How to stop drinking alcohol at home?

Alcoholism is a serious disease requiring a systemic approach and, in most cases, long-term treatment. Learn how to stop drinking alcohol on your own at home.

  • Basics of success in home therapy
  • The fight against alcoholism: where to start
  • Drinking as a form of alcoholism and why it is dangerous to abstain from alcohol
  • How to get out of the binge and remove the symptoms of hangover?
  • How to remove cravings for alcohol by popular methods?
  • Folk remedies against addiction to alcohol
  • How to get rid of alcoholism yourself with the help of other folk methods?
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  • Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient with folk remedies
  • We get rid of binge at home
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Basics of success in home therapy

Self-struggle with alcohol dependence is a difficult task, but achievable under certain conditions. In most cases, these conditions include the following:

  1. You should be prepared to find an easy way to stop drinking almost impossible. Just as it is impossible on their own to cope with the severe form of alcohol dependence, when mental or physiological disturbances are obvious.
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  2. It is extremely important that the alcoholic himself realizes and takes the need to fight his dependence. Otherwise, any forms of compulsory treatment at home will be ineffective or completely useless.
  3. Alcoholics, who made a decision to fight self-dependence, are very important patience, understanding and support of close people. Therefore, their main task should be to protect the patient as much as possible from situations that provoke failures. In the case when the alcoholic can not boast of a strong character, if he does not have the willpower, then, it may be necessary to have total control over him, his behavior and the basic circle of communication.

Only by observing all these conditions can we hope for a successful cure for dependence on both the alcoholic woman and the alcoholic man.

The fight against alcoholism: where to start

Awareness of the problem and the existence of a firm decision that it is necessary to struggle with alcohol dependence is the first step on the way to sobriety.

Let the self-healing psychologists recommend starting with communication. The nearest circle of constant communication should include:

  • family members who are not alcohol-dependent;
  • people who have gone through a similar path "from and to", able to support, share experiences, provide the necessary assistance;
  • whenever possible or if necessary, psychologists or psychotherapists - professionals who can help in the search for the true cause of alcoholism, and suggest ways to overcome the current situation.

Important!To successfully implement the plan, it is necessary to refuse to communicate with people who provoke alcohol and return to the usual social environment. To solve this task is necessary in any accessible way, up to change of a residence, work, study, rupture of relations, in case the drinking partner does not intend to change a way of life.

Drinking as a form of alcoholism and why it is dangerous to abstain from alcohol

Drinking is one of the most severe forms of alcoholism, accompanied by a complex of "side effects". The duration of this condition can vary from several days to several months, and its consequences can not be eliminated in a short time. The conclusion from a binge should pass smoothly and in some successive stages. If you quit sharply, a weakened body, accustomed to receiving a daily dose of alcohol, can not stand it. Possible consequences of sudden alcohol withdrawal:

  • the strongest depression, accompanied by panic attacks, irritability, anxiety;
  • white fever or alcoholic psychosis, the symptoms of which are inexplicable fear, hallucinations, delirium, insomnia;
  • memory disorders.

The possible physiological consequences of a sharp refusal from alcohol are:

  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • tremor of extremities;
  • internal gastric or intestinal bleeding;
  • occurrence of arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat;
  • the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke increases.

Therefore, arguing about how to quit drinking quickly, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that quickly quit the binge, most likely, will not work.

Unfortunately, the universal fast-acting and effective medicine for alcoholism has not yet been invented. But this does not mean that any actions taken will be useless.

How to get out of the binge and remove the symptoms of hangover?

To get out of the binge at home, you need to prepare in advance:

  • provide the necessary amount of drinking liquid in the house (mineral water without gas, fruit drinks, compotes), medicinal herbs, some medications;
  • restrict access to alcohol;
  • to provide the patient with bed rest and rest.

Important!On the day of the beginning of procedures, it is very important to be able to refrain from drinking alcohol - this will be the success of the whole event.

Step-by-step guide to removing from the drunken state

  1. On the eve of the appointed day it is recommended to go to bed earlier, having drunk a glass of decoction of mint or lemon balm.
  2. After waking up and throughout the day, drink as much liquid as possible: cucumber or cabbage brine, water without gas, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas, decoctions or regular tea with honey and lemon. A large volume of liquid contributes to the natural detoxification of the body.
  3. Accelerates the process of cleansing from alcohol decay products any available sorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, etc.). Clear the liver from toxins will help such drugs as Essentiale forte, Karsil. You can buy any of these drugs in the nearest pharmacy, recipes for their purchase are not required. Accepted according to the attached instructions.
  4. With rapid heartbeat, you can take "Validol" or "Atenolol".
  5. To relieve nervous tension, glycine may be taken during the day, but not more than 10 tablets.
  6. With a sharp deterioration of the condition, you can take 50 grams of vodka, diluted in a glass of water.

