The consequences of alcoholism: personal and social

The effects of alcoholism can be divided into 2 groups: 1) negative consequences for the drinker( personality degradation and psychosomatic health);2) negative consequences for the whole society( the growth of social problems, misconduct, crimes, etc.).


Personal and social problems of a drinking person

Group 1: personalproblems

  1. Loss of self-control, aggression to yourself and others in a state of withdrawal syndrome and alcohol intoxication.
  2. Risk of accidents: overheating, hypothermia, falls, etc.
  3. Alcohol poisoning.
  4. Risk of cirrhosis.
  5. Cardiovascular pathology, oncology.
  6. Alcoholic psychosis.
  7. Loss of capacity for work.
  8. instagram viewer
  9. Imposition of arrest on a drunken appearance in public places.
  10. Increased conflict in the family, the breakdown of the family.
  11. Difficulties of the material plan, criminality.

2 group: social consequences of alcoholism

  1. Risk of an accident.
  2. Occupational accidents.
  3. Lower productivity and absenteeism.
  4. Economic consequences in the form of spending on alcoholism, payment of disability benefits, etc.

Alcoholics are characterized by external signs of alcoholism:

  1. They look much older than their age.
  2. Well-groomed hair: not combed, not scrubbed, loss of healthy shine.
  3. Face red, small vessels dilated, skin flabby, swelling and bruises under the eyes.
  4. An untidy appearance, clothes rumpled and not washed.
  5. Unpleasant odor of fumes and unwashed body.

Psychological consequences of alcoholism

Alcoholics lose their moral and moral values, narrowing the circle of interests, thinking processes become rougher, there is asthenia, psychopathic phenomena, memory is broken, depression, dysphoria, aggressiveness, propensity to suicidal tendencies appear.

The sense of humor is flattening, in behavior and communication appear tactlessness, pathological lies and boasting. At the phenomena of psychosis on the basis of alcoholism, crazy ideas of jealousy, persecution appear.

Neurological disorders are observed: acute cerebral syndromes like epileptiform, cerebellar, Gayne-Wernicke. And also atrophic phenomena of the auditory and optic nerves when alcohol is poisoned by surrogates.

Consequences of female alcoholism

Alcoholism in women has much more serious consequences, because women are future mothers. Drinking a woman during pregnancy increases the likelihood of an abnormality in the fetus. The fetus with alcohol syndrome has gross morphological developmental disorders. Variations in the proportions and dimensions of the head, brain and facial areas. A newborn can have set deep or spherical eyes, a wider nose bridge, and many other pathologies.

In addition to external signs, children have congenital cerebral insufficiency. A child can be overly active, impulsive, incapable of training and education, prone to aggression and destructive behavior. Children of alcoholics have deviations in motor and mental development.

With the drunkenness of parents, every child has a very complicated situation, which constantly traumatizes his psyche. This leads to nightmares and fears, stammering, enuresis, escapes from home. The emotional state and behavior of children of alcoholics is incredibly unstable. Children are anxious, depressed, prone to suicide. All these violations in mental development do not allow children to build normal contacts with their peers and to study at school.

Consequences of child alcoholism

Female body is more susceptible to alcohol dependence than male. And the children's organism generally does not have any protection from alcohol. The child can turn for several months of regular abuse of alcoholic beverages into a real alcoholic, because the internal organs of the child's organism have not yet been formed. The heart, the liver suffer, the reproductive system collapses.

The child is delayed mental development, appears and grows aggressiveness. Under the influence of alcohol, children are very disinhibited, "lose their brakes" and sometimes their actions simply amaze with their cruelty. To extract money for alcohol, children beg, steal, and rob. Can use glue, gasoline, acetone to get a ration of "buzz".So they become also drug addicts and addicts.

Consequences of beer alcoholism

Now beer alcoholism is very widespread. False opinion among young people about the harmlessness of beer, as well as greater availability of the product led to the growth of beer alcoholics. But the regular abuse of beer leads to the development of many diseases. Violated the activity of the genital sphere, brain, liver, digestive system, heart and blood vessels.

The abuse of beer changes the boundaries of the heart, increases the load on it. The veins of the heart are expanding, it seems to swell, it bleeds worse and becomes flabby. This is called "beer heart syndrome".

The consequences of beer alcoholism extend to the nervous system, the adequacy of behavior. A drinking person can be dangerous not only for himself, but also for others. Beer can lead to irritability, aggression and stupidity. Drinking beer can go unnoticed to the fact that without a bottle of beer it will be impossible to relax, sleep, relax, experience positive emotions.

The action of beer on the brain is also devastating, because beer hops kill nerve cells. Dead cells are excreted from the body by the kidneys. Nerve cells are not restored and drinking beer is dull. Intellectual abilities and the ability to remember are reduced. Beer contains cadaverine, which has a toxic effect on the brain.

Cobalt, which is in beer, provokes an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. The liver is also injured by beer and the risk of hepatitis and cirrhosis increases.

The use of beer for reproductive function is detrimental. In men, the seminiferous tubules are regenerated, the endocrine system is disrupted due to the presence of heavy metals in the beer. Also, the production of testosterone is suppressed and the sexual desire for women is weakened.

We examined the most obvious consequences of beer alcoholism. Every year, scientists find new facts about the harm of beer.

Is it possible that the encoding against alcoholism has negative consequences?

Coding from alcoholism can not be a panacea for addictions. Although it is effective. But nevertheless, the negative consequences of the method of getting rid of alcoholism encoding is.

The effects of coding from alcoholism are, of course, individual, but there are phenomena common to most coded patients. The main ones are personal psychiatric disorders, expressed in increased irritability with dysphoria, aggression, fault tolerance, pedantry and conflict. Some patients have the effect of subordination, asthenia, lack of initiative, sexual desire is reduced.

Most coded patients complain of stalling in deep booze after the end of the coding.

Among the members of the alcoholic family there is a codependence effect. Therefore, psychotherapeutic treatment should be carried out not only in the alcoholic, but also among members of his family. To increase the therapeutic effect and prevent the patient from breaking into the drinking-place, it is necessary to carry out psycho-corrective measures during the entire duration of the encoding and upon its completion.

The undesirable consequence of coding is a memory for smells and sounds imprinted in the psyche of a patient during a hypnotic session. And if a person suddenly perceives such a stimulus somewhere, the effect of similarity makes him feel fear, nausea, discomfort. There are thoughts of death.

The main task of coding is to save the patient from alcoholism. After recovering from alcoholism, the encoding can adversely affect his life. Because the mechanism put into the patient's subconscious mind is not selective and will manifest itself in other similar situations, irritants, similar voices on the psychiatrist and sounds, smells that were in the cabinet at the time of the coding procedure.

Passed coding from alcoholism can constantly overeat or have very poor appetite and lose weight.

Coding from alcoholism carries not only a chance of getting rid of alcoholism, but also certain side effects in the form of negative, negative consequences. The choice is for the patient himself: to drink or not to drink, to be coded or not to be coded. But I think that being an alcoholic is also not very useful and much dangerous for the life and health of the drinking and surrounding people in the family and at work.