Why are feet shed: the reasons for what to do with aching legs at home

In any person, the lower limbs are stressed during the whole day, because they participate in any act of movement and holding the body in an upright position when walking, standing or sitting. Of course, when the whole day on your feet, then a healthy person will be "buzzing" and whining by the evening, not to mention those who are sick.

Feeling sensations in the legs are associated not only with high physical activity, but also with other factors that have a direct bearing on whether you are healthy or not. The reasons why feet are sore are also in the presence of lower limb diseases, common diseases that lead to weakening of the body.


Causes of aching leg pain: why do the lower limbs of

ache? As a rule, people do not pay much attention to aching pains that affect the legs, referring to the fact that these sensations are caused by fatigue or an existing limb injury. But the basis for discomfort can be the development of a number of diseases, including a disruption of the digestive system.

For an accurate definition of the origin of the pain and the selection of therapeutic measures, you need to seek help from a doctor. After the examination of the patient, the specialist will prescribe the treatment, including the passage of an additional medical examination to accurately diagnose the disease. First we find out the causes of the ailment, then we begin to treat it.

Why are feet sore? There are some diseases that cause pain in the legs:

  1. tissue damage;
  2. varicose veins;
  3. obesity;
  4. atherosclerosis;
  5. osteoporosis;
  6. endarteritis;
  7. arthritis.

Such tissue trauma as fracture, stretching or displacement of the patella, can be a reason for aching leg pain. In particular, this becomes relevant with age, with heavy loads, weather changes and other factors.

As a rule, the foot( or both) strongly hurts during the night, despite the fact that it is at rest.

Very often, the cause of pain can be problems with the vessels, resulting in a violation of the outflow of venous blood. For this reason, the blood stagnates, which increases the pressure on the vascular system. As a result of these processes, nerve endings are irritated, so the legs hurt more.

Deposits can reduce the patency of blood vessels, which increases the likelihood of stroke and other diseases. The patient does not pay much attention to discomfort in the knee area, believing that this is not associated with serious problems. However, this is a mistake, because ignoring the symptoms is delaying the proper treatment. The result is the effect of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the vessels.

Pain only in the right leg, as in the left, can mean the onset of varicose veins, joint damage, leg trauma.

Indication of atherosclerosis can be a condition when feet are sore, especially if there is a pain in the right leg.

Body problems affecting the condition of the legs and sensations in them

Excessive body weight is a heavy load on the lower limbs. It promotes the progression of concomitant ailments that affect the movement of blood and the state of the vessels. Such phenomena can provoke pain, both in the right leg and in the left leg.

Osteoporosis is a disease in which calcium deficiency occurs, which is a consequence of deformation of the skeleton. From this, both the right and the left leg may suffer. Painful sensations in such cases are acute in the knee zone, as well as in areas where tissue destruction occurs.

To prevent osteoporosis, a person needs regular calcium intake with food or taking calcium supplements. To detect osteoporosis, a timely diagnosis using special devices is required. Prescribe drugs should be a doctor. It is not recommended to treat the disease on its own.

Aching feet pain( when the left and right leg hurts) may result from endarteritis or symptoms of arthritis .Often, pain can occur as a result of of vegetative-vascular dystonia ( VSD).

What to do when the lower limbs are sore: how to treat

Methods that help to get rid of pain in the legs are dependent on the disease that provokes these phenomena. Therefore, it is very important to determine the cause of the problem, remove the source of the indisposition, and unpleasant symptoms will go away.

Traditional medicine can be useful in this case. However, it is most often used as a preventive measure. It is also used as an adjunct to the main drug therapy.

To date, there are many ways to remove leg fatigue, maintain blood circulation and eliminate aching pain. Such procedures give a good effect. But they must be exercised carefully.

The list of actions that eliminate aching pain in the legs includes such activities as:

  1. the main drug treatment;
  2. use of special medicines that compensate for the shortage of useful elements and vitamins;
  3. health gymnastics and massage;
  4. physiotherapy procedures.

The basic therapy should be aimed at eliminating the initial symptoms.

Treatment is performed after passing through the hardware diagnostics and carrying out all the necessary studies. Experts say that the cause of numbness and leg pain may be a lack of certain substances in the body. As a result, a aching pain in the right foot occurs in a person. Therefore, it is recommended to take the medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Get rid of aching pain and wellness gymnastics and massage. Moreover, massaging is carried out not only on the problem area of ​​the leg, but also along some parts of the spine. In addition, massage is considered an indispensable assistant, if the feet hurt. With the help of massage movements you can normalize your blood circulation and eliminate painful sensations.

However, you should not neglect the help of a specialist, as the problem may worsen. Treatment of patients is always individual, in each case it is different, so always be guided by medical recommendations. Do not forget about preventive measures that help prevent many diseases.

With the help of physiotherapy it is possible to improve blood circulation, stimulate metabolic processes in the body and get rid of uncomfortable sensations.

Aching aching in the heel

Often, aching sensation in the legs can trigger pain in the heel, which has arisen for certain reasons. For example, the heel may be affected by the development of arthritis. In this case, the inflammation covers the tissue that goes along the foot and connects the fingers to the calcaneus.

As a rule, pain intensifies gradually, especially in the morning. A small massage will help to relieve pain, but with any load the pain can resume.

Plantar fasciitis also can be a consequence of painful sensations in the heel. When forming a dense formation that passes through the sole of the foot, salts are deposited in the zone of the inflammatory process. Then a calcaneal spur is formed, which causes severe pain while walking.

To provoke aching pain in the heel can inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The main symptom of such inflammation is pain when moving. The place of pain localization is the heel on the sole side.

Thus, there are a number of diseases in which the heels hurt. In any case, if you experience discomfort, you should not be treated independently, but you should visit a doctor.

What to do, how to get rid of discomfort

To eliminate the pain, you must first of all make a correct medical opinion about your health. For this, the doctor conducts an examination and asks the patient some questions: how is the pain manifested, whether it is constant or not, when it arises.

Often additional tests may be required, for example, X-rays or ultrasound. Therapeutic measures will help to eliminate the uncomfortable sensations and causes that cause the main symptom.

In pathological processes of the spinal column it is recommended to use manual therapy, acupuncture or physiotherapy.

In inflammatory processes of the joints or sciatic nerve, the doctor prescribes medicines that relieve inflammation and pain.

If the causes of pain are due to vertebral hernia or varicose veins, surgical intervention can be indicated.

However, if the pain is manifested due to hypodynamia, the best medicine will be mobility and physical activity, which must be performed continuously. In this case, the load should be moderate, since the legs should be given rest.

If you have painful sensations in your legs, you should urgently contact specialists for timely action. If the basis for pain is venous disease, it is required to visit the phlebologist. The specialist, based on the results of the research, will prescribe the necessary treatment, including ozonotherapy, endovasal laser coagulation of blood vessels.

Everyone needs to adjust the load so that his feet do not ache and cause trouble. Thus, a person retains health for many years.


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Source: Article http: //nashinogi.ru/simptomy/ noyut-prichiny-chto-delat.html