Antibiotics for dry cough

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The most effective antibiotics for dry cough

Antibiotics for dry coughDoctors prescribe antibiotics with a dry cough is not so often. After all, the taking of these serious medicines must be substantially justified. That is why in no case should you take antibiotics at your own discretion. In this case, bacteria that cause a dry cough can develop resistance to active substances and they simply stop acting on them. Pathogenic organisms begin to multiply even faster.

Features of the use of antibiotics for dry cough

In the treatment of unproductive bronchospasm with antibacterial drugs, there are certain rules:

  • They can not be taken without the appointment of a doctor.
  • The antibiotic necessary for a dry cough is selected after giving the sputum, determining the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to a particular substance.
  • Children are subjected to an additional test for an allergic reaction.

Do not use antibacterial medication without thinking and take uncontrollably. Inappropriate use of antibiotics with dry cough can cause the emergence of dysbacteriosis or the habituation of pathogenic microorganisms to the active substance. In this situation, effective drug therapy will be much more difficult.

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Treatment for dry cough: what antibiotics can be taken

When it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs, the drugs that belong to the penicillin group are most often prescribed.


Form of issue


Side effects



Tablets, powders for injection, a substance for suspensions.

Antibiotic is prescribed for non-productive sharp spastic exhalations, caused by acute bronchitis, shared bronchopneumonia, lung abscesses.

Digestive tract disorders, jaundice development.

Intolerance of the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation.


Tablets, powder for the preparation of suspension and for parenteral administration.

It is used for dry cough caused by pneumonia, sinusitis.

Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, dizziness, headache, anemia.

Cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, hypersensitivity.

Flemoxin Solutab


The medicine is prescribed for unproductive bronchospasm, caused by various diseases of the respiratory system.

Itching in the anus, diarrhea.

Intolerance to the components of the drug.

It should be remembered that the intake of antibiotics for a dry cough is at least 7 days. However, if after the start of taking the drug for 48 hours, there is no improvement in the condition, then it should be replaced.

Names of the most popular antibiotics for cough

Antibiotics for coughingCough and antibiotics for many people are closely interrelated. According to sociological polls and statistics, more than sixty percent of the population of our country after a few days of severe coughing begin to take antibiotics. At the same time, almost half of them do not consider it necessary to first visit a doctor. This terrible mistake can turn into serious health problems, because this symptom does not always require the taking of medications of this type. In order to understand in what cases strong medicines are needed, and in which there are not, you should know what diseases can be cured with their help.

Antibiotics for cough for which diseases are indicated for admission

The name of the strongest antibioticsIt should be noted immediately that the names of such drugs, as well as instructions for their use, do not contain any information about the fact that they help to heal from this symptom. Therefore, choosing a suitable medicine, it should be remembered that such a disease as coughing does not exist. This is just a symptom that can accompany various ailments. So, there are no names of antibiotics that help to cope with such a sign.

The cough medicine antibiotic helps cope with the disease only if it is bacterial. With viral infections, as well as colds, it is not advisable to take it.

Here is a list of diseases for which the doctor prescribes antibiotic drugs:

  • Pneumonia. When pneumonia is ill, the patient is prescribed a cure for antibiotics of a wide range of action that successfully cough successfully. Similar means within five - seven days put in order lung tissues. With severe lung damage, injections or pills from cough antibiotics, can fight the main symptom and last longer. In this case the doctor considers it expedient to change them or prolong the course for another five to seven days.
  • Tracheitis. At the initial stages, this disease is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as tablets and sprays, softening the mucous throat. However, if the disease does not recede within three to four days, the patient is prescribed antibiotics against cough and sore throat.
  • Tonsillitis. With angina and cough, antibiotics are prescribed only if it is non-viral.
  • Tuberculosis. This disease does not completely cure, but with proper treatment the condition of the body is maintained with the help of tablets and injections of antibiotics from cough.

