Persistent dry cough and sore throat

Pershit throat and dry cough - symptoms requiring treatment

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of perspiration in the throat and the appearance of a dry cough. It can be allergy, symptoms of colds, or more serious diseases. In some cases, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, tumors of the thyroid gland and larynx, pharyngeal neuropathy manifest themselves so. Treatment should be started only after the diagnosis. If the throat persists for several days, consult a doctor. Correctly diagnosed is half the success in treatment.

Causes of appearance

Why pershit in the throat? More than fifty causes can cause a dry cough and a sore throat. Such a painful condition often appears due to the manifestation of acute respiratory-viral infections (ARVI). In this case, inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. But other sources are possible. The reasons are conventionally classified as internal and external.

External causes

  • Contaminated environment.Residents of large cities often suffer from smog, a large concentration of exhaust gases and dust in the air. In the suburbs and towns air is polluted by smoke. The situation is exacerbated in the summer-autumn period, when they start burning garbage and dry grass. Getting on the mucous membranes, these irritants cause perspiration and dry cough. To mitigate the effect of these negative factors, you need to take water with you and from time to time take small sips. This way you can remove irritation and moisten the mucous membranes.
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  • Long stay in a room with dry air.Normal humidity in the room is 50-60%. With a decrease in this index, the skin and the respiratory system begin to suffer. This has a negative effect on health. In winter, during the operation of the heating devices, the air in the rooms becomes too dry. To avoid problems, you need to install an air humidifier.

The video tells about what should be the treatment, if pershit throat and there is a dry cough:

Internal causes of inflammatory and infectious nature

  • Pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.These diseases can cause viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergens, injuries. Treatment will depend on the pathogen.
  • ODS.This group includes influenza, parainfluenza, viral infections.
  • Angina, scarlet fever, whooping cough, pneumonia.The diagnosis can be determined only by a doctor. Self-medication in these cases is dangerous.
  • Tuberculosis.If dry cough after a few weeks passes into the wet, and it is accompanied by general lethargy and fever, then you should immediately go through the examination. These symptoms indicate the development of tuberculosis.

Internal causes caused by noncommunicable diseases

  • Allergy.If persheniya is a consequence of an allergy, then in no case can it be treated with antiviral drugs and antibiotics. Such actions can aggravate the situation. If the cough disappears after taking antihistamines, then it was caused by some allergen.
  • Diabetes.If the perspiration in the throat disappears after a sip of water, then, perhaps, the cause of dry cough in the increased concentration of sugar in the blood. Sugar leads to dryness of mucous membranes. Therefore, compensation is required due to increased blood flow.
  • Throat neurosis.Such a pathological condition can be caused by disorders of the central nervous system. Two doctors are engaged in treatment of such symptoms: the neuropathologist and the otolaryngologist.
  • Overvoltage of the voice device.For representatives of some professions, a broken voice is a common occurrence. This affects teachers, singers, speakers, actors and lecturers. Vocal cords in representatives of these professions work with full load, which can lead to coughing of persecution, and even disruption of the voice.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.Increased in goiter, Graves disease and other pathologies of iron, presses on the respiratory organs, which provokes persecution. In addition, a weakened thyroid gland reduces the overall immunity, which leads to increased susceptibility to infections of the mucous throat.
  • Injury to the throat.Fish bones, dust particles, getting into the throat, injure mucous and cause perspiration.
  • Malignant and benign formations.
What antibiotics to take with pharyngitis in adults?

Find out what complications are after a sore throat.

List of drops in the ears of otitis:

What to do

How to stop the perspiration in the throat and cough? Therapy is prescribed depending on the lesion and the type of disease. Treatment of serious pathological changes can be entrusted only to the doctor. Symptoms of some diseases are so similar that laboratory tests are needed to identify the cause of the cough. These can be blood tests, sputum, fluorography, spirometry (examination of the function of external respiration), bodipletizmography, tussography, bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy.

The video tells what to do if there is a lot of perspiration in the throat and dry cough:

Dry cough is called unproductive. It does not lead to the extraction of phlegm, but only irritates the throat and mucous membranes. This unconditioned reflex arises unexpectedly and lasts from a few days to weeks.Attacks of dry cough exhaust the patient.Especially unpleasant night cough. To ease the condition, use methods such as:

  • irrigation;
  • rinsing;
  • inhalation;
  • foot baths;
  • heating;
  • Reception of tablets, potions and pastilles.

