Regulations on the remuneration of labor of employees of the municipal budgetary general education institution

Today we look at how to develop a Regulation on remuneration of employees of the municipal budgetary general education institution by the example of the Decree of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Government on October 15, 2008 № 464 "On Approval of the remuneration of employees of state budget, autonomous and state institutions of Nizhny Novgorod region with fresh culture changefor 2017( the name is stated in a new version by the decree of the Government of the region dated 06.04.2017 No. 202).

When developing and approving the Regulations for the needs of your organization, enterprise or institution, you should keep in mind and consider the following( the Regulations are being developed in accordance with the current regulatory legal documents):

  1. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Federal Law No. 273-FE of 29.12.2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation".
  3. Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ "On general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation".
  4. instagram viewer
  5. Decree of the Government of its region( region)( in our example - the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region).
  6. The resolution of the administration of your city( in our example - the city of Nizhny Novgorod from 14.10.2008 № 4744 "On the introduction of new systems of remuneration of workers of municipal budgetary institutions of the city of Nizhny Novgorod").
  7. Regulations on the remuneration of employees of municipal institutions of your city( in our case - Nizhny Novgorod, approved by the decree of the head of the city administration of 17.07.2015 № 1303).


Sample Regulations on remuneration of municipal budgetary institutions in general education workers


1.1.Polozhenie on remuneration of employees of the Municipal budget educational institution"School No. YOUR NUMBER"( hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) is introduced in order to determine the system of remuneration and unificationand methods of material incentives used in municipal educational organizations.

1.2.Polozhenie developed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of 29.12.2012 number 273-FEH "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 number 131-FZ "On general principles of local self-government organization in the RussianFederation ", the resolution of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod from 14.10.2008 № 4744" On the introduction of new wage systems for workers of municipal budgetary institutions of the city of Nizhny Novgorod ", the provision on wages of workers of municipal institutions of the city of Nizhny Novgorodhis Novgorod, approved by the head of administration of the city of 17.07.2015 № 1303.

1.3.Oplata workers Municipal budgetary educational institution "School number YOUR NUMBER"( the educational organization) is based on the basis of common principles and material support in accordance with the laws andother legal normative acts of the Russian Federation, the Nizhny Novgorod region and local self-government bodies of the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

1.4. The salary of an employee of the MBEU "School No. VASH NUMBER" is determined by his personal labor contribution, taking into account the final results of the work of the educational organization, within the wage fund and the maximum size is not limited.

Wage system

2.1. The wage system within the wage fund of the employees of the MBEU "School No. YOUR NUMBER" includes: basic salaries( wage rates) for professional qualification groups, terms of payment for employees and the head of the educational organization, conditions for making compensatory and incentive payments,the sizes of raising factors to salaries, payments compensating and stimulating character.

2.2. The system of remuneration of employees of the MBEU "School No. VASH NUMBER" is established by the collective agreement and this Regulation in accordance with the current labor legislation.

Here, write down your collective agreement( date), by whom the contract number is registered.

2.3. Salary( remuneration of an employee) - remuneration for work depending on the qualification of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments( surcharges and compensatory allowances, including for work in conditions deviatingfrom normal), and incentive payments( surcharges and stimulus bonuses, bonuses and other incentive payments).

  • The monthly salary of an employee who has fully worked during this period the norm of working time and has fulfilled the labor standard( labor obligations) can not be lower than the minimum wage.
  • Official salary - a fixed amount of labor payment for the performance of labor( official) duties of a certain complexity for a calendar month without taking into account compensatory, incentive and social benefits.
  • The wage rate is a fixed amount of a worker's salary for the performance of a certain amount of labor( qualification) labor norm per unit of time without taking into account compensatory, incentive and social payments.

2.4.The salary scale of the employees of the MBAU "School No. VASH NUMBER" is determined taking into account the following conditions:

  • qualification indicators( education, availability of qualification category, academic degree, honorary title), according to which the wage rate is regulated( official salary) of the employee, taking into account the reference to professional qualification groups;
  • hours of work time( the standard hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers of the educational organization established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2014 No. 1601 "0 hours of work( hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate)and on the procedure for determining the educational burden of pedagogical workers, stipulated in labor contracts ";
  • volumes of educational( pedagogical) work;
  • the order of calculation of wages of pedagogical workers on the basis of tariffing;
  • payment of the salary established during the tariffication, irrespective of the number of days and weeks in the month, as well as during the holidays and during the period of cancellation of educational activities( educational activities) for climatic and sanitary epidemiological reasons;
  • features calculating the hourly wage of teachers;
  • additional payment for pedagogical and other employees for work not included in their official duties, including related to educational activities( classroom management, examination of written works, etc.);
  • rules and terms for changing the size of wage rates based on the above indicators;
  • incentive and compensatory payments.

2.5. Head of the MBEU "School No. YOUR NUMBER":

  • sets the wage rates( salaries of employees), calculates the salaries of employees based on the skill indicators of employees;
  • annually makes up and approves for the employees performing pedagogical work, including the employees who perform this work in the same educational organization in addition to the basic work, the tariff lists;
  • is responsible for the timely and correct determination of the wages of employees of the educational organization.

2.6. Expenditures on the remuneration of employees of the educational organization, including the manager, including various types of material incentives, are carried out at the expense of the general labor compensation fund provided by the estimate( plan of financial and economic activities) of the relevant educational organization, including extrabudgetary sources.

