In our country, the walnut came from Brazil relatively, recently and quickly found a place on the shelves of stores, although at home, it is not uncommon, and all parts of the tree itself are in use.
We get only nuts that are part of the fruit.
- Summary of the article:
- Summary of the article:
- Short description
- Useful properties
- Contraindications and harm
- How to choose and store
- Home recipes
- Conclusion
Short description
This is an evergreen tree 10-15 meters high, which grows in breadth up to several hectares.
Due to its amazing ability to grow roots and rapidly expand, the plant survives.
The tree is called Ankardium Western , and we have "cashew" or "Indian nut".
Homeland is Brazil, where it was first met by Europeans in the diet of local Indians.
Today the walnut is cultivated mainly in Southeast Asia and West Africa, with Vietnam being the leader in production, and not Brazil.
Among the countries of the former USSR, cashew has taken root only in Azerbaijan, where it is grown in small quantities, as it loves a moist warm climate.
Particular attention should be given to fruits. They are formed at the place of formation of flowers, which bloom 2-3 times a year.
A fleshy yellow or red fruit is formed that looks like an apple or pear.
And what do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of a centaury, whose photo is published in a useful article? Read about how advisable the use of a medicinal plant against alcoholism.
Is it possible to water a baby with infusion of raspberry leaf written on this page.
This phenomenon is called a "pseudofruit" in the scientific world, since it is the hook-nut that has a seed, and the fruit serves as a bait for animals.
The fruit is edible and tasty, but it quickly deteriorates and is not suitable for transportation over long distances.
The walnut itself is covered with a dense peel, which is cleaned before selling, exposing a white delicious kernel.
Nut cleaning is a complex and time-consuming process, as the peel contains corrosive substances that can cause burns to the hands.
The core itself is covered with a film of oily substances that protect against the external influence of nature, therefore, additional chemical and heat treatment is carried out so that the nut( for the use of walnut for men written here) is suitable for eating.
Useful properties
Nut contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that are of value to the human body.
The product is considered high-calorie due to the presence of fats( up to 50%) and proteins( up to 20%), caloric content is 600 kcal per 100 g.
In nuts, a high concentration of vitamins of groups A, B and C.
Consider the mineral composition:
Mineral Contents in 100 g Iron 6,5 mg Calcium 38,0 mg Magnesium 290,0 mg 590,0 Phosphorus mg Potassium 660,0 mg Zinc 6,0 mg Sodium 12, 0 mg Copper 2,1 mg Selenium 12.0 mg In addition to the high calorie and nutritional value of ophee( benefits and harms of walnuts health) have healing qualities.
And what do you know about the medicinal properties of the grass of a woodworm? What kind of healing properties does she have written on the page hidden under the link.
Symptoms on the skin of the appearance of parasites in the human body are described here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / zhenskoe-zdorove / dushitsa.html read about the healing properties of oregano in gynecology.
First of all, they have a beneficial effect on immunity, cholesterol level in the blood, metabolic processes and intestinal function.
A large number of trace elements favorably affects the work of the brain and nervous system, which are strengthened with regular use, while increasing endurance and performance.
Nuts( about the useful properties of hazelnut for men, read this article) have bactericidal properties that have found application in the treatment of infectious diseases.
The ability to normalize metabolic processes and blood sugar levels helps with diabetes and obesity.
Indian healers are prepared from cashew nuclei antidotes from snake bites, and their African counterparts treat skin diseases, including psoriasis.
Japanese scientists have proven the positive effect of cashews on tooth enamel and gum condition, although this property of nuts has been known to Indians for a long time.
Regular use of this product reduces the risk of dental and oral diseases at times.
Scientists are developing toothpastes and other oral hygiene products, based on cashews.
Caloric content does not prevent nut use by dietitians.
The fat level in this product is lower than that of peanuts, almonds and walnuts.
Only 30 grams of cashew quenches the feeling of hunger, which means it reduces the consumption of food, helping to lose weight.These abilities are also used for weight gain, if necessary. In this case, the walnut is eaten in large quantities.
Nut kernels prepare oils:
- for massage and food intake.
Flavoring qualities of edible oil are similar to peanut butter and even surpass it, which is used in the preparation of delicacies.