During the treatment you need to ensure clean fresh air in the room and plenty of drinking. Various folk remedies, homeopathy, are suitable for this. From the diet it is necessary to exclude too cold, hot and spicy food. You should refrain from smoking.

Treatment of acute form

The acute form of dry cough with proper treatment passes in a few days. It goes into a productive cough, the airways are cleared, the illness goes away. The choice of the drug is based on their diagnosis and the age of the patient. When treating acute form, you need to quickly transfer dry cough to wet (if diagnosed with ARVI, ARI). It should help to recover and cleanse the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree.

Pharmaceutical preparations (syrups, tablets, sprays, drops) dilute sputum and remove them from the body. Preparations for cough are divided into three groups:

  • central and peripheral effects;
  • expectorants;
  • mucolytic agents, for example mucaltin. Read how to drink mukaltin with a dry cough.

Central action drugs work aggressively. They suppress the cough center of the brain, affecting it directly. Their use must be coordinated with the doctor, as the drugs cause side effects. They are classified as narcotic drugs and used in extreme cases.

Medications of peripheral action soften and anesthetize, reduce the amount of urge to cough. This group includes Bithiodine and Libexin. They are not addictive.

Mukolitic drugs include Mukaltin, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Sinekod, Medovent, ACTS, Herbion. This is the widest group of drugs, it is with her that you need to start treatment for a dry cough.Drugs help to move dry cough into productive and bring relief.

If pershit throat or a dry cough in children, then it should be treated very carefully. And in the case when he does not bring discomfort to the baby, it is better to limit yourself to copious drinking or homeopathic preparations.

What to do with persistent perspiration and dry cough

If a dry cough does not last more than three months, it is considered chronic. The clinical picture is the following:

  • dryness, perspiration and sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • body temperature is normal;
  • cough dry, stubborn or barking.

If the nature of a constant cough viral - prescribe antiviral drugs (Arbidol, Amiksin, Acyclovir). To combat cough of fungal origin, use Thermicon and Nystatin. When a cough of bacterial origin is prescribed Summed, Zatrolid, Azithromycin. They are released by prescription.During treatment, therapy with mucolytic and expectorant drugs is also performed.Good results are the use of homeopathy.

At an allergic cough except mucolytic drugs use antihistamines (Zirtek, Loratadin, Claritin, Suprastin). The sore throat can be soothed with topical sprays.

Effectively suppress a prolonged cough Liebesin, Sinekod, Stoptussin. They are used cautiously, the medication should be stopped immediately after the appearance of a productive cough, otherwise sputum, not finding an outlet, can cause inflammation in the bronchi.

On the video - a strong perspiration in the throat and dry cough:

Folk remedies

  • Black radish syrup. From a dry cough a syrup of black radish helps a lot. To do this, root vegetables are washed, cut the tops and make a deepening in it. Put a spoonful of honey or sugar. After a while, there will be a syrup, which is taken on a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Egel tea. For the treatment of a strong dry cough, tea from yagel is used. The second name of the plant is reindeer moss. Take a tablespoon of moss and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Insist medication for 20-30 minutes. Drink it better once a day, the whole serving before bed. You can dilute tea with milk.
  • Onions with oil. When chopped in the throat, you can use a bow and butter. To do this, it is cut, fried in unrefined oil until golden brown and filter after cooling. Take a teaspoon.
  • Rinses. Not bad cope with perspiration and dry cough rinses. Classic recipe - salt, soda and iodine in warm water. The remedy is really effective, but if the throat is strongly irritated, then it should be used cautiously. Salt can increase irritation.
  • Inhalation. One of the effective ways to combat cough is inhalation. For the procedure, boiled raw potatoes are used. Add 2-3 teaspoons of soda to it. It takes 15-20 minutes to breathe in pairs. Do this carefully, so as not to burn the mucous membrane.
  • Broths of herbs. If there is an inhaler, then this simplifies the task. For the treatment use decoctions of mint, melissa, needles, eucalyptus add honey. Herbs can be replaced with essential oils. The same broths are suitable for rinsing. During such procedures, the infection is mechanically washed out and the soreness of the throat is eliminated.

