Many sweets are harmful to the body. This applies to sweets, cakes, cakes and other products, including a large amount of sugar, starch and other additives.
There is another category of treats that, with moderate consumption, are very useful and can cure a number of diseases.
These include dried fruits( dried apricots, raisins, prunes) and honey. Often they are eaten together with walnuts.
- Benefits mixture
- Dried apricots Raisins Walnuts
- Honey Lemon
- How to make How to use
- Contraindications
- Other recipes
The ingredients you can prepare tasty and healthy mix that will appeal to everyone.
- 1 glass of honey,
- 250 grams of peeled walnuts,
- 250 grams of dried apricots,
- 1 lemon with zest,
- 250 grams of raisins.
Use of the mixture
With regular use, a mix of dried fruits strengthens human immunity.
The composition has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, improves the digestive system.
The mixture helps to easily cure colds. She struggles with the lack of vitamins.
Hypovitaminosis manifests itself in the spring, when we eat a little fresh fruit and vegetables.
In addition, in most of them, by the middle of spring, practically no nutrients remain.
Dried fruits preserve vitamins and mineral elements all year round. They charge with cheerfulness and good mood.
When using this composition in the cold season, the risks of the appearance of seasonal depression are significantly reduced.
Dried apricots
Dried fruits are rich in microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins of group A, E, B.Dried apricots are taken with diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive system, with anemia and problems with vision.
It cleans vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, helps with pathologies of the endocrine system. Especially useful for pregnant women.
It is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes, obesity and peptic ulcer diseases( about the benefits of a mixture of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and walnuts read here).
And what do you know about the tincture of valerian, instructions for use and contraindications which are published in a useful article? Click on the link and read the recommendations of traditional medicine.
About collection of herbs chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds written in this article.
The dried grapes contain, in practice, the same useful elements as the dried apricots. But the raisins still include vitamin H.
The amount of potassium and sodium in the costume exceeds the content of these components in dried apricots. Dryfruit increases the hemoglobin in the blood.
It is useful in diseases of the kidneys, nervous and digestive system.
Raisins are not recommended for use in diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers. It is contraindicated for tuberculosis, heart failure, diseases of the oral cavity.
This is a real source of protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids. They contain a lot of iodine, iron, manganese.
Walnuts( benefits and harm to women) improve brain function. Reduce the possibility of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Walnuts are useful for men and women with hypertension, constipation;lower cholesterol in the blood. They help with anemia.
Walnuts can not be eaten with an intestinal disorder, a tendency to fullness.
In addition, they increase blood clotting.
Skin diseases are exacerbated - eczema and psoriasis.
Lime honey( useful properties with mummies are written here) has a beneficial effect on all body systems, almost completely absorbed. Donnikovy honey( useful properties and contraindications) strengthens and tones, gives strength, increases efficiency.
It can not be eaten with diabetes. Honey is a strong allergen and causes damage to the teeth.
This citrus is a storehouse of vitamin C. It contains iron, manganese, sulfur and many other useful elements.
It is useful for colds, increases immunity. Lemon improves the work of blood and the entire circulatory system.
Citrus reduces blood pressure, normalizes sleep.
You can not eat lemon for people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers. This is a serious allergen, lemon juice harms the enamel of the teeth.
How to Cook
1. Take dried apricots with raisins, rinse them well( if necessary, pour with boiling water).Spread the dried fruits on a napkin so they dry faster.
2. Scald lemon with boiling water, cut it into slices and take out all the bones.
And what do you know about the treatment of heartburn folk remedies, the most effective methods of which are described in the article under the link? Read useful material.
About the tincture of Leonurus, its medicinal properties and contraindications are written here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / mat-i-macheha.html the medicinal properties of the leaves of mother-and-stepmother are written.
3. Go through walnuts, discard all the detected septa and pieces of shell.
4. All components must be crushed by twisting in a meat grinder. You can use a blender or food processor. Lemon is worth twisting with zest.
5. Combine the ingredients, add a glass of honey in them, mix thoroughly. The ready mix should be spread out on jars( glass is the best).
Keep the contents in the refrigerator. Do not forget to cover the jars with a mixture of lids, so that the mix does not absorb foreign odors.
Nuances of cooking
- In the cooking process, you can experiment a little and change the amount of honey according to your taste.
But the consistency and viscosity of the mixture will change. - If you use a blender or food processor to grind all the ingredients, the mixture will be more viscous than when using a meat grinder.
- If you do not like lemon peel, then do not add it.
In this case, the mix will be quite viscous. - In the case when the mixture turned out thick, you can make candy out of it.
They will appeal to children and become an analogue of ordinary sweets.
How to use
It is recommended to take the formula 1 - 2 times a day on an empty stomach.
You should eat in thirty minutes. Dosage: one tablespoon of the mixture.
The admission rate is not limited to .
Children should be given one teaspoon of formula.
You need to inject the mixture after you make sure that the child does not have allergies to its ingredients.
It is not necessary to use the mixture before bed, because it includes very high-calorie, carbohydrate components.
Contraindications to the use of
The mixture strengthens the immune system and is useful for any organism. But there are a number of limitations that should be read:
- individual intolerance to any component - if you have an allergic reaction to any ingredient, then it is better to abstain from using the mixture;
- acute heart failure - the composition strongly affects the heart, with this disease can provoke complications;
- cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
- diseases of the esophagus, intestines, including ulcers and pancreatitis;
- diabetes - diet in this pathology excludes not only honey, but, in fact, all the dried fruits, because they contain a lot of fructose and sucrose.
Other recipes
1. When preparing a useful mix, you can include other components in the formulation. The following mixture of dried fruits is useful:
- prunes,
- raisins,
- dried apricots,
- honey,
- walnuts.
All components should be taken in the same proportions.
Ingredients grind in a meat grinder and mix thoroughly.
Insist the mix in the refrigerator for 10 days.
Dosage of : on a tablespoon once a day. Take on an empty stomach.
2. For problems with the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to take the following mixture:
- take 200 grams of prunes,
- raisins,
- dried apricots,
- walnuts.
Toss the ingredients through a meat grinder. Add:
- a glass of honey,
- a standard pharmacy bottle of dogrose,
- of hawthorn tincture.
Mix everything, insist in the refrigerator for 10 days.
Dosage of : 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. Repeat the course twice a year.
Dried fruits mixed with honey and lemon are useful. They strengthen the body and increase the overall tone.
The mixture is recommended for use in the prevention of hypovitaminosis, cardiovascular diseases.
You will get acquainted with the recipe for preparing a vitamin mixture by watching a video.