Left-sided scoliosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine


  • 1Left sided scoliosis of different parts of the spine
    • 1.1Causes and degrees
    • 1.2Subspecies of left-sided scoliosis
    • 1.3Treatment and prevention
  • 2How to treat left-sided lumbar and thoracic scoliosis of 1, 2 degrees
    • 2.1The causes of left-sided deformation of the spine
    • 2.2Simple and complex deformations
    • 2.3Treatment of spinal curvatures of 1 and 2 degree
  • 3Left-sided scoliosis - types, features, treatment
    • 3.1Types of left-sided scoliosis
    • 3.2Left-sided thoracic scoliosis
    • 3.3Left-sided lumbar scoliosis
    • 3.4Treatment of left-sided distortions
    • 3.5When surgery is required
  • 4How to treat a left-sided scoliosis of the thoracic spine: conservative and surgical options for therapy
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2Symptoms and stages of development
    • 4.3General rules and methods of treatment
    • 4.4Gymnastics and exercise therapy
    • 4.5Swimming
    • 4.6Massotherapy
    • 4.7Radical therapy
    • 4.8Prophylactic recommendations
  • 5Left-sided scoliosis of the thoracic and lumbar region, its features and treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1The causes of scoliosis
    • 5.2Left-sided thoracic and lumbar scoliosis
    • 5.3Thoracic localization of scoliosis
    • 5.4Lumbar localization of scoliosis
    • 5.5Treatment of left-sided scoliosis
  • 6Left sided scoliosis of the spine - what to do about it
    • 6.1Deformation of the spine
    • 6.2Congenital deformities of the spine
    • 6.3Complex types of disease
    • 6.4Diagnostics
    • 6.5Treatment
    • 6.6Physiotherapy
    • 6.7Physiotherapeutic procedures
    • 6.8Massotherapy

Left sided scoliosis of different parts of the spine

Scoliosis is a disease that has been known for a long time. Hippocrates in due time prophesied to patients with a scoliotic posture an early death if in time to not straighten a back. Today, scoliosis does not die, but neglected cases make a sick person an invalid for life.

Scoliosis (from the Greek Skolios) - in the literal sense of the word "curve" the spine. Curvature of the spinal column is divided into three types:

  1. Left-hand.
  2. Right-hand.
  3. Zigzagging.

In scoliosis, the primary arch forms in any part of the spine, then, with increasing load on the back muscles, already secondary arcs: asymmetry and deformation of the spinal column develop, and the ribs on one side of the sternum sink and protrude from the other.

Left-sided scoliosis, like the other types, is rather an acquired pathology than an innate one.

It occurs much less frequently than, for example, right-sided, and women suffer more often.

This type of scoliosis disrupts the function of the internal organs on the right side: the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, abdominal cavity organs and small pelvis.

Causes and degrees

The causes of left-sided scoliosis can be congenital anomalies of the child's skeleton (very rarely), various injuries and spinal tumors, connective tissue pathology (Marfan syndrome), osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, rickets and other

But most often doctors can not establish an exact cause - such a scoliosis is called idiopathic.

Deformation of posture and enhanced development of the musculoskeletal system during puberty in teenagers, especially in girls, also leads to a sad diagnosis: scoliosis.

The disease is usually found on medical examinations: a patient with scoliosis does not present active complaints, only a specialist will pay attention to changes in the bend of the spinal column.

There are 4 stages of development of left-sided scoliosis:

  • 1 - angle of deviation of the axis of the spine 10 ° (no more), outwardly it is completely invisible. There are no complaints from the patient about the state of health;
  • 2 - angle up to 25 °, without clothes and at close examination the curvature can be seen in the waist, shoulder blades and shoulders. The patient complains of irregular aching back pain after physical exertion;
  • 3 - with a deflection of 26-50 ° with the naked eye, the asymmetry of the shoulder girdle, ribs and back muscles, even under free clothing, is clearly discernible. Complaints are made about persistent aching and pulling pain;
  • 4 - abnormal chest changes in the form of a costal hump, severe deformity of the spinal column, limitation of mobility and sharp soreness with an angle of deviation greater than 50 °.

Diagnosis of left-sided scoliosis is based on the patient's questionnaire, external examination data and the results of X-ray studies.

A picture of the back is made in three projections - standing, lying and in the side.

Only after an accurate diagnosis is established the doctor prescribes treatment for left-sided scoliosis, gives advice and recommendations on behavior in everyday life and at work (in an institution).

In scoliosis, not only the appearance of a person suffers, but all of its internal organs

Subspecies of left-sided scoliosis

Depending on the affected part of the spine, scoliosis is divided into thoracic, lumbar and thoracolumbar.