On video - treatment of persecution and dry cough folk remedies:

To avoid such ailments as perspiration and dry cough will help simple rules. Cleanliness in the home, the absence of dust at work will help to keep your throat healthy. Ventilate rooms, do not forget about wet cleaning and avoid contact with carriers of infections. But if you still could not avoid this trouble, start treatment immediately, but do not forget that under the banal cough may be a serious ailment. Therefore, do not forget to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Cough, a sore throat ..


Elena Gruntova

Probably just dries all the time mucous. Have you been to Laura's? Probably you need sprays or drops with oil to lubricate the mucous throats.

In T Look at here. Do not forget about consultation of an ENT doctor.
Cut the onions finely into a frying pan and fill with oil. Luka take two heads, but you need about a glass of oil for this. Roast the onion in oil until the crusty crust appears.

Then strain the oil through the cheesecloth to separate the fried onions from it. Allow the oil to cool and then rinse with a throat. This recipe in Siberia has long been used from perspiration in the throat, which occurs with a dry cough. In short, if you have dryness and the feeling that the throat is tickling from the inside, then this folk remedy is for you.
Chronic pharyngitis is also capable of causing choking in the throat. And no other symptoms of the disease may not be. The state of health in a person is quite normal, the temperature is within normal limits.
In equal parts, combine the juices of beets and carrots. On a glass of the mixture a tablespoon of honey and drink in small sips in a warm form. The slower you drink the glass, the better for the throat. Drink before bedtime.

Another recipe with honey. Juice of cherry or black currant on a glass of a spoonful of honey. You can take infusion berries. Drink well in small sips. During the day you can use tea instead of tea. The throat will do good.

You can still mix the juice of black radish with milk. Two pieces of milk for one part of the juice. Drink with honey. You can add honey to taste, but not less than a tablespoon per glass. Take after meals three tablespoons in a warm form.
Persecution in the throat, in the evening to do inhalation. Having inhaled the healing essential oils you will remove the inflammation and kill the bacteria that have settled in the throat. Boil water and add a tablespoon of sea salt, clove or lavender oil and get a towel. You can also take eucalyptus oil. Or balm Vitaon.

You can also pour boiling water two teaspoons of crushed dry eucalyptus leaves and a teaspoon of chopped garlic and onions. If you add another quarter of the briquettes of pine extract, there will be beauty in general. Instead of an extract, you can take straight branches of pine and brew. Also, breathe for ten minutes.
Take 15 grams of chamomile flowers and leaves of medicinal sage, as well as 20 grams of herb spices. Thoroughly grind the herbs and pour one teaspoon of mass with 250 ml of boiling water. Allow to brew to a tolerable temperature, and then filter and rinse with infusion of the throat.

Take 20 grams of raspberry leaves, 25 grams of leaves of coltsfoot and forest marshmallow, as well as 30 grams of medicinal sage. Herbs well chop and pour three teaspoons of a mixture of 250 ml of boiling water. Insist, filter and rinse with infusion of the throat.

Take 5 grams of fennel fruit and 15 grams of sage leaves, oak bark, the root of the medicinal marshmallow, the root of the erect foot. Grind the plants, one teaspoon of collection pour 250 ml of water at room temperature, not boiled! Better from the spring. Insist for six hours, then bring to a boil and immediately turn off. Allow to cool down, shape and with this broth rinse your throat.

Another recipe with fruit fennel - 5 grams of fruit, 15 grams of sage leaves, chamomile flowers and peppermint leaves. Grind the plants, mix and pour a teaspoon of collection 250 ml of boiling water. To insist, as it will cool down to drain and gargle with an infusion of a throat. Helps with laryngitis, angina and other problems of the larynx.

Masha the Beetle

if you do not even get pharyngitis - then this is exactly your nerves, especially as you write that at night you sleep well, and in the daytime you cough
you need to go to a neurologist or a psychotherapist-it's possible to private and you will be prescribed sedatives and special breathing exercises to curb coughing and coughing and remember the more you cough and cough - the more you annoy your mucous

and even in the nostrils drip peach or sea buckthorn oil to soften the pharyngeal mucosa

light antonova

I have the same problem... but I have polyps in the nasopharynx, I'm constantly on vasoconstrictor drops... can this be the reason ???

