What is the norm of hemoglobin in women - see the table

Hemoglobin, a kind of protein that is contained in red blood cells, is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body. If it is elevated or lowered, it can be a sign of the development of a serious illness. It is worth considering the norms of hemoglobin in women by age in the table, and what can indicate an increased or decreased level of red blood cells.

  • The norm of hemoglobin in women
  • Low hemoglobin
  • Symptoms of low hemoglobin in women
  • What is the danger of low hemoglobin?
  • Treatment of low hemoglobin
  • High hemoglobin in women
  • How to reduce hemoglobin in the blood?
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The norm of hemoglobin in women

The level of hemoglobin can normally depend on many factors, but first of all in women it depends on age. In men, the mean values ​​are usually slightly higher than in women. However, if the indicators are slightly higher or lower than normal, this does not necessarily indicate a disease. When assessing them, one should also pay attention to the state of the person as a whole.

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Age Hemoglobin level
16 - 20 years old 110 - 148
20 - 30 years old 110 - 150
30 - 40 years old 112 - 150
40 - 50 years old 112 - 152
50 - 60 years old 112 - 155
60 - 65 years old 115 - 160
From 65 years old 117 - 165

This is the average age of women. There may be minor deviations from them in one direction or another. It is worth remembering that the negative effect on the body's work is not only a lack of hemoglobin, but its excess.

Important!The norm for pregnancy does not differ much from the usual values ​​and is in the region of 110 g / l, but it should be noted that at the beginning of the child's birth, hemoglobin is usually higher, in the second and third trimester it decreases slightly.

Low hemoglobin

Reduced rates are more common than elevated ones, usually this condition is called anemia. The main cause of anemia is iron deficiency. It is worth considering the main causes of low hemoglobin:

  1. Various bleeding, large blood loss. It is also worth noting that anemia usually occurs after menstruation, but it normally passes quickly and is not severe.
  2. Lack of iron in the body. Usually occurs as a result of malnutrition, in women it is often found because of an improper diet when trying to lose weight.
  3. Diseases in which iron in sufficient quantities comes with food, but its digestion is disrupted. In particular, this condition can occur in some forms of dysbiosis.
  4. Heredity. In some people, an addiction to anemia can be inherited. This reason for the drop in hemoglobin levels is quite common in women.

To get rid of anemia, it is desirable to find out the reason why this condition arose. Do not thinklessly take any drugs to increase the level of iron, it is necessary to first understand the reasons for its lack.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin in women

Symptoms of this condition are not specific, they can talk about other diseases. Therefore, if signs of anemia should be consulted a doctor, go through the necessary tests and take blood tests. Usually, the following symptoms indicate a lack of iron:

  1. Frequent attacks of severe weakness, constant fatigue, which does not go away even after a long sleep.
  2. Dizziness, headaches, often develop a chronic migraine. When you get up from a prone position and sharp movements darkens before your eyes, often a pre-fainting condition occurs.
  3. Pale skin, unhealthy complexion. Lack of normal blush.
  4. Disorders of appetite, sometimes there are convulsions in the limbs. There are also violations of the menstrual cycle.

This is the main symptomatology arising in this disease. Do not ignore the signs of anemia, as the condition may deteriorate over time. With anemia, working capacity is greatly reduced, it becomes difficult to carry out everyday tasks.

Important! With a lack of iron in the body, the condition of nails and hair deteriorates, they become more brittle, brittle.

What is the danger of low hemoglobin?

The lack of iron threatens the normal functioning of the body as a whole. The working capacity is greatly reduced, the syndrome of constant fatigue develops. The lack of useful elements, including iron, usually seriously affects the appearance. With insufficient amount of hemoglobin, a person constantly feels bad, and it is difficult to determine the cause.

In addition, the lack of this element usually leads to a deterioration in blood quality in general. Often it becomes more fluid, which leads to quite abundant bleeding even if the cut is small. In addition, against the background of anemia, usually painful periods.

Treatment of low hemoglobin

It is usually necessary to find out the cause of anemia before starting therapy. If a disease has led to its occurrence, it must be cured first. If anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the body, they are always at first trying to cope with the help of proper nutrition. With anemia, you need to eat foods high in iron: liver, beef and veal, pomegranates, beans.

Iron preparations are appointed as a last resort. They usually start with light vitamin-mineral complexes with iron content, but if the deficiency is large, specialized drugs may be required. In general, during the treatment of anemia, it is advised to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air.

Anemia - a fairly common condition, most women at least once faced with a lack of iron. With timely treatment, the likelihood of complications is low, do not delay with an appointment with a doctor.

High hemoglobin in women

Too high values ​​are also not a good sign. In order to finally understand the causes of the increased content of hemoglobin, it is necessary to first pass the necessary tests. The causes for both conditions are different, if the hemoglobin is elevated, what does this mean?

  • elevated rates are often found with extensive burns;
  • tumors, including malignant;
  • various diseases of the heart and lungs.

These are the main factors leading to this state. To begin to fight with excess iron, it is necessary to determine what led to it. It is worth considering that increased hemoglobin increases the likelihood of thrombosis and other similar disorders, which are dangerous to health.

Symptoms are usually the same: severe fatigue, persistent headaches, tachycardia or high blood pressure may occur. In most cases, it is impossible to determine the level of iron in the blood without tests, therefore, it is necessary to have a full diagnostic.

How to reduce hemoglobin in the blood?

If an elevated level of this element is detected in the blood, it is necessary to urgently conduct a complete examination and to identify the cause of this condition. Unlike anemia, this disease does not carry symptomatic therapy, the level of iron in the blood can be reduced solely by identifying the cause of this condition.

It is worth remembering that elevated hemoglobin is extremely dangerous. One of its most serious complications is thromboembolism, in which vessels that feed vital organs can be clogged with a thrombus. A thrombus can form in the coronary vessels that supply the blood to the heart, in which case it can lead to a heart attack, a stroke may occur in the formation of a thrombus in the brain.

From increased iron in the blood does not help diet or special preparations. Only anemia can be treated symptomatically, in most cases it develops due to a lack of iron, which in this case is quite simply replenished. In any case, treatment is desirable under the supervision of a specialist, you should not start taking any medications yourself.