Separately, we should say about the disease, like bronchitis. The bronchial asthma does not always require the use of such strong drugs. In some cases, the doctor decides on the need to prescribe only anti-inflammatory drugs. Antibiotics from bronchitis and cough apply for deep obstruction. Another example that confirms the need for their use is a strong chest cough with bronchitis, which also requires the intake of antibiotics.

Antibiotics for coughing the name

There are many medicines of this type. In the table below you can find the names of the most popular and common drugs of the antibiotic type.


Indications for use



Bronchitis, tonsillitis, inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.

Pregnancy and lactation period, acute cardiac and renal insufficiency, gastritis and peptic ulcer, children under one year old.


Bronchitis and pneumonia.

Diseases of kidney and liver, children under 3 years of age, gastrointestinal diseases.


Respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Pregnancy and lactation, diseases of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys, children under 12 years.


Bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia

Peptic ulcer and gastritis, impaired kidney and liver function, children under 3 years old.

Zi-factor (antibiotic for cough 3 tablets)

Tracheitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis.

Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, children under 18 years of age, serious diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys.

We draw your attention to the fact that the information in the table is for information only. To prescribe antibiotics from a cough, the list of which is listed above, should only the doctor.

When antibiotics for cough and cold do not help?

Colds themselves do not require the use of strong drugs. They are treated with medicines, the action of which is directed to a certain symptom, for example, temperature or a cold. In more serious diseases, such as ARVI and influenza, as well as other viruses, the use of strong medicines means is also inexpedient, since they do not affect bacteria and microorganisms that are the causative agent infection. Drugs of this type are prescribed only if the flu or other virus causes complications.

Antibiotics for coughing

width = With the onset of the cold season, many people suffer from bouts of painful cough. Most often in pharmacies are bought antibiotics for cough, with the help of miraculous tablets patients hope to defeat the disease. However, the use of antibiotics is not always justified. Sometimes they can be useless and harm the body.

When are antibiotics indicated?

Antimicrobials are used in bacterial infections, however, they do not affect viruses at all. If cough is accompanied by a runny nose, weakness, weakness, headache and sore throat, there is a possibility that the disease is associated with the penetration of the virus. Cough can cause viruses of influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection and measles.

The use of antibiotics in ARI only provokes the development of allergy and dysbacteriosis, but does not shorten the period of recovery of the patient. Determine the nature of the disease on the strength of only a doctor, so you should not self-prescribe a particular drug.

Indications for the appointment of systemic antibiotics against cough are cases of an explicit bacterial process in the respiratory system:

  • bacterial bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute purulent tracheitis;
  • signs of mycoplasmal or chlamydial respiratory disease.

Necessarily antibiotics are prescribed for coughing in case of an exactly established diagnosis:

  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis.

The bacterial nature of the disease can be indicated by:

  • high temperature (more than 38 ° C), which lasts more than 3 days;
  • increase in the blood of leukocytes (more than 10x10 * 9 / L), a shift to the left of the leukocyte formula;
  • absolute neutrophilia;
  • pronounced dyspnea;
  • prolonged course of the disease;
  • toxic course of the disease.

How to choose an antibiotic?

Correct selection of an antibiotic for coughingA competent approach to the treatment of any long-term cough is needed, for this purpose sputum is planted to detect microflora and to determine the sensitivity of the isolated bacteria to various antibiotics. The analysis will accurately show which of the drugs will help you, and which ones will be useless in this case.

However, it is not always possible to quickly obtain the result of the analysis, and the patient's poor state of health requires taking the necessary measures. In this case, the selection of an antibiotic from a cough is carried out empirically, taking into account the probable causative agent.

It is always preferable to use one antibiotic (so-called monotherapy), preferably in the form of tablets, suspension or powder. Injections of antibacterial drugs are prescribed only in cases of severe disease.

If the doctor is not around, and the cough lasts more than 3 days, is accompanied by shortness of breath, intoxication and high fever, it makes sense to take antibiotics from a dry cough of a wide spectrum of action. As a starting antibiotic, you can use Amoxiclav, Augmentin or Flemoclav (amoxicillin clavunate). Also used for the treatment of cough is an antibiotic such as amoxicillin / sulbactam (Trifamox preparation).

