Dolobien gel: instructions for use, analogues


  • 1The analogue "Dolobene" is cheap. Dolobene: analogue of the Russian
    • 1.1The drug "Dolobene"
    • 1.2Basic analogues
    • 1.3The medicine "Gepatrombin"
    • 1.4Heparin ointment
    • 1.5Medication "Troxevasin Neo"
    • 1.6The medicine "Venitan Forte"
    • 1.7The preparation "Venolife"
    • 1.8Medication Trombleuss Plus
    • 1.9The drug "Gavkamen"
    • 1.10The drug "Okopnik"
  • 2Dolobieni
    • 2.1Composition
    • 2.2Additional substances:
    • 2.3Form of issue
    • 2.4pharmachologic effect
    • 2.5Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 2.6Suction, distribution
    • 2.7Excretion
    • 2.8Indications, use of ointment (from which ointment)
    • 2.9Contraindications
    • 2.10Side effects
    • 2.11Local reactions (disappear themselves after drug discontinuation):
    • 2.12Allergic Answers:
    • 2.13Other negative reactions:
    • 2.14Gel Dolobene, instructions for use (Method and dosage)
    • 2.15Instructions for use Dolobene during ionophoresis, phonophoresis
    • 2.16Overdose
    • 2.17Interaction
    • 2.18Terms of sale
    • 2.19Storage conditions
    • 2.20Shelf life
    • 2.21special instructions
    • instagram viewer
    • 2.22Analogues of Dolobene
    • 2.23During pregnancy (and lactation)
    • 2.24Reviews of Doloboene
    • 2.25Price Dolobien, where to buy
    • 2.26WER.RU
    • 2.27ZdravZona
    • 2.28IFK Pharmacy
    • 2.29Pharmacy24
    • 2.30PaniApoteka
    • 2.31BIOSPHERE
  • 3Analog "Dolobene" cheap: a list of drugs, instructions for use, composition, testimonials:
    • 3.1general description
    • 3.2Form of issue, composition
    • 3.3"Dolobien". Indication for appointment
    • 3.4Than to replace?
    • 3.5"Voltaren" or "Dolobien what is better?
    • 3.6Application features
    • 3.7"Fastum Gel advantages
    • 3.8Contraindications and side effects
    • 3.9Should I use Diclofenac?
    • 3.10What do consumers say?
  • 4Dolobien gel: instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews
    • 4.1Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics
    • 4.2Composition and form of release
    • 4.3Application
    • 4.4Contraindications
    • 4.5Overdose
    • 4.6Side effects
    • 4.7Interaction with other drugs
    • 4.8Benefits
    • 4.9Price
    • 4.10Conditions of leave from pharmacies
    • 4.11Storage conditions and shelf life
    • 4.12Analogues

The analogue "Dolobene" is cheap. Dolobene: analogue of the Russian

The drug "Dolobene" refers to combined medicines that have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic and antithrombotic effects.

The product effectively accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, has antiexudative properties. That is why it is often prescribed for the treatment of a variety of joint diseases. However, the price of the medication is quite high.

That is why the question often arises: is there an analog "Dolobene" cheap? Let's understand.

The drug "Dolobene"

What is the original tool? Only by determining what effect a medicine has on a person, you can pick up an analog "Dolobene" cheap.

The drug is available in the form of ointments and gel, intended for external use.

Its effect is dictated by the active substances contained in the drug:

  1. Heparin. The substance effectively accelerates the regeneration of tissues, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Dimexide. The substance provides an improvement in the penetration of active components into the body. It has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory action. Has local anesthesia.
  3. Dexpanthenol. During local use, transformation occurs in vitamin B. The substance promotes the healing of damaged tissues, stimulates regeneration, accelerates the process of granulation in the body.

The drug is widely used as an auxiliary in the treatment of joints and spine.

Most often the medicine is prescribed in therapy:

  • hematoma, edema, inflammatory processes, bruises in the soft tissue and tendons;
  • closed injuries;
  • bursitis, tendovaginitis, tendinitis;
  • injuries of the joints, in which the ligaments and tendons are stretched;
  • various forms of neuralgia;
  • inflammatory processes in the shoulder joint zone.

The main contra-indications for the use of Dolobalien are:

  • severe violations in the work of the kidneys, liver;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • children under 5 years;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

The cost of the gel (50 g) varies between 280-327 rubles. This amount is far from affordable for everyone. Therefore, there is a need to select the drug "Dolobene" analogues cheaper. Consider what is presented on the pharmacological market.

