How to pump up the neck?


  • 1How to quickly pump up your neck at home: the best exercises
    • 1.1Safety comes first
    • 1.2Warm up
    • 1.3A set of exercises performed lying down
    • 1.4Rifts
    • 1.5A complex of exercises performed standing
    • 1.6Periodicity of training, number of approaches and repetitions
    • 1.7When should we wait for the effect?
  • 2How to quickly and effectively pump the neck at home
    • 2.1Neck muscles - secrets of anatomy
    • 2.2Recommendations for doing exercises
    • 2.3Physical exercises for the neck - technique and errors in the performance
    • 2.4Exercises for the neck - video
  • 3Neck muscles training: importance for the athlete and technique of performing
    • 3.1The importance of neck training
    • 3.2Preparation for training
    • 3.3Exercises for neck muscles with weights
    • 3.4Lifting of the head lying on the stomach
    • 3.5Thrust with strap
    • 3.6Exercises for neck muscles without weights
    • 3.7Slopes forward with resistance
    • 3.8Rotations with resistance
    • 3.9Rotation with focus on the head
    • 3.10Rotation in the "wrestling bridge"
    • 3.11Head inclinations
    • 3.12Head Rises
  • instagram viewer
  • 4How to pump up the neck at home: exercises and warnings
    • 4.1Neck muscles
    • 4.2Exercises for the neck
    • 4.3Heating gymnastics for the neck
    • 4.4How to pump up the neck at home
    • 4.5Recreation and rehabilitation
  • 5How to pump up your neck at home photo and video
    • 5.1Rules for training the cervical department
    • 5.2Exercises with resistance
    • 5.3Exercises with body weight
    • 5.4Training with extra weight

How to quickly pump up your neck at home: the best exercises

Neck muscles like biceps or triceps can be developed - pump. For this, it is not necessary to be borsomil to go to the gym, it is sufficient to systematically perform special exercises at home.

Safety comes first

Before performing any physical exercises, it is necessary to knead those muscle groups that will be exposed to the load. The general warming up of the body will also not become superfluous and will contribute to overall physical strengthening.

It is fraught with a long painful treatment and the need to undergo a course of rehabilitation. The reasons can be different: pinching of the nerve, displacement of the vertebrae, stretching of the muscles.

To avoid such trouble,a thorough warm-up is requiredbefore exercise.

This requirement is relevant for everyone, beginners and experienced athletes.

Warm up

The neck kneads easily. This is done:

  1. Circular movements clockwise, and counterclockwise. You need 2 sets of no less than 20 repetitions each.
  2. Incline your head to the sides and forward, backward. On 1 approach to each side, the number of repetitions is 10 times.
  3. Move your head forward and backward. They should not be sharp, but with the maximum amplitude - the tilt.

This technique will make the neck muscles elastic, stretch them, which significantly reduces the risk of injury.

A set of exercises performed lying down

Exercises for the neck, which relatively quickly will lead to muscle tone, are simple from a technical point of view.

They fully answer the question: "How to pump up the neck at home?".

For their implementation, you do not need special sports equipment with weighting, you will only need a small mat or its similarity. Work will occur in the first stages with its own weight.


The simplest, but effective exercise is rolling. To execute them you need:

  1. Lie on the mat with your back, so that it has a head, raise the pelvis at an angle of about 30º and without hands start to begin longitudinal movements with your head.
  2. At the lowest point of the scapula should touch the mat, at the top, it should be reached by the nadal part of the head. Beginners can make a small amplitude.

Professionals touch at the top point of the surface of the floor, carpet, mat with the tip of the nose. This exercise develops the muscles of the back of the neck.

After this, you can turn over to take the stand of the latch, lean your forehead against the mat and start the forward rolling motion forward and backward:

  1. It is necessary to touch the surface of the mat with the nose and parietal part of the head.
  2. Hands here serve as supports for maintaining balance, they are on the same line with the shoulders, elbows are placed in the sides.

This exercise develops the muscles of the back of the neck and uses its outer side.

A complex of exercises performed standing

Exercises for the neck are done in the standing position.

