Lamb fat from cough for children

Badger fat, fat from cough

Among the various means and methods of traditional medicine, which help to fight reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, the use of the internal fat of animals stands out in its effectiveness. Badger, bear, dog, goose, mutton, groundworm, goat fat from cough used to heal from various ailments from time immemorial. Symptomatic treatment of sharp spastic exhalations with the help of these products gives staggering results, bribes with its simplicity and accessibility.

Non-fatty fat from cough: external application

A common method of dealing with reflex spasms of the respiratory tract are rubbing and warming compresses with the help of fat of various animals. To do this, any available internal fat: badger, pig, goose, mutton, bear, dog. There are several ways in which the use of interior fat from cough has the maximum effect:

  • Animal fat (for example, badger) needs to melt. Imbue them with gauze or a wide bandage, folded several times. Wet cloth put on your back. Top with a clean cut or towel. Then an oilcloth, a warm kerchief and a blanket.
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  • Take the heated lard (for example, badger) and rub the back and chest of the patient before going to bed. Top with a polythene and a warm scarf. To wind the person in a blanket.

Rubbing fat with cough is very effective. Often an unpleasant symptom occurs even after the first application. However, do not forget that this remedy can not be used at elevated temperature and children up to a year old.

In addition to external application, fat from cough is taken inside. There are many different recipes. Let's get acquainted with the most effective.

Badger fat: use for coughing

Interior badger fat is a unique therapeutic agent, possessing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Used badger fat from coughing with rubbing, compresses, and also taken inside.

There are a lot of folk recipes, which include this component, it can also be used in pure form:

  • Badger fat from cough is taken 3 times during the day for 1 tablespoon. Duration of treatment for colds is a week, with chronic or severe - a month. The product is very effective, but not all can use the product in its pure form.
  • Badger fat helps with coughing and in combination with other ingredients. It is necessary to take 6 tea spoons of cocoa powder, 8 - interior badger fat, 100 grams of chocolate and butter. Such ingredients are recommended to be added to those who do not tolerate a pure badger product or are going to treat a child. The composition of the cough is prepared as follows: chocolate and oil are heated on a water bath, then interior badger fat and cocoa are added. All is mixed until uniform. The mass is allowed to cool. The medicinal composition can be smeared on a sandwich and eat like chocolate butter.

On the use of badger fat from cough, the reviews are most positive. Often with its help, you can remove a chronic symptom, as well as reflex spastic exhalations caused by pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Goose Fat from Cough

In addition to grinding and compresses, this animal product is also applied inside and successfully fights with respiratory tract spasms. The therapeutic effect has a raw fat, which is heated from a bird in a water bath for about 4 hours. It has a yellowish tinge. Its healing properties are quite high. Goose fat:

  • Acts as an immunostimulant.
  • Softens mucous throat and nasopharynx.
  • Eliminates inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.
  • Stimulates liquefaction of mucus.

Goose fat for cough can be taken in pure form. This is done in the morning on an empty stomach in the amount of 1 tablespoon. And you can use it as an ingredient in various folk remedies:

  • 5 ml of honey and 15 ml of fat put in a glass of hot milk. Drink in the morning before eating.
  • Within 10 minutes, boil the lemon. Cut and squeeze it into the water in which it was boiling. Add 30 ml of goose fat to the solution. Drink a few days until the reflex spasms of the airways disappear to 5 tablespoons before eating.

Bear oil: use for coughing

The inner fat of the bear has long been considered an excellent assistant in the treatment of various colds and their symptoms. It is rich in various microelements, proteins, acids, oils, vitamins A, B, E. Bear lard is a great help:

  • Reduce the intensity of sharp spastic exhalations caused by a cold.
  • To soften mucous throats.
  • Activate the process of expectoration of mucus.
  • Strengthen the protective functions of the patient's body.

Bear oil from cough is used as a means for rubbing, compresses and inside. To do this, a teaspoon of melted bacon is placed in a glass of milk, preheated to 60 degrees. They drink in small sips. For taste, you can add a little honey. After taking the medicinal composition, to enhance its effect, it is recommended to eat fresh or canned raspberries, currants, blueberries.