2.7. Formation of the wage fund of an educational organization is carried out within the limits of the organization's funds for the current financial year.

  • In the educational organization, the wage fund is formed in accordance with the regional normative of budget financing, the correction factor and the number of trainers, as well as taking into account the funds coming from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities aimed at paying employees and reflected in the estimates of the educational organization.

2.8. The labor remuneration fund of the educational organization consists of the basic part( PHOT) and the stimulating part( PHOT): PHOT = PHOT + FOTT.

2.9.The volume of the stimulating part is determined by the formula: ФОТст = ФОТб х S, where S is the stimulating part of the PHT.

2.10. The basic part of the wage fund provides guaranteed wages for the employees of the educational organization for labor efforts spent on the qualitative performance of the basic professional functions defined by the qualification requirements within the limits of working hours, taking into account the specifics of the content and working conditions.

  • The basic part of the wage fund includes various types of compensation payments for working conditions that deviate from normal ones.
  • The list, sizes and conditions for the implementation of incentive payments are established by collective agreements, local regulatory acts of the educational organization. Payments of a stimulating nature do not form a new salary and are not taken into account when other incentive or compensation payments are charged.

2.11.Shtatnoe schedule of the educational organization is approved annually by the head of the educational organization and includes all the positions of employees, the profession of workers of this organization.

  • In accordance with the statutory activities of the educational organization in the formation of the staffing table, positions and professions are used in accordance with professionally qualified groups by approved orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 3, 2008 No. 305n;from May 29, 2008 No. 247n;from May 29, 2008 № 248n;from May 5, 2008 № 216n;from May 5, 2008 № 217n;from July 18, 2008, No. 342n, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2013 № 678 "On the approval of the nomenclature of the posts of pedagogical workers of organizations engaged in educational activities, the positions of heads of educational organizations."

2.12. The indexing of the wages of the employees of the educational organization is made within the limits of the funds provided for by the budget of the city of Nizhny Novgorod for the next financial year.

2.13.Payment of labor of library and other employees of an educational organization not provided for by this Regulation shall be made in relation to the conditions of remuneration established for similar categories of workers in the relevant sectors.

2.14.The salary of the head of the municipal educational organization is determined taking into account the characteristics of the manager's work and is established in accordance with Section 10 of this Regulation

Official salary( wage rate)

3.1. The salary( wage rate) of the employee is formed on the basis of the base salary for the relevantthe qualification level of professional qualification groups( hereinafter referred to as "the SCP") and the use of incremental coefficients by position.

3.2. The salary of teachers and other pedagogical workers is calculated on the basis of wage rates, taking into account the length of working hours established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2014 No. 1601 "On the duration of working hours( norms of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers and the procedure for determining the educational burden of pedagogical workers, stipulated in labor contracts. "

3.3.Minimum sizes of salaries( base salaries) of employees are established according to the relevant professional qualification groups( PKG), taking into account the requirements for vocational training and the level of qualification in accordance with Annex 1 to the Regulations.

3.4.The sizes of the base salaries are determined by the qualification levels of the PPG on the basis of the training requirements and the level of qualifications required for the implementation of the relevant professional activities, taking into account the complexity and scope of the work performed, based on the minimum wage( the wage rate for the corresponding salaryPKG) and the value of the incremental coefficient for the corresponding qualification level of the PGM, in accordance with Annex 1 to this RegulationYu.

3.5. Salary salaries( wage rates) of employees are established depending on the level of education, the qualification category awarded according to the results of certification( for teachers).

The official salary( wage rate) is calculated according to the following formula:

  • D( C) = BO x Cobra x Kkat, where
  • D( C) - the salary( wage rate) of the employee of the educational organization;
  • BO - basic salary of an employee of an educational organization;
  • Cobra - increasing factor of education level accounting;
  • Kkat - increasing coefficient of registration of the qualification category.

3.6.Table of raising coefficients taking into account the level of education:

Education level Increasing


Higher education - bachelor's degree 1,1
Higher education - specialty, master's degree 1,2
Higher education -- Pedagogical staff in postgraduate( adjuncture), residency programs, internship assistants 1.3

3.7.Table of raising factors taking into account the qualification category:

Qualification category Increasing


Highest qualification category 1,3
First qualification category 1,2
Second qualification category 1,1

3.8 The higher coefficient for the availability of the qualification category is set tothe whole attestation period.

  • The action of the raising factor is prolonged for a period of up to one year in the event of the expiration of the certification period due to the long-term disability of the employee during the qualifying period, upon return during the academic year from a long trip related to professional activity, from a vacation of up to one year, from leaveon the care of the child, regardless of the expiry date of the qualification period, when hiring after dismissal due to the liquidation of the educational organization, andthose employees who have not more than one year left until reaching the age giving the right to a retirement pension in accordance with Federal Law No. 173-FZ of 17 December 2001 "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation".
  • When wage payment for pedagogical workers performing work in another position for which a qualification category has not been established, the terms of remuneration are determined taking into account the existing qualification category, if the profile of the pedagogical work performed corresponds to the profile of work for which there is a category.

3.9. Persons who do not have special training, established qualification requirements, but who have sufficient practical experience and perform their duties in full and qualitatively, on the recommendation of the certification committee, as an exception, may be appointed to the appropriate positions,as well as persons having special training, they can be assigned the same official salary( wage rate) as a person who meets the qualification requirements.