Basic analogues

Many effective medicines have been developed that can compete with the original medicine. At the same time, most drugs are priced at a budget.

The most effective drugs are Dolobene analogues:

  • "Gepatrombin."
  • Heparin ointment.
  • "Gepatrombin S".
  • "Venolife."
  • "Gavkamen."
  • "Trombleuss plus."
  • "Troxevasin neo."
  • "Venabos".
  • "Venitan Fort".
  • Ointment of comfrey.

Among them you can find both foreign preparations and domestic ones. If you are interested in drugs "Dolobene" analogue of the Russian, then pay attention to the following medicines:

  • Heparin ointment.
  • "Venolife."
  • "Trombleuss plus."
  • Ointment of comfrey.
  • "Gavkamen."

Let's consider in more detail some preparations.

The medicine "Gepatrombin"

If you need to pick up an analog "Dolobene" cheap, then pay attention to this tool. Its cost per tube of 40 g is 162-187 rubles.

The drug "Gepatrombin" is a combined remedy. It has anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic effects, perfectly stimulates the regeneration of tissues. The agent is used for topical application.

The composition of the medicament includes:

  1. Heparin.
  2. Allantoin. The substance has anti-inflammatory properties, stimulates metabolism.
  3. Dexpanthenol.
  4. Prednisolone. It is a glucocorticosteroid that has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-exsudative effects.
  5. Lauromacrogol. It is characterized by local anesthetic properties and excellent sclerosis of hemorrhoids.

Heparin ointment

It is a cheap analogue of Dolobien. The price of the drug is 8, 0 rubles.

The combined agent has antithrombotic and moderately anti-inflammatory effect.

Heparin ointment promotes resorption of already formed blood clots and protects from the emergence of new ones.

In addition, the medicine contains benzocaine (a local anesthetic), which effectively reduces the severity of pain.

Ointment is recommended for:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • post-traumatic hematomas;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • phlebitis, provoked by intravenous injections.

Medication "Troxevasin Neo"

The combined agent is a cheap analogue of "Dolobien" (gel). The cost of the drug "Troxevasin Neo" is 236 rubles.

The gel contains the following active substances:

  • heparin sodium;
  • dexpanthenol;
  • troxerutin.

The latter substance is an angioprotector, providing a reduction in vascular-tissue permeability and preventing the fragility of capillaries.

It normalizes microcirculation and tissue trophism, reduces congestion in parainous tissues and veins.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effects.

Assign the drug "Troxevasin Neo" for treatment:

  • venous insufficiency;
  • injuries of soft tissues (edema, hematomas, sprains, dislocations);
  • trophic ulcers in the regeneration stage.

The medicine "Venitan Forte"

This is another good analogue of the ointment "Dolobien". This product is available in the form of a gel. It has a venotonic effect. The drug is characterized by local anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

The preparation "Venitan Forte" is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  1. Venous insufficiency. It effectively relieves swelling of the legs, eliminates the night cramps calf muscles, reduces pain and a sense of heaviness. Reduces itching.
  2. Varicose veins.
  3. Post-traumatic hematomas, infiltrates, induced by injections. The drug stimulates the resorption process.
  4. Swelling of soft tissues caused by bruises, sprains.

People who are prone to thrombosis should be treated with caution and only after consulting their physician.

The cost of medicine for a 50 g tube is 250-287 rubles.

The preparation "Venolife"

Continuing to consider the drugs "Dolobene" analogs, we should dwell on this tool. This is an effective domestic medicine.

Its main components are:

  • troxerutin;
  • heparin sodium;
  • dexpanthenol.

The medicine has antithrombotic, venotonic, angioprotective properties. The product perfectly stimulates the regeneration of tissues.

The composition of the drug is phenylethyl alcohol (preservative-antiseptic). This substance gives the drug a fungicidal and bactericidal effect. Therefore, the gel "Venolife" is an excellent preventive tool that protects wound surfaces from infection.

The drug is recommended for use when:

  1. Osteo-pain syndromes, microcirculatory-trophic disorders, provoked by venous insufficiency. The drug is prescribed for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis (acute, chronic), lymphostasis, postthrombophlebitic syndrome.
  2. Injuries of soft tissues. The medicine helps with dislocations, sprains, hematomas.
  3. Trophic ulcers, during regeneration. The medication accelerates epithelialization and granulation.