  • Left-sided lumbar scoliosis can develop at any age, but in the elderly more often. At the first stages, he does not show himself by himself, since the region of formation of the primary arc is closest to the center of gravity of the human body. Only with palpation can you determine the weakness of the muscles of the lumbar spine on the left side and muscle hypertrophy on the right. In advanced cases (grades 3 and 4), the protruding crest of the iliac bone, an asymmetric waist, sharply painful symptoms not only during movement, but also at rest are markedly expressed;
  • In scoliosis of the thoracic and cervicothoracic parts, the primary arch forms in the region of the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae. Right-sided thoracic scoliosis is diagnosed more often than left-sided scoliosis. Symptomatically, the 3 and 4 degrees of scoliosis of these parts of the spine are manifested in a violation of the symmetry of the upper body and face, limited mobility and impaired breathing;
  • Left sided thoracolumbar scoliosis also damages the vertebrae of the two divisions. At the initial stages, a good disease is amenable to correction: according to statistics in 80 cases out of 100, the development of scoliosis is suspended.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of scoliosis is performed on an outpatient basis and depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. A complex of medical procedures is prescribed only by an osteopathic physician after a complete examination of the patient and the establishment of a final diagnosis.

Left-sided scoliosis in the initial stages requires the restoration of the normal state of the muscles and ligaments of the vertebral pill, so the patient is recommended to perform special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and wear a corrective corset.

Left-sided scoliosis of the lumbar region is treated by manual correction of the deformed region of the spine. After the course of manual therapy under the supervision of a doctor, the patient performs individually selected exercises, visits the masseur and physio-cabinet.

A year after the treatment, the patient should again visit an osteopathic physician and undergo a second X-ray examination (in the same projections).


The doctor assesses the condition of the patient at the time of the examination, conducts a comparative analysis of X-ray images and prescribes further preventive treatment.


Children need:

Also you can read:Treatment of s-shaped scoliosis

  • choose the "right" furniture, so that the height of the table and chair corresponds to the growth of the child;
  • organize leisure with active games (at least 2 hours a day) and preferably in the open air (exercises should not include long standing or jumping on one leg);
  • to refuse to carry a bag / backpack with one strap (over the shoulder or in one hand);
  • properly arrange a place for a night's sleep - no soft pillows and mattresses, only a solid surface and an orthopedic pillow!

According to statistics for the past year, the adult population reported improvement in the spine and, accordingly, appearance in 83%, in children under 11 years - in 99% of cases. Therefore, the most important thing in the treatment of left-sided scoliosis is to notice pathological changes in time and immediately seek help from a specialist.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/bolezni/levostoronniy-skolioz-razlichnyh-otdelov-pozvonochnika

How to treat left-sided lumbar and thoracic scoliosis of 1, 2 degrees

Left-sided scoliosis - displacement of the vertebral axis in one or more departments simultaneously. He often appears in school children due to improper seating at the table, wearing heavy portfolios and a sedentary lifestyle.

The causes of left-sided deformation of the spine

Deviation of the spine to the left, unlike the strengthened lordosis (concavity inward) and kyphosis (convex outward) is stable and does not disappear in the horizontal position.

Causes of the disease are classified into:

  • Congenital;
  • Acquired.

Congenital left-sided lumbar scoliosis occurs because of anomalies in the development of the vertebrae. He also appears due to malnutrition of the mother when carrying the fetus, having bad habits, venereal infections.

The acquired spine displacement to the left is classified for reasons of:

  • Rick - in case of lack of vitamin D3;
  • Rheumatic - lesions of intervertebral disks with anti-rheumatic antibodies;
  • Paralytic - after the transferred neuroinfection;
  • Habitual - due to incorrect posture in school children and adolescents.

The defeat of the lumbar spine with a deviation to the left arises from excessive physical exertion to the anatomical area when walking and lifting loads.

Simple and complex deformations

Depending on the anatomical features of deformation, the following types of left-sided scoliosis are distinguished:

  • Simple (non-structural);
  • Complex (structural).

Simple curvatures do not have several scoliotic arcs rotated in different planes. They appear at lateral displacement of the vertebral axis of the 1st degree, when the angle of curvature does not exceed 10 degrees.

Scoliosis of the 2nd degree is manifested by a more complex configuration. In addition to the lesion of the thoracic region, deformity in the region of the waist and neck can also be observed with it. In this case, the human back can look like the Latin letter "S "C" or "Z" with an external view.

The main difference between non-structural and structural distortions is the presence of a fixed rotation or torsion (twisting of the vertebrae along the vertical plane).