3.10. Increasing coefficient, corresponding to the level of higher education - specialization, is applied to concertmasters and teachers of musical disciplines who graduated from conservatories, music departments and departments of club and cultural enlightenment of cultural institutions, pedagogues( universities), while establishing official salaries.

Compensatory payments

4.1. Payments of compensatory nature are established to employees in percentage of official salaries determined according to the corresponding qualification levels of the SCG.The amounts and conditions for making compensatory payments are specified in the workers' employment contracts.

4.2. The following types of compensatory payments are established in the educational organization:

  • payments to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and( or) dangerous and other special working conditions;
  • payments for work in conditions that deviate from normal( when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions( positions), overtime, night work and work in other conditions deviating from normal ones).

4.3. Payments to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and( or) dangerous and other special working conditions according to the List determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for regulating social and labor relations, are established taking into account the results of a special assessment of the conditionsLabor in the amount of up to 12% of the official salary of employees.

  • The specific amount of payments for work with harmful working conditions is determined by the employer based on the results of attestation of workplaces, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees or a collective agreement, the Rules of internal labor regulations, an employment contract.
  • Establishing a surcharge for the employee for combining professions( positions), expanding the service area, is not a basis for increasing payments for working with hazardous working conditions.

4.4.Compensation payments for work in conditions deviating from normal, combination of professions( positions), work at night are set in the following amounts:

  • for work at night - at least 20% of the PKG salary for each hour of work in thenight time;
  • for work on weekends and holidays - in the amounts and in the order established by the current labor legislation.

4.5. In case of engagement of an employee for work on a day off or a non-working holiday, the work is paid for at least double the amount:

  • to employees, whose work is paid at daily and hourly rates - at least twice the daily or hourly rate;
  • employees who receive a monthly salary - in the amount not less than a single daily or hourly rate in excess of salary if work on a day off and on a public holiday is made within a month's working time, and at least twice the hour or day rate in excess of salary, ifwork was performed in excess of the monthly rate.

At the request of an employee who worked on a weekend or non-working holiday, he may be granted another day of rest. In this case, work on a non-working holiday is paid in a single amount, and the day of rest is not payable.

4.6.Training the working hours of caregivers of the extended day group, due to the absence of parents, as well as work carried out at the initiative of the employer outside the working hours established by work schedules, is overtime work.

Overtime work is paid for the first two hours of work at least one and a half times the size, for the following hours - not less than twice the size. The exact amount of payment for overtime can be determined by a collective agreement or an employment contract.

At the request of the employee, overtime work instead of higher payment can be compensated by the provision of additional rest time, but not less than the time worked overtime.

4.7.The execution of additional types of work that are not part of the direct responsibilities of employees of the educational organization is carried out at an additional cost by establishing a compensation payment in the form of a co-payment.

The amount of additional payments to employees and the procedure for their establishment for the performance of additional work that is not part of their main responsibilities( classroom management, verification of written works, management of the office, etc.) are determined by the MBE "School No. 120" independently within the funds allocated for labor payment, and are fixed in the collective agreement and these Regulations.

This Regulation establishes the maximum amount of such surcharges:

Types of surcharge for additional work % of the official salary
1. Teachers 1-4 grades for checking notebooks from the training load to 15
2. Teachers, teachers for checking the written work from the training load:

for Russian language and literature, in mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology

up to 15 to 10
3. Teachers, teachers for classroom management

1-4 grades 5-11 class

up to 15 to 20
4.Utechalteachers, instructors for the management of training rooms( laboratories), in school up to 10
5. Teachers, teachers and other teachers for guidance methodical and subject commissions at the level of educational organization to 15
6. Teachers, teachers or other employees for participationin the work of experimental sites to 15
7. Teachers, teachers and other workers for working with

library of textbooks, depending on the number of

copies of textbooks in schoollax:

up to 300 sets of

textbooks from 300 to 600 sets of textbooks

from 600 to 1000 sets of textbooks

from 1000 sets of textbooks

to 5 to 10 to 15 to 20
8. Payments for work in conditions deviating from normalworks of various qualifications, combination of professions( positions), work at night( when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal ones), on weekends and holidays. At least 20

4.8.The employee( including part-time) who performs in the same educational organization along with his main work, conditioned by the employment contract, additional work for another profession( position) or acting temporarily absent employee withoutrelease from their main work, a compensation payment is made in the form of a surcharge for combining professions( positions) or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee.

The amount of surcharge for combining professions( positions) or performing duties of a temporarily absent employee is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.

Payments of a stimulating nature

5.1. Payments of a stimulating nature are set to employees in percentage to official salaries, determined according to the appropriate qualification levels of PGM, or in absolute values.

The sizes and conditions for making incentive payments are specified in the workers' employment contracts.

5.2. The incentive payments are made from the stimulating part of the wage fund by decision of the head of the educational organization in the manner established by the local act, the collective agreement and this Regulation.

5.3. The following types of incentive payments are established in the MBAU "School No. YOUR NUMBER":

  • extra charge for intensity and high performance;
  • surcharge for the quality of work performed;
  • surcharge for the presence of a scientific degree, honorary titles, stipulated in clause 5.7 of this Regulation;
  • the seniority bonus stipulated in clause 5.6 of these Regulations;
  • award based on the results of work for the month, quarter, year, other settlement period.

5.4. The addition for the intensity and high performance results is established in accordance with the performance evaluation criteria approved by the local act of the educational organization.