Pershit in the throat: causes, diseases, what to do when the pershit throat, treatment

Symptom, when pershit, but does not hurt the throat, usually begins a cold disease caused by a viral infection. But more "serious" diseases that can develop even in children can also appear. We will analyze the main pathologies and their differences.

Why can pershit in the nose and throat

For inhaling air, a person is "equipped" with a device such as a nose. The mouth will also provide air to the lungs, but it is not designed to disinfect it and warm it up. This is done with the help of an abundant blood-supply mucosa, which "meets" the incoming air and "Forwards" it along a rather long path - from the tip of the nose to the nasopharynx, which begins anatomically at the level root of the nose. In parallel, following this path, the gas mixture that we breathe, moistens and clears from particles of dust and large microbes. Do this cilia - microscopic cylindrical outgrowths at the top of the cells of the mucous membrane. They are able to move, and their movement is aimed at getting out of the nose. When they can not "expel" particularly large or numerous irritating particles, they "include" the reflex of sneezing, aimed at their "expulsion".

The fact that they could not remove the cilia of the epithelial cells of the nose, falls to the next level - into the lymphatic tissue. In the region of the nose and throat, it forms a whole ring of tonsils, which "check" the air and the microorganisms contained in it one after another, in several stages:

  • first the air passes the "control" of the pharyngeal tonsil. It is such a lymphoid tissue that, growing up in a child, is called "adenoid" (adeno - iron, id" - similar, that is, literally "adenoids" - a tissue like glandular). Adults do not have adenoids;
  • air mixture goes further to the oral cavity, bypassing the islets of the lymphoid tissue located on the back wall of the pharynx (the "tube" from the nose to the larynx that connects the nose and mouth);
  • then the air passes by the palatine tonsils (these are exactly the ones we see when we open our mouths in front of a mirror and breathe through our mouths);
  • At the same time as the palatine cleansing from microbes, the lingual tonsil is carried out;
  • Further, the absence of microbes is carried out by twin tube tonsils, but they are more focused on not letting germs out of the ear, so the air mixture is not handled closely.

In the process of inhaling air, muscles do not participate, therefore they are not present from the nasal cavity, along the pharynx and up to the larynx. The pharyngeal wall consists of only two layers: the mucosa and the fibrous membranes. Nervous endings from the cranial nerves that provide sensitivity to this site are suitable here.

Let's move on to the question of why pershit in the throat, directly. The causes of this symptom can be divided conditionally into several groups:

  1. Overdrying of the mucosa only the nasopharynx or the oropharynx. This leads to some drugs, dry air, tobacco, harmful chemicals in the air substances (paints, chlorine-containing substances, fragrances, etc.), especially if a person breathes them chronically).
  2. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Especially often this is done by hydrochloric acid, which is thrown here from the stomach (if this state exists constantly, this is called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, but such a situation can develop acute - when taking a horizontal position after eating and taking alcohol).
  3. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx: infectious (these are viruses of the ARVI group, bacteria, less often - fungi) and non-infectious, for example, when allergic to a substance contained in the air.
  4. Disturbance of blood supply to the mucous membrane.
  5. Tumors that develop from the fibrous membrane.
  6. Disruption of the brain, which processes the sensations coming from this site.
  7. Failure in the work of nerve endings, suitable to the area behind the tonsils.

The most common causes, when pershit in the throat, is still an infectious inflammation of the palatine tonsils (tonsillitis) and the posterior pharyngeal wall (pharyngitis). It is necessary to act quickly here so that the infection, which is inhibited by tonsils and a smaller lymphoid tissue, does not go down to the bronchi and lungs. Therefore, below we will consider the main causes, their symptoms and differences from each other.

The main causes of perspiration in the throat

Because of the development of such a symptom as a sore throat, it is easier to understand, if you recall how it manifests itself:

  1. appeared sharply, sharply, against a background of complete health;
  2. constantly pershit in the throat, but there are periods of improvement in the state when the symptom can be forgotten, and the stages when it rolls with a new force.