How to drink properly?

First, the antibiotic should be drunk by the clock. This allows you to create the necessary concentration of active substance in the blood, at which bacteria will die. If the patient forgets to take a pill on time, the concentration of antibiotic is reduced. After such treatment, the effect will not occur, on the contrary, irregular reception of an antibiotic with a cough will lead to the development of drug resistance to this drug.

Secondly, you should feel relief in the near future. If the choice of an antibiotic from a cough is done correctly, there is a rapid positive dynamics (the disappearance of dry or wet cough, a reduction in chest pain, respiratory relief).

If within 48 hours there was no improvement, then the medicine does not suit you. It is necessary to change the drug or choose a combination of drugs. An increase in the dose of an antibiotic will not lead to a cure.

Thirdly, take the medicine should be the right time. Typically, the doctor appoints a course of 5-7 days. If you feel better after a while, you still need to continue treatment, otherwise the symptoms of the disease can resume.

What antibiotics are used to treat cough in children?

To this end, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Penicillins (Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Flemoxin Solutab). Their use with a dry and moist cough in a child will be preferable. Only when these funds are ineffective go to the use of other groups of drugs.
  2. Cephalosporins (cefataxime, cefuroxime) are prescribed in the case of previous antibiotic therapy, for example, if the child took an antibiotic 2-3 months ago. Also, cephalosporins can be prescribed in the absence of the effect of penicillins.
  3. Macrolides (Azitrotsin, Clarithromycin, Sumamed) are effective drugs for inflammation of the respiratory tract in children.
  4. Fluoroquinolones. Drugs from this group are prescribed limited in childhood due to the ability of fluoroquinolones to disrupt the development of cartilaginous tissue and accumulate in the bones.

It should be stressed again that it is unacceptable to choose an antibiotic from a dry cough without the participation of a doctor. After all, adults and children are recommended different groups of antibacterial drugs, in addition, the age of the child plays an important role, under what conditions an infection has arisen - a person at home or in a hospital has fallen ill. Sometimes a cough is caused by an atypical microflora (eg, chlamydia or mycoplasma). To influence these bacteria, absolutely different groups of drugs are needed.

Treatment of cough with antibiotics

Antibiotics for coughSome people refer to cough treatment a little flippantly. They may not consult a doctor for months, hoping that the bronchospasm will pass by themselves. There is another group of people who begin to take strong drugs at the first appearance of sharp spastic exhalations. In their understanding, a successful fight against an unpleasant symptom looks like this: cough - treatment - antibiotics.

Of course, both of them act wrongly. It is dangerous to ignore the symptom. However, to conduct self-treatment and to take uncontrolled cough from potent antibiotics is also not an option. After all, any pharmaceutical product used incorrectly can become a toxin for the body and cause great harm to health.

When should I use medical therapy for bronchospasm? Do people cough with antibiotics? How do I know which drug is needed? Answers to these questions will help to avoid mistakes in the fight against an unpleasant symptom.

When should cough be treated with antibiotics?

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract can be a sign of a very large number of ailments. And even the same disease that requires treatment, arises from completely different microorganisms. For example, such a common disease as bronchitis can be caused by:

  • When it is necessary to be treated with antibioticsViruses.
  • Bacteria.
  • Fungi.
  • Mycoplasma.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Physical factors.
  • Chemical elements.

Treatment with antibiotics will only be effective if the pathogens causing the cough are bacteria. Otherwise, the use of this group of pharmaceuticals is completely useless.

What is the best antibiotic for cough?

In order to determine the origin of pathogenic microorganisms, the patient is taken to study sputum and seeded. If the bacterial nature of bronchospasm is confirmed, then in order to provide effective treatment, the type of pathogen is revealed using laboratory tests. Microorganisms can be different, for example:

  • Hemophilus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Moraxella cataralis.
  • Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus.

Only after determining a specific bacterium can you pick up an antibiotic with a narrow focus, and then begin treatment. If this can not be done, or the patient's condition worsens so quickly that it is necessary to act immediately, the doctors prescribe a wide range of drugs.