Complex curvatures are divided into:

  • Compensatory deformations in the thoracic region occur in adolescents from 8 to 11 years of age. They are manifested by the formation of additional lateral arcs of the spine displaced to the left when heavy bags are worn on the right shoulder.
  • Reflex shifts are a consequence of the change in the tone of the muscular system on both sides of the back. If the tonus of musculature is increased from one side of the trunk, it will pull the opposite part. Reflex deformations also appear in the presence of a herniated intervertebral disc.
  • Inflammatory - arise because of the presence of inflammation of the muscles and intervertebral discs, which leads to a violation the anatomical position of the segmental blocks of the spine (the segment consists of 2 vertebrae and a disk located between them).
  • Hysterical types arise without an obvious cause and are characterized by frequent relapses (repeated occurrence after a while).
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Complex dislocations are observed in childhood and are often accompanied by increased thoracic kyphosis.

Fixed vertebra rotation leads to the appearance of a vertebral humerus. At the same time there is an uneven narrowing of the intercostal spaces of the chest.

Nevertheless, the above changes appear from the 2nd degree of scoliosis.

The structural curvature of the 1st degree is characterized, as a rule, by the presence of one scoliotic arc (C-shaped deformation). Such changes occur compensatory to maintain a stable position of the head and prevent changes in the brain.

Treatment of spinal curvatures of 1 and 2 degree

Left-sided deformation of the spinal column in the thoracic and lumbar regions of 1 and 2 degrees is treated mainly by conservative methods. Only if the treatment does not bring a positive result, surgical techniques are used.

Basic principles of conservative therapy of deformity of the spinal column to the left:

  • Appointment of analgesic techniques;
  • Acceleration of outflow of lymphatic fluid;
  • Increased movement volume;
  • Strengthening of the joint-ligament apparatus;
  • Improving the quality of life of the patient.

Treatment of lateral deformations of the vertebral axis should be complex. Its effectiveness depends on the stage of the disease, the tactics of therapy, the presence of concomitant diseases, the condition of the joint-muscular apparatus, the age of the patient.

At children simultaneously with the above described methods of treatment at deformation of a backbone of 2 degree it is applied korsetirovanie (wearing an orthopedic corset).

This product prevents further displacement of the vertebral axis and "unloads" it.

Pathology of the first stage is usually treated with gymnastics, which is selected individually by a doctor, but correctors can be used.

These products are lightweight corsets made of strong fabrics. When a child tries to take a wrong posture, the corrector straps "slam" into the shoulder.

At all stages of scoliosis of the thoracic and lumbar divisions, therapeutic physical training is shown. However, with this pathology exercises on flexibility and spinal cord stretching are excluded.


Massages are often used in the treatment of deformities of the thoracic spine. It allows you to dosage affect the pathological areas and improve in them lymph drainage, blood supply and metabolism. The effectiveness of procedures is enhanced in combination with manual therapy.


With thoracic scoliosis, it helps to remove pain and normalize breathing. Manual therapy includes several directions:

  • Postisometric relaxation of muscles;
  • Mobilization;
  • Myofascial stretching;
  • Energy methods;
  • Cranial Therapy.

Thus, the treatment of scoliosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine of 1, 2 and 3 degrees includes an integrated approach. It can be carried out at home, but only under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

A source: http://SpinaZdorov.ru/deformacii-spiny/scoliosis/lechenie-levostoronnego-skolioza.html

Left-sided scoliosis - types, features, treatment

The curvature of the spine can be in any of its areas, affecting both one department and several.

In the first case, this is a simple form of scoliosis, in which one C-shaped scoliotic arch is usually fixed.

In the second case, there is a complex, with the presence of two arcs in the form of the letter S, or combined, with three arcs and affecting two or three sections of the form of scoliosis. There may also be a different direction of these arcs.

Left-sided scoliosis- one of the varieties of pathology along the direction of the curving arc, namely: the curvature of its convex part is directed to the left. In the photo 1 - left-sided thoracic scoliosis.

Types of left-sided scoliosis

Left-sided scoliosis may appear as from the moment of birth in the form of birth trauma or congenital pathology, and may also develop during life. The culprits of acquired scoliosis can be the following

  • Children's rickets
  • Cerebral Palsy (cerebral palsy), poliomyelitis
  • Dysplastic anomalies of the spine (fusion of the vertebrae, underdevelopment of the arches, etc.)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Endocrine disorders and hormonal imbalance
  • Promoting a curvature lifestyle

Left-sided thoracic scoliosis

The formation of thoracic and cervico-thoracic left-sided scoliosis occurs often for the following reasons:

  • Permanent wearing of the weight in the right hand or bag with a belt on the right shoulder
  • The habit of sleeping on the right side
  • Long sitting in the wrong position, with the left shoulder moving forward

In adults, due to such habits, most often the development of left-sided thoracic scoliosis.

C-shaped deformations are usually insignificant and occur in 1 to 2 degrees of scoliosis. Deepening the pathology inevitably leads to the appearance of a second arc.