Canine fat from cough

Such a remedy is very effective in the symptomatic treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms caused by various pulmonary diseases. Applying canine fat is simple enough: you need to eat three meals a day with food on a teaspoon of the product. You can add to the soup or smear on bread.

Goat fat for coughing

Quality interior viscid fat must be pure white color and a dense consistency. It does not have any unpleasant or sharp odors. If the fat pick with a knife, it easily crumbles.

There are many recipes for coughing with this ingredient. Here are some of them:

  • A slice of goat's fat, honey, soda is added to the glass of hot milk. This drink should be drunk 3 times a day. With its help, the cough caused by inflammation and swelling of the throat, as well as by perspiration, is perfectly removed.
  • In a glass of milk, boil 4 garlic cloves and 1 chopped onion. Add a little soda and a small piece of goat's fat. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day. The drink helps to cope with a strong chest cough.

  • In a glass of hot milk put a tablespoon of honey, a piece of goat fat, a few drops of propolis tincture, which is sold at the pharmacy. Take the composition in the morning and at bedtime. The medicine perfectly suppresses reflex spastic exhalations, which are a symptom of respiratory diseases of respiratory organs.

Lamb fat from coughing

Very often, for therapeutic purposes, the interior fat of ram is used. This product contains a large amount of saturated organic acids, as well as vitamins A, B1, E. Sheep fat is considered a potent cough remedy. The product is contraindicated for people with diseases of the bladder, liver, kidney, stomach ulcer, atherosclerosis and gastritis. All the rest of the drug should be used carefully, adhering to prescription doses.

A simple, effective and popular recipe is the following: put a tablespoon of heated lamb fat in a glass with hot milk. Allow to cool slightly and drink. This composition perfectly helps with prolonged cough, associated with chronic bronchitis and smoking.

Pig fat from cough

This product is very widely used in folk medicine when getting rid of sharp spastic exhalations of various etiologies. Pork fat is an affordable remedy available on the shelves of many shops and markets. Unlike many other animal fats, you do not need to specifically look for it in pharmacies or order it to friends.

Pork fat perfectly cope with a cough caused by colds and bronchitis. The main thing is to start applying on time and do it regularly. In addition to grinding and compresses, there are many recipes for the internal reception of the product:

  • Brew hot milk with green tea. Put in a drink a piece of pork fat, a pinch of red and black pepper. Drink before going to bed.

  • To heat the fat, dilute the product with honey and broth of dogrose. Drink 3 times a day.

Internal fat when coughing (whether it be badger, bear, pig or any other) has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. However, this does not mean that the product is a panacea for any cough. After all, a symptom can be caused by various diseases and before it is treated it is absolutely necessary to visit the doctor and establish the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon. Only after receiving an accurate diagnosis and agreement with a specialist of all methods of fighting cough, you can proceed its symptomatic treatment by various means, including with the help of interior badger or other fat animals.

Lamb fat

Lamb fat- a food product, little used by Europeans, but widely distributed in the Caucasus and Asian cuisine. Get it from the kurdyuk specially bred sheep and the inside of the sheep carcass by re-heating.

Benefits of lamb fat

The results of scientific research show that lamb fat contains a large amount saturated fatty acids, many of which are necessary for normal health and vitality rights. It is a easily digestible product, which does not create a big load on the digestive system. In the countries of the East it has been considered for a long time that fatty fat, which contains a small amount of cholesterol, helps to prolong youth.

The fattened mutton fat contains in its composition the following substances: vitamins A, B1, E, beta-carotene, sterols and phosphatides. Since ancient times in Asian countries, this natural product is used for medicinal purposes as an external agent, Healing burn lesions, anti-alopecia remedies, as well as for the treatment of various abrasions and wounds of a non-purulent character. Internal use of lamb fat can alleviate the condition in ARI, it is also used to prevent colds.

Lamb fat with bronchitis

Another medical method of use, which is quite common and effective, is use of lamb fat in the treatment of catarrhal catarrhal diseases - both in adults and in children.