Treatment of cough with antibiotics - rules

There are recommendations of physicians, the implementation of which makes the reception of antibacterial drugs the most effective:

  • Treatment of cough with antibioticsWhether it is treatment of a dry cough with antibiotics, wet, barking, spasmodic, protracted or any other, it should be done only as directed by the doctor.
  • All the methods of antibacterial drugs used in the fight against any disease, it is recommended to record. It should be noted - whether there were any manifestations of any side effects.
  • Do not ask the doctor to prescribe an antibiotic.
  • When treating a cough with an antibacterial agent, you must follow the prescribed schedule: dosage, frequency of administration, duration of use.
  • If the use of an antibiotic from a cough is started, in no case should you interrupt the course on your own.
  • Taking the drug, you should wash it with plain water.

What is the difference between treating cough with antibiotics in adults and children?

Antibacterial drugs for babies are prescribed by doctors very carefully. Not all of them are suitable for children. Therefore, in no case should the parents, without consulting a doctor, give the child what helped them.

If the crumbs have a dry cough, treatment with antibiotics should be carried out in parallel with taking a lot of drinking and mandatory observance of bed rest. Adults can also carry this period on their feet. This, of course, is not useful, but not as critical as for children.

Dosage and form of the drug, recommended to adults and toddlers, is almost always significantly different. To treat cough in children, smaller doses and sparing drugs are used.

How to cure a cough without antibiotics?

There are people, the use of antibacterial drugs for which is unacceptable. This category most often includes:

  • Patients with intolerance to antibiotics.
  • Pregnant women.
  • How to cure a coughNursing mothers.
  • Patients with chronic diseases of organs and systems.

Doctors are forced to find a substitute for antibiotics for such patients and to use other methods of cough treatment. It can be:

  • Rubbing.
  • Inhalations.
  • Hot baths for feet.
  • Gargling.
  • Symptomatic drug therapy of a general nature.
  • The use of folk remedies.

Options for the treatment of bronchospasm can always be found. The main thing is not to thinklessly take antibacterial drugs for any reason, but go to a specialist and get him a competent and useful advice.

Is the use of antibiotics for children coughing justified?

antibiotic for a child when you need to apply

Catarrhal diseases very often amaze the child not yet strengthened by the body. Cope with such an unpleasant manifestation of cold as cough, can only competently selected drugs, one of which are antibiotics. But in order to ensure a positive effect, you need to know how to apply them, in which case it is appropriate.

In what cases are appointed

antibiotic for children with cough

Can I give antibiotics to children when I cough? At once it is necessary to note, that only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics for children with cough and cold. In this case, he takes into account the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. Prescribe such medications, it can in the form of suspension, tablets or injections. Positive effects after taking an antibiotic can be expected after a lapse of 2 days.If this did not happen, then the drug should be replaced with another one.The duration of therapy should not exceed a week.

When treating children's cough with antibiotics, it is very important to choose the right drugs, and when to give antibiotics to the child when coughing. For example, it is impossible to combine antibacterial preparations of the macrolith group with antihistamine medication. In addition, drugs for liquefying phlegm are unacceptable with drugs that suppress cough.

The effect of taking antibiotics can be observed only when they inflict damage on the form of the microflora, which is the cause of the defeat of the respiratory tract accompanying the cough.

In order to understand what kind of medicine will help the baby cope with this unpleasant symptom, it is worthwhile careful diagnostics, which will necessarily include sputum analysis with further planting for sensitivity to antibiotics. With the independent treatment of cough and antibiotics, it is possible to provoke a dysbacteriosis and addiction, which as a result will lead to difficulties in the treatment of childhood cough with antibacterial therapy.