This remedy should not be used on open infected wounds or surfaces on which excessive exudation is observed.

The cost of the medicine "Venolife" (40 g) - 273-316 rubles.

Medication Trombleuss Plus

The medicine is in the form of a gel. The drug has antiproliferative, anticoagulant, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic properties.

The native agent is intended for treatment:

  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • localized edema;
  • subcutaneous hematomas;
  • injuries, bruises;
  • aseptic infiltrates.

The price of the drug "Trombleuss Plus" (30 g) is 276 rubles.

The drug "Gavkamen"

What else can be replaced with Dologene - ointment? The analog is cheaper, and at the same time quite effective, is the medicine "Gavkamen". Its price is 31 rubles.

Ointment is based on vegetable oils. It has a local irritating effect and a slight local anesthetic effect.

The drug serves as a "distracting" anesthetic in therapy:

  • arthralgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • myositis;
  • myalgia.

However, it is necessary to take into account and contraindications of the medicine. The medication is not used for dermatological ailments, skin integrity disorders. Do not use the product for individuals who have not reached the age of 12 years.

In addition, carefully monitor your health, if you use the tool "Gavkamen." Some patients may develop side effects during therapy.

Often they manifest as an allergic reaction. Pay attention to tingling, a feeling of cold, burning in the area of ​​application.

Such manifestations indicate the presence of an allergy to the medication.

The drug "Okopnik"

Trying to pick up an analogue of "Dolobene" cheap, consider this option. The medicine, which has another name, "Liver is presented in the form of ointments, cream and balm.

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This is herbal medicine. It is created on the basis of medicinal herbs, the live-eye (or comfrey).

It is this plant that has endowed the medicine with many useful substances:

  • vitamin E;
  • essential oils;
  • chondroitin.

Since ancient times, it is known that the liveboy is a powerful anti-inflammatory and wound-healing remedy.

The drug "Okopnik" has a number of useful effects:

  • strengthens and restores joints;
  • slows the destruction of cartilage (therefore recommended for deforming osteoarthritis);
  • has a beneficial effect on the course of mineral metabolism;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • relieves joints of puffiness;
  • improves calcium-phosphorus metabolism;
  • provides anesthesia.

However, it should be remembered that the liveboy is a poisonous plant. It is strictly forbidden to use it inside! The product is intended solely for external use.

The cost of medicines based on herbivorous grass varies in the range of 70-100 rubles.

A source: http://.ru/article/231433/analog-dolobene-deshevyiy-dolobene-analog-rossiyskiy



The gel contains 3 active ingredients:

  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Heparin sodium;
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide.

In 100 grams of active ingredients are contained in an amount of 2.5 g / 50 thousand IU / 16.66 g.

Additional substances:

  • Cremophora;
  • rosemary oil;
  • trometamol;
  • polyacrylic acid;
  • water;
  • citronella oil (type of lemongrass);
  • mountain pine oil;
  • isopropanol.

Form of issue

Gel Dolobene has a yellowish shade. Produced in special tubes made of aluminum 50/100 grams.

pharmachologic effect

Multicomponent means of external use. The pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved by the complex action of the three active components.

Dimethylsulfoxiderendersanti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic action.

Anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to inactivation of varioushydroxyl radicals, which are produced in large volumes during the inflammatory process. On the tissue radicals are destructive.

Local anesthetic effect is provided by delayed carrying out of painful (nociceptive) impulses in peripherally located neurons.

The anti-edema effect is achieved by improvingmetabolic processesin the subcutaneous fat in the area of ​​application of the gel. The anti-edema effect is also achieved due to hygroscopicity of Dimethyl Sulfoxide.

The active component easily passes through the skin and other biological membranes, contributing to a more pronounced, deep penetration into the tissues of the drugs used together.

Heparinhas anti-inflammatory effect, improvesregenerative abilitiesconnective tissue.

The effect is developed through the suppression of activityenzymeHyaluronidases.

For Heparin is characteristicantithrombotic effect, which is dose-dependent.


The active component increases the inhibitory effect of antithrombin-3 on the activation of thrombin and prothrombin. The degree of penetration of the medication through healthy skin is dose-dependent and is recorded at a dose of more than 300 IU per gram.


Dexpanthenolis able to transform intovitamingroup B -Pantothenic acidat local use. The effectiveness of the component is fully comparable to that of Pantothenic acid.