It is especially good to use in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, as well as with prolonged dry cough. To do this, you should rub your chest and back with melted mutton fat, cover it with polyethylene and wrap it around warmly. You can also use fat, diluted in half with honey.

Such a compress is best done at bedtime all night, and in the morning everything is removed. Typically, one procedure is sufficient to significantly alleviate the condition, but if necessary, it can be repeated.

Compresses are better to combine with the internal use of lamb fat. For this, in a glass of warm milk you should melt a tablespoon of mutton fat. Drink before going to bed for 3 - 5 days.

Lamb fat - harm

In some cases, the internal use of lamb fat can not only not benefit, but also cause harm. This applies to patients suffering from liver, kidney, gallbladder, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer disease or gastritis with high acidity. It is better for such people not to use mutton fat.

Rubbing on a child's cough

Is it possible to rub the child with a cough?

The most difficult experience for parents is their baby's illness. Children often get colds. Self-medication should not be dealt with, but it is perfectly permissible to use proven recipes. To such methods is rubbing. It can be used when the child is six months old, but, like in any treatment, you must follow certain rules:
  • Trituration of the baby can be done only after consultation with the pediatrician;
  • children can not be rubbed with camphor oil until the year;
  • it is better to perform the procedure before bedtime;
  • You can not rub the ointment in the heart and papilla;
  • It is necessary to do circular movements clockwise;
  • can not be ground at elevated temperature;
  • after the completion of the procedure you need to wrap your child and put on warm socks.

How to squander a child when coughing?

Razirat child with cough can be with the use of pharmacy. Use and recipes of traditional medicine with the use of liquid honey, melted butter. Since ancient times, our grandmothers have used interior, badger and goat fat, as well as propolis, as warming rubbing. Suitable for the procedure and seed oil cumin. To alleviate and soften the cough helps rubbing vodka with a moderate pat.

Bear oil increases immunity and prevents the development of complications after illness. External it is applied with intensive movements, covered with a napkin or gauze bandage.

Sheep fat has a warming effect. It can be used to treat children after a year. With a dry, prolonged cough, it should be melt and applied to the back and chest. Place the film on top and roll the baby.

Goose fat is a good expectorant. With a strong cough, mix fifty grams of goose fat and two tablespoons of vodka and rub your neck and chest.

With prolonged cough, rub the back, chest and legs dry with internal pork fat.

Non-nutrient fat has medicinal properties that are not found in other fats. It must be melt in the oven or on a water bath, until the mass becomes homogeneous. You can store it in the refrigerator with the lid closed tightly.

Trituration with honey on coughing

If the honey cooked for grinding is sugared, then melt it in a water bath. Prepare a t-shirt and socks, that they would be warm. Rub honey back and chest and dress the baby. You can smear honey and attach a cabbage leaf. Then rub the heels and soles and put on warm socks. Put the baby in bed and cover with a warm towel.

By morning, honey completely absorbed.

Rubbing fat with cough

To mulberry, melt half a kilogram of any fat. To do this, put it in a pot of hot water. Add twenty milliliters of propolis tincture. Put the pan on a small fire. Stir until all the alcohol has evaporated. Then remove from the plate and store in the refrigerator. For grinding, you need to take a small amount of fat obtained.

Goat fat with cough rubbing

Goat fat is a drowned interior fat. Some goat's fat is considered to be butter derived from goat's milk. Both products have health-giving properties, although many do not like their smell and taste. They contain vitamins of group A, B, C, D, E, coenzymes, microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. For use in grinding, fat should be heated and rubbed into the back, chest and feet. After you need to warmly dress and go to bed. Goat fat can be kept in the freezer. There it will not deteriorate for many years.

Badger fat rubbing on coughing

In the composition of badger fat, there are many vitamins and polyunsaturated acids. It is obtained from the subcutaneous fat layer of the animal. Rubbing gives a good warming effect, activates blood flow in the affected area and metabolic processes. This is an effective way to treat cough for children with weakened immunity. It is very helpful in the treatment of a protracted cough, if certain rules are followed:

  1. The procedure should not be performed in the acute stage of the disease, since rubbing increases the body temperature.
  2. Apply badger fat to a small area of ​​the body, and make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction.
  3. The procedure should be carried out at the stage of recovery, when there are no inflammatory processes.