The video tells about the use of antibiotics for children with cough:

It is advisable to administer antibiotics in cases when it is known that the cause of coughing is acute or chronic pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. Following the rules presented, you can accurately understand when and in what situation without antibiotic in the treatment of child cough you can not do:

  1. Improvement of the cough does not occur after 2 weeks, that is, there is a protracted cough.
  2. The doctor diagnosed: Bacterial pneumonia or whooping cough.
  3. Manifestations of sinusitis do not pass after a lapse of 100 days or improve, but then deteriorate again.
  4. The baby leaves yellow-green mucus from the nose, and also when the temperature rises to 3 degrees, and it keeps for several days.
  5. The child has streptococcal infection, confirmed during the research. It is not necessary to prescribe antibiotic therapy until the exact presence of streptococcus is confirmed. In addition, it is very important to know the nature of this microorganism.
than treating ear inflammation at home

Read, than treat inflammation at home.

Here are the reasons why lays the ears.

Symptoms of inflammation of the middle ear in infants:

For babies up to 1 year

Before assigning any specific drug, the doctor must conduct a diagnosis. In addition, antibiotic therapy for children of a certain age is different. Consider what antibiotics are allowed in the treatment of cough in patients under one year. Here is the list and title:

  • Amoxicillin. This drug is part of a group of penicillins that have a wide spectrum of action. Used for coughing that occurred against the background of pneumonia, pharyngitis, otitis. Issue for children up to a year in the form of granules to obtain syrup. They must be dissolved in boiled water. For such babies, the dosage is ¼ dessert spoon. You can buy an antibiotic in a pharmacy for 150 rubles. Here you can read about the use of amoxicillin in angina in children.
Amoxicillin for children from cough
  • Augmentin. This preparation is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension. Due to the presence of the acid, Augmentin has a wide range of effects, it is used for prolonged coughing. Apply it in the treatment of the same diseases as in Amoxicillin. Do not administer to children until 3 months, otherwise it may cause allergies. The cost of the drug is 250 rubles.
Augmentin for children from cough
  • Zinatsef. This antibiotic is included in the groups of cephalosporins of the 2nd generation. Has a wide range of effects, it is indicated for pneumonia, frontal, maxillary sinusitis. Apply it only in the form of injections. Children are prescribed in a dosage of 30-100 mg weight. To perform the injection, you must first dilute the medicine with water. You can buy the drug for 130 rubles.
Zinacef for children from cough
  • Zinnat. This preparation is released in the form of granules for the preparation of a suspension. It is indicated for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, ENT organs. Do not give patients whose age has not yet reached 3 months. For 1 kg of the baby's weight, 10 mg of the drug is needed. On the day the baby must take the medicine 2 times. The price of the drug is 200 rubles.
Cinnamon Cinnamon
  • Suprax. It is an effective antibiotic, cefixime, designed to treat the infection of ENT organs, bronchitis. Do not give children up to 6 months. The dosage of the drug is 2-4 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The cost of the medicine is 500 rubles.
Suprax from a cough
  • Ceftriaxone. The drug is part of the group of cephalosporins of the 3rd generation. Produced in the form of injections for intramuscular and intravenous administration. It is not necessary to use for cough treatment in premature and newborn children with jaundice. For children up to 2 weeks of age, the dosage is 20-50 per kg of body weight. For older children - 20-75 mg. The therapeutic course is no less than 4 days. It is worth noting that the injections are very painful. For one ampoule will have to pay 19 rubles.
Ceftriaxone from cough

2-3 years

For patients of this age also have their own antibiotics, which effectively fight with a cough. The most effective are:

  1. Sumamed Forte. In the role of the active component is azithromycin. He is a member of the Azaleid group, and therefore has a wide spectrum of action. It is prescribed for otitis media, pharyngitis, pneumonia. Do not use for children younger than 6 months. Before taking the medicine, the vial should be shaken a little, and after taking it, give the baby a drink of water. Only so it will be easier for him to swallow all the granules. Children take the drug in the amount of 10 mg per 1 kg of weight once a day. The duration of therapy is 3 days. You can buy Sumamed Forte in a pharmacy for 230 rubles.Sumamed Forte
  2. Suprax- a drug that can be taken not only babies, but also older children. After 2 years, he is prescribed 5 ml each, and the dosage is divided into 2-3 doses. Granules must be diluted in boiled water.Suprax
  3. Flemoxin Solutab. Amoxicillin acts as an active component. Babies at the age of 2-3 years take the drug in an amount of 250 mg 3 times a day. The cost of an antibiotic is 250 rubles. Here the treatment of angina with the help of Flemoxin Solutab is described.Flemoxin Solutab

For those who are older

For older children, antibiotics in the treatment of cough are presented in a wider range, because such patients are already able to take tablets form antibacterial drugs.