Based on oil, cosmetic face masks and massage creams are made, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and tissues.
They can not be eaten by , although they seem delicious and have a pleasant smell.
It is worth mentioning the nut shell, which is actively used in cosmetology and pharmaceutics to produce a range of useful minerals and vitamins.
Means based on the shell have the following properties:
- bactericidal;
- wound healing;
- toning;
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- is an analgesic;
- antiseptic;
- regenerating;
- is emollient;
- is anti-aging.
shell-based oil strengthens the skin and nails. It is used to smooth wrinkles and treat wounds as an antiseptic.
They can wash their hair, which can eliminate dandruff, brittle hair, high fat content and remove itching.
Oil( how to take from walnut, good and harm) is suitable for all skin types and is popular for daily hands care that becomes soft and tender.
It destroys warts, age spots and freckles. It is part of cosmetic creams and scrubs for women.
In oil( almond application in cosmetology) contains a special substance phenylamine, which has the ability to withstand decay and decomposition, which found application in the composition of varnishes, enamels and rubber.
This substance serves as a natural remedy for termites that can not stand its odor.
The water-repellent properties of this substance are used in the manufacture of wooden decks of ships or the processing of furniture in a damp climate.
In cooking, nuts have not gained popularity yet, unless you consider the producing countries.
Nut itself serves as a delicious snack, but it is possible to cook dishes from it.
Cashew will serve as a good addition to salads or soups.
It is combined with confectionery in the filling or filler dough.
A nut crumb of is suitable for roasting meat and fish dishes in it.
Contraindications and Harms
There are no direct contraindications to the use. Individual intolerance of components in the composition of the nut is possible.
Attentive and careful should be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding, as the reaction of the child's body is not known.
Frequent consumption in large quantities can cause disturbances in the work of human organs, so do not abuse.
If you have any side effects, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.
How to choose and store
When selecting, pay attention to the integrity of the package and its condition.
Solid companies pack nuts into quality cardboard outside and polyethylene packages inside.
The shell specifies all the production and delivery dates.
When selling by weight, the seller clarifies the nuts in which the nuts were transported, since jute bags pose a danger due to a low degree of protection.
The nuts themselves are ideally whole without signs of crumbling to pieces, and the cream color is uniform and without stains.
Salted or bitter taste is not recommended for consumption, as it indicates a spoiled product or an attempt to hide it with salt.
Store them in a cool dry place in an open package for 1-2 months. To increase the period they are fried or salted.
In the freezer, the shelf life is increased to 1 year.
For long-term storage, use with caution, after checking for external defects or foreign smells.
At the slightest suspicion, the product should be discarded, since there is a risk of poisoning with harmful substances formed during decomposition.
Home recipes
Consider recipes that have found application at home:
Rejuvenating mask .
To prepare, take 200 g of nuts and soak them in water for 2 hours.Then place them in a mixer together with the leaves of parsley and grind the blender until smooth.
The resulting mass is applied to the face, neck or décolleté area. The product smoothes wrinkles, strengthens the skin and nourishes it, which gives a rejuvenating effect.
For convenience use gauze fabric and make of it a compress or lotion.
Means for the sun .
For preparation take 1 tbsp.spoon of cashew oil and half a teaspoon of lavender oil.
Stir and apply to the skin affected by the sun.
The product removes redness and eliminates pain.
Skin will not "climb", and tan will strengthen.
With gout .
For cooking, you need buckwheat groats and nuts in a ratio of 3 to 1.Ingredients grind in a coffee grinder and cook in water for 1 hour( 500 g of powder per 1 liter of water).
In the end, you get a jelly, which takes a half a glass a day before meals.
The remedy cures of gout and strengthens the immune system. Also helps with depression and stress.
Cashew nuts are a useful and valuable product for the human body. Regular use will improve a person's health, first of all it concerns teeth, digestive organs and immunity.
It is not necessary to abuse nuts, as they are useful even in small quantities, and the use of oil and products based on it, will help improve the appearance and rejuvenate.On products that prolong the youth of a person, about the benefits and harm of cashews - look in the video of the program "Live healthy!"
- Summary of the article: