Milk from a cough recipe

Recipes with milk from a cough

With various colds, bronchitis, respiratory diseases causing cough, a very effective remedy for traditional medicine is regular milk. It softens the throat, promotes the dilution of phlegm and the regeneration of dry reflex exhalations into moist ones. Milk from cough is recommended not only in pure form. Very often, various additives are used, sometimes even the most unexpected ones.

How to treat cough with milk?

Traditional medicine makes it possible to use recipes, the ingredients for which are quite diverse. However, all specialists agree on the same - cough treatment with milk is recommended to begin immediately after the appearance of the first signs of a symptom. The manifested promptness will allow to recover faster and not to give the disease to develop into a chronic stage, from which it is much more difficult to get rid of.

Recommended recipes against cough and milk are fairly simple. They are not difficult to prepare, and the products are likely to be found in the refrigerator from any landlady or at a nearby store.

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Cough recipe: milk with soda

The composition perfectly liquefies phlegm and facilitates its exit from the body, has a therapeutic effect on dry spastic exhalations, regenerating them in wet, helps to cope with the neglected phenomenon. Milk with soda for coughing is prepared as follows: a glass of liquid is heated on a fire, but do not bring to a boil. They pour into a mug. Put half a teaspoon of baking soda. Use this compound twice a day before eating.

Milk from cough: a recipe with onions

The drink perfectly fights not only with spasms of the respiratory tract, but also with their provocateurs - viral and bacterial infections. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 2 large onions, cut them and pour the milk. The medicine is cooked on until the softness of the vegetable. After that, the liquid part merges, it puts a few spoonfuls of honey. The composition is recommended to take every hour for 2 teaspoons. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, it takes a few days.

Recipe for milk from cough: option with a radish

The mixture is perfectly cured by prolonged exhausting reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. Both ingredients have healing properties, which are amplified several times when these products are combined. The ingredients must be mixed in equal parts, add a little honey. Take the medicine should be 6 times a day for one tablespoon.

Milk with oil from cough

Most often, the composition is used for pain and perspiration in the throat. The drink perfectly soothes irritated mucous membranes, relieves swelling, helps reduce inflammation. The medicine prepared according to this recipe helps to sputum. It is necessary to heat a glass of liquid, throw there butter in the amount of 50 grams. Drink a cure for a cough drink before bedtime. It is recommended to do this every day until the unpleasant symptom completely disappears.

Milk with cough sage

Such a drink doctors recommend drinking with prolonged reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. Prepare the formula for the following recipe: throw a tablespoon of dry medicinal plants in a glass of milk. The liquid is brought to a boil and then allowed to cool to room temperature. The solution is boiled again, filtered. Add butter to the resulting composition from the cough in the amount of 1 teaspoon and the same amount of honey. Take the mixture at night, so that after that do not get out from under the blanket.

Milk, soda, cough oil

It softens the throat well and removes reflex respiratory cramps caused by colds diseases, the following recipe: for a glass of cow's food put ½ teaspoon of soda and 1 table spoon of honey. You can add carrot juice, figs.

Propolis with milk from a cough

The composition is recommended to take to soften the throat, strengthen the expectoration. The drink has a calming effect, so it is advised to take it for the night. The recipe is quite simple. It is necessary: ​​in a half of a milk glass to dissolve 10 drops of a propolis tincture and to drink before a dream. Milk with propolis can not be taken to people who are allergic to bee products. All others can use the recipe safely.

Oats with milk from cough

Such a compound is used in the fight against an unpleasant symptom for a very long time. Accept it if it is necessary to regenerate dry spastic exhalations into productive ones. To do this, you can use the following recipe: pour into the enameled container 1 half-liter jar of pre-collected and washed oats. Pour there 2 liters of milk, preferably home. Put the container in a water bath, leave to languish for 3 hours. After the required time, remove the broth from the plate, cool. Strain the resulting composition through gauze. Oats in milk from cough should turn yellowish. Eat 6 times a day before eating 100 grams of broth.

Cedar cone with milk from cough

Drink is a very good remedy, which is recommended to be used for medical and preventive purposes. The medicine is prepared according to a simple recipe: pour 2-3 cones with a slightly warmed liquid (1 glass). Add a small amount of goat fat and honey to the mixture. Drink the formula at a time. Use this remedy should be several times a day.

Mineral with milk from cough

The composition can successfully compete in its effectiveness even with certain pharmaceutical preparations. It perfectly moisturizes and soothes irritated throat. The best variant of the mineral water used is Borjomi and Essentuki, however, any other alkaline varieties is also suitable. The composition is made according to a surprisingly simple recipe. Mineral water at room temperature is mixed with warmed milk in equal proportions. The received medicine is taken before each meal by 1/3 cup.

Sage with milk from cough

The leaves of the plant contain a large number of valuable essential oils, which have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. This helps the formulations to fight the pathogenic microorganisms causing the cough. Also, the drink gives a good expectorant effect. To prepare the medicine, the following recipe is used: a tablespoon of dried sage should be filled with a glass of boiling water, let stand for 30 minutes. After that, the same amount of cow product is poured into the concentrate. The therapeutic drink is filtered and drunk instead of tea.

Milk with garlic from cough

The recipe is great for fighting airway cramps caused by colds. It is necessary: ​​to boil a glass of cow's product. Pour a few cloves of crushed or chopped garlic. Cover the composition, let it brew to cool. After that, add a little honey to the solution and drink small sips. Drink a medication in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

Cough recipe: milk with cocoa

The remedy is used to get rid of the sharp spastic exhalations, provoked by colds and bronchitis. To do this: boil a glass of milk, it adds a spoonful of honey and a small piece of cocoa butter. The composition is drunk several times a day in a warm form.

Carrots with milk from cough

The product perfectly helps to cope with respiratory tract spasms, provoked by bronchitis. The recipe is as follows: a small carrot is cut into pieces, filled with liquid in the amount of 1 glass, not long cooked. This drink is drunk up to 4 times a day. Carrots are eaten.

Goat's milk from cough

Due to its bactericidal properties, this livestock product has a unique means for long storage. Goat milk can be drunk with a cough as in pure form (it promotes the degeneration of dry sharp spastic exhalations into wet), and prepare various therapeutic compositions based on it. For example, the following recipe is very effective in chest cough: a glass of goat's product is heated to hot condition, put a tablespoon of any animal interior fat or butter, and also honey. Drink the formula before going to sleep in large sips.

Dates with milk from a cough

The agent very effectively helps to get rid of chronic reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. To do this, use the following recipe: every morning for 15 minutes to boil 10 dates in half a liter of cow's product. Eat this medicine throughout the day. Treatment dates should be continued for 10 days. Such a remedy helps to cure not only of cough, but also of a cold that causes an unpleasant symptom.

Milk with egg from cough

The recipe is great for treating children. After all, it resembles dessert rather than medicine. To prepare the composition, it is necessary: ​​grind 2 egg yolks with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Add a glass of warm cow's product, a little flower honey and whipped whites. You can sprinkle a small amount of fruit juice (especially recommended citrus). It would also be superfluous to put a teaspoon of cocoa powder.

Do not forget that if warm boiled milk from a cough in its pure form can be taken without consulting a doctor and in any quantities, the compositions prepared according to the prescriptions are already medicines and their uncontrolled use is inappropriate. Therefore, the first step in the treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms should be to visit a physician and establish a diagnosis. Only after consulting with a specialist and confirming the advisability of treating an unpleasant symptom with the help of folk recipes can you expect effective results and quick recovery.

Milk with honey from cough

Coughing is an unpleasant phenomenon that everyone has come across. It almost always accompanies various colds and often remains much longer than other symptoms, creating serious inconveniences. Among folk remedies for cough, milk with honey is one of the simplest, most common and effective.

