4. Wai-Guan;
  5. ЦЮЙ-ЧИ;
  6. YES-ZHU;
  7. FAY-SHU;
  8. BLUE-SHU;
  9. DU-SHU;
  10. GE-SHU;
  11. GAN-SHU;
  12. DAN-SHU;
  13. WRITING;
  14. YUN-MEN;
  15. Yu-ZHUN;
  16. LIN-SUY;
  17. TAN-ZHUN;
  18. BU-LAN.

Sessions: duration, frequency, full course

When osteochondrosis of the thoracic form, the first sessions of classical massage last from 5 to 7 minutes, the duration of the following can be up to 12-15 minutes. Typically, the course includes 8-10 procedures.

To prevent the deterioration of the disease and its progression, it is recommended to carry out 2-3 courses per year. The maximum number of sessions is 6 during the year.

As for point massage, in the chest form of osteochondrosis, a course consisting of 12 sessions (maximum) is prescribed. If necessary, it can be repeated in a month.

In the absence of therapeutic effect after the other courses, other methods of treatment are used.

Search for a specialist

The easiest way is to contact your doctor or the registry of the medical institution. Masseurs are available in all public medical institutions.

Even easier to find a qualified masseur in a private clinic: they almost always employ specialists who perform massage sessions in strict accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Special video courses allow you to learn elementary methods of massage to prevent osteochondrosis or alleviate its symptoms:

A source:

Osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine

To understand the mechanics of osteochondrosis, one must start with what the spine and osteochondrosis itself is.

The spine consists of vertebrae, their interconnection is provided by intervertebral discs. Disks are a kind of a powerful spring that can control all incoming loads.

While the discs are healthy, the spinal column can not suffer even with significant overloads. When osteochondrosis begins, serious changes begin: bone tissue grows ("withers" form in the region of the cervical vertebrae).

Because of this, the lumen of the intervertebral canals narrows, which causes compression of the vessels and nerve endings.

Appear osteophytes - a kind of bony growths on the bodies of the vertebrae, which press on the muscle layer with its growing severity. This disrupts the work of the disk, they become lower and can no longer perform their tasks.

Osteophytes, reaching a maximum size, can squeeze the vertebral arteries. The result is a violation of blood flow, oxygen starvation and disruption of the spinal cord and brain.


The reasons for the appearance of this disease are many, almost every one of them is the result of an irresponsible attitude of a person to himself:

  1. incorrect posture;
  2. excess weight;
  3. sedentary lifestyle;
  4. lack of physical activity;
  5. malnutrition.

Incorrect posture causes vertebrae to contract, flex under physical influence. The first suffers from the neck, then the thoracic spine is affected. The food of the cartilaginous tissue of the disks is broken, which provokes their deformation.

The disk takes the wrong shape: it seems to protrude above the entire spine. This position of the discs injures the spinal cord, disrupts the conductivity of nerve impulses.

All these processes combine into one, leading to irreversible dystrophy of the structures of the cervical and thoracic spine.

Causes that also contribute to the development of the disease:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • mental stress, stress;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • infection.


Osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region has symptoms that allow one to suspect a disease and suspend its development in time. Symptom groups are combined into syndromes. There are several such syndromes: radicular, vertebral artery syndrome, cardiac syndrome.

  • Syndrome of the vertebral artery (cervical migraine) occurs against the compression of the artery itself (osteophytes, hernias). Characterized by a licking pain, which spreads to the temples, frontal lobes. The pain is usually persistent, intense, the attack can increase with movement. Sometimes there are hearing disorders, blurred vision, weakness, nausea.
  • Radicular syndrome, the most frequent of all kinds. It manifests itself at the time of pinching the nerve process, the pain radiates to the shoulder blades, toward the chest, and grasps the shoulder. Such pain interferes with movement, there are lumbago in the shoulder blades. If the left part is affected, then signs of heart failure, tachycardia, may appear. Nemyut fingers, a person feels a slight chill.
  • Cardiac syndrome manifests as typical angina pectoris. However, preparations from an attack of the latter do not help, the pain grows and can stay in your chest for several hours.

With an exacerbation of osteochondrosis a person feels pain in the head, stiffness in the muscles, weakness, uncontrolled change of mood.

The appetite can change, disappearing completely, there is a drowsiness. Pain spreads over the back of the head, pulsates in the temples, gives into the chest, there is a feeling of constriction.

Autonomic disorders are distinct: tremor, irregular heartbeat.


It is carried out on the basis of those complaints that the patient makes.

Since the peculiarity of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is the abundance of complaints simulating diseases of the heart, stomach and other internal bodies, the first place in diagnosis is a full-fledged examination by the therapist, who will exclude or confirm these disease.