  1. It is necessary to clasp your head to the level of the earlobe and pull with tension to the side of the arm that clasps your head.
  2. After this, the head moves in the opposite direction with the neck tension.
  3. Then the head again hand returns to its original position - it tilts.
  4. After a certain number of repetitions, the hand changes and everything repeats in the same order.

Here the main attention should be paid to the effort put by the hand to the head. It should be adequate degree of training the muscles of the neck, do not need to do the movement quickly, dramatically. This is fraught with trauma - a pinched nerve.

Significantly safer when the palms of the palms are placed under the chin, while the wrists should touch each other. With their help, there is pressure on the chin, the head is thrown back, and then with effort returns to its original position.

This is another effective, practical and easy option of how to pump up your neck at home. It is necessary to combine the complexes of exercises performed standing and lying to ensure the uniform development of the neck musculature.

Periodicity of training, number of approaches and repetitions

To strengthen and pump up the muscles of the neck, it is enough to train it 3 times a week. It is desirable to choose the days of training so that there is a break between them not less than 24 hours. It is necessary to provide rest to muscle fibers, otherwise the effect of training will be the opposite.

Regarding the number of approaches and repetitions, then there is a universal system of 3 approaches 15-20 times.

Such a scheme must be applied to each of the above exercises.

For a uniform load and development of the neck it is desirable to do the same number of repetitions in each direction, touching the workout with the help of the arm girth.

Exercises for the neck should not be done more than 20 times in one approach. It just does not make sense. Practical benefits of a huge number of repetitions does not bring, and develop muscle will not.

If it's easy to do the exercises, you should complicate them. It is possible, with head bounces lying on his back, to take in hand a small dumbbell or a plastic bottle with sand.

So, gradually increasing the load, you can achieve an impressive result. But it is necessary to keep the golden mean in everything and approach the trainings reasonably.

To work with weighting, you can then buy a special helmet. But this is done after strengthening the neck. It is recommended to work with additional weight not earlier than 6 months after the start of training.

When should we wait for the effect?

"How to pump up the neck at home quickly?" - this is the question that most people care about.

It should immediately disappoint all those who want to achieve maximum effect, quickly it will not work.

You need at least six months of systematic, full-fledged training in order to make the effect of them a little noticeable.

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How to quickly and effectively pump the neck at home

We all attend the gym with a view topump different muscle groups.We pay much attention to the muscles of the hands, legs, back, chest and other things. And we completely forget about the muscles of the neck.

And after allthe neck is almost always visible.

So why are the neck muscles often bypassed? After all, the result of the lack of an integrated approach to training all muscle groups is a disproportionate body.

Today we will talk about what muscles are meant, when it comes to the neck, we will tell howquickly pump up the muscles of the neckin the gym or at home and we will offer you a set of exercises for the muscles of the neck.

Neck muscles - secrets of anatomy

Training neck often paid too little attention, and sometimes completely forgotten about it. Although these musclesinvolved in many processes.With their help, we perform the turns and inclinations of the head, and also hold the head, perform chewing movements and much more.

Cervical spine also plays an important role. But this area of ​​our bodyis one of the most vulnerable,so to train the muscles of the neck should be treatedwith extreme cautionand only after a thorough study of the issue.

One embarrassing move - and you, at best, are disabled.

Among other things,it is through the cervical region that blood supply and impulse inflow to the brain occurs.

Due to the fact that many people lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time at the computer, our vertebrae become weaker and more prone to injury.

Before starting workoutsvisit your doctorfor consultation. Some people are allowed only an easy workout of the cervical department.


Now let's take a closer look at what muscles are talking about when we decide to pump up the neck.


In general, the neckconsists of a large number of muscles,who are involved in different processes.

But we will talk about the three largest and most visible, and which will work in the future.

  • Chest-clavicular-mastoid muscle.It is located at the front and side. Both muscles form the Latin letter V. This muscle takes part in all movements of the head.
  • Muscles of the hyoid bone.Are located immediately under the chin. It is their poor condition that leads to the formation of a "second chin".
  • Wide trapezius muscle.It is responsible for turning the head, and also helps to keep the upper part of the spine upright.

Since the location of the muscles is varied enough to work the neckit will take more than one exercise.