Useful properties of milk with honey

In addition to the fact that milk is an indispensable source of calcium for the body, it also contains other useful substances and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on immunity. In addition, milk softens the throat, contributing to the removal of irritation, which occurs when coughing.

As for honey, it is a product with unique therapeutic properties, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunostimulating effects.

A mixture of milk and honey is good for coughing with colds, sore throats, laryngitis, bronchitis. It softens the throat, helps reduce pain, strengthens the sputum.

Recipes of milk with honey from a cough

The most effective ways of applying milk and honey from cough:

  1. The simplest recipe is to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of milk previously boiled and cooled to about 50 ° C. The temperature of milk matters, because cold drink is contraindicated when coughing, and if too hot dissolved in milk, honey loses a significant part of its useful properties. It is recommended to drink this drink every 3-4 hours.
  2. From a painful dry cough used a mixture in which, in addition to milk and honey, half a teaspoon of oil is added. Usually, butter is used, because it is always at hand, but more effectively adding cocoa butter, which has not only softening, but also additional useful properties.
  3. With bronchial asthma and bronchitis, half a cup of freshly squeezed carrot juice is added to the mixture of milk and honey.
  4. With cough sore throat, gogol-mogul, that is, a mixture of milk, eggs and honey, helps best. A glass of milk with honey is addedone or two egg yolks, which can be pre-ground.
  5. Milk with honey and soda from cough. To prepare the mixture on a glass of warm milk add 1 teaspoons of honey and a small (not more than half a teaspoon without a slide) the amount of soda. This recipe is used only with a dry cough and with caution, since soda can irritate the gastric mucosa.

In general, milk with honey from cough is quite simple and safe means, even for children, except for cases of allergy to honey or lactose.

Honey from a cough, milk with honey from a cough - how correctly to apply?

Since ancient times cough is treated with honey and milk. These products soften the mucosa and relieve inflammation, redness. Honey is one of the strongest means for the immune system, with the help of it can heal a large number of diseases, also recommend to use for preventive purposes. Honey for coughing can be used only if there is no allergic reaction to the product.

Milk and honey - effective cough remedies

It is necessary to add oil to these products, so the effect will only increase. With the help of milk, honey and oil, you can get rid of bouts of cough that occurs with whooping cough, bronchitis, ARVI, flu, pneumonia.

Milk and honey can be added goat fat, cocoa. Milk must be necessarily fat, with the help of it quickly begins to withdraw phlegm, and unproductive cough will turn into wet.

It is especially useful to drink at night, with the help of it you can relax and rest. Honey with milk should be treated with prolonged dry cough, in which sputum is poorly transmitted.

There are a large number of recipes with which you can cure a cough. Most commonly used are:

1. Take 250 ml of milk, add the May honey - a tablespoon. To soften the airways, you need to put butter. With this recipe, you can recover faster.

2. Recommend to drink black tea - 100 ml, with the addition of milk - 100 ml, honey - two teaspoons.

3. Effectively helps cough drug on the basis of honey and milk with carrot juice, you can use a black radish. The drug should be drunk after eating up to 7 times a day.

4. Get rid of bouts of dry cough, helps decoction. It will require: milk - liter, onions - 8 pieces, garlic - one small head. All boil for 30 minutes, add honey, eat on the first day of the disease as often as possible.

5. Take 250 ml of milk, add anise - 2 teaspoons, put a little salt in the broth, honey - a tablespoon. Drink in small quantities in small sips.

6. Heal cough, relieve pain from the throat, enhance the immune system, help such a recipe: take lemon juice - a teaspoon, a glass of milk, honey - two tablespoons. All warm up and drink.

In ancient times milk with honey was treated with pneumonia, with the help of this medicine you can get rid of severe attacks of cough. If the disease is not in severe form, you can use such a tool, it will require:

1. Oats - 200 grams.

2. Oil and honey on a tablespoon.

3. Milk is one liter.

4. For an hour you need to boil the oats in milk, then add butter, honey. To eat during the day, a tablespoon, it is especially useful to use the drug before going to bed.