The main criteria for assessing the work include:

  • complexity, tension, intensity, degree of responsibility and the nature of the work;
  • a successful and conscientious performance of the employee's job duties;
  • initiative, creativity and application of modern forms, methods and content of work organization;
  • application in educational activities of health-saving technologies, absence of injuries;
  • availability of work with parents;
  • aesthetic design of assigned training facilities with due regard for sanitary standards.

5.5. Addition for the quality of the performed works is established:

  • for the qualitative preparation and conduct of activities related to the statutory activities of the organization;
  • for the employee's participation in the implementation of important works, events( preparation for Russian, district, regional events, development of educational projects, programs);
  • for a special mode of work( implementation of preventive and health-improving programs with children requiring special attention, etc.);
  • absence of safety violations;
  • lack of valid complaints about violation of the rights of students who have found confirmation in administrative acts;
  • no comments on working with documents, according to job description;
  • for organizing and conducting events aimed at enhancing the image and image of the organization among the population.

5.6.For seniority, a monthly allowance is established, which is calculated as a percentage of the wage rate( official salary).

Lifetime seniority table:

Work experience Amount of increment
from 1 year to 5 years 5%
from 5 years to 10 years 10%
more than 10 years 15%

Extended service bonus is established:

  • for pedagogicalemployees - depending on the general teaching experience;
  • for employees assigned to professional qualification groups of training and support staff and general industry employees - depending on the total length of service in the organization.
    • 5.7.For the presence of ranks:
      • to employees who have honorary titles "Honorary worker of general education", badges "Excellent worker of public education", "Excellent worker in the formation of the USSR", "For high achievements", "For achievements in culture", "For excellentwork "," People's Teacher "," Honored Teacher "and" Honored Teacher ";workers with other honorary titles: "Honored Worker of Physical Culture", "Honored Worker of Culture", "Honored Lawyer", "Honored Economist" and other honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation and Union Republics, members of the USSR,branches, whose name begins with the words "people's", "deserved" subject to the compliance of the honorary title with the profile of the educational organization, and the pedagogical employees of educational organizations - in accordance with the honorthe title of the profile of pedagogical activity or the taught disciplines - 10%.

      5.8. In the presence of an employee at the same time academic degree and honorary titles, provided for in clause 5.7 of this Regulation, incentive payments are made on one( maximum) basis.

      5.9.Premii - an additional part of the salary paid for achievement of high results by the organization as a whole or by the concrete worker. Bonus is made on the achievement of certain results, as well as on the results of work for a certain period( for a quarter, six months, nine months, a year).

      • It is possible to apply an individual bonus, which marks the special role of individual employees who have achieved high quantitative and qualitative results and collective bonuses aimed at motivating the employees of the educational organization.
      • The bonus on the results of the work for a certain period is realized due to the saving of the labor compensation fund provided for in the budget( financial and business plan) for the current year. Bonus is paid for the high-quality and conscientious performance of official duties and performance of the established indicators of bonuses by categories of employees.
      • The amount of the award can be calculated as a percentage of the official salary( wage rate) or in absolute values. Prizes are established by the order of the head of the educational organization in the manner provided for in the collective agreement, by the local act of the educational organization within the wage fund, and the maximum size is not limited.
      • Persons who have not worked for the full billing period can be rewarded taking into account their labor contribution and actually worked time.
      • An employee may be reduced on the basis of work results or he may be deprived of the premium completely for failure to meet the bonus indicators.
      • The bonus is not paid to employees who have a disciplinary penalty, before it is withdrawn.

      5.9.1. Main bonus indicators:

      • retention of the contingent of students - retirement at the initiative of the student( legal representative) to another educational organization while maintaining the former residence, absence of transfers to another class, to another teacher;
      • modernization of educational activity and management process - use of modern content of education and educational technologies, compliance of educational programs of the organization with the requirements of BUP, GEF, provision of profile training( including individual educational programs for students), compensatory training programs, introduction of scientific management methods;
      • violations of students - the absence in the bonus period of the enacted decree on the imposition of an administrative penalty or a court decision on the application of criminal liability measures;
      • availability of methodical work - participation in pedagogical readings, conferences, seminars, professional competitions during the bonus period, participation in the work of the district methodical association, management of the methodical association of teachers at the level of the educational organization;
      • availability of prizewinners and winners of olympiads, LEU, competitions and contests;- the essence of the teacher's analytical work is a generalization of pedagogical experience, a differentiated approach to the organization of educational activity, the availability and systematic use of research of the level of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, development of abilities;
      • application of information technologies in educational activities - use of technical means in educational activities;
      • participation in innovative and experimental work;
      • availability of work with parents - effective cooperation with parents in the educational process, including individual work;
      • extracurricular work with students on the subject - includes the organization of school subject olympiads, creative works competitions, scientific readings and other forms of student organization;
      • advanced training during the bonus period - passing the coursework;
      • aesthetic design of the subject environment of the assigned classrooms, taking into account the sanitary standards.

      Other payments

      6.1. Provision on the remuneration of employees of the educational organization may provide for the payment of material assistance to employees. The procedure and conditions for the payment of material assistance are determined by the collective agreement of the educational organization.

      6.2. Maternity assistance is paid at the expense of budgetary funds and funds from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities forming the basic part of the wage fund.