The latter is part ofcoenzyme Aand takes an active part with anabolic reactions, catabolic processes in tissues.

The regenerative effect in damaged tissues is achieved through improved processesepitolizationandgranulation.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Suction, distribution

The physiological concentration of one of the active substances of Dimethyl Sulfoxide is normal inblood plasmais 40 ng / ml.

After 6 hours after the application of the gel, C (max) is 120 ng / ml and can be stored up to 12 hours after application.

The concentration of the dimethyl sulphoxide component reaches a physiological index of 40 ng / ml after 60 hours after the application of the drug.

If you apply gel 3 times a day for 1 gram for 5 days, then the average content in the place of application will be 3 mg / g on the skin, 0.

8 μg / g insynovial fluidand 7-10 μg / ml insynovial membranein the region of the synovial joint and in the underlying muscular tissues. With external application, one of the active components of Heparin practically does not enter the systemic circulation. Dexapanthenol is converted to Pantothenic acid for external use. Good absorption of dexpanthenol has been experimentally proven.


The period T12 of the active substance Dimethylsulfoxide is 11-14 hours.

During the first 24 hours, 12-25% of absorbed Dimethyl Sulfoxide is emitted; within a week - 37-48% in the form ofmetaboliteDimethyl sulfone and unchanged through the renal system. After 6-12 hours through the pulmonary system, 3.5-6% of total dimethyl sulfoxide is deduced.

Indications, use of ointment (from which ointment)

  • bruises;
  • traumatic injuries (closed forms);
  • hematomaand inflammatory processes in soft tissues, tendons and their vaginas;
  • edemasoft tissues;
  • periarthritis of the shoulder joint;
  • acute neuralgia;
  • traumatic joint damage, accompanied by stretching of tendons and ligaments;
  • brachial epicondylitis("Tennis player's elbow");
  • bursitis(inflammatory processes with articular bags);
  • tenosynovitis(inflammatory processes in the tendon sheaths);
  • tendinitis(inflammatory processes in the tendons).


Side effects

Local reactions (disappear themselves after drug discontinuation):

  • burning;
  • rednessskin integument (mild, moderately pronounced);
  • itching of the skinin place of applying the gel.

Allergic Answers:

  • edema of Quincke;
  • hives;
  • skin reactions.

Other negative reactions:

  • change in taste perception;
  • smell of garlic from the mouth (occurs as a result ofmetabolismDimethylsulfoxide to form dimethyl sulphide);
  • diarrheal syndrome;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • nausea.

Gel Dolobene, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Ointment is applied to the skin over the affected area with a thin layer 2-4 times a day. If it is necessary to apply the dressing, the gel is left for several minutes after application for greater absorption and evaporation of Isopropanol. Next, a special sealed bandage is applied.

Instructions for use Dolobene during ionophoresis, phonophoresis

The gel is evenly distributed over the cathode imposition area. Active components Dolobene strengthen the therapeutic effect of ultrasonic waves. The decision on the duration of therapy is made by the doctor, based on the severity of the symptoms of the underlying disease, tolerability.


There are no adequate data for this section from the manufacturer.


With external application, Dolobienė ointment can enhance the therapeutic effect of other medicinal medicines by increasing the penetration of active substances.

Possible developmentperipheral neuropathywith parallel use of medicines, which includeSulindakfrom the group of NSAIDs.

Terms of sale

Gel Dolobene is released at specialized pharmacy points. No prescription form is required.

Storage conditions

The gel should be stored in the original packaging (aluminum tubes) at a temperature of up to 25 degrees.

Shelf life

The effectiveness of the drug is maintained for 3 years, subject to the recommendations recommended by the manufacturer.

special instructions

The skin before applying gel Dolobene should be cleaned of other medicines, chemicals and cosmetics.

Do not apply medication to the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, mouth, open wound damage to the skin (postoperative scars, due to irradiation, sunburn).

During treatment, an increasedphotosensitivityskin, which requires patients to limit their visits to the solarium and avoid intense sunlight. With the manifestation of various skin reactions, therapy is discontinued. It is not recommended to apply simultaneously with other gels and ointments due to the high absorption of Dimethyl Sulfoxide.

Analogues of Dolobene

Analogues of gel Dolobene on pharmacological action:

The price of Dolobene analogs varies depending on the manufacturer (Russian substitutes are cheaper).

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Pregnancy- an absolute contraindication to the use of the gel due to the lack of adequate clinical studies proving the safety of the medication. One of the components of Dimethyl Sulfoxide is excreted in breast milk, which limits the use of Dolobene atlactation.

Reviews of Doloboene

Reviews about gel Dolobene are mostly positive. Thanks to the multicomponent composition, the drug has a complex effect. A convenient form of release allows you to take the tube with you.

Ointment of a pleasant consistency is easily applied to the skin. Of the minuses, patients note the high cost of the drug, the absence of a momentary effect.


Most often, the medication is prescribed in traumatology, where the main symptom that worries the patient is pain.


Dolobene allows you to remove the edema in bruises and other injuries of the osteoarticular system, to stop the pain syndrome, but it acts gradually.

Price Dolobien, where to buy

The price of Dolobene gel varies depending on the volume of the tube and the pharmacy. In Russia, an ointment in a tube with a volume of 50 mg can be bought for 250-300 rubles, 100 mg - 400-600 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Dolobene gel 50 g Merckle [Merkle]


  • Dolobene gel 50g set 2pcsLudwig Merckle
  • Dolobene gel 100gLudwig Merckle
  • Dolobene gel 50gLudwig Merckle

IFK Pharmacy

  • Dolbøene Merckle, Germany
  • Dolbøene Merckle, Germany


  • DolobienėMercckle (Germany)
  • DolobienėMercckle (Germany)
  • Dolobene gel 20gMerkle (Germany)
  • Dolobene gel 100gMerkle (Germany)



  • Dolobene 20 g gel in tube
  • Dolobene 50 g gel in tube

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a reference-generalizing, collected from public sources and can not serve as a basis for making a decision about the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before applying the drug Dolobene must consult with your doctor.

A source:

Analog "Dolobene" cheap: a list of drugs, instructions for use, composition, testimonials:

The pain syndrome caused by abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissue damage causes a lot of unpleasant sensations and can bother even at rest. Local therapy in such cases is the main method of its elimination.

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"Dolobien" is an effective combined remedy, which is often used for relief of characteristic symptoms. Equally effective will be the budget analog "Dolobene".

A cheap drug, like the original medicine itself, should be selected only by a specialist.

general description

Local therapy is an important place in the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints. The main drugs used in such cases are classified as direct anticoagulants.

One of the most popular medicines is Dolobien (gel).

Instruction for use suggests that this tool helps to quickly enough even to quit severe pain attacks caused by soft tissue injuries, impaired operability joints.

Due to the presence of just three active components, the gel is able to stop inflammation, start the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues, eliminate pain and swelling. In addition, Dolobene has an antithrombotic effect.

Form of issue, composition

The drug is released as a colorless gel, packaged in tubes of 20, 50 and 100 g. The cost of the medication is 380-430 rubles per tube of 50 g.

As part of the drug there are several active substances.

Heparin - a component that has restorative and anti-inflammatory properties, improves microcirculation at the local level.

The dermatotropic substance dimethyl sulfoxide quickly penetrates the skin, increases the permeability of the vascular walls, relieves the pain syndrome and eliminates swelling of the soft tissues.

Another active substance, dexpanthenol, is responsible for improving metabolic processes and refers to vitamin B3 derivatives.

When it enters the epidermis, the component becomes pantothenic acid.

The latter is a part of the coenzyme A enzyme necessary to activate the natural regeneration processes.

A similar composition can have an analogue of "Dolobien". A cheap substitute for the original medication - gel "Gepatrombin S" - also refers to anticoagulants of direct effect, but it costs 2 times cheaper.

Auxiliary components in the drug "Dolobene" are such substances as trometamol, oils of high-mountain pine, rosemary and citronella, cremophor. The gel is intended solely for external use.

"Dolobien". Indication for appointment

The anti-inflammatory combination is recommended by the manufacturer in the following cases:

  • with sports injuries;
  • in the presence of bruises and bruises;
  • with damage to ligaments and muscles;
  • with injuries and pathologies of the joints;
  • in inflammatory processes, affecting muscles and ligaments;
  • with neuralgia;
  • with superficial thrombophlebitis, varicosity, periphlebitis and chronic diseases of the venous network;
  • with tendovaginitis, periarthritis, fasciitis.

To eliminate the pain syndrome caused by osteochondrosis, it is also recommended to apply Dolobene (gel). The reviews confirm his high therapeutic effectiveness in the presence of inflammatory processes in the cartilaginous tissues of the spinal column.

Than to replace?

Pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of drugs for local therapy, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Some drugs are structural substitutes for the original medicine and have an identical composition.

Most often, patients try to find a budget analog "Dolobien". A cheap and effective drug for external use is a heparin ointment.

This is a combined product of domestic production, which has antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The cost of the medication is 80-100 rubles per 25 g. Package.

"Gepatrombin" in the form of a gel produces a pronounced anti-edematous and antithrombotic effect. It contains sodium heparin, dexpanthenol and allantoin. The gel is packaged in tubes of 40 g. The cost of the medicine is 200-260 rubles.


This is one of the most popular substitutes for the Israeli drug "Dolobene" (gel). Instructions for use recommend the use of gel in sports injuries, inflammatory processes in the ligament apparatus, pathologies of veins.


The following medicinal products possess similar pharmacological action:

  1. "Fastum gel."
  2. "Voltaren emulgel".
  3. Diclofenac.
  4. "Venabos".
  5. Ketonal.
  6. "Venolife."
  7. "Deep religion."

"Voltaren" or "Dolobien what is better?

"Voltaren" - a popular Swiss remedy that exerts anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antirheumatic effects. The active substance in the drug is diclofenac. The product is produced in the form of a gel with a concentration of active ingredient 1 or 2%.

Diclofenac sodium is a proven and effective substance with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

It is often prescribed for pain in the back of various etiologies, joint damage, injuries and sprains.

Diclofenac based external medicine is allowed to apply during pregnancy, in contrast to the drug Dolobene.

What helps Voltaren emulgel? The medication effectively eliminates swelling of soft tissues, relieves pain syndrome and prevents the further development of the inflammatory process. The mechanism of action of the gel is to block the production of arachidonic acid, a substance that aggravates inflammation.

Application features

According to the instructions, the drug can be administered to patients over 12 years of age. On the site of inflammation, the gel is applied 3-4 times a day. At a time, not more than 4 g of the drug can be used. Voltaren is indicated for use within 10-14 days.

During pregnancy, only a doctor can prescribe medication. The manufacturer recommends using it only in the 1st and 2nd trimester.

With special care, the gel is used when the patient has such pathologies as bronchial asthma, hemophilia, cardiac and hepatic insufficiency, ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

Side effects in the form of skin reactions at the site of application of the drug are observed only in rare cases. The cost of "Voltaren" - 280-330 rubles per package of 50 g.


According to the reviews, the remedy quickly repairs the pain syndrome and eliminates swelling of damaged soft tissues.


It should be noted that the drug is not an anticoagulant, but belongs to the category of NSAIDs.

"Fastum Gel advantages

Another popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is Fastum Gel. The active ingredient in the composition is ketoprofen. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect when applied at the local level. The cost of the medication is 320-360 rubles.

What is better to use for treatment - "Dolobien" or "Fastum gel"? The choice will depend on the patient's diagnosis. The second medication is more suitable for the elimination of pain in case of dislocations, injuries, sprains, bruises of soft tissues. Indications for the appointment are also the following pathologies:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lumbago;
  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • myalgia;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints after injuries.

According to the instructions, a small amount of gel (a strip about 3-4 cm) should be applied to the skin over the focus of inflammation. The procedure is repeated twice a day.

Contraindications and side effects

"Fastum gel" is forbidden to apply to the skin in the presence of abrasions, wounds, eczema, dermatitis.

Contraindication is also a negative reaction of the immune system (hives, bronchospasm) to acetylsalicylic acid, the last trimester of pregnancy, lactation, age to 12 years.

No external remedy is prescribed for intolerance or hypersensitivity to components in the formulation.

Allergic dermatitis, urticaria, skin hyperemia are possible side effects, which sometimes provokes the analogue of Dolobien. A cheap medication can have components that cause negative reactions of the immune system.

Should I use Diclofenac?

According to reviews of many specialists, "Diclofenac" is an effective and inexpensive analgesic. It is available in various forms.

Ointment and gel are in great demand and are often prescribed for rheumatic diseases, ischaise, lumbago, post-traumatic pain, osteochondrosis, bruises.

The advantage of the medicine is its cost. Packing of 50 g will cost only 70-100 rubles. The agent for external use allows in most cases to refuse the use of tablets and injections, which significantly reduces the risk of side effects.

"Diclofenac" (gel or ointment) can be used to treat children as early as 6 years. Most patients prefer a drug in the form of a gel, which is quickly absorbed into the skin and leaves no traces on the clothing.