Cough recipes with honey and other ingredients

1. Lemon-honey remedy. It will require lemon juice - a tablespoon, glycerin - two tablespoons, 150 ml of honey. If a cough is rare, you need to use the remedy for a teaspoon in one day. When a person is worried about a night cough, you need to drink a medicine overnight in a teaspoon. If the cough is strong, frequent, you must first drink a teaspoon on an empty stomach, at lunch, in the evening and always before bed.

2. Anise and honey. It is necessary to take honey - a teaspoon, anise seeds - two tablespoons, a small amount of salt. You need to pour a glass of boiling water, filter. Use every 3 hours, not less than two tablespoons.

3. Pertussis can be cured with a mixture of warm oil and honey. This remedy is allowed to give to children in the afternoon on a half a tablespoon.

Treating a strong cough with honey

1. For the recipe you need a raw radish, it should be finely chopped, add 3 tablespoons of honey. Insist, until he lets go. Drink juice on a tablespoon up to 4 times a day.

2. Peel and finely chop onions - 100 grams, add honey - 80 grams, sugar - 50 grams. All boil in one liter of water, infuse about 4 hours. For the day you need to drink a glass of broth.

3. In a half liter of milk, add a teaspoon of black radish and carrots. Eat one tablespoon up to 7 times.

4. With a dry cough, you can use this recipe: take a tablespoon of butter, yolk, flour - a teaspoon, honey - two tablespoons. All mix and take inside up to 8 times a day no more than one teaspoon.

5. From a paroxysmal cough, this recipe will help: in a glass of boiling water, brew a tablespoon of elecampane, boil for 20 minutes. Use in the morning, afternoon, evening before eating.

6. That the sputum better departed, it is necessary to add 4 tablespoons of honey in a juice of a cowberry - 800 ml. Drink up to 4 times a day.

Collection of herbs with honey from a cough

1. It is necessary to take sweet clover, dog rose, nettle, bearberry, everything must be mixed. After it takes a tablespoon of grass, brewed in half a liter of boiling water, at the end is added a tablespoon of honey. Insist 10 hours. Drink twice a day in a hot 20 ml.

2. An effective tool is the collection, which includes hops, chamomile, currant leaves. Brew in 300 ml of boiling water a tablespoon of herbs, in the end honey is added. Insist for half an hour.

3. Since ancient times, raspberry tea with the addition of honey has been popular. Eat in the morning, at lunch and in the evening for 100 ml. This is one of the best cough remedies that appears due to ARVI, flu, fever.

Treatment with bronchitis honey

1. A universal remedy is a mixture with aloe, you need to squeeze the juice from the plant, in the total amount should be up to 10 ml of juice and 50 grams of honey. With the help of treatment it is possible to stop the inflammatory process in the throat.

2. It is necessary to take mother-and-stepmother, pour 300 ml of boiling water, add honey - a tablespoon, insist all up to two hours. Use twice a day for 400 ml.

3. Effectively get rid of cough, a chamomile broth with the addition of honey will help. You will need a medicinal daisy - a tablespoon, a glass of boiling water, honey - a teaspoon. Cool and drink as often as possible.

Thus, you do not need to rush to cure cough with different medications. The best medicine is honey, milk and other components that are used in folk medicine.

Milk with soda will help you with a dry cough

Cough accompanies very many acute and chronic pathologies. To combat this unpleasant symptom is often used time-tested folk remedies, for example, milk with various additives. Very often it is recommended to add ordinary baking soda to this warm drink.

Application features

Before using any folk remedies, it is worth consulting with a doctor who will assess the advisability of such treatment. After all, even milk, which, at first glance, is a safe drink, is not useful to everyone. Some people suffer from so-called hypolactasia. those. intolerance to milk. When hypolactasia in a person who has drunk milk, there are pain in the abdomen, flatulence and discomfort in the intestine.

People suffering from hypolactasia, special milk, in which the enzyme lactase, taken from yeast, is artificially added. Due to this, the lactose contained in the milk is cleaved by the enzyme and its content in the final product becomes extremely low.