And in view of the increased risk of injury, an integrated approach and thoughtful execution of the exercises are required, butonly after consulting a doctorand in the absence of contraindications.

Now let's look at a set of exercises and figure out how these exercises will help pump up a wide neck. But before we present youa number of recommendations,which will allow you to avoid injuries and quickly achieve results in your workouts.

Recommendations for doing exercises

  • Always start any workout with a warm-up.For the cervical department, it will be enough to perform 3-5 circular movements of the head, head inclinations to the sides and forward / backward. This will help warm up the muscles. Move slowly, stopping at the extreme point for a few seconds.
  • Each exercise from the complexperform 6-8 times with weighting or 10-15 times,if you do not use additional weight.
  • Do not take a lot of weight as a burden.Do not overload the cervical section. Be aware of possible injuries. If you are new to this business, do not use burdening at all.
  • This complexbetter perform every daywith little weight or lack of it, than 2-3 times a week to conduct "killer" training.
  • As a burdenyou can use pancakes in the gym or a special headgear,to which additional weight is attached. For a simpler version, you can use your own hands to create resistance.
  • Each exercisedo as slowly and concentrated as possible.Categorically unacceptable sharp jerks.
  • And, of course,do not forget about proper nutrition.After all, you probably train all muscle groups, and they need energy and material for construction - protein. Therefore, your entire diet should be directed to the growth of muscle mass, and food intake should be every 2-3 hours.
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After a detailed study of anatomy and recommendations, it's time to move on to the complex itself.

Physical exercises for the neck - technique and errors in the performance

Many are wondering how to pump the neck at home and whether it can be done at all. Now we will present several exercises that are performed without burdening and will be basic for performing exercises with extra weight.

Lay down on a bench on your back so that the shoulders, neck and head are on weight. Monitor the position of the head, do not throw it too low. On exhalation raise your head, directing your chin to your chest. Hold for a few seconds at the top.

Return to the starting position on inhalation. As an aggravation, you can put a pancake on your face or use your own hands to create resistance when lifting the head up. There is also a special head-piece, to which weight is attached.

When using a pancakedo not forget about hygiene- Put a towel between the projectile and the face.

The position is similar to the previous one, only on the abdomen. On exhalation, raise the head as high as possible, stay at the upper point and return to inhalation to its original position. The burden is the same as in the previous exercise.

Lie down on the bench with your right side, with your right hand you can hold onto the bench or rest against the floor. The head is parallel to the floor. On exhalation raise the head to the touch of the shoulder, hold it for a few seconds in this position and return to the starting position on inhalation.

Then turn to the other side and do the exercise the same way. We use the same burden as in the previous two exercises.

All these exercises alsocan be performed while sitting, only in this case it is necessary to additionally control the position of the body.

Another very effective exercise for the neck muscles is the so-called "wrestling bridge". This exercise is widely used in their training athletes who are engaged in wrestling. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the neck. But to increase the muscle is unlikely to be with it.

Despite the overall simplicity of the technique, many beginners make some mistakes that often lead to injuries.

  • Sharp movements during exercise. All movements must be slow.
  • Using too much weight.

In some gyms even special simulators are available for neck muscles. But the number of such gyms is very small, sonot worth itaccentuate this attention.

In addition, such an exercise is categoricallynot recommended for beginners. The likelihood of injury during runtime is very high.

In the end, it is worth adding that trainingit's important to finish stretchingtarget muscles. To do this, it will be enough to do the same exercises that you performed as a warm-up.

To get a more detailed understanding of the technique of doing exercises for the neck, we suggest viewing the video.

Exercises for the neck - video

From this video you will learn about a simple and very effective technique for doing neck exercises at home, which will help you avoid injuries during training.

To summarize, it should be noted once again that the cervical department is a very vulnerable place on our body. thereforeIt's worth takingfor trainingwith the utmost seriousnessand to study in detail all the nuances and possible difficulties.

Work slowly, focusing your attention not on taking a huge weight of burden, but on a quality technique of execution. Only in this way you can achieve the set goal anddo not hurt yourself.

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Neck muscles training: importance for the athlete and technique of performing

Strong and developed neck muscles are not only an indicator of the strength and endurance of an athlete, but also an important criterion for assessing his discipline and a systematic approach to training.