Any drug ("Dolobien" or "Diclofenac") should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist, taking into account the features of the course of the disease, the age of the patient and the presence of contraindications.

What do consumers say?

Analgesic external agents are in demand in patients of different age categories. Some of them have an exclusively anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, while others have antithrombotic properties.

Positive recommendations deserved drug "Dolobene" (gel). The patients' feedback confirms its high therapeutic effectiveness and safety.

However, a significant disadvantage is the cost of foreign medicine.

That is why many choose for treatment more affordable analogues of domestic production - heparin ointment or "Diclofenac".

A source:

Dolobien gel: instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews

Injuries and injuries, accompanied by hematomas and distension, cause severe pain.Eliminateit quickly, through a comprehensive impact onThe focus of pain is capable of Dolobene gel.

This drughas an extended range of effects, allowing to stop acute pain of damaged soft tissues.

How to properly use it and for what purposes, as well as possible adverse reactions and contraindications, we will consider further.

Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics

Dolobene gel is a complex preparation, which can have the following effect on soft tissues:

  • analgesic;
  • regenerating;
  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antithrombotic.

This is achieved due to the influence on the tissues of the constituent components, which both independently and in a complex, have an instant therapeutic effect.Three active components, which play a key role, are capable of:

  1. Heparin- creates conditions for inhibiting the synthesis of hyaluronidase, due to which there is a pronounced regeneration of muscle fibers. It is also able to influence the viscosity of the blood, making it more fluid, reducing the likelihood of blood clots. It is well absorbed through the skin, penetrating to the site of inflammation.
  2. Dimethylsulfoxide- Depresses hydroxyl radicals involved in the process of formation of inflammation, swelling and pain. Also affects the conductivity of neuronal endings, reducing their sensitivity. Thanks to this, analgesic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects are observed. Dimethyl sulfoxide, interacting with other components, is able to strengthen and activate their activity, increasing the effect of the gel.
  3. Dexpanthenol- is transformed into tissue cells into pantothenic acid, whose task is to restore muscle fiber, by accelerating the regeneration processes at the cellular level. It is this component that allows to shorten the duration of natural regeneration up to 2-3 days.
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Dolobien Gelwell penetrates through the skin in the focus of inflammation, acting locally. The firstresults are visible after 5-10 minutes, when there is a marked reduction in pain, swelling and inflammation.

The complete excretion of the metabolites of the drug is noted after 5-7 days from the moment of stopping the application of the gel to the skin.

Absorbed in the liver and kidneys, but the concentration is negligible, which makes it possible to use the drug for a full and long-term treatment of injuries of various etiologies.

Composition and form of release

Dolobene is produced in the form of a transparent gel, with a specific alcohol smell, in a metal tube, in volume 50 and 100 g.

In 100 g of gel contains the following number of active components:

  • dexpanthenol g;
  • heparin sodium - 50 000 IU;
  • dimethylsulfoxide - 1,


  • isopropanol;
  • polyacrylic acid;
  • aromatizers natural, in the form of essential oils: pine, rosemary, citronella;
  • distilled water;
  • trometamol.


Dolobene gel is used when the following manifestations are eliminated:

  • inflammatory processes of soft tissues;
  • edema;
  • hematomas;
  • stretching of tendons;
  • joint pain;
  • bruises;
  • closed injuries with a violation of the integrity of soft tissues;
  • neuralgia;
  • diseases accompanied by inflammation of individual parts of the body: tendovaginitis, tendonitis, bursitis, periarthritis, epicondylitis.

The drug can be used externally in three ways:

  1. Applying evenly to the skin- apply to the previously cleaned dry skin, soft massaging movements until completely absorbed. To do this, squeeze out the gel in the volume of a large cherry and rub it well in a sore spot.
  2. Application under a bandage- it is necessary in the case when a tight bandage or elastic bandage is applied (mainly with injuries of the limbs). Apply to the skin and wait for the complete evaporation of the alcoholic part of the gel, only then apply a bandage.
  3. Under the iontophoresis cathode- a gel with good conductivity can be used in iontophoresis, placing it under the cathode (negative conductor). The electrical impulses supplied through the device allow for faster absorption and activation of the active components of the gel.

alcohol base, as well as aggressive elements makes it impossible to apply gel to open wounds.
The duration of the course of treatment with the drug is assigned individually, and depends on the severity and features of the inflammatory process of soft tissues.In most cases, treatment does not exceed 2-3 weeks. If you need long-term treatment and use in complex therapy to eliminate chronic diseases, a break occurs every 2-3 weeks, after which the process continues.