Soda is added to the milk to achieve a therapeutic effect, and it is very important to observe the recommended proportions exactly. Soda, if taken in large quantities, turns into a powerful laxative. With excessive sweating, which often occurs at high temperature, diarrhea is extremely undesirable, because it can lead to dehydration of the body. When giving milk mixed with soda, children, you need to strictly adhere to the recommended proportions of the doctor, because for babies the dosage should be less than for adults.

To get rid of dry, heavily coughing throat, milk is used, in which half a teaspoon of soda per glass is added. Since soda stimulates the formation of sputum, it makes it less viscous and promotes its withdrawal, it is not worth taking this drink with a damp cough.

Recipes of preparation of a drink

To get rid of dry cough, milk should be brought to a boil and immediately removed from the fire. Then, directly into hot milk, you need to add soda, observing the following proportions: you only need to put half a teaspoon of powder on the glass of the drink. Since soda can provoke stomach irritation, take the medicine several times a day after meals.

Milk, which is added not only soda, but a couple of teaspoons of honey, as well as butter (a very small piece), has an anti-inflammatory, enveloping and expectorant effect. Take this medicine is advised for the night before going to bed. It is worth noting that honey often causes allergies, so children should be given with caution.

Such recipes are considered to be relatively safe, so they are often used to treat cough, for example, in pregnant women, to whom many medicines are contraindicated. However, before using milk or any other folk remedies, it is worth consulting with a doctor, because the cause of coughing can be very serious pathologies.

How to use oats from cough: recipes

Oats from cough, a recipe based on which there is more than one, is used quite widely.Traditional medicine widely uses oat preparations not only from cough, but also as a diuretic, diaphoretic and febrifuge.

Composition and properties of oats

This plant, depending on the disease, can be used in raw and cooked form. It is also effective for external application in the form of warm compresses applied to those parts of the body where there are inflammatory processes and even open wounds.

The healing properties of this cereal are determined by the following composition:

  • a large number of proteins;
  • vitamins A, E, PP, group B, which strengthen the body and especially the nervous system;
  • starch (its about 60% in oats), the presence of which helps to control the level of sugar in the blood;
  • amino acids involved in the structure and restoration of tissues in the body;
  • fiber, which is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, as it lowers cholesterol;
  • such minerals as magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, aluminum, boron, vanadium, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, strontium, titanium, which are extremely important for metabolic processes in the body.

Thus, oats, being a valuable food product, can be used as a folk remedy for many diseases.

Application of oats in folk medicine

Traditionally, in folk medicine, three cereals are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, associated with a violation of the integrity of the mucosa of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Such cereals include oats, barley and rice.

The most popular enveloping agent is oats. For this purpose, both unprocessed oats and oat flour can be used.

Owing to its composition, the grain of oats helps the intestines absorb fats and carbohydrates. However, this does not lead to weight gain. On the contrary, oatmeal was always considered a dietary product, which was used both for unloading diets and for raising the strength of a person who had a serious illness.

Treatment with oats of bronchitis is based on the same softening and fortifying properties of cereal, which are so appreciated in the treatment of the digestive system.

Oats treatment with bronchitis

Oats with milk are considered to be a good remedy for treating cough and colds, including such serious ones as pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. This drug can be used in the treatment of both adults and children.

Already after several receptions the patient begins to feel relief, the cough becomes less nauseous, its intensity weakens, breathing normalizes, rales disappear.

In the preparation of a drink from oats based on milk, other auxiliary products are often used, such as honey, raisins, peppers, lemon, raspberries.