      6.3. The order and terms of payment of material assistance are regulated by the local normative act of the educational organization

      Features of calculating the salaries of pedagogical workers

      7.1. The monthly salary of teachers, teachers of additional education is determined by multiplying the size of their wage rates, taking into account the qualifications and increases for the reasons specified in Section 3 of this Regulation, for the actual load per week and dividing the received product by the rate set for the ratehours of teaching work per week.

      The monthly wage is calculated in the same way:

      • teachers, teachers of additional education for work in another educational organization( one or several), carried out on a part-time basis;
      • teachers, teachers of additional education for which the given educational organization is the place of primary work, with the assignment to them of the responsibilities for the education of children at home in accordance with the medical conclusion, as well as on physical education classes with trainees, classified for health reasons to a special medical group.

      7.2.Tarification of teachers, teachers of additional education, is carried out once a year, but separately for half-year, if the curriculum for each half-year provides for a different number of hours per subject.

      • The salary set for teachers, educators of additional education is paid monthly, regardless of the number of weeks and working days in different months of the year.
      • If the teacher fails to fulfill the volume of the established training load, the salary is not reduced.

      7.3. For the period of work during the fall, winter, spring and summer holidays of students, as well as in the period of cancellation of training sessions( educational activities) for students, pupils on sanitary epidemiological, climatic and other grounds, the salaries of pedagogical workers and persons from the leading,administrative and educational support staff, who lead the teaching work during the academic year, including classes with circles, is made from the calculation of wages, establishedth at the tariffing, preceding the beginning of the vacation or the period of cancellation of training sessions( educational activity) for the reasons indicated above.

      • Persons who work on an hourly basis and do not conduct pedagogical work during the holidays are not paid for this time.

      The procedure and terms of hourly wage for teachers of

      8.1. The hourly wage of teachers, teachers and other pedagogical staff of the educational organization is applied when paying:

      • for hours performed as replacement of teachers, teachers and other pedagogical workers absent due to illness or other reasons,lasting not more than two months;
      • for the hours of pedagogical work performed by teachers when working with children who are in long-term treatment in the hospital, in excess of the amount established by them during the charging;
      • when paying for the pedagogical work of specialists of enterprises, institutions and organizations( including those from employees of educational management bodies, methodological and educational-methodical offices) involved in pedagogical work in the educational organization;
      • when paying for teaching hours in the amount of 300 hours per year in another educational organization( in one or several) in excess of the training load carried out on a part-time basis on the basis of tariffs.

      8.2. The amount of payment for one hour of the specified pedagogical work is determined by dividing the monthly wage rate of a pedagogical worker for the established standard of hours of pedagogical work per week for the average monthly number of working hours established for the position held.

      The average monthly number of working hours is determined by multiplying the norm of hours of pedagogical work per week established for the salary of a pedagogical worker by the number of working days per year for a five-day workweek and dividing the result by 5( the number of working days a week)12( number of months per year).

      8.3. The salary for replacing the absent teacher( teacher), if it was exercised for more than two months, is made from the day of commencement of replacement for all hours of actual teaching work on a general basis, with a corresponding increase in the weekly( monthly) training load by introducing changes in the tarification.

      8.4. The amount of hourly pay for teaching staff involved in providing paid additional educational services is determined by the educational organization independently. At the same time, the hourly wage can not exceed the hourly wage rates of employees determined by multiplying the current Minimum wage by the rates of hourly wage rates of employees involved in conducting training sessions in educational organizations:

      • Doctor of Science - 0.3;
      • Candidate of Science - 0.2;
      • persons who do not have a scientific degree or a higher( first) category - 0.1.

      Working hours

      9.1. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the reduced number of working hours for pedagogical workers of the municipal educational organization is established - no more than 36 hours per week for one wage rate( salary).Depending on the position and( or) specialty of pedagogical workers, taking into account the peculiarities of their work, the specific length of working hours( the standard of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2014 No. 1601 "On the duration of working hoursthe norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers and the procedure for determining the educational load of pedagogical workers specified in the employment contract. "

      9.2. The regulation of the working hours and rest time for the employees of the School No. 120, taking into account the specifics of their activities, is established in the Rules of the internal labor regulations of the educational organization.

      9.3. For the teaching( pedagogical) work performed with the consent of the teaching staff, in excess of the established hourly rate for the wage rate, an additional payment is made, respectively, of the received wage rate in a single amount in the manner provided for in Section 8 of this Regulation.

      9.4. The amount of teaching load of teachers, teachers of additional education is determined based on the number of hours of the curriculum and programs, the provision of personnel, other specific conditions in this educational organization.

      • The teaching load of teachers and other employees who are engaged in teaching work, in addition to the main work, is set for the new academic year by the head of the educational organization, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of the organization's employees. This work is completed before the end of the school year and the leave of employees for the purpose of determining its volume for the new school year and the classes in which this load will be carried out, as well as for observing the prescribed period for warning workers about the possible reduction( increase) in the training load in case of changethe number of classes or the number of hours of the curriculum for the subjects taught.

      9.5. The teaching load( pedagogical work), the volume of which is more or less than the norm of hours for the wage rate, is established only with the written consent of the employee.

      • When establishing the academic load for the new academic year, teachers, for whom the given educational organization is the main work place, as a rule, its volume and continuity of teaching subjects in classes are preserved. The amount of training load established for teachers at the beginning of the academic year can not be reduced at the initiative of the employer in the current academic year, as well as in setting it for the next academic year, except for cases of reducing the number of hours for curricula and programs, reducing the number of classes( groups).
      • Depending on the number of hours stipulated in the curriculum, the teachers' workload in the first and second academic semesters can be set in different volumes.