If at the stage of planning his training the athlete does not think how to shake his neck correctly, in the end he can get ugly proportions, not to mention the fact that in professional sports without developed neck muscles nothing to achieve.

The neck consists of a multitude of muscles, forming three large groups - deep, middle and superficial.

Obviously, these muscles are involved in the turns and inclinations of the head, and also keep it in position straight. In addition, they are included in the processes of swallowing, breathing and uttering sounds.

Thus, for example, the staircase of the neck raises the ribs when inhaled, and the dandruff participates in chewing food and swallowing.

The importance of neck training

A strong man's neck is the beauty and health of its owner. The aesthetic function of the pumped cervical muscles is indisputable, because with a developed thorax, broad shoulders and embossed hands, they should look trained.

If athletes striving for high results, the question arises, why swing the neck, they just look at the photos of titled bodybuilders.

They will be an excellent confirmation of the need to include exercises for the neck muscles in the training process.

Pay attention to this group of muscles should and women, because the open décolletage zone is their prerogative.

Of course, women's training should not include exercises with large burdens, because in this case, the elegance of the outlines is important, and not the size of the muscles.

If the sportswomen are wondering whether it is necessary to swing the neck of the girls, it is worth remembering that it is this zone that begins to grow old before anything else.


Trained neck muscles will avoid flabbiness of the skin and the second chin, which means, in general, improve the appearance. Paying attention to this zone, the girls not only improve their decollete zone, but also prolong its youth.


A powerful neck is also very important for the health of the athlete. Developed muscles prevent the development of osteochondrosis and pain in the neck.

Since there are many vessels and nerve endings here, a healthy neck is a pledge of normal intracranial pressure, absence of spasms and migraine headaches.

Also, this is additional support for the spine, which for no one will become superfluous.

Preparation for training

To pump up the neck muscles and not get health problems, you need to start and finish their training with stretching and warming up. In addition, an adequate load choice is important, as excessive weight or resistance can cause serious injury.

To warm up and prepare the muscles before training, it is enough to do some simple exercises:

  • Inclination and rotation of the head;
  • Diagonal head inclinations;
  • Stretching to the sides, forward and backward with the help of hands.

It is enough to perform each exercise 10 times to prepare for further training. Slopes and stretching should be done slowly, feeling the tension of the muscles and lingering at the peak point for a few seconds.

To complete neck training, you also need stretching muscles, because they tend to shorten. Shortening of the neck muscles is a highly undesirable phenomenon due to its severe health consequences.

Short-term after classes, in the absence of stretching, it becomes permanent and leads to spasms, blockages, severe headaches and hypertension.

If the athlete's neck hurts after training, then it is not effectively stretched, not prepared muscles or took too much weight.

Exercises for neck muscles with weights

Athletes rarely pump the neck muscles separately, usually they are worked along with trapezes and deltas. If, at the end of this exercise, you add a few targeted exercises to the neck muscles, the effect will be much more pronounced.

This exercise is performed on a flat bench. Shoulders, neck and head should remain hanging. On the forehead, pre-covered with a towel, put a pancake and held with both hands. On exhalation, the chin begins to slowly reach the chest. It is enough 6-8 repetitions.

Exercise allows you to work well all the muscles of the neck, including the long muscle of the head.

Lifting of the head lying on the stomach

The same principle as in the previous exercise, just lie on your stomach. Hands hold a pancake at the back of the head. On expiration, the head stretches back for 6-8 repetitions.

Thrust with strap

For this exercise, a special strap is needed, one side of which is put on the head, and the other is the attachment for the load. Perform it is only for advanced athletes with a strong enough neck.

Starting position - the body tilted forward to the right angle. On expiration, the body drops lower, until the load contacts the floor, then returns to its original position. Through this exercise, a long neck muscle is well developed.

Like previous exercises, this is done from 6 to 8 repetitions.

Exercises for neck muscles without weights

Exercises without weights are fairly simple to perform and do not require additional adaptations. The main thing here is a good stretching and caution, smooth movements.

If you comply with all the rules, you can effectively shake your neck at home. Since these exercises are performed without weight, they can be done for 15-20 repetitions.