For example, with a left-sided thoracic curvature of the third degree,

  • right-sided compensatory arch in the cervical region in order to ensure the correct position of the head
  • right-sided arch in the lumbar region to maintain balance

On the same photo 1 - right-sided lumbar curvature.

Left-sided scoliosis is a frequent phenomenon in athletes. It is a reflex muscular nature and is associated mainly with the pain of overstrained muscles and their inflammation (myositis).

By nature, we have more developed muscles of the right side. Therefore, pain often appears on the right, than on the left.

The spine is reflexively reflexed to the side opposite to its source, that is, to the left.

Usually they sound alarm at such obvious signs that spoil the appearance:

  • Humpbacks in front and behind in the scapula and costal region
  • Severe asymmetry of the spinal column

The situation is further aggravated by soreness and weakness, the increase in pulmonary and cardiac failure

Left-sided lumbar scoliosis

Left-sided lumbar scoliosis of primary origin rarely progresses to the S-shape. This is due to his close presence near the center of gravity of the body.

The first-second degree of lumbar left-sided scoliosis also have slightly pronounced external signs. In the third or fourth stage, there are:

  1. Pelvic shift left
  2. Asymmetry of the gluteal fold
  3. Visible elongation of the right leg
  4. Omission of the right kidney and other problems with pelvic organs

Heavy forms this disease can acquire

  • with congenital anomalies of the hip joint
  • in the elderly
  • at 3 - 4 degrees of right-sided thoracic scoliosis
  • with arthritis of TBS

One of the reasons for the onset of a scoliotic left-sided lumbar pathology may be a dorsal hernia (paramedial right-sided) of segment l5-s1

Treatment of left-sided distortions

Treat left-sided scoliosis in two ways: conservative and surgical.

Methods of such treatment are well known:

  1. Physiotherapy exercises with special exercises, relaxing the muscles on the left and strengthening on the right
  2. Massage on the same principle as exercise therapy
  3. Manual and physiotherapy
  4. Corsets fixing the spine in corrected position
  5. Swimming

The approach to manual and physiotherapeutic treatment should be cautious: not always and all these methods will work.

In addition, it is not easy to find a talented chiropractor.

The treatment of curvature in the later period can be directed to partial improvement, with the transfer to the previous stage, and general strengthening.

In some cases, it is possible to use the hood at home and in the clinic. However, the decision can only be made by a doctor, as with late scoliosis, this procedure should be carried out very carefully.

When surgery is required

  1. In the presence of severe pain
  2. If treatment for a long time did not give anything
  3. The disease goes to stage 3-4
  4. Internal organs are displaced so much that normal vital activity becomes impossible
  5. Consciousness of an external defect is unbearable

In the photo 2 - elimination of S-shaped scoliosis with the help of surgery.

Treatment after surgery does not end. There is a long period of recovery, including healing strengthening gymnastics, massage, wearing corsets, various procedures. Here, a lot depends on you.

Health to you and faith in yourself!

: Left-sided thoracic scoliosis

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A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/skolioz/levostoronniy.html

How to treat a left-sided scoliosis of the thoracic spine: conservative and surgical options for therapy

Normally, the spine should have its physiological curves that allow it to function normally. Curvature of the vertebral column in the frontal plane is called scoliosis. With this distortion, the primary arc is directed to the right or to the left.

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine, in particular its left-sided shape, is one of the most common varieties of curvature.

Left-sided scoliosis affects the organs located on the right side of the body.

If the disease is not treated, it will continue to progress and subsequently lead to various complications.

Causes of the disease

By nature, scoliosis is:

  • congenital- occurs due to intrauterine development of spinal anomalies;
  • acquired- pathology develops throughout the life of a person under the influence of predisposing factors;
  • idiopathic- causes of deformation are not clear.

Thoracic scoliosis with recoil to the left side forms an arc between the 7th and 10th thoracic vertebrae. If a primary arc appears in the region of 1-2 lumbar vertebrae, there is a risk of developing left-sided lumbar scoliosis.

The causes of congenital scoliosis can be genetic pathologies, prerequisites for development curvature of the spine often become harmful habits of a woman during pregnancy, venereal disease.

Factors of development of the acquired left-sided scoliosis of the thoracic segment are:

  • habit of sleeping on the left side;
  • regular posture with forward left shoulder;
  • wearing heavy weights on the right side;
  • rickets;
  • spine trauma;
  • tumors in the thoracic region;
  • rheumatism;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • muscular atrophy.

As a rule, scoliosis begins to develop in childhood (6-14 years). About 80% of cases of thoracic bending are referred to as idiopathic.

Symptoms and stages of development

Common symptoms of scoliosis are:

  • pain in the thoracic spine;
  • slouch;
  • asymmetry of the shoulders;
  • skewed chest;
  • asymmetry of folds on the buttocks and legs in young children;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dysfunction of internal organs;
  • incorrect gait.