Recipes for cooking oatmeal from cough

  1. Milk with unpeeled oats in a thermos. It is necessary to take a kilogram of oats and wash it thoroughly. Half a liter of milk boil and pour into a thermos, there must also fall asleep oats. The agent should be insisted for at least 5 hours. Before each use, the infusion is filtered and poured into 100 ml. This amount of infusion is consumed in small portions throughout the day.
  2. Oatmeal milk in a water bath. A half-liter jar needs to be filled with oat grains. This is the standard measure for oats, for milk such a measure is a two-liter can. In these proportions, the mixed ingredients are placed on a water bath and heated for at least three hours. A ready-made medical drink must be filtered and drunk in half a glass every 3 hours. Take the broth is necessary on an empty stomach, that is not earlier than two to three hours after eating.
  3. Oatmeal porridge on milk. The main principle of cooking curative porridge is to make milk more. You need to cook not so much oatmeal as boiled milk on oats. After readiness, you need to drain the broth into a glass and add to it half a glass of lime honey. Drink such a syrup is necessary up to five times a day for 10-15 minutes before eating on a tablespoon.
  4. Oats with milk, stewed in the oven. A half kilogram of oat grains is taken for two liters of milk. All this is placed in a cast-iron container (it is possible and enameled, but in cast iron is better). The dishes are placed in a Russian oven or in a preheated oven and held there, without lowering the temperature, for two to three hours. In the process of heat treatment, excess liquid must evaporate, a mixture-extract is formed, the consistency of which should not be too liquid, but it is impossible to allow too much thickening. After two hours, the oven is turned off without taking out the contents. After cooling, the broth is filtered, removing the grain of oats. Store the medicine in a cool place in a closed container. Before use, it should be slightly heated. Take a drink should be one glass in a warm form at night. To improve the taste and healing properties of oatmeal, you can add honey, raspberry, currant, strawberries and other berries, which supplies the body with vitamin C.
  5. Infusion of oat straw. This tool is used not only for cough, but for heat. Take oat straw (40 g), pour boiling water (1 liter) and infuse for two hours. The broth is filtered and drunk three times a day for 100 grams.
  6. Oats with raisins. To do this, take two tablespoons of oats and raisins and add a liter of cold boiled water. The mixture must be put in the oven, where it should be on low heat until half of the liquid from the container evaporates. After that, the mixture must be cooled and filtered. In the broth one tablespoon of honey is added and mixed. Take such a decoction several times a day on a tablespoon for coughing attacks.
Decoction of oats, regardless of the method of its preparation, can be used in the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis and even sinusitis. It is necessary to rinse the sore throat with a warm broth as often as possible. The enveloping effect allows to remove irritation, swelling and hoarseness of the voice. Sinusitis can be treated with compresses made from hot oats, which is superimposed on the maxillary sinuses.

Oats can be cooked on the water, and this does not detract from its therapeutic properties. However, the combination of the decoction of oats, milk and, if necessary, honey synchronizes the actions of all the ingredients and allows to strengthen the therapeutic effect aimed at combating dry nauseated cough.

An analog of oats can be considered barley. They are not just interchangeable, but they are also compatible. Decoctions and cereals from these two cereals have a good curative effect. The recipe for the preparation of a medicinal product from barley is no different from that of oats.

When cooking decoctions of barley and oats, you can use the hot cooking stage for inhalation. Steam from the broth has the same properties as the broth itself. However, in this case, use caution. Do not apply hot procedures at high temperature, asthma attack and especially with asthmatic status. Stimulation of expectoration can increase suffocation.


Oat milk and oat water can and should be combined with herbal infusions, helping to get rid of inflammation, soften coughing and bring out phlegm. The most famous remedy is the licorice root. It has a sweet taste and can be used both separately from oat broths and with them. It is especially good to combine licorice with oats in the treatment of bronchitis and other colds in children.

A special aroma will give oat milk the addition of thyme and mint. Peppermint has no expectorant properties, but it is a good antispasmodic, which will allow reduce the likelihood of spastic choking and weaken headache, characteristic of all colds diseases.


It should be mentioned that oatmeal can not be used to treat colds. They, like untreated grains, have an enveloping effect and contain a number of microelements characteristic of the starting product. However, deep processing, making grains flakes, eliminates many of the healing properties of this cereal. So flakes are useful as food, but are useless as a medicine.

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