This form of the drug for children is considered the most convenient and tasty. Antibiotics in the treatment of cough in children can be sold in the finished version or in the form of a powder for the preparation of syrup. When taking the medicine, it is very important to strictly observe the dosage indicated in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor.

For the treatment of cough in older children, the pediatrician can prescribeAugmentin. You can buy the drug in powder form. Antibiotic refers to a combination of drugs that have a wide range of effects. It contains components such as amoxicillin and clavulanate. The first of these is considered universal, since it can affect a variety of microbes. As for clavulence, it does not allow microbes to reproduce.


Very actively for the treatment of cough in children in the elderly is usedSumamed, presented in the form of a powder. It also has a wide range of effects, and in the role of the active component, it is azithromycin. The main advantage of this medication is that it can not only kill microbes, but also prevent them from multiplying in the future. Use Sumammed is necessary only if the weight of the baby has reached 10 kg.



To treat cough in older children can use antibacterial drugs in the form of tablets.Assign them to children, whose age is more than 4 years, since they can already swallow independently.But such drugs, as a rule, have a bitter taste, so it is necessary to resort to small tricks so that the baby agrees to accept them. For example, the tablet is ground, and the resulting powder is mixed with honey or jam, which interrupt any bitterness.

In such a situation, when the benefits of therapy exceed possible harm, the doctor can prescribe the drug Flemoxin Solutab.


Amoxicillin trihydrate acts as the main component. The antibiotic has a wide range of effects, and it is prescribed for the treatment of a cough caused by diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The necessary dose of medicine is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the severity and nature of the ailment. Since Flemoxin has bitterness, the tablet of the drug must be dissolved in the juice.

The next effective cough drug isBiseptol. It is often prescribed for the treatment of colds in children. In the role of the main component are sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Thanks to these elements, the antibiotic becomes a combined antimicrobial medication. Has a wide range of influence. It can be used by children from the age of 3, but in some cases it can be prescribed to patients from 2 years of age.


Treating a child's cough is a very important process, especially when it comes to choosing an antibiotic. The main mistake of many doctors is the use of antibacterial drugs in such cases when it is possible to do with other medications. For this reason, the baby must pass all the tests, and only then the doctor will be able to determine the appropriateness of prescribing antibacterial therapy. For cough treatment, children also use dry infant cough medicine, compresses from children's cough, here you will find instructions on how to use chest cough.

Tortured cough! Has drunk antibiotics TSiprolet, амбробене, мукалтин, бромгексин, dry all the same ...



The fact is that all the drugs except for the antibiotic, the ones you drank are preparations diluting sputum and conducive to its withdrawal, and with a dry cough you can use libexin, terpinkod, kodelak, syrup sinecode. And if the cough is caused by perspiration (tonsillitis, pharyngitis), then softening lozenges, for example with sage

a fool

Gorchinnikov, that's the solution!

Frau Anya

urgently to the doctor!

Silicon Siliconovich

mb allergic to something?? ?
I had such a blossoming poplar this spring ((

and on the aroma sticks that just lay in the room!

Natalya from Tver NF-90

Drink the Moscow ruff! Immediately wilt your coughing!


Buy a licorice root in the pharmacy. (not syrup, namely dry grass) Brew and drink.


Now go to the folk remedies - radish with honey.


Suprastinchiku must be bitten - you have an allergy to antibiotics !!!

Lena Volkova

and can simply be checked for allergies, I have a daughter, too, so it was, if suddenly started coughing something dry and for a long time and nothing helped. helped the usual antiallergen. especially now everything is blooming.