The main thing is that the load should be adequate, without overstrain.

Slopes forward with resistance

Keep the chin in the base of the palms and pull it to the chest, overcoming the resistance of the hands.

The principle of execution is the same, only the hands are connected at the back of the head, and the head is pulled back.

Rotations with resistance

The chin is held by the hand, and at this time the head is rotated, overcoming the resistance.

Rotation with focus on the head

Take emphasis on the head, legs - on the toes. Perform smooth rotational movements of the head in different directions. Advanced athletes can take in hand additional burdens.

Rotation in the "wrestling bridge"

Accept the position of "wrestling bridge" and perform rotational movements similar to the previous exercise. Experienced athletes with a strong neck can put additional weight on the chest.

Important: this exercise can badly affect the cervical vertebrae. It is recommended only for advanced athletes, or for wrestlers.

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The next two exercises will require the help of a partner.

Head inclinations

The starting position is on all fours. The head in the forehead area is intercepted by a towel, the ends of which are held by the partner. Overcoming the resistance, you need to pull your chin down to your chest.

Head Rises

Stand on all fours and ask the partner to hold his head with both hands. Overcoming the strength of the assistant's hands, raise your head up. Resistance should not be too strong.

The described exercises are a worthy exit for those who are looking for a way to pump up the neck at home. After 6-8 weeks you will see good results of training - neck muscles will strengthen and will look much better.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck are some of the most traumatic, so their implementation should be cautious, smooth and thoughtful. It is better for beginners to enlist the support of an experienced coach who will sharpen technique and insure.


Do not do neck exercises, especially with weights, people with osteochondrosis of the cervical region in the stage of exacerbation; with hypertension and tachycardia; for any infectious diseases.


Many athletes, wishing for quick results, think about whether you can swing your neck every day. Experienced athletes believe that 5-6 short-term workouts per week, medium in intensity, affect the neck muscles much better than 2-3 heavy ones.

If severe pain occurs, neck mobility is restricted, the blood pressure jump must be stopped urgently and the doctor should be consulted.

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How to pump up the neck at home: exercises and warnings

The neck is one of the most important areas of our body.

The neck muscles support our head, protect and guide the spine, and also close vital blood vessels, airways and spinal cord.

Therefore, the desire to maximize these muscles is quite natural, but not everyone knows how to do it right.

The main thing when doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck, do not hurt yourself and do not earn a few extremely serious injuries.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about neck muscle training, as well as how to not hurt yourself in this process.

But before we begin to disassemble the exercises and techniques, and also make up a schedule of training, let's first see what muscles the neck is made of and what we are offered to train.

Neck muscles

In total, through the cervical-chest zone, there are fifteen muscles - ten cervical muscles and five alien muscles, which simply pass through the upper part of the body. They are all divided, both proprietary and aliens, into two types - median and lateral.

The median muscles have a longitudinal arrangement of the fibers and are responsible for the work of the jaw and larynx, therefore, they are uninteresting to us - there is no sense to pump them, and no one has exercised to this group of muscles invented. But here the lateral muscles, which have an oblique arrangement of fibers, are responsible for the slopes of the neck and it is necessary to train them precisely to increase its volume.

The lateral muscles of the neck consist of a superficial and deep group, both of which are equally important for someone who wants to quickly pump up the neck at home.

  • A deep group is responsible for helping with breathing and head inclinations;
  • superficial is responsible for protecting the most important parts of the spine and trachea, and also helps with tilting and turning the neck;

The deep group consists of four ladder muscles, the superficial group consists of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck and the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

In addition to the neck muscles proper, the shoulder muscles and the muscles of the trapezium also respond to the visual perception of the neck, so if you want to pump up the neck of the house - it's worth thinking about them.

Exercises for the neck

Now, after we have decided what exactly we will train, it's time to think about how to swing your neck at home or in the hall.

In most bodybuilding programs, neck exercises are neglected, either removing them altogether, or leaving them an absolutely insignificant fraction of the time.

If you are involved in a similar program - you will need a full set of exercises for the neck.

If you have sedentary work, neck exercises are desirable every day, it is doubly good that no special simulators are required for this and you can do it both at home and at work.