Over time, due to a violation of the quality of life associated with scoliosis, the patient develops psychoemotional disorders (depression, irritability).

Stages of scoliosis:

  • 1 degree - the angle of distortion to the left is not more than 10 °. The asymmetry of the shoulders is barely noticeable. There is no stoop. Painful sensations practically do not arise. Diagnosis of the disease can be experienced orthopedist and carried out radiography.
  • 2 degree - the curvature of the deflection angle reaches 25 ° to the left. There is a visually noticeable S-shaped bend to the side. When you lean forward, you can notice a "rib hump". Pain in the thoracic region becomes more intense, especially after physical exertion.
  • 3 degree - visual curvature is easy to view, its angle is 26-80o. Noticeable significant pelvic bias, curvature of the shoulder girdle and muscles of the thoracic region. The thorax is asymmetric. Back pain is more common, even at rest. The functionality of internal organs is disrupted, respiratory function becomes more difficult.
  • 4 degree - the angle of the left-sided deformation is more than 80 °. Visually visible is the skew of the whole body, not just the spine. The motor function is significantly hampered. The patient is difficult to move around. Virtually all organs and systems function with significant disabilities. The back pain is very strong, the ribs fall from one side, and on the other they protrude.
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General rules and methods of treatment

The tactics of treatment will depend on the stage of curvature, the age of the patient, the concomitant diseases.

Objectives of therapy for left-sided thoracic scoliosis:

  • remove the root cause of curvature;
  • to correct the bending of the spine in its normal physiological position;
  • strengthen the muscular corset;
  • improve motor activity.

On a note!The approach to treatment should be comprehensive. At an early stage of the development of the pathological process, the wearing of special corsets, which are manufactured individually, helps to correct the posture. The corset fixes the spine in the desired physiological position and does not allow it to deviate further to the left. To prevent the development of muscle cortex muscular atrophy, it is necessary to regularly perform therapeutic exercises.

Gymnastics and exercise therapy

Exercises for the performance of physiotherapy exercises are selected individually, taking into account the degree of curvature and physical capabilities of the patient. The task of the exercises is to gradually level the thoracic spine, strengthen the muscles, increase blood circulation and improve metabolic processes.

Exercise is mandatory at 1-2 degrees of scoliosis. Particular attention must be given to performing asymmetrical exercises.

Beginning is necessary with the most simple, warm-up muscles exercises. Movements should be smooth, slow. The time for exercise and exercise should be increased gradually.

Contraindicated in the left-sided chest scoliosis jumping, running, lifting weights.


It is recommended to swim at all degrees of curvature of the spine.

Requirements for swimming lessons in scoliosis:

  • exercises in water are selected, based on the degree of scoliosis, taking into account the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • strict adherence to the rules for performing a set of exercises, control of breathing;
  • It is recommended to use the swimming style of the breast strap, to avoid rotational movements;
  • start a session in the pool with a warm-up;
  • New exercises are first tested outside the water.


It is advisable to apply at 1-2 degrees of scoliosis. The course of massage is aimed at toning of muscle tissue, tightening the weakened areas.

A course of 10-15 procedures is recommended 1-2 times a year as an addition to other methods of treatment.

Perform an massage should an experienced specialist, so as not to harm the patient.

Radical therapy

If conservative methods of treatment have proved ineffective or the curvature of the angle of the thoracic region is more than 40 °, surgical intervention is required.

In young children, the bones are not yet fully formed and vertebral disturbances can be corrected by conservative methods. Therefore, the operations are practically not assigned to them.

The main indication for intervention is the late stages of scoliosis.

To solve the problem, two types of operations are used:

  • One-time- alignment of the curved section with the help of a special metal construction.
  • Stage (for children)- corrective metalwork is fixed for some time, which will be adjusted (lengthened) during the growth of the child.

Prophylactic recommendations

Usually scoliosis begins to develop in childhood. To prevent the progression of the pathological curvature of the spine, it is necessary as early as possible to prevent it.


  • During pregnancy, a woman should lead a healthy lifestyle, consume enough vitamins and minerals.
  • Do not put the child before he can sit on his own.
  • Equally keep your back sitting at a desk or at a table.
  • Daily exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back.
  • Choosing the right furniture for study and work.
  • Take vitamin D to prevent rickets in children.
  • Every year the child should be examined by an orthopedist in order to diagnose possible deformities of the spine at an early stage.

Left-sided scoliosis of the thoracic region is a serious pathology that negatively affects a patient's life. It is very important to detect the curvature of the spine at an early stage. 1-2 degree of scoliosis is easier to adjust. A competent treatment makes it possible to completely restore the normal position of the spine. Further progression of the disease can significantly impair the quality of human life and cause disability.