Dry cough almost always accompanies a sensation of perspiration in the throat: it is a reflex response to irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane or swelling that occurs when it is inflamed. In some cases, cough can be wet when the body is not just trying to get rid of a microbe or stimulus, causing the inflammation, but trying to do it effectively, dissolving it in a small amount of liquid, and then turning on cough reflex.

Persecution in the throat appeared abruptly, suddenly

Thus, 2 main diseases are described - ARVI and allergy. Sometimes a sudden perspiration occurs when the hydrochloric acid is suddenly injected from the stomach, and also by the accidental ingestion of some aggressive chemical substance.

Acute respiratory disease

If the throat starts to perspire, and while the person:

  • I do not smoke;
  • does not work in harmful production;
  • did not take new pills;
  • did not "get acquainted" with new plants, animals, household chemicals, did not get into a dusty room,

this indicates the presence of an acute respiratory disease caused by viruses (ARVI), bacteria or fungi. The diagnosis may sound like:

  1. "Acute respiratory disease: acute tonsillitis" - then there is inflammation of the tonsils;
  2. "ORZ: acute pharyngitis" - this indicates that the microbe caused inflammation of the pharynx;
  3. "ORZ: acute rhinopharyngitis inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa occurred. In this situation, there is a runny nose and a tick in the throat.


The viral nature of the disease is indicated by:

  • reddened and watery eyes;
  • sneezing;
  • the throat is very perspiculous;
  • temperature 37, sometimes higher or lower;
  • cough usually dry;
  • if there is a runny nose, and it just started, then snot clear, liquid;
  • can pershit in the throat and nose;
  • if you look into the throat, you can see that it is very red (that is, the color is much more intense than the gums, the tonsils are colored, the tongue between them and the posterior wall of the pharynx). The posterior wall of the pharynx (what is visible behind the tonsils) is also red, on it are visible tubercles ("grains") of lymphoid tissue. They are red.


With flu, too, there may be a tickling in the throat. But here this symptom is often not so worried, because the foreground come out:

  • aches in the whole body, especially in muscles and joints;
  • high, poorly confusing body temperature;
  • there may be pain behind the sternum;
  • dry cough.

Runny nose and sneezing for the flu is uncharacteristic. More on the symptoms of influenza.


Fungal infection of the throat (acute fungal pharyngitis) occurs after treatment with antibiotics against the background of diseases of immunity and blood diseases. It manifests itself:

  • Persecution;
  • sensation of a "lump" in the throat in the throat;
  • pain when swallowing, which gives in the jaw, neck and / or ear;
  • dry cough;
  • increased temperature;
  • if you open your mouth and breathe them, while looking in the mirror, you can see the red throat when the tonsils and the back wall of the pharynx are covered with a whitish or yellowish coating.


If the inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils is caused by pyogenic bacteria, the following symptoms develop:

  • first - perspiration, then - sore throat, very strong;
  • At the same time, the temperature rises to 40 ° C;
  • there is a feeling of "lump in the throat
  • painful to swallow;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • when examining the throat, you can see that it is red, yellow or gray viscous pus is seen on the back wall.


If the tonsils, in their natural recesses, have yellow, white or white-gray pus, throat strongly pershit, the temperature rose to high figures and painfully swallow, most likely, a person has developed angina. This is an extremely contagious bacterial disease. In this case, we need help from the ENT and infectious diseases specialist. If it is a question of the child, and at all it is better to lay down in an infectious hospital: the similar tonsillitis at non-observance of treatment is dangerous to heart and kidneys.

Throwing hydrochloric acid into the pharynx

In this case, there is not necessarily a gastritis or peptic ulcer, which is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes it's enough to lie down right after eating or take it lying down, especially when the circular muscle separating the esophagus and stomach is relaxed.

Allergic pharyngitis

Contact with household dust, flowering plants, inhalation medicines, animal hair, perfume, household chemicals, mold, some foods eaten, can lead to:

  • sore throat and cough;
  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • and even - a temperature of 37 or a little higher.

There may be a red rash on the body, a slight headache, lacrimation. Sore in the muscles, pain behind the sternum is not here. If there is a suspicion of the allergic nature of the perspiration in the throat, you need to take an antihistamine (such as "Diazolin "Fenistila") and contact an allergist.