Rubbing with vodka on coughing

Vodka has a disinfectant and warming property, so it is used to treat many diseases. Based on it, elixirs, tinctures and compresses are made. The most commonly used fire water for grinding. When coughing rub the back of the child, use patting movements. This needs to be done several times. Use this procedure if the baby does not have a fever. After that, heat the baby and put it on the bed.

Ointment for rubbing with cough for children

Heating rubbing ointments are applied to specific areas of the body. As a rule, they consist of natural components. They include essential oils, turpentine or animal fat. They have a wide spectrum of action. Ointment Doctor Mom contains eucalyptus, turpentine and nutmeg oil, as well as menthol and thymol. The medicine can be used for kids over three years old. The product has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Spread the chest, bypassing the heart area, and rub your feet. There may be allergic reactions, so apply the ointment first not a small area.

Equally effective is an ointment based on turpentine turpentine. It anesthesizes, kills germs and relieves inflammation. When you cough, apply on the chest, back and heels. Use these funds better when the first signs of the disease, then recovery will be rapid. Pulmex Baby's warming ointment contains rosemary oil, eucalyptus, camphor and Peruvian balm. In addition to anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it promotes expectoration and sputum production. Ointment is applied to the area of ​​the bronchi and evenly distributed on the back. Follow the indicated dosage to avoid burns. When spreading, do not rub heavily. In ointments "Bear cub" and "Badger" contains badger and bear fat. They are also used in cough treatment. Most ointments can be used to treat babies from three years old.

You can wash your child no more than three times during the day. After each procedure, the baby must lie down, otherwise the procedure will not give a positive effect. Take care that there are no drafts.

Ointments, which contain turpentine, are contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys and liver. Also, their use in skin diseases is not recommended.

Not all doctors welcome the use of ointments to treat cough, as this can cause burns to tender baby skin, so always consult with a specialist before use.

Treatment of cough with animal fats: how to apply bear, lamb and goose fat

In the treatment of colds, animal fat is considered a valuable and indispensable product.

It helps to cure the symptoms of an illness, for example, to cure a painful cough with bronchitis. The most useful and environmentally friendly is bearish fat.

The secret of successful treatment is in the correct order of reception. Mandatory condition: funds based on bear fat take half an hour before meals.

If, together with fat, the doctor recommended other mixtures of cough, first use fat, and after 30 minutes the rest is treated. The food is taken after another 30 minutes.

What is the peculiarity of fat?

Bear oil from a cough conditionally can be called a biologically active additive. He perfectly copes with the inflammatory process, stimulates the immune system, strengthens the human body as a whole. If it is reasonable to use the product, many unpleasant diseases can be prevented.

Similar properties are possessed by fat:

  1. pork;
  2. mutton;
  3. hare
Very often doctors of non-traditional medicine recommend goat fat from cough.

You can buy the fat of a bear in a pharmacy. However, such a product is suitable only for external use. To take the fat inside, it is better to buy it from the hunters. It is this fat that will be of the highest quality, because it is prepared strictly according to the prescription, without using additional components.

When the preparation is prepared according to all rules, it has a white or slightly yellowish color. The mass is not characterized by a pungent smell or taste.

The non-fat oil of a bear is stored in a dark place at a reduced temperature. At 27 degrees or higher, the product becomes liquid and may become rancid. Under the same conditions, it is necessary to store pork, mutton fat.

Absolutely all the beneficial substances in the composition of bear fat easily enter the patient's cells. Therefore, its use when coughing and bronchitis is fully justified. Fat allows:

  • normalize the functioning of cells;
  • improve the outflow of mucus in their bronchi.

This fat is ideal for treating adults and children. If there is no opportunity to purchase high-quality bear fat, goose fat from cough is allowed. He is no less useful.

Popular Recipes

According to physicians, the bearish fatty layer is the most effective means of helping to treat upper respiratory tract.

In fact, there are many recipes based on this product. Should be considered the most popular.