If the cardiogram, EGF, fluorography, a general blood test, the blood pressure profile will be normal, and pain and stiffness in the cervico-thoracic spine all the same disturb the patient, a pre-examination is shown neurologist.

The neurologist will exclude serious diseases of the brain and spinal cord (headaches can cause, for example, a tumor or an aneurysm), will establish or install a department in which the osteochondrosis has developed, its degree and will select an adequate treatment.

For this, in addition to the standard inspection, the following applies:

  • roentgenography of the spine in different projections;
  • a computed tomography scan that clearly visualizes cartilage and blood vessels, unlike simple X-rays;
  • MRI. At this type of examination there is no irradiation of the patient, since the image is obtained by means of magnetic fields.


Once the diagnosis is established, the patient is assigned a number of drugs designed to stop pain and stimulate proper metabolism in the intervertebral discs. For the removal of pains are usually appointed:

  • ibuprofen;
  • diclofenac;
  • ketorol.

These drugs can be given both in tablet form and in the form of intramuscular injections. It is worth noting that the harmful effect on the gastric mucosa does not depend on the route of administration, since the action of the drug still occurs the same after binding to proteins in the blood.

Locally appointed are distracting and warming ointments of this kind, such as Capsicum or Fastumgel. For the restoration of damaged tissues and the suspension of destructive processes, chondroprotectors are appointed, for example, chondroxide.

In addition, the intake of vitamins is prescribed for the purpose of general strengthening of the body. With muscle spasms, you can use Medocalm, which can relax and reduce muscle tone.

Of great importance is physiotherapy: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, wraps, as well as therapeutic exercises and massage.

Sometimes alternative methods of treatment are applied: manual therapy, osteopathy, acupuncture.

Also great importance is given to orthopedic adaptations, for example, the head of the Shants. It will help to remove the syndrome of severe pain in the head, relax the neck.

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A patient with osteochondrosis needs a full-fledged regimen of the day, including proper nutrition. It is recommended to revise the schedule and work day: to allocate time for the necessary rest for the spine. Useful walks, especially in the morning and in the evening in combination with easy gymnastics.

Exercises exercise therapy

Ideal for swimming, which allows you to keep the spine in the right condition and support the work of the muscles.

Simple exercises that will help to eliminate the signs of the disease:

  1. every hour to go out into the air. Make a "lock" from the hands on the back of the head and slowly make turns on either side with a delay in time. Do not rush, free your head of thoughts and breathe in more deeply;
  2. it is possible at the table: straighten up exactly as possible and smoothly make slopes in different directions. Slowly, a little delayed in every slope;
  3. a little to throw back his head and try to reach each ear to his shoulder. Exercise to begin with 2 times on each side, increasing up to 10 times.

At home, you can relieve the spine, if you lie on a board or flat surface. It is necessary several times to pull your legs in turn to your chest and slowly lower them. Then roll over on your stomach, lean on your knees and, as much as possible, slowly bend your back.

Then slowly return to the previous position of the back and slowly bend to the floor to the maximum. Do these deflections several times, with time delays in each pose. After exercise, lie down on the floor, stand up only after complete recovery of breathing.

On the video, another set of exercises:


Irreplaceable massage, but there are restrictions. Massage should be gentle and soothing, without manual techniques. Manual therapy with cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is allowed rarely due to active blood tides that can cause strokes. Tasks of massage:

  • relax the muscle spasm;
  • relieve soreness;
  • restore blood flow.

All movements should be gentle, with a light and painless pressure, you need to massage: neck, head, spine, shoulders, thoracic area, paying special attention to the scapula. The patient should stop the massage if he feels pain or pulsation in his temples.

Prophylaxis and prognosis

For the prevention of the disease you need to monitor yourself, once a year, go to the orthopedist with a view to detecting curvatures or other deformations of the spine in time.

Do not allow complete relaxation of muscle tone, maintain your optimal weight. It is necessary to eat foods enriched with calcium.

It is important to eat vitamins, preferably in kind.

The prognosis for the treatment of osteochondrosis is favorable for those patients who are engaged in their own health and treat the disease, feed the body and fulfill all the prescriptions of specialists.

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How correctly to do massage at an osteochondrosis of a thoracal department of a backbone?

Massage is an integral part of the full-value treatment of chest osteochondrosis.

He helpsto remove pain, improve the metabolism in the affected area of ​​the spine, strengthen the supporting muscles, slow the course of inflammatory reactions and calm the nervous system.

Butremember, that the effect of massage is temporary. To prevent recurrence, massage should be done regularly.

Indications and contraindications

Massage of the thoracic region is recommended for patients with osteochondrosis aspreventive measures.