Injury to the pharynx

The wound of the pharyngeal mucosa with a fish bone, large particles of dust or other foreign bodies leads to the development of inflammation at the site of the injury. This is accompanied by pain and sore throat, pain when swallowing.

If bacteria join the inflammation site, it will cause increased pain in the throat, fever, weakness and headache. Cough of purulent sputum can be cough.

If pershit in the throat constantly

This can cause one of many reasons.

Staying in a room with dry air

When the humidity of the air is less than 50%, and the person was in the room for more than 2 hours, you can "earn" a sore throat. It is not accompanied by other symptoms: runny nose, fever, malaise.


A similar symptom can be caused by smoking. Then he is also present in the singular, without being accompanied by other signs.

Abuse of vasoconstrictive drops for the nose

Difficulty breathing through the nose (for example, due to chronic sinusitis), when only its symptomatic elimination by drops of type "Galazolin "Naphtizin "Xylo-Mefa" and others, causes the narrowing of the pharyngeal vessels, which is accompanied by a sore throat and permanent coughing.

The impact of occupational hazards and adverse environmental factors

Production, in which the side effect is the appearance in the air of large and medium dust particles, Exhaust gases, vapors of varnishes and paints can also provoke the appearance of a perspiration in the throat accompanied by dry cough. There are no aches in the muscles, a rise in temperature. It is easier to get in a clean room or in the fresh air, and a fit of cough is removed by the intake of clean water.

Neurosis of pharynx

If the work of nerve endings that give commands to the upper part of the digestive tract is disturbed, this is called pharyngeal neurosis. The disease occurs most often in the autumn-spring period, usually after such a provoking factor as a cold. But the causes of the neurosis lie deeper. It can be both syphilis, and nervous disorders, and tumors of the pharynx and larynx.

In this case, a person feels constant perspiration, tickling, burning in the throat, a sense of "coma" in it. Often there is a dry cough. He paroxysmal, especially tormented by agitation or experience.

Temperatures, drowsiness, no headache, a person feels healthy. Reception of antiseptic tablets for resorption ("Strepsils "Septotelet "Pharyngocept") does not lead to the disappearance of the symptom.


Sore throat is not the only symptom of this disease. It is also manifested by thirst, the release of a large amount of urine, nighttime urination, prolonged healing of wounds. More about the symptoms of diabetes.

Nodular goiter

If a knot forms in the thyroid gland, it can be accompanied by a sore throat, because this knot presses against the trachea, connected by nerves with the pharynx. This may be the only symptom of the disease if the goiter is not accompanied by an increase or worsening of the thyroid function. With hyperthyroidism, slimming, irritability, palpitation, increased appetite will be noted. If the iron produces few hormones, the person becomes slow, his heartbeat and metabolism slow down, the skin becomes swollen and dense, the hair is sparse; the body weight increases.

Overvoltage of the vocal cords

This pathology develops in those who, due to their duty, are forced to talk or sing a lot (speakers, singers, teachers, actors, teachers). In this case, there is no sign of acute respiratory viral infection, but in the throat pershit is constant, the voice may disappear for a while, but may become hoarse or low.

Throat or laryngeal swelling

Symptoms of these pathologies are similar to ARVI. This is tickling in the throat, and dryness, and a slight pain in the throat, and changing the voice to a more hoarse or raucous. The difference from ARI is that when the tumors do not increase the temperature, there is no headache, weakness. There is only a slight decrease in working capacity, and it, as well as perspiration and dryness in the throat all increase.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Sore throat can manifest any of the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcer disease;
  • gastritis with reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus above;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hernia of the esophagus.

It is mainly associated with the ingestion of gastric secretions with hydrochloric acid and (in the case of cholecystitis and pancreatitis) the bile contained therein. And if you feel periodic nausea, burning after the sternum after eating, a disorder of the stool, bitterness in the mouth or arising after taking acute, spicy food of pain in the upper half of the abdomen, chances are most likely that the impaction is associated with pathologies GIT.