In 99% of the cases, Dolobene gel is well tolerated by patients, but is strictly not recommended for the following categories of people:

  • in the presence of chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, in the stage of exacerbation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's age till 12 years;
  • individual intolerance of components;
  • presence of open wounds at the site of application, as well as chronic skin diseases.

The presence of contraindications indicates the need for consultation with a doctor before applying the drugon the skin. Instructions for use are not capable of indicating the seriousness and danger of using the gel, if there are certain health problems.

With caution, you need to use the gel in the treatment of bruises and bruises, which are located directly above the scars and old scars.

Colloid scars and skin seals (after the application of stitches or medical staples in violation of the integrity of the skin) can become a vulnerable place for the development of adverse reactions.

During the application of the gel on the skin, direct contact with the sun's rays should be limited, which can provoke an extensive burn.


Data on the occurrence of an overdose of the drug by the manufacturer are not provided. Most likely, this is due to a small concentration of active components that are rapidly absorbed, and are not able to cause symptoms of intoxication.

Side effects

The most common side reactions of Dolobene gel are:

  • nausea and headache;
  • the absence of smell and the presence of the smell of garlic in the oral cavity and nasopharynx;
  • difficulty breathing and chest cough.

Developing side effects for three reasons:

  1. Non-observance of recommended dosages.
  2. Use in the presence of serious diseases.
  3. Application of the gel, the expiration date of which has long expired.

The most frequent manifestations of adverse reactions are the following symptoms:

  • redness of the skin in a limited place of application of the gel;
  • itching and burning;
  • short-term loss of taste.

Sometimes there are cases of development of an allergic reaction, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • development of urticaria not only in the place of applying the gel, but also throughout the body;
  • dryness and swelling of mucous membranes;
  • angioedema;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The last two manifestations are deadly to humansand require immediate elimination.

They arise as a result of severe intoxication, which is caused by the release into the blood of a large number of cells that are seen in the preparation of "enemy cells".

To eliminate the allergic reaction, you need:

  1. Call an ambulance - if a person is hard to breathe, he loses consciousness and has no signs of life. During the time when the ambulance rides, it is necessary to do artificial respiration and indirect heart massage, and also to inject 1 ampule of adrenaline.
  2. To give a person an antihistamine drug, it is better to make an intramuscular injection, which will get the effect much faster than the tablet will dissolve. Suitable drugs: Suprastin, Dimedrol, Diazolin.
  3. Try to remove the remains of the gel from the skin, although this is extremely difficult, because its alcohol base makes the drug easily carried into the focus of inflammation.
  4. Provide abundant drink and bed rest.
  5. Cancel the application of the gel, as well as report the fact of the development of an allergic reaction to the treating doctor.

In the presence of extensive medical allergy in remission, the reception of Dolobene gel is recommended in stationary If necessary, the patient will be able to provide qualified assistance by carrying out appropriate resuscitation actions. Before starting the treatment, a small amount of gel is applied, observing the development of the clinical picture.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended simultaneous use of gel and other creams and ointments with similar effect, especially for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Dolobene gel is able to strengthen the conductivity of other applied creams, so its use should be separated from applying other medications on the same skin area.


The main advantage of the drug is its complex effect,which allows to carry out in three directions simultaneously: anesthesia and removal of puffiness, elimination of inflammation, regeneration of damaged fibers and skin cells. The effect of treatment is noted already with the first application of the gel. Alcohol base freezes pain, by rapid evaporation of moisture from the skin, helping to strengthen the analgesic effect.


Average price on Doloben gel:

  • Tube 100 g - 750 rubles;
  • Tub 50 g - 330 rubles.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released in pharmacies without a prescription, however, before starting use, you need a doctor's consultation.

Storage conditions and shelf life

After opening, the tube should be sealed with a lid. Store in a cool place for no more than 3 years from the date of manufacture. At the end of this period, the effectiveness of the drug can be significantly reduced.


Preparations that have a similar complex effect on soft tissues:

  • Heparin ointment - 75 rubles.

Thus, Dolobene gel has a unique complex effect on soft tissues, allowing fast and painless to eliminate bruises, sprains, bruises and pain caused by inflammatory processes of soft tissues.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

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