How to take Echinacea for immunity

Medicinal herbs and plants have unique and diverse useful properties, so they are actively used to treat and prevent diseases of various etiologies. Its place of honor in folk medicine is echinacea - a perennial herb plant, which is known for its useful properties since ancient times. Echinacea for immunity has a beneficial tonic effect, activating the protective functions of the body, helping in the fight against colds and infectious and inflammatory diseases. Our grandmothers knew about the healing properties of Echinacea and applied it to treat many ailments.

  • Beneficial features
  • How to take to strengthen immunity
  • Contraindications
  • Recipes for preparation of infusions
  • Echinacea broth for immunity
  • Tea
  • Tincture from Echinacea
  • Plant based dietary supplements
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Beneficial features

The herb of Echinacea strengthens the protective functions of the body, stimulating the natural immune processes that take place in the body. It has a pronounced antiviral and antibacterial effect. Therefore it can be used during complex treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract and genitourinary sphere.

It is also noted that Echinacea promotes the regeneration of skin in the treatment of diseases such as eczema, psoriasis. Its use in this case is determined by the ability to heal wounds and accelerate the process of recovery due to echinacin in the plant roots.

Important!More details about the beneficial properties and contraindication of Echinacea read in our article.

Studies show that the active components contained in echinacea, promote the production of leukocytes, on the activity and amount of which depends on the human immune system. This is due to the fact that the substance in the plant is rich in resins, carbohydrates, isobutylamides, phytosterols, fatty oils. In addition, due to polysaccharides, flavonoids, lipids, alkyl amides, caffeic acid derivatives, an immunostimulating effect is achieved. Therefore, this herb for immunity is extremely useful.

Also, the mineral composition of Echinacea is diverse. It contains a small amount of potassium and calcium, sulfur, copper, silver, lithium, nickel, molybdenum, beryllium, barium, vanadium, manganese, and zinc, cobalt and selenium, which are extremely important for the immune system.

The plant is able to increase the body's resistance to bacterial, viral and fungal infections. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, reduces soreness, and also increases the production of hormones that have anti-rheumatic and anti-allergic effects.

The effectiveness of echinacea largely depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and its susceptibility to such remedies. Scientific research, which is regularly carried out, for example, in the United States, occupies directly opposing positions on this issue. On the one hand, the effect of Echinacea on the body is obvious and proven long ago. On the other hand, effectiveness as an immunostimulating agent does not always have a place. In this case, it is recommended to listen to your body and monitor the response to the reception of funds based on echinacea.

Interesting!Read how to plant and care for Echinacea, so that it always was in your house.

How to take to strengthen immunity

Echinacea is used to protect and strengthen immunity, mainly during the initial stage of the development of colds. Its frequent use in preventive measures can lead to the opposite effect - the weakening of immunity against the background of the constant influence of stimulant substances, as the natural possibilities of the protective functions of the organism are suppressed. Therefore, the reception of funds based on this plant should not exceed 8 weeks.

With the first symptoms of a cold, you must immediately begin to fully strengthen the immune system to help the body cope with the infection.

How to take it right? Echinacea for raising immunity is used at an early stage of the development of a viral cold before the symptoms disappear. After that, the reception takes another 48 hours to fix the result.

Children, as well as adults, are also recommended to take Echinacea during the season of acute respiratory infections. However, it should be noted that up to 2 years of echinacea for children is contraindicated in any form.

  1. Since the age of 2, you can give a decoction of Echinacea to boost immunity and tea.
  2. Teenagers over 12 years are allowed to give tincture: 5-10 drops to dissolve in 1 hour. l. boiled water, take 2 times a day before meals.

Important!Preliminary it is necessary to consult a pediatrician how to drink to raise the immunity of funds based on echinacea. Tincture Echinacea has its testimony to the application, which you can read in the article.


Given the active composition of the plant, it has its contraindications. Therefore, before taking it is recommended to consult your treating therapist.

Contraindications are primarily:

  • individual intolerance and allergic reaction;
  • autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, collagen synthesis disorder and others;
  • tuberculosis, HIV;
  • reception of immunosuppressive drugs - kortkosteroids, cyclosporine;
  • taking drugs that have an increased load on the liver - steroids, amiadarone, ketonazole;
  • children under 2 years.

Long-term use of Echinacea can affect the work of the liver, since it is associated with its toxic effect on this organ.

The use of Echinacea during pregnancy is quite acceptable, which can not but please the future mother, especially those whose pregnancy is in the flu season and colds.

Important!In the early stages of echinacea can cause spontaneous miscarriage. In late terms, the application should take place according to the indications and supervision of the doctor, strictly adhering to the recommendations for the duration and number of receptions.

Recipes for preparation of infusions

To strengthen immunity it is recommended to prepare funds from echinocery independently. Despite the fact that there are tableted analogs and various dietary supplements on its basis, the maximum concentration of useful and necessary substances is contained only in the plant itself. It is sold in any pharmacy in the form of dried fruit from the roots and inflorescences of this plant.

Echinacea broth for immunity

For cooking 1 h. l. grass is poured a glass of boiling water. Put in a pot of water and allow to boil. Reduce the fire and leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, cool, drain the resulting broth. Drink daily for 30 minutes before eating. Single dose - 100 ml.


To make tea, you need to use roots, leaves and inflorescences. Therefore, it is better to prepare such a collection in advance.

  1. For tea 1 h. l. crushed root, 1 hour. l. leaves and 3 flowers of the plant are poured with 2 glasses of hot water. Infuse for an hour.
  2. In day it is necessary to drink 3 glasses of a drink, preliminary having diluted it with hot water.

Tincture from Echinacea

1 tbsp. l. Spoon a dry herb pour 1 glass of vodka or alcohol. Close the lid and insist for two weeks in a dark cool place. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day, always 30 minutes before eating. Treatment lasts up to 2 weeks, if necessary, the course is repeated after 3 days of rest.

Tincture has found wide application: it is taken with gastritis, ulcers, diseases of the genitourinary sphere, intestines, spasms of the intestine.

Plant based dietary supplements

Pharmaceutical industry actively use this plant in the manufacture of biologically active additives. These funds have a different form of release, as well as the concentration of the active component - echinacea.

Issued by:

  • tablets - in this form, echinacea is very convenient to take, as there is no need to prepare anything, and efficiency, according to the manufacturers, is not inferior to the herb collection;
  • extract - the form of release is convenient because for the reception a small amount of the drug is required, as a rule, it is 5-8 drops for a single dose. Contraindicated: with hypertension and nervous excitement;
  • syrup - has antioxidant properties, is used for angina, normalizes the thyroid gland, it is also possible to use for oncological manifestations;
  • tincture - alcohol tincture, is taken with colds and infectious diseases.

It should be noted that before taking it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use, as, taking into account the different composition, the reception schemes can significantly differ.

Echinacea has established itself as an effective remedy for immunity, recognized even by official medicine.

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