Symptom of Persistent Sore Throat in Pediatrics

If the baby has a perspiration throat, most likely he develops either an acute viral disease, or a sore throat, or so an allergy manifests. In the first case, the baby will sneeze, parents will notice redness in their eyes, and snot appear from the nose. With angina you will notice that the child has become less active, he has a fever, and because of the pain when swallowing, he refuses to eat and drink.

Allergic pharyngitis will manifest itself in the throat, coughing, possibly - lacrimation and other symptoms of allergy (face swelling, difficulty exhaling, urticaria). From ARVI it is distinguished by the absence of a rise in temperature to high figures, minor symptoms of malaise. There is a hint of an allergic nature after contact with something new for the child: plants, animals, drugs, household chemicals, being in high-air conditions book dust.

Persecution in children can also occur after staying in a smoke-free, poorly ventilated room, or the place where the materials were painted or varnished.

Oncological diseases, pharyngeal neurosis, gastro-oesophageal reflux, bronchial asthma become the causes of perforation in the pharynx in children extremely rare.

Basic Symptoms Questions

  1. If pershit in the throat and dry cough appears - it can be any of the diseases listed above.
  2. Sore throat and runny nose are symptoms or ARI, or allergies.
  3. Persecution is paroxysmal, intensifying at night and during excitement - a sign of neurosis of the larynx.
  4. Pershing after eating. This is a symptom of casting into the throat of gastric contents.
  5. Pershit in the throat and cough only at night. So, bronchial asthma or pertussis in adults can manifest.
  6. Pershit after being in the room, where the work was done with paint and varnish materials. This indicates irritation, drying of the mucous throat with toxic substances (light chemical burns of the mucous membrane).
  7. Persecution in the throat in the morning can be if in a dream breathe with your mouth open, with exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, with gastro-esophageal reflux.

Algorithm of actions for throat swelling

To determine what to treat, if pershit in the throat, you need to find the cause of this phenomenon.

Then it appeared Symptoms Other than Persecution What can be seen in the throat What it is and What to do
There is a connection with hypothermia, a contact with a temperature patient Eyes reddened, coughing and sneezing noted Red throat in the absence of white or yellowish "filling" of the depressions of the tonsils ARVI
  • Gargle with a soda-salt solution (1 teaspoon of soda and salt per 1 glass of water), an aqueous solution of furacillin or those folk remedies, the recipes of which will be described below.
  • To splash the throat "Tantum Verde "Oracept "Strepsils".
  • To dissolve tablets "Septotelet "Tharyngept".
  • Rinse nose with saline solution of sodium chloride
Overcooling, getting into the rain, contacting a person (especially a child) who is feverish Sore throat, fever, difficulty swallowing Red tonsils, large, in the indentations - gray or yellowish contents Streptococcal angina
  • Contact an ENT doctor or infectious disease specialist who, with confirmation of the diagnosis, will prescribe antibiotics.
  • A throat to rinse with a salt and furatsillinovym a solution too it is necessary.
  • Mode - bed, for the prevention of heart and kidney damage.
  • When the temperature rises above 3, - taking antipyretics (in children "Aspirin" or "Acetylsalicylic acid" is prohibited)
After putting on clothes washed with a new powder / conditioner, after staying in a greenhouse or in a meadow with flowers, after contacting animals or visiting the zoo Coryza, perspiration and fever in the throat, lachrymation, change in the timbre of the voice Tonsils are reddish, enlarged Allergic pharyngitis
  • Exclusion of provoking factors.
  • Hypoallergenic diet with soft food.
  • Admission of antihistamines: Cetrin, Loratadin and others.
After meal One persecution, maybe pain or discomfort in the abdomen, a disorder of the stool, a sour taste in the mouth Not changed Diseases of the digestive tract
  • To address to the gastroenterologist.
  • Sleep on a high pillow.
  • Do not go to bed earlier than 3 hours after eating.
At night, with excitement Pershenie, paroxysmal cough Tonsils pink, without ulcers, posterior pharynx wall not changed Neurosis of pharynx
  • To address to the neurologist.
  • At night, drink warm milk with honey or tea with mint or melissa
After staying in the room where they painted Pershing. Headache, temperature, drowsiness no Oral cavity without special features for layman Atrophic acute pharyngitis
Contact LOR, who will prescribe treatment
After a prolonged speech load Dry cough, change in timbre or loss of voice The oral cavity is not changed Professional laryngitis
Voice rest, gargle rinsing with decoctions and antiseptic solutions

As you can see, the treatment of conditions, when pershit in the throat, can be completely different: it all depends on the disease that caused this symptom.