Irina Chetveruhina

I'm not a doctor, and I do not presume to prescribe you a cure. I'll just tell you how she cured herself.
There was a debilitating cough, everything was tried, all bestolku. Were to me the pulmonologist the tablets of Teopek which it was necessary to accept on a half of a tablet in 12 hours are written out. But on 12 their actions were not enough, and I decided to divide this pill into 4 doses, in 6 hours. Imagine it worked! After 3 days, there was no cough in sight. Coincidence? Maybe. But I'm inclined to think that really, adding a little medicine in 6 hours, giving the body a boost, I successfully helped myself. And earlier in the village my grandmother treated us for coughing in a bath, made different kinds of steep boiling water, and we sat for half an hour breathing the steam over the grass. Only I do not know which ones, but probably you can find in the Internet. Get well!


buy a pharmacy breast collection (herbs) brew and do inhalations 3 times a day. husband month excruciated dry cough did not help either antibiotics or mustard plasters or rubbing... after the inhalation the result on the next day the cough began to vanish altogether! if it does not help, then the doctor will better

Irina Rybochkina

a glass of milk (1./3will + soda at the tip of the knife + honey 1chloze + oil draining 1/2 hl, when everything melts + the remaining milk, drink warm enough YOUR HEALTH IS MUCH AND ADDED, it would not hurt to restore the microflora after antibiotics porridge "health 3 "№31 + №42


fluorography last time when passed - think about going to the doctor

Misha of the Denis

go to the doctor, dry cough-first sign of lung cancer

ewgeny gasnikov

1 teaspoon BAGGLE for 1 glass of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, strain. First time to drink 50 gr. in hot form, the rest-on the throat during the day.

My name is "UG"

Libexin, was it? It is specifically from a dry cough.

Flemoxin for a strong and protracted cough

With prolonged protracted cough accompanied by fever, patients are often prescribed Flemoxin. This antibiotic appeared in our pharmacies relatively recently, but has already established itself as an effective and reliable tool.

Flemoxin: cough, fever, when an antibiotic is prescribed?

Flemoxin for coughing"Flemoxin" is prescribed for patients with such diseases as bronchitis and pneumonia. With mild pneumonia, he begins to act quickly, relieving the patient of agonizing symptoms for several days. It is important to know that with bilateral or advanced pneumonia this drug may be powerless. Disease with severe course and severe cough requires the use of strong antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action.

With bronchitis, Flemoxin is prescribed if the temperature lasts for more than four to five days, and the cough is severe, choked and sputum is poorly separated. Assign this drug also with obstructive bronchitis in combination with anticancer preparations.

Tracheitis and pharyngitis are two more diseases in which this antibiotic can be prescribed. However, at the initial stages these ailments can be cured without strong drugs.

The composition of the drug "Flemoxin prescribed for coughing, the form of its release and contraindications

Flemoxin with a strong coughThe composition of Flemoxin includes a substance such as amoxycilin trihydrate. In its pure form, this ingredient is also used to treat various diseases, including those accompanied by cough. "Flemoxin" can be called amplified "Amoxicilin". It costs an order of magnitude more, but it works more efficiently. All this due to the fact that the composition of the new drug in addition to trihydrate amoxicillin also includes auxiliary substances that accelerate the process of its absorption into the walls of the stomach.

For sale this antibiotic from a cough is delivered only in the form of tablets. The manufacturer draws attention to the fact that it is impossible to divide the tablet in half or into several parts, since this can be detrimental to the effectiveness of the drug. In pharmacies, you can find the drug in children's dosages - 125 and 250 mg, and in adult dosages - 500 and 1000 mg.

Contraindications to the use of "Flemoxin" from a cough are pregnancy and lactation. The instruction says that pregnant women can only take it if the risk to the fetus is justified by a greater risk to the life of the mother. You can not use this remedy also for acute cardiac, renal insufficiency, chronic liver diseases and peptic ulcer during an exacerbation.

Remember that this, like any other medication should be prescribed by a doctor. Since self-medication can lead to disastrous consequences.

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