The following clip shows a set of exercises that are recommended for performing with left-sided thoracic scoliosis:

A source: http://vse-o-spine.com/iskrivleniya/skolioz/levostoronnij-grudnoj.html

Left-sided scoliosis of the thoracic and lumbar region, its features and treatment

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spinal column, which today suffers a lot of people.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of a scoliotic arch directed to the right or left side, hence the name right-sided and left-sided.

It is left-sided scoliosis that is most often diagnosed in school-age children.

The disease can be a simple form, in which only one pathological arch is detected, or it can be complex, with two or more arches. The initial stage of curvature of the spine is usually discovered by chance, when the patient comes to the doctor with complaints about other diseases or for routine examination.

The causes of scoliosis

Scoliosis can develop in children of the youngest age, as well as in adults over time. The children's spine is very mobile and therefore easily lends itself to negative influences related to improper position of the body.

In addition, the cause may be birth trauma of the spine, less often - congenital pathology and heredity.

As for adolescents and adults, they often develop scoliosis in the background dysplastic anomalies of the spine, endocrine disorders and lifestyle preceded by curvature of the spine.

Left-sided thoracic and lumbar scoliosis

Left-sided scoliosis, according to medical statistics, is more frequent than the right-sided and can appear both in the thoracic and lumbar region.

Thoracic localization of scoliosis

The disease most often appears for the following reasons:

  1. Regular sleep on the right side of the body.
  2. Long sitting in uncomfortable for the spine pose with forward forward of the left shoulder.
  3. Frequent transfer of heavy objects in the right hand, or wearing a belt bag on the right shoulder.

Initial deformations of the spinal column are mostly insignificant and refer to scoliosis of the 1st degree. The second degree becomes more noticeable, due to the increase in the angle of curvature.

If you start treatment at stage 1-2, then sometimes it is enough to use curative gymnastics to eliminate the ailment.


The initiated development of pathology necessarily leads to the 3rd degree of the disease, causing the appearance of a second arc, compensatory, serving as a stabilizer of the spinal column.


Compensatory arc is directed opposite to the main arc, due to which it ensures the correct position of the head and keeps balance in the lower back. The development of grade 3 and 4 disease is characterized by the following well-marked symptoms:

  • Strong asymmetry of the spine.
  • The appearance of a hump in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and ribs.
  • The emergence of problems with the heart and lungs.
  • The presence of increasing weakness.

Lumbar localization of scoliosis

Lumbar curvature of the spine of the primary form extremely rarely leads to the appearance of a compensatory arc, this is due to the fact that the localization is near the center of gravity of the body. Left-sided lumbar scoliosis in the first stages of development has mild external signs. At occurrence of 3 and 4 degrees the following symptoms are observed:

  • Left-sided pelvic displacement.
  • Violation of the symmetry of the gluteal fold.
  • Visual increase in the length of the right leg.
  • Displacement of the right kidney and other problems with the pelvic organs.

Especially complex development of the disease can occur if there are congenital defects or arthrosis of the hip joint.

In some cases, lumbar left-sided scoliosis appears in people with an intervertebral hernia.

It is also worth remembering that the scoliotic curvature of the spinal column can itself be the beginning of such diseases as osteochondrosis, disc hernia and many others.

Treatment of left-sided scoliosis

In the treatment of left-sided scoliosis, doctors use two methods - conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment is used for early stages of scoliosis and includes the following elements:

In some cases, the doctor can prescribe acupuncture, electromyostimulation, and medicamental methods.

In any case, conservative treatment should be prescribed by a professional physician and used in the case, When scoliosis is curable and no significant dangers to internal bodies.

Surgical treatment is practiced if:

  1. there are severe pains
  2. Long conservative treatment did not yield any results
  3. an illness develops into a 3-4 stage
  4. there is a strong displacement of internal organs and their vital activity is in danger
  5. there are strong deformations of the spine (the angle of curvature exceeds 40 degrees)

Watch your spine, because a timely diagnosed disease gives you great hopes for a quick and effective cure!

A source: https://yourspine.ru/levostoronnij-skolioz.html

Left sided scoliosis of the spine - what to do about it

The human backbone is evidence of long and complex evolutionary processes. It reminds us of our fish past. And dinosaurs with intimidating bone processes are also related to us.

Unfortunately, the spine not only supports us and makes us flexible, but also gives us various ailments.

It is not known whether there was left-sided scoliosis in our ancient ancestors, and in modern humans it occurs quite often.

The spine of a person is characterized as the highest and complex. It is located 32-34 vertebra with intervertebral discs.

It is divided into 5 divisions: in the cervical region - 7 vertebrae, thoracic - 12, lumbar - 5, sacral - 5, coccyx has 3-5.