What to do if the throat is strongly perspiration:

  1. Drink a suitable antihistamine for you.
  2. Refuse to smoke and drink alcohol.
  3. Buy an antiseptic with an anesthetic in the pharmacy (for example, "Strepsils 2 in 1" or "Sepptole"). If there are no allergies to anesthetics (teeth were treated / removed with a stab and there was no reaction to it), you can buy a spray (see. all sprays for the throat for example, Strepsils, Stopangin or Kollustan).
  4. If the throat is visible abscesses, urgently call the doctor at home. Before him, antibiotics can not be taken.
  5. Avoid contact with a possible allergen.
  6. Bury the nose with salt preparation "No-Sol "Aqua-Maris "Physiomer "Aqualor".
  7. Exclude from the food all sharp, peppery, smoked, acidic, bitter, hot and spicy foods that can cause irritation to the pharynx.
  8. Sleep on a high pillow.
  9. Provide voice peace.
  10. Drink plenty of fluids: teas with honey, lime, with raspberry or currant sprigs.
  11. At night drink milk with honey (if it is not allergic).
  12. You can at night drink a pill "Valerian" or tincture of motherwort.
  13. Make a vodka compress. To do this, moisten a piece of cotton wool or gauze with vodka, wrap your throat, apply cellophane and cover it with a woolen shawl.

Folk methods of treatment of a sore throat

Traditional medicine with throat swelling offers both adults and children more fluids in the form of:

  • tea with raspberries;
  • the insides of mountain ash;
  • broth of rose hips;
  • lime decoction with honey;
  • herbal teas;
  • decoction of parsley leaves.

Healers say that the diet should include:

  • cranberries;
  • cranberries;
  • lemon;
  • jams from currants, strawberries, raspberries.

It is also recommended to breathe without heating, but spraying indoors:

  • juice of onion and garlic;
  • coniferous tincture;
  • pharmacy tincture of eucalyptus.

There are also such recipes for fighting infection in the nasopharynx and oropharynx:

  1. Need a black radish, honey and milk. Black radish should be rubbed and squeezed to make juice. It is necessary to mix 1 part of radish juice and 2 parts of milk. To drink it, add 1-2 tsp. honey in a glass of means. Take it for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day, in a warm form, after eating.
  2. Mix: black currant juice and cherries, add there a tablespoon or more honey. 2 glasses of the drug you need to drink a day.
  3. A few leaves of mint are poured with boiling water, insist 3-4 hours, filtered. This infusion should gargle.
  4. Take 1-2 beets, make juice. A glass of juice requires a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. This rinse for the throat is applied three times a day, after each meal.

Cough and sore throat - reasons, treatment

One of the most unpleasant symptoms is a perspiration in the throat accompanied by a cough. Such attacks instantly cause tears and deprive the person of the opportunity to speak. Of course, such a few will like it. Let's try to understand why this is happening and what to do about it.

Causes of Persecution and Coughing

In fact, there are many reasons. Someone can catch a cold, and someone may become a victim of an allergy. However, approximately all reasons can be divided into two groups: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

The first group includes:




During these diseases, characteristic inflammatory processes take place in the pharynx, which cause these unpleasant sensations. If you do not start treatment on time, the infection will pass to the trachea, bronchi and lungs. Then the discomfort and pain will increase several times, it can even reach a bloody cough.

Consider the second group of causes that cause perspiration and cough.

-pharyngeal neurosis

Nerve damage is caused by this condition. This, in turn, innervates the pharynx and or centers located in the brain. Therefore, in addition to coughing and perspiration, a person can feel sore throats, giving in the tongue and ears, numbness or tingling, lump in the throat. When eating, it's painful to swallow, it's easy to choke. Such symptoms are peculiar to such diseases as syphilis, CNS disorder, brain tumor.


Often the fault is allergic reactions to anything. Often the irritant is dust, animal hair, pollen