      9.6. The maximum amount of training load that can be performed in the same educational organization by employees of the educational organization that leads it in addition to the main job( including deputy heads) is determined by the educational organization. Teaching in the same educational organization for the said employees is not considered a part-time job.

      9.7.When teachers are assigned to a general education organization for which this educational institution is the main work place, the responsibility for training children at home in accordance with medical opinion, as well as to conduct physical education classes with students classified as health by a special medical group, the training hours provided for these purposes are included in their training load on general grounds.

      • Training load for teachers who are at the beginning of the school year on leave to care for a child before reaching the age of three years or on other holidays, is established when it is distributed for the next academic year on a general basis, and then transferred to other teachers for the period of the employee's stayin the appropriate vacation.

      9.8. The teaching work of the employees, in excess of the established norms for which they are paid the official salary, as well as the teaching work of the management and other employees of the educational organization, without occupying a full-time position in the same institution, is paid additionally in the order and at the rates provided for the teaching work performed.

      • The performance of the teaching work specified in this clause is allowed in the main working hours with the consent of the employer.

      9.9. The involvement of individual employees of educational organizations for work on weekends and holidays is allowed on the written order of the employer in exceptional cases provided for by labor legislation, with the consent of employees and the opinion of the representative body of employees of the educational organization.

      Payment of the head of the educational organization

      10.1. Salary of the head of the municipal educational organization consists of the official salary, compensatory and incentive payments.

      10.2. The indexing of the salary of the head of an educational organization can not exceed the indexation of wages stipulated by the resolution of the City Duma of Nizhny Novgorod on the budget of the city of Nizhny Novgorod for the next financial year.

      10.3. The salary of the head of the educational organization is determined by the employment contract on presentation of the structural unit of the city administration that exercises the powers of the founder in relation to this organization, agreed with the deputy head of the city administration, who oversees this structural unit.

      • The salary of the head of the educational organization is set in a multiple ratio to the average salary of the main staff of the organization headed by him with a multiplicity factor from 1 to 8.
      • The main personnel of the educational organization are employees who directly support the basic functions for which the organization was created. Lists of positions and occupations of employees of organizations that relate to the main staff by types and types of educational organizations are listed in Appendix 2 to this Regulation.

      10.4.The procedure for calculating the size of the average wage, to determine the amount of the salary of the head of the educational organization:

      10.4.1. The periodicity of calculating the average wage to determine the amount of the salary of the head of the educational organization is established, once a year. Calculation of the average salary of employees of the core staff for the previous calendar year is made in the first quarter of the year of determining the salary of the head.

      • When calculating the average wage, payments for the performance of duties of employees not belonging to official duties, incentive payments of employees of the basic personnel of the educational organization are taken into account, regardless of the financial sources at the expense of which these payments are made.
      • When calculating the average wage, compensatory payments of employees of the main staff are not taken into account.

      10.4.2. Average salary of employees of the basic personnel of the educational organization is determined by dividing the amount of salaries, wage rates and incentive payments of employees of the main staff of the institution for the time worked in the previous calendar year by the amount of the average monthly number of employees of the organization's main personnel for all months of the calendaryear preceding the year of establishment of the official salary of the head of the educational organization.

      10.4.3. When determining the average monthly number of employees of the main staff of the organization, the average monthly number of employees of the main staff of the organization working on full-time terms is taken into account, the average monthly number of employees of the main staff of the institution, working part-time, and the average monthly number of employees of the main staff of the organization,which are external part-time workers.

      10.4.4. In the number of employees of the main staff of the organization, working on a full-time basis, employees of the main personnel of the organization who actually work on the basis of the time sheet for employees are taken into account for each calendar day of the month.

      • An employee who works in an organization at one, more than one rate( registered as an internal part-time employee in the educational organization) is counted in the list of employees of the main personnel of the educational organization as one person( the whole staff unit).
      • Employees of the main personnel of the organization who worked part-time in accordance with the employment contract or transferred to part-time work determine the average monthly number of employees of the organization's main staff in proportion to the time worked.

      The procedure for bringing part-time workers and external part-time workers into the calculation of the average wage of basic employees:

      a) calculates the total number of man-days worked by these employees by dividing the total number of man-hours worked in the reporting month by the working daybased on the duration of the working week, for example:

      • 40 hours - for 8 hours( with a five-day work week) or 6.67 hours( for a six-day work week);
      • 39 hours - by 7.8 hours( with a five-day work week) or 6.5 hours( with a six-day work week);
      • 36 hours - 7.2 hours( with a five-day work week) or 6 hours( with a six-day work week);
      • 33 hours - by 6.6 hours( with a five-day work week) or 5.5 hours( with a six-day work week);
      • 30 hours - for 6 hours( with a five-day work week) or for 5 hours( with a six-day work week);
      • 24 hours - 4.8 hours( with a five-day work week) or 4 hours( with a six-day work week);

      b) then the average number of non-full-time employees for the reporting month in terms of full-time employment is determined by dividing the worked man-days by the number of working days in the month of the calendar in the reporting month.

      The average monthly number of employees of the main staff of the educational organization that are external part-time workers is calculated in accordance with the procedure for determining the average monthly number of employees of the main staff of the organization who worked part-time.