It is interesting that the human embryo lays 38 vertebrae, as a result of development, a part of them fuses.

The main function of the spine is to support, that is, it is the supporting structure, the axis of the body around which the whole human life revolves. Inside the vertebrae, there is an opening through which the spinal cord passes, regulating the work of all human organs.

Displacement of even one vertebra can lead to serious ailments. For example, the displacement of the vertebrae of the cervical region may threaten headaches, a decrease in hearing, vision, and a shift of the vertebra in the thoracic region threatens with digestion, breathing, and pain in the heart.

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Deformation of the spine

Deformation or curvature of the spine is called scoliosis. As a rule, the curvature occurs in three planes: to the right, to the left and back and represents an arc. The following types of scoliosis are distinguished according to the shape of the arch:

C-shaped with one arc deformation. The arc to the left forms scoliosis left-sided, and to the right, respectively, right-sided.

S-shaped with two arcs. As a rule, the arcs are directed in different directions, with the second arch trying to compensate for the deformation, and is called compensatory arc.

Z-shaped with three arcs. A three-shaped bend is rare.

Depending on the localization of the left-hand arch, the following are distinguished:


The peak of the curvature is at the level of 2-4 thoracic vertebrae (left-sided cervicothoracic scoliosis).


At the level of 8-9 thoracic vertebra (left-sided chest scoliosis).

At the level of 11-12 thoracic vertebra (left-sided thoracolumbar scoliosis).

At the level of 1-2 lumbar vertebrae (left-sided lumbar scoliosis).

At the level of 5 lumbar and 1-2 sacral (left-sided scoliosis of the lumbosacral spine).

Usually scoliosis is diagnosed among children 10-15 years old, but the disease can occur much earlier during the intensive growth of the skeleton: infantile scoliosis in children 1-2 years old and children 4-6 years old. Scoliosis can develop in the elderly. The main causes of the disease can be attributed to the following:

Congenital deformities of the spine

Hereditary and acquired diseases that affect the development of the skeleton: diseases of the neuromuscular system, poliomyelitis, metabolic diseases (rickets), tumors, injuries and accidents.

Exercise stress.

As a rule, this disease occurs in such circumstances as the habit of carrying weights on the right shoulder and arm, right-sided sleep (on the right side), incorrect posture at the table, when the right shoulder is pulled back, and the left one is pushed forward and the sports exercises.

Idiopathic scoliosis. This is a disease that develops for no apparent reason, which reaches 80% of all diagnosed cases.

When practicing sports, the right side of the body is most often overloaded. Often there is pain in trained and stretched muscles. In this case, the body often tends to move away from the focus of pain, forming a curvature.

Complex types of disease

In addition to the usual forms of scoliosis, there are complex types of disease. For example, kyphoscoliosis. The disease is a combination of two ailments - kyphosis and scoliosis. In fact, kyphoscoliosis is a curvature of the spine in two directions: anteroposterior and lateral.

Kifoskolioz distinguishes the following types:

  1. Congenital kyphoscoliosis (violation of the intrauterine development of embryos).
  2. Hereditary kyphoscoliosis (transmitted at the genetic level).
  3. Acquired kyphoscoliosis (consequence of diseases, bad habits, injuries).
  4. Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis (the cause of the ailment can not be established).

Another complex form of the disease is dysplastic scoliosis. It is characterized by mobility of the spine against the background of pathology of connective tissue development.

As a result, the metabolism in the intervertebral discs and the connection between the vertebrae are disturbed. Perhaps a combination with other anomalies in the development of bone tissue.

Dysplastic scoliosis is usually diagnosed at the age of 3 to 6 years.


It should be noted that the left-sided (as well as right-sided) scoliosis has 4 degrees. To indicate the extent of the disease, a method has been developed for determining the arc angle of the curvature of the spine. The angle is determined by X-ray images and corresponds to the following degrees of the disease:

Left-sided scoliosis

  • 1 degree: the angle of the arc of curvature to 10 °.
  • 2 degrees - 11-25 degrees.
  • 3 degrees - 26 ÷ 50o.
  • 4 degrees - 51 and more.

The curvature occurs slowly for a long time. Therefore, the first signs of scoliosis should be identified as early as possible. The method of diagnosis is simple enough and is available for parents and kindergarten teachers.

The child should be placed with his back to himself. Hands, shoulders, head should be relaxed. Consultations with doctors should be consulted when identifying such signs.

If one shoulder is higher than the other, if the distances between the elbows and the body are not the same and if the blades are asymmetrical.

Another test for scoliosis is an examination of the back in the slope. The bent back should form an even arch. If an S-shaped bend appears, then this is cause for concern.

Left-sided scoliosis of the lumbar spine is often characterized by the following symptoms: left-sided pelvic displacement, displacement of the right kidney, asymmetry of the buttocks and a visual increase the length of the right foot.