Recipe # 1

It will be necessary to heat a glass of cow's milk, add to it a teaspoon of fat. Such a drink should be taken before meals, and slowly, in small sips.

When a child is treated before the age of 7, the proportions should be slightly changed. A third of a spoonful of fat is taken for a glass of milk.

The formula allows instead of bear oil to use pork, marmot or lamb. Additionally, figs with milk can help cough.

Recipe # 2

A tablespoon of bear fat is heated in a water bath or left for several hours at room temperature. After that you need to mix the product with the same volume of honey bee. If the patient has an allergic reaction to the products of beekeeping, honey is replaced with grated sugar:

  1. black currant;
  2. raspberries;
  3. Kalina.

The resulting mixture is consumed with warm tea or lime decoction. Ideally, the medicine is taken before a night sleep. This will increase the effectiveness of therapy.

If the patient does not have the time and desire to independently prepare such a remedy at home, it can be purchased at the pharmacy. There it is sold in capsule form.

Recipe # 3

Unlike other recipes, only bear fat is used in this. It should:

  • melt in a water bath;
  • massage massage into the back, chest (avoiding the heart area).

In order not to stain clothes, at the end of the procedure wear an old T-shirt or shirt. After that you should drink some tea and go to bed.

It is recommended that the treatment be carried out until the cough with bronchitis completely fails. Otherwise, there is a risk of a disease in the chronicle.

It will not be superfluous to use bear's fat for the prevention in the autumn and winter period.

Treatment of a child

When bronchitis in children, the internal fat is dosed depending on the age of the patient. This rule is also relevant if pork or fat is used. By this principle, goat fat is taken when coughing, most importantly, they all help to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi.

A child under 5 years of age is given a third of a teaspoon of money. Patients 5-7 years of this volume is small, it is increased to half a teaspoon. More adult children are given a whole spoonful of fat.

Treatment is carried out for 10 days. Fat is taken before meals. To consolidate the result, the folk remedy is continued for another 5 days.

Children should purchase fats cooked without:

  1. additives;
  2. preservatives.

Only such a product is safe for the patient.

We should not forget that bear, pig, mutton and other fats can sometimes cause allergies. Therefore, for safety reasons, you should first check the reaction of the body. To be treated start with small doses, gradually increasing them.

It is strictly forbidden to treat young children with bear fat (up to 3 years). Pregnant and lactating women should also be relieved of this remedy for coughing. The same restriction is relevant if there is an exacerbation of diseases of the biliary tract, liver, kidneys.

If it is reasonable to approach treatment, it will be possible to get only benefit from it, not to allow the aggravation of the cough. All this in the video in this article.

The use of badger and other animal fats from cough

Badger fat is known for its medicinal properties, not only for years, but for decades or even centuries.

Badger fat from cough is a known remedy. How can it be properly applied, how to cook? Let's try to answer these questions.

Treatment recommendations

The choice of cough treatment is made depending on the type of ailment and the cause that caused it. Regardless of these factors, a beneficial effect is exerted by:
  1. Humidification of air in the apartment, at work, as dry air overdry the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and causes stagnation of mucus, which significantly inhibits the treatment process. On dried mucous it is easier to develop bacteria.
  2. The consumption of a large amount of water, which liquefies the mucus, and the process of expectoration is facilitated.
  3. Refusal from a bad habit - smoking.

It is important to remember that during the treatment you need to cause a cough, and not to muffle it. It is important to ensure that the sputum is transferred from the viscous form to the liquid and easily leaves, facilitating the patient's condition.

Badger Fat Properties

Badger fat is white or has a yellowish tint, has a specific, not very pleasant smell. The main advantage of this type of fat is that it contains a large amount of BAS, which fully absorbs the human body.

Thanks to these components, the human body is saturated with important microelements, etc. In addition, due to its medicinal properties, this fat can have the following positive effects:

  • promote the assimilation of protein;
  • have antimicrobial action;
  • to promote the normalization of the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase immunity;
  • to promote the regeneration of wounds;
  • to facilitate the suppression of purulent processes.