      10.5. The head of the educational organization is provided with incentive payments, including those from income-generating activities. The specified payments are established taking into account target indicators of efficiency of activity of the organization.

      • The sizes of stimulating payments to the head are established once in a half-year.
      • The sizes of incentive payments are established on the basis of the decision of the commission created by the order of the head of the structural( functional) division of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod performing the functions of the founder by issuing an order of the deputy head of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod that oversees the activities of the organizational and personnel support department of the administration and the conclusion of an additional agreementto the contract of employment( effective contract) of the manager educationallyth organization.
      • The work procedure of the commission is established in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Regulation.

      10.6.The head of the educational organization subordinate to the department of education of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, the following types of allowances and incentive payments are established:

      indicator criterion Size,% of official salary
      1. Awarded academic degree:
      Candidate of Science Availability 20%
      Doctors Availability 30%
      2. Assigned state awards of the Russian Federationestablished in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.09.2010 № 1099 "On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation", as well as honorary titles established by the Ministry of the Russian FederationiD by the order of 03.06.2010 No. 580 "On departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation" availability of 10%
      3. Work experience in management positions in industry( seniority): from 1 to 5 years from 5up to 10 years from 10 years or more 5% 10% 15%
      4. Municipal task: up to 80%

      from 80.1 to 90% of 90.1 or more


      is set to 10%


      5. disciplinary sanctions, supervisory orders, justified complaints lack of 5%
      6. Maintenance of the proportion of the number of teachers under 35 in the total number of teachers of general education organizations availability of 2%
      7. Observance of safety requirements during the organization of work of the educational organization availability 5%
      8. Implementationvolume indicators of educational organizations
      8.1. Number of students in autonomous and budgetary general education organizations up to 300 students

      from 301 to 600 from 601 to 800 from 801 to 1000 from 1001 to 1300 from 1301


      is installed






      9. For heads of autonomous and budgetary general education organizations
      9.1. realization in the organization of programs of the raised level, the profound studying of separate subjects: in 4 and less classes in 5 - 10 classes in more than 10 classes 5% 10% 15%
      9.2. implementation of sociocultural projects( school museum, theater, availability of 5%
      9.3. of social projects, academic societies of students, etc.) availability 5%
      9.4. participation of trainees in contests and competitions creation of available in the organization availability 5%
      9.5. environment for children with disabilities, the implementation of programs for the preservation of children's health

      implementation of programs

      availability 5%
      9.6. additional education, attraction of extrabudgetary funds, charity funds

      organization of work in two and

      availability of 5%
      9.7. more buildings, sports grounds work organization FLC availability 5%

      10.7. Leaders of educational organizations newly appointed to the relevant operating organization set incentive payments based on the assessment of the indicators specified in subparagraphs 1, 2, 3, 8 of paragraph 10.6 of this Regulation and actually reached by the time of appointment.

      • Payments of a stimulating nature to newly appointed managers are established in accordance with the procedure provided for in clause 10.5 of this Regulation from the date of appointment to the position of the head of the educational organization until the end of the current half-year.
      • Heads of educational organizations newly commissioned( open after a long break in work for more than 6 months) incentive payments are established based on project data.

      10.8. The head of the educational organization establishes incentive payment for the organization of paid additional educational services.

      • Payment for the organization of paid additional educational services is determined based on the results of work for the quarter by a separate order of the head of the structural( functional) division of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, who acts as the founder, in agreement with the deputy head of the Nizhny Novgorod city administration,the amount of income from the organization of paid additional educational services.

      Payment for the organization of paid additional educational services is established in the following sizes:

      Number of


      Income amount *, rub. Amount of payment,% of income
      up to 300 up to 12 000 not installed
      12 001 - 20 000 3
      20 001 - 35 000 3,5
      35,001 - 65,000 4
      65,001 or more 5
      300 to 600 up to 20 000 is not installed
      20 001 - 40 000 2,5
      40,001 - 70,000 3
      70,001 - 150,000 3,5
      150,001 - 250,000 4
      250,001 - 310,000 4,5
      310001 and more 5
      from 601 to 800 to 40,000 is not installed
      40 001 - 100 000 2
      100 001 - 150 000 2,5
      150 001 - 250,000 3
      250,001 - 350,000 3,5
      350,001- 500 000 4
      500 001 or more 5
      from 801 to 1000 up to 60 000 is not installed
      60 001 - 130 000 2
      130 001 - 180 000 2.5
      180 001 - 350 000 3
      350 001 - 500 000 4
      500 001 - 1 000 000 4,5
      1,000 001and more 5
      from 1001 to 1300 to 70 000 is not installed
      70 001 - 230 000 2,5
      230,001 - 500,000 3
      500,001 - 700,000 4
      700,001 - 1,500,000 4,5
      1,500and more 5
      1301 and more Not more than 80 000 not installed
      80 001 - 250 000 2,5
      250 001 - 600 000 3
      600 001 - 800 000 3,5
      800 001 - 1 200 000 4
      1,200001 - 1 600 000 4,5
      1 600 001 or more 5

      * indicates aggregateth income for the reporting quarter, received due to the organization of paid additional educational services.

      10.9.Payments of compensatory and stimulating nature are established personally for the head of the educational organization for the first half of the year, based on an assessment of the achieved performance indicators of the organization's activities for the previous period, with the exception of bonuses for long service, academic degrees, titles, state awards.