You can do such a massage afteracute painsin the affected area of ​​the spine have already been eliminated.

primary goalThis procedure is to relieve the patient of such symptoms as:

  • pain in the area of ​​the affected vertebrae;
  • decreased mobility;
  • excessive muscle tension;
  • disturbed breathing.

Contraindicated massagein the following cases:

  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis (exacerbation will only increase);
  • hypertension or hypotension (increased or decreased pressure);
  • cardiovascular diseases (cardiac pathologies, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, etc.);
  • elevated temperature;
  • fever;
  • presence of acute foci of inflammation, tumors, severe injuries;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • cholelithiasis or urolithiasis.

Attention!Some doctors believe that during an exacerbation of the disease does not necessarily completely abandon the massage.

They are right - there are soft techniques thatwill be harmless. In addition, massage can be performed only on those parts of the body that are not prone to disease, with the purpose of reflexively affecting the pain in the damaged area of ​​the spine.

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But in any case, carrying out the massage during an exacerbation is associated with somerisk share.

Features and techniques of therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Patients are prescribed massage sessionsin the subacute stageor after the end of an exacerbation (approximately on the fourth day of remission). Depending on the clinical picture, the procedure may have different characteristics.

With localized pain, massage begins with healthy areas of the back. If the pain affects the entire back, it should start from the areas where they are least expressed.

When spreading painon the upper limbs hand massage. During the massage, several techniques are used: stroking, squeezing, kneading, rubbing and shaking. Tapping and vibration are undesirable, as they can cause a new exacerbation.

It is desirable that the first sessions beas sparing as possible- conducted with a small intensity and for a short time. Excessive muscle tension can cause even greater pain.

A prerequisitesuccessful massage is the correct position of the patient, in which he can completely relax the whole body. Ideal position - lying down. If you have a special massage chair, you can sit in a sitting position.

Sequence of the massage:

  1. Begin with stroking, and then go squeezing and kneading. The procedure is repeated four times.
  2. Then special attention is paid to the area between the blades. It should be stroked from the bottom of the scapula to the neck seven times from the left and right side.
  3. After the area between the shoulder blades are massaged shoulder-straps. There are eight strokes, four squeezing and kneading on both sides.
  4. The procedure continues by massaging the neck: nine strokes from the back of the neck to the back.
  5. The neck is massaged again. Begin with stroking (6 times), continue to squeeze and knead (3 times), and then the techniques are repeated in the same amount, but in the reverse order.
  1. Transition to pectoral muscles. Receptions are held in the following sequence twice: stroking, squeezing, kneading, shaking and again stroking.
  2. The procedure from point # 5 is repeated.
  3. Transition to the vertebral column. The method used is rubbing the pads of the fingers. The procedure is carried out with both hands from two sides from top to bottom first with one finger, then with two, etc.; on each side four times. Followed by stroking (6 times), squeezing (3 times), kneading (3 times). As a final chord - repeated stroking.
  4. Return to the upper back. Each reception is held three times.
  5. Again, massage the neck. Performances are performed in the following sequence: stroking (3 times), squeezing (4 times), kneading (5 times). Then there are stroking, squeezing and rubbing the spine two times.
  6. Return to the chest and repeat all the tricks in the usual sequence four times. Then attention is given to the sternocleidomastoid muscle - the area is massaged with finger pads five times, kneaded four times and stroked six times.
  7. The session ends with a general massage of the back, neck and shoulder.

Acupressure with chest osteochondrosis

Favorable effect on patients with chest osteochondrosis rendersacupressure. It not only helps to alleviate the symptoms, but also secures the results of a classical massage.

An important advantagepoint massage is that it can be used during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis with the aim of to eliminate pain, while classical massage during this period, as a rule, is contraindicated.

During the procedureThe masseur influences the fingers on certain points on the body associated with the problematic parts of the body.

In the case of thoracic osteochondrosis, the necessary points are located on the two sides of the spine between the spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra and the seventh cervical vertebra.

With point massage, the point may be exposed to low, medium and high intensity. Duration of the weak effect -up to 30 seconds.

Pressure on the pointis carried out quickly and strongly. Promotes a surge of vigor and excitement, which the patient does not need osteochondrosis.


Therefore, in case of acupressure, the purpose of which is to eliminate the symptoms of osteochondrosis, use a strong and medium effect, which have a calming effect.


Classical and acupressure, of course, can not be the only means in the treatment of breast osteochondrosis.

Compulsoryare medical treatment and physiotherapy.

Nevertheless, massage, as an additional treatment, can greatly facilitate the patient's life, eliminating symptoms and improving health.

ButDo not forget, that the maximum effect from the massage will help you to achieve only a specialist. Independent attempts, most likely, will not strongly harm health, but osteochondrosis can become aggravated.

The technique of classical massage of the thoracic spine with osteochondrosis look at the video below:

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