This tool makes it possible to cope with such diseases as atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal diseases (for example, erosion, ulcers, etc.), SARS, acute respiratory infections and other viral, colds, various forms of bronchitis (fat is more effective in chronic form), exhaustion (weakening) of the body, tuberculosis etc.

Despite all the advantages and healing properties of badger fat, the means based on it should be used in As an additional tool, along with the main medicamental treatment of various respiratory diseases system. Since cough alone can not cure badger fat simply can not. But as a supplement to the main treatment of this problem - this is a great tool.

Badger fat treatment

Often this tool is used for various diseases of the respiratory tract.

Use fat for coughing both for children, and for adults, and even for older people.

In the event that a cold is diagnosed with a dry cough, then apply this remedy with warm milk.It is proved that such a natural remedy can significantly help reduce the inflammatory process in the airways.With ARVI, ARI, etc. this product can help in eliminating fatigue and weakness.

If the patient does not like milk, or simply can not use it (in the presence of lactose deficiency), then instead use a decoction of dogrose and add honey. It is necessary to remember, about observance of proportions: a parity or ratio of a basis and badger fat (:).

People who abuse smoking and who have chronic smoker's bronchitis can also use this remedy. Badger fat assists in the treatment of bronchitis.

Many people who previously used this drug as a cough treatment say that with it, treatment is easier and faster. Perhaps, the solution of this effect is that this product contains vitamin A, which strengthens the protective functions of the body. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair. In addition, it has an anti-carcinogenic effect.

In addition to oral administration, this drug is actively used externally for local treatment.


To get rid of badger badger cough, you need to rub your back, chest, you can grab the legs and the diseased, while you need to leave fat on the body at night. If you use cough badger fat inside, then recommend to use it 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon for 1 reception. Children are advised to give 1 teaspoon per 1 dose 3 times a day. This tool experts recommend taking before meals, about 30 minutes. As noted by those who used this tool, after 4-5 days of treatment there is an improvement in the condition. However, you need to complete a full course of treatment with a drug, which is about 7 days. Be sure to remember that before using any traditional medicine you need to get consultation with a doctor, especially if it concerns children, because they may have complications in more complex form.

Use in children

Specialists have developed the following prescription of the product, which has not only the healing properties of fat, but also a pleasant taste, which is important for children, because they usually resist using different facilities.


  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • cocoa powder - 6 teaspoons;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • badger fat - 8 teaspoons.

First of all, take badger fat and melt it on a steam bath. Then add cocoa powder, butter and dark chocolate to it, which must first be broken into pieces. All this must begin to slowly melt. Then, after mixing, you will get a sweet toothpaste. The received remedy is recommended to give the child 2-3 times a day.

Children, as well as adults, to enhance the positive effect you need to rub your back and chest, while using fat. Such a comprehensive treatment can help quickly cure not only ARVI or ARI, but also help in getting rid of ailment with these ailments.

Contraindications to the treatment of children badger fat:
  • sensitivity or individual intolerance to this drug;
  • liver disease and pancreas;
  • problems with the gallbladder;
  • children under 6 years.

In the treatment of cough with this healing agent, the appearance of the following side effects is also possible:

  • nausea;
  • stomach upset;
  • allergy in the form of rash and itching, etc.

If during the treatment of a cough with this product one of the above symptoms is noted, it is necessary to stop taking the medication and seek medical advice from a doctor.

It is important not to start cough treatment until a chronic condition. It is better to consult a doctor right away so that there are no complications. If you have started self-treatment (for example, badger fat), which does not give any effect at this time, it is better to immediately consult a specialist.

Bear, mutton, goose fat from cough

In addition to the above funds, as an agent for coughing, still use mutton, bear, goose fats from cough.

Goose fat from cough, which is used for coughing, not only removes inflammation, but also dilutes sputum, thereby facilitating the excretion of phlegm. You can use it as follows, preferably before going to bed. Mix 50 grams of fat and 50 ml of vodka. Then rub the received product with the neck and chest of the patient, and on top of the body wrap, for example, a warm kerchief or blanket.