All exercises for the neck can be divided into two parts: warming and power.

Heating gymnastics for the neck

The warm-up exercises or gymnastics for the neck muscles are aimed at maximally relaxing and stretching the neck muscles and not injuring them during the performance of strength exercises. In addition, they are useful for those who experience neck problems, for example, discomfort with a full turn of the head.

This gymnastics is recommended even by neuropathologists with osteochondrosis and protrusions in the cervical spine (only not in the acute period). And with the help of hands, you can get a sufficient and safe load for the development of the cervical department.

  1. Flexion of the neck.

    Sit up straight. Slowly tilt your head down so that your chin touches your chest. Now also slowly tilt your head back.

    • If necessary, you can strengthen the effect of this exercise. For this, before you begin to perform it, put the bases of the back sides of your hands on your chin. Now the task is to tilt your head to your chest, overcoming the resistance of your hands (choose resistance force yourself). After tilting, move your hands to the back of your head and now tilt your head, overcoming their resistance.

This exercise also contributes to a tightening of the front side of the neck and chin line

  1. Lateral slopes of the neck. Sit up straight.

    Slowly tilt your head to the side, so that you touch the tip of your ear to your shoulder orbefore the onset of discomfort. Do not raise the shoulders. After reaching the most comfortable for you to tilt, repeat the exercise with the other side of the neck.

    • As in the case of the previous exercise, lateral slopes can be performed with the use of hands for resistance. Hands in this case should be in the area of ​​the ears or above them.
  2. Turns of the head. Exactly what is stated in the title.

    Sit up straight and slowly turn your head to the side until it stops. At the end, slowly turn it to the other side.

    • Again, these exercises can be performed with effort. For this, when turning to the right, press the back of the palm of your right hand to your right cheekbone, and the back side of the left palm to the left. Depending on the shape of the face, you can change the position of the hands to a more comfortable one. Now your task is to resist your hand when turning your head towards this hand.

All warm-up exercises are performed 7-10 times per approach, and the minimum number of approaches before strength training is three.

Exercises with the use of hands for resistance before training can not be performed - they are indicated here for those times when there is no time for full training, and you do not want to lose the day at all. In this case, you can always use exercises with reinforcement - they will not replace a full training, but they will not lose a form either.

Warm-up exercises should be performed daily, for example, during lunch breaks or in the morning, during the main charge.

How to pump up the neck at home

Strength exercises are aimed at developing and increasing the volume of the neck muscles. They are useful for those who want to look harmonious or often subject their neck to loads.

  1. Lifting of the head with weighting.Performed lying on the bench, with his back up. The head and neck should be on weight, and the hands are folded on the back of the head. Your task - to tilt the head down to the stop, then with a force to lift it up to the stop up, overcoming the resistance of the hands. If you need to increase the force - you can put on the back of the head and fix with your hands not a big weight, such as a bottle, with water.
  • There is also a variant of this exercise, which is performed from the position of "lying on the back but because of the design of the spine, it is much more dangerous in the event of loss of control over the muscles. The hands in this case should be folded on the forehead, and the use of additional weighting is highly discouraged.
  • The second variant of the exercise is performed when a partner is available. Put a towel on your head (or on the forehead, if working from the "on the back" position) so that the edge hangs down on either side of the head. Ask your partner to take these edges into your own hands and give you resistance when lifting your head.

Earlier, when even in gyms there were no simulators for this group of muscles, athletes independently made "caps" from leather belts with hinges on each side. To these loops fastened chains or ropes, on which you could hang an arbitrary weight.

  1. Shrugs with weights.Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Take the same dumbbells or other weights in each hand. Hands should be straightened and lowered along the trunk.

    Now start lifting your shoulders (well, or "shake" them) as high as you can. Lifting is performed on exhalation - delay, on inhalation - you slowly lower your shoulders. This exercise is for the trapezius muscle, which is also responsible for part of the neck volume.

Next are exercises on the muscles of the shoulder belt, in which the muscles of the neck are maximally involved. All of them are performed withnot large weights and concentration on the muscle group we need

  1. Lifting dumbbells in front of you.Stand upright, dumbbells in your hands, your arms are lowered down and pressed against your body. On exhalation, raise your hands directly in front of you, at the level of your shoulders and further upwards without stopping, without bending your elbows.