      10.10. Payments of a stimulating nature to the deputy head and chief accountant of the educational organization are established by the head of the organization proceeding from the criteria fixed in the employee's labor contract.

      • Compensatory payments are established by the deputy head and chief accountant of the educational organization on general grounds in accordance with section 4 of this Regulation.

      10.11. The head of the educational organization can receive bonuses on the following grounds:

      • in connection with the achievement of the head of the educational organization 50, 55 years and the subsequent anniversary dates;
      • for professional, state and city holidays;
      • for participation in the implementation of the city program for the development of education;
      • on the results of work of the organization or educational system of the city( district);
      • for other reasons.

      The bonuses provided for in this paragraph are paid on the basis of the order of the head of the structural( functional) division of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, which exercises the powers of the founder, upon agreement with the deputy head of the city administration who supervises the corresponding area of ​​activity, at the expense of the savings fund of the educational organization and the maximum sizenot limited.

      Remuneration of the work of deputy head, chief accountant of the educational organization

      11.1. The salary of the deputy heads, the chief accountant of the educational organization consists of the official salary, compensatory and incentive payments.

      11.2. The indexing of the wages of deputy heads, the chief accountant of an educational organization can not exceed the indexation of wages provided for by the resolution of the city Duma of Nizhny Novgorod on the budget of the city of Nizhny Novgorod for the next financial year.

      11.3. The salaries of deputy directors and the chief accountant of the educational organization shall be determined by the head of the institution by 20 to 30 percent below the salary of the director.

      11.4. The salary for the deputy directors, the chief accountant of the educational organization is established in the employment contract( an additional agreement to the employment contract), taking into account compensation payments.

      11.5. The amount of official salary of deputies and the chief accountant can be changed only if the salary of the head of the educational organization changes.

      11.6. The deputy directors, the chief accountant of the educational organization are provided with incentive payments, including those from income-generating activities. The specified payments are established taking into account target indicators of efficiency of activity of the organization.

      11.7. The sizes and types of incentive payments to deputy directors, chief accountant of the educational organization are established taking into account performance indicators, except for seniority bonuses, for the existence of a degree, title, state awards.

      11.8. Compensatory payments shall be established to deputy heads and the chief accountant of the educational organization on general grounds in accordance with section 4 of this Regulation.

      11.9. Payments of a stimulating nature to deputy heads and the chief accountant of the educational organization are established by the head of the organization proceeding from the criteria fixed in the employee's labor contract, in accordance with Section 5 of this Regulation.

      11.10. Additional remuneration for deputy director and chief accountant of the educational organization that conducts teaching work is performed on the basis of tariffing in accordance with the procedure established for teachers. The amount of teaching hours for deputy directors of the educational organization and chief accountant is determined by the head of the educational organization for one academic year or half a year, but not more than 0.5 rates of the corresponding category of pedagogical workers.

      Final provisions of

      12.1. This provision is effective from 01/01/2016.

      12.2. The provision is valid until the adoption of a new local act regulating the issues of remuneration of employees of the educational organization.

      Adopted at the general meeting of the labor collective Minutes No. 2 "21" January 2018.

      Appendix 1

      Appendix No. 1 to the Regulation on the remuneration of employees of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "School No. VASH NUMBER"

      Basic salaries for professional qualification groups for employees of educational institutions






      Minimum amount of salary for PKG Increasing


      Base salary for qualification level PKG
      General industry positions for first level employees 1 2880 1, 00 2880
      2 1,07 3089
      Industry-wide second-tier employee positions 1 3018 1.00 3018
      2 1,09 3302
      3 1,20 3621
      4 1,32 3994
      5 1.45 4367
      General industry positions for third-level employees 1 3896 1.00 3896
      2 1,09 4260
      3 1,20 4686
      4 1,33 5165
      5 1,48 5751
      Industry-wide positions of employees of the fourth level 1 6177 1,00 6177
      2 1,10 6816
      3 1,21 7455


      1 3600 1,00 3600
      2 1,10 4000
      3 1,16 4200
      4 1,22 4400



      1 5112 1.00 5112
      2 1,04 5325
      3 1,09 5538
      First-level training and support personnel 3089 1,00 3089
      Training- second level auxiliary personnel 1 3302 1.00 3302
      2 1,05 3483

      Basic salaries for the professionqualification groups for the occupations of workers

      professional qualification





      minimum wage rate of PKG Boost

      coefficient base salary of qualifying level PKG
      Industry-wide working profession first level 1 2769 2769
      1 p 2 p 1 2769
      ETCS ETCS 1,04 2880
      3ETC 1,09 3018
      2 1,14 3157
      Industry-wide occupations of second-level workers 1 3162 3162
      4 p ETCS 1 3162
      5 p ETCs 1.11 3510
      6 p ETCs 1.23 3889
      7 p ETCS 1.35 4269

      ( 8 p ETCS)

      1.49 4711
      4 1,63-1,79 5154 - 5660

      Appendix 2

      Appendix No. 2 to the regulation on remuneration of employees of the Municipal Public School "School No. WASH NUMBER"

      List of positions of employees assigned to the main staff of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

      "School No. YOUR NUMBER »

      Type of institution Employees assigned to key personnel
      General educational institution Teacher, additional education teacher

      Well, we are with you andassmotreli Regulations on the remuneration of employees of the municipal budgetary general education institution.

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