On the way out of the binge can go from two to five days. Gradually, the patient's condition will improve. On the second and subsequent days, outdoor walks, copious drinks, contrast showers, a minimum of stressful or conflict situations are shown.

How to remove cravings for alcohol by popular methods?

In the fight against alcoholism, folk medicine can be used as an auxiliary to medical treatment, and as basic.

Important!In cases of severe alcohol dependence, traditional medicine may be powerless. Cure late stages of the disease is possible only with the help of qualified medical, psychological or psychotherapeutic help.

Folk remedies against addiction to alcohol

Phytotherapy is the most common method of treatment for alcoholism.

In folk medicine, such herbs as ivan-tea, puppeteer (grass), European chop, lover's root, St. John's wort, thyme, etc. are used. From them prepare broths and infusions for reception inside.

Ivan tea reduces the craving for alcohol, helps to cope with hangover syndrome. Leaves of willow-tea mixed with the leaves of thyme in proportions of 5: 1, boil with boiling water, insist for 20-30 minutes and drink 5-7 cups a day. Infusion is recommended to drink at an acute desire to take alcohol.

Aversion to alcohol causes an infusion of thyme, a decoction from the root of a lover and a bay leaf, broth from the grass of a claw:

  1. 15 g of thyme pour 500 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, filter, add boiled water to the original volume of 500 ml, pour into a decoction of 15 ml of vodka. Take 50 grams twice a day. The course of taking the medicine is 7-10 days. After you take a break in a week and, if necessary, repeat.
  2. Decoction from the root of a lover is a more radical remedy. To prepare, take 1 plant root, 2 bay leaves and a glass of vodka. All this is infused in one vessel for two weeks. The tincture is offered to drink to a patient suffering from a hangover syndrome. After its use, the alcoholic expects the strongest vomiting. After two or three similar procedures, an alcoholic develops an aversion to alcohol.
  3. To prepare the broth a teaspoon of dried ground grass cleans the claw of a glass of boiling water and boiled at the lowest heat for 20 minutes. Next, the broth is cooled, filtered and taken for three weeks for 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day.

Indifferent attitude to alcoholic beverages can appear as a result of the reception of the grass puppeteer.

Important!A puppeteer is a poisonous plant, so take it with caution, experimenting with a dosage from a smaller amount of a drug to a larger one.

To prepare a decoction of 10 g of roots puppeteer poured 50 ml of boiling water and infused for an hour in a warm place. The received infusion is filtered through cheesecloth and taken three times a day - added to the food or drinks of the patient, strictly 1 drop. He should be kept in a cold place for no more than 5 days. If the effectiveness of the agent does not appear for 5 days, dosage is increased to two drops and repeated the course, gradually prolonging it, increasing the dosage until the visible results are achieved.

Decoction of leaves and flowers of St. John's wort is successfully used as a natural antidepressant. The effect of St. John's wort is noticeable already on the 10-14th day. For the preparation of medicinal product 4 tbsp. l. the dried plant is mixed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left in a dark warm place until completely cooled. It takes an infusion before meals twice a day for ½ cup for a month.

How to get rid of alcoholism yourself with the help of other folk methods?

In addition to phytotherapy, there are other popular methods of fighting alcohol dependence.

So, get rid of the addiction to alcohol will help... forest bugs! For the preparation of "medicinal potion" a handful of forest bugs is insisted in a glass of vodka for several days, after which it is drunk by an alcoholic. In the people, this method of cure is considered one of the effective alternative methods of fighting alcoholism. Traditional healers claim that one procedure is enough to completely abandon alcohol forever.

Another extravagant, but no less effective method is treatment with bees. The course lasts for 10 days. On its length it is necessary to substitute its "non-working" hand for the bite of insects. The number of bees (and accordingly bites) should increase daily by one. That is, on the first day of the course the patient is bitten once, on the fifth day - five times. Starting from the sixth day the number of bees decreases in the reverse order. The therapy ends for 10 days with one bite. It is believed that such a technique not only relieves cravings for alcohol, but also strengthens alcohol-impaired immunity.

Important!After each bite, it is necessary to remove the insect sting from the soft tissues. This method is not suitable for people suffering from allergic diseases for insect bites.

Despite the fact that modern medical technologies are capable of doing real miracles, the first attempts to cope with the problem are most often attempts at self-struggle. Achieving a good result is very difficult. But with proper motivation, due level of patience, perseverance, willpower and courage to cope with alcoholism in its initial stages by its own forces is quite realistic. It is important only to enlist the support of close people and not give up.