    On inhalation - slowly return the straightened arms to their original position along the same trajectory (front).

  2. Lifting dumbbells in the sides.The exercise differs from the previous one only in that the hands move around, but also in full amplitude, describing the semicircle.

Strength exercises are performed for 6-12 repetitions in the approach.

The exact number of approaches depends on your level of training, but the optimal number will be three, with 2-3 minutes rest between them. If you still do not have enough strength to do the required number of exercises - do not overwork yourself, start with one approach, then go to two and only then get to three.

To go beyond the three approaches is unreasonable, it is better to just gradually increase the load on the muscles.

Strength exercises should be done regularly, but not daily.

Say, twice a week will be the optimal solution - the muscles will have time to rest, but not lose shape.

Once a week - a less good option, but at the initial stage of training and this is enough.

Recreation and rehabilitation

The muscles of the neck require a fairly long rest - the fact is that during our wakefulness they almost never relax, which means they can not rest. To fix this will help relaxing massage, but even in this case, you need about a day rest before the next "neck day."

As for the pain in the neck, which can appear as a result of training, they can be divided into two options:

  1. The next day after training, there should be a feeling of muscle tension - this is normal and means that you are well trained.
  2. Drawing,no sharp pain in the neck, which usually occurs immediately after training. Perhaps stretching. It's intrepid, but it's better to do without training for a couple of weeks so that it can recover. A visit to a traumatologist is desirable, but you can do without it.
  3. Sharp pain in the neck, which prevents it from moving. Perhaps something serious, up to the displacement of the vertebra. Most likely, you have made too much effort during an exercise with resistance or aggravation. The best solution would be an urgent emergency call, if possible, without getting out of bed.

The main rule of neck training - do not overdo it. It is better to work a little less than to get a serious injury to this muscle group.

Actually, the best option is to perform all the exercises under the supervision of an experienced coach, but if there is no such nearby - continue to work on yourself, but only by observing safety techniques and strictly following all the signs of possible injury.

In any case, it is best to train and eat in the complex.

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How to pump up your neck at home photo and video

The relief and inflated torso is the dream of every man who cares about his health. But a beautiful body requires serious efforts and regular classes, going to the gym and working with "iron."

Not everyone can afford such training. Therefore, the lessons of the house, which are held at any convenient time, become a salvation.

Particular attention is paid to the complex of exercises for neck training.

Embossed and inflated torso is the dream of every man who cares about his health

Rules for training the cervical department

How to pump up the neck at home quickly and safely? To do this, you must follow certain rules, otherwise there is a chance to injure an important part of the spine and get a lot of dangerous ailments.

The cervical department is responsible for the correct operation of not only the ridge, but also the brain, since it is in this place the blood vessels that feed it, and the nerve fibers that transmit impulses from the head to all parts body.

Therefore, before you pump up the neck of the house, you should consult with the coach about the correctness of the work.

Training the cervical department at home is very simple, it is enough to choose the optimal set of exercises for yourself and regularly conduct it. It is necessary to practice every other day, with good physical fitness and already existing muscles, you can perform exercises twice a week.


The neck is a part of the body that is almost always visible, and its developed musculature is a testament to the strength of a man


Care is the main rule of training.

Pumping the neck, for a minute, do not forget about what important organs are located in this part of the body.

All exercises should be performed slowly and accurately, with this you need to carefully "listen" to your feelings. Such approach will allow:

  • secure your health;
  • deeply work out every muscle in the neck;
  • prevent stretching and tearing of ligaments and muscles;
  • Do not get tired too quickly.

It is best if the first training sessions are conducted jointly with the trainer.

The expert will assess the correctness of the exercises, tell you which classes are more effective for a particular athlete, tell you how to avoid mistakes.

If you can not attend the gym, you can take a workout on video, and then evaluate yourself.

The main rule of training is caution

The complex of exercises, aimed at developing the muscles of this part of the body, is divided into three main parts. Training includes exercises in which you need:

  • make efforts to overcome the created resistance;
  • work with the weight of your own body;
  • train with extra weights.