It is believed that bearish fat from cough is a more effective means in the fight against cough caused by various diseases of the upper respiratory tract. You need to eat it in the following form: warm the milk and dilute it with 1 teaspoon of fat. The received drink should be consumed in a warm form before eating. Drink it in small sips.


Lamb fat from cough. A very popular recipe for using this fat is as follows: 1 tablespoon of mashed mutton fat put in a glass with hot milk. It should cool down a little, then in a warm form it can be drunk. This remedy is very helpful in case of a long-lasting cough, for example, if it is associated with a chronic form of bronchitis or a smoker's bronchitis.

Have advised the child to smear a breast for the night from tussis fat. Which is better? To the little one 3 years. Thank you.



Simple prophylaxis for the child - frequent airing of the apartment, the use of multivitamins, beekeeping products (honey, propolis, pergah, pollen), garlic, onions, lemons for food, reception of dietary supplements, frequent walks in the open air, general hardening - and you and your family will be under reliable protection, believe me - checked on my family and all my relatives and close.
From the cough - resorption pastilles Tharyngept, Laryngosept, Antiangin, drink herbal tea from the herb of sage, oregano, hyssop, thyme (thyme), do drainage massage on the chest area... Recipes are a lot - remember your childhood and how all of us were treated for colds and angina by parents, grandmothers, grandfathers - and remember yourself with a dozen recipes.

Olga Tsykalova

mutton fat

Checkbox Birdie

better badger or kurbyuk ...


Pork interior.

Alexey Gospodarikov

if there is an opportunity better badger and the floor spoons (tea) with hot tea at night


If the interior fat is not found, then boil 1 potato, mash and add a little alcohol or vodka. Put on the baby's breast with a towel and wrap. After half an hour to remove, the child warmly dress and sleep. It is better to do at night. We are well!

Steve Solidnov

Well helps ointment Doctor - mom. And I heard that badger fat quickly took off cough.


• To get rid of a cough, you can use a "plaster made independently from flour with honey. Prepare it is not difficult, but it helps even with an old cough. Take 1 tablespoon of flour (if the product is intended for the child, take 2-3 spoons of flour), 1 table a spoonful of fresh dry mustard, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vodka. Stir everything, warm it in a water bath. Obtain the sticky dough with an even layer on the piece of gauze folded into four and attach it to the place where rattles are heard or there are painful sensations. Top the oilcloth and cover it with a warm scarf, leave it for 20-40 minutes, remove it, rub the breast with vegetable warmed butter, cover with a cotton cloth and wrap. Do the procedure at night. This procedure is best done for several days in a row


Lamb fat. Well helps apibalzam "Tentorium."

-A N V A R-

Overheated inner sheep fat. The second option honey, it helps very well !!!

Vladlena Magnichenko

We smeared goat, badger. Or the inner lamb. Let your baby get better!

A friend is drinking a child with boiled milk with sheep fat, supposedly from a cough. To the child of 5 years. Is it not harmful?



Lamb (as well as goat) fat exactly helps very well, if they lubricate the chest and back of the child, then give hot drink and sweat, only the heart area to leave unshaved. Because it's hard for the body.
can it be, by the same principle, she greases him and esophagus? )))
I was also treated as a child. Threw a piece of fat in the milk. Nothing terrible happened.


yes easily it can be harmful, tell the child to let him consult a counselor


No... only when I was lying in this way I vomited terribly from this medicine... brrr


mutton fat rubbing the chest with a cough, but about drinking did not even hear, drink milk with butter and honey.


all traditional methods of treatment are continuous misunderstandings. Coughing is a symptom that should not be treated. It is necessary to treat a disease that causes a cough, and the diagnosis and proper treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor.


Very bad
Safer is not fatty cow's milk with honey and a pinch of soda, if the child does not have allergies.
You can add antihistamines in a dosage corresponding to age, to prevent laryngotracheitis and reduce hyperreactivity of the bronchi. Fat drink can cause troubles with the bilious and small child several times, but rub it, for God's sake


She stupidly destroys the child, both of which will only aggravate his condition.

Natalia Melentyeva

an ancient folk remedy. if the child drinks, let. I personally am unbearably boiled milk, even the smell.

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