Treatment of left-sided scoliosis can be carried out by such methods:

Conservative treatment is therapeutic gymnastics (LFK). These are exercises for unloading the spine. Massage. Manual therapy. Correction with the help of a corset.

Surgical intervention. Basically, conservative treatment is used.

Surgical intervention is required in cases where constant pain is present, if the disease progresses, and the treatment does not yield results.

The disease reaches 3-4 degrees, in which the internal organs are displaced so much that normal functioning is disturbed. Deeply distorted the external appearance of the body of patients.

Often, treatment is a set of procedures used for a long time. Then special medical institutions for children come to the aid. For example, Mogilev sanatorium boarding school.


Here for sick children a special treatment regimen is created. For each child from 3 to 9 classes conduct a complex of therapeutic activities: exercise therapy, massage, therapeutic swimming, cortexotherapy, heat treatment and other physical procedures.


However, now in any big city there is a sanatorium boarding school. The first such institutions began to appear in the 60s of the 20th century.

And it is not surprising that the medical boarding school acquires wide popularity and popularity, because scoliosis is diagnosed today in 5% of children in the world.

It is the boarding school for sick children that is the indicator of the state's concern for the younger generation. Moreover, such a school allows not only to heal, but also to educate, and, often, to receive a profession.

If a child is suspected of having scoliosis, the child should consult a therapist, and he will appoint a consultation package with a neurologist, orthopedist, surgeon, chiropractor and instructor in curative physical culture.


LFK (therapeutic physical culture) is a method of metered, directed exercises on the background of proper breathing. Complex exercise therapy consists of the following exercises:

Warm-up of the cervical region: head tilt to the right and left, then turn the head. All exercises are 8 times.

Warm up the thoracic region: bend the arms at the elbow, press the palms together, the ends of the fingers rest against the chin. Spin the body to the right and left.

Sprain the entire spine: stretch your arms up and hold a large circle with your body - tilt into the right side, forward, to the left side, up. Then draw the circle in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 2 times.

Sliding down: on exhalation, start a gradual downward slope, first tilt the head, then twist each vertebra. Bottom take a deep breath and on exhalation repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. Knees can be slightly bent.

Stretching the muscles of the thoracic and cervical divisions: hands to the shoulders, straighten the arms and simultaneously wind them back. Taz try to keep in one position.

Breathing exercises: on a slow inhalation, lift the shoulders and turn them back, fully opening the chest. Sharp exhalation.

Sprain in the prone position: hands to put up, pull arms and legs in opposite sides 4 times for 15 seconds.

Exercise the bike.

Breathing exercises with lifting and lowering the diaphragm.


For the muscles of the back: lying on his stomach raise his head, stretch his arms forward, then behind his head, then again forward and simultaneously raise his legs, return to the starting position.


Exercise the bar or stand on bent hands.

Warm up the deep muscles of the back: stand on the hands and knees, pull the right arm and the left leg in opposite directions. Then repeat for the other limbs.

Exercise the cat.

This is not the whole complex of exercise therapy, but the main direction of physical exercises is warming up, stretching and strengthening of the muscles of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

The main task of physical procedures is the restoration of metabolic processes in the body and the reduction of inflammatory processes.

Therefore, the disease should be treated using the following methods:

  1. Electro and phonophoresis (galvanic current effect).
  2. Ultrasound (improvement of blood supply).
  3. Charcot's shower (massage with a jet of water).
  4. Magnetotherapy (enhancement of blood supply and cell regeneration under the influence of magnetic field).
  5. Paraffin physique procedure (relaxation, improvement of blood supply and movement of intercellular fluid).
  6. UHF (relaxation of muscles with high-frequency waves).
  7. Laser therapy (electromagnetic waves of light energy increase blood flow and microcirculation).
  8. Electromyostimulation (elimination of muscle spasms).
  9. Mud treatment (reduction of the inflammatory process, improvement of metabolic processes, strengthening of the body's defenses).


Massage with scoliosis is a necessary part of the treatment, which allows you to tone up weak muscles and relax tense muscles. Massage is carried out in 3 stages.

The first stage is a warming massage. Then direct exposure through vibration, kneading, shearing, blows and more.

The last stage is a relaxing and soothing massage (light strokes).

Do not treat a child with a massage without first consulting a doctor, because the massage has a number of contraindications. In addition, a special massage is required for treatment, so a specialist of a certain skill is needed.

In conclusion, I want to note that the ailment does not only require long-term treatment. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the spine and the program of physical procedures.

An extremely intensive set of medical measures can lead to the development of right-sided scoliosis, with a complex of treatment for this disease.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/pozvonochnik/bolezni/scoliosis/levostoronniy-skolioz.html