Exercises with resistance

Most beginners give preference to the activities aimed at overcoming resistance. And this approach to training is right. It is these exercises that allow you to stretch your neck and prepare it for heavier loads.

The optimal exercise is the following: in a standing or sitting position, the palms are placed on the forehead and begin to squeeze the head, forcing it to lean back. The task is to overcome the created resistance so that the position of the head does not change.

The second exercise is similar, but the hands are on the right or left side of the head (alternately). It is necessary to tilt the head to the side with your hand, and to prevent this inclination by the strained muscles of the neck.

The number of executions in each direction (right, left and back) must be at least 30.

At first, the tension in the muscles can cause pain: with such feelings, classes stop until the next day or reduce the number of approaches followed by the selection to the required amount.

If the workouts are paired, you can also make the slopes forward. For this, the partner is asked to press the back of the head in order to tilt the head forward.

The right sensations after such exercises - easy fatigue in the cervical section, supplemented by warmth (it provides a rush of blood to the neck). The number of approaches should be at least two, and for athletes with a good physical form - at least three.

Exercises with body weight

The main movement is rolling the head from side to side on the floor. To do this, you need to put your feet to a width that is twice the length of your shoulders, bend down and rest on the floor.

Rifts are held in two directions: forward and backward, to the right and to the left.

An error is the rolling of the head in a circle: in the worst case, it can cause injury, at best - such training will be almost useless for the muscular corset.

Adaptations for exercises

The number of repetitions in each side must be at least 20.

Beginners are allowed to practice with the hands parallel to the legs. When the neck gets stronger, the number of repetitions can be increased to 30, and hands to remove behind.

In this position, the neck will receive the maximum load, and the muscles will get better.


If the physical form allows, this exercise can be complicated even more - it is enough to stand on the bridge and execute it in the opposite direction.


But to pass to this form of training it is possible only in the event that the sportsman is confident in the forces (differently there is a probability simply to curtail to itself a neck).

The first training is necessarily performed in the presence of a partner.

Training with extra weight

The third type of exercise is designed for professionals and people whose neck corset is already strong enough and able to withstand additional weighting.

You can go to them only after the two previous classes have been mastered to the smallest detail.

Various loads used in such exercises will help to make muscles stronger and more powerful, improving the already available results.

Various loads used in such exercises will help to make muscles stronger and more voluminous

For such training, you will need a special strap, which can be purchased at a specialized store. It is important to choose the correct length: after it is worn on the head, and the other weight is attached to the weight, the distance between the load and the floor should be at least 20 cm.

The exercise is done like this:

  1. The athlete sits on a bench or chair, hands firmly on his knees.
  2. The head along the arc gently and slowly falls down until the moment the floor touches the load.
  3. As soon as the swing has occurred, the head as carefully along the arc rises upward.

The total number of repetitions in two directions (from left to right and from right to left) should be 20. You can start with 10, gradually adding one additional repeat.

Having mastered this exercise, it can also be complicated. To do this, you can lie on the bench on your stomach or on your side.

So, while practicing in the prone position, the maximum trapezius muscle is strained, lateral muscles work in lateral projections.


Before you start these types of exercises, you need to take care of a new strap, the length of which should be less.


The guarantee of a beautiful and inflated neck, and the whole body, is self-confidence and regularity of classes. Even if there are failures, and not all the exercises are successful the first time, it is important to overcome your fear and laziness and move on to the intended goal.

For these exercises, you will need a special strap, which can be purchased at a specialized store

Often to give up training cause pain in the muscles or head after class.

The first reason for such events is the improper performance of classes, the second - the presence of any diseases. In the presence of pain or discomfort, you should visit the trainer and make sure that the training is carried out correctly, and also go to the doctor and undergo a survey.

Medical consultation is very important, since the training of this part of the body is fraught with many risks of injury.

A normal sensation after such activities is a feeling of light dizziness and muscle strength. Usually these feelings disappear after a few weeks of regular exercise.

If the exercises are done correctly, the exercises will help not only improve the appearance of the neck, but get rid of many diseases of the cervical spine and improve blood supply and nutrition of the brain.

And this will affect the work of all organs and systems of the body and overall well-being.

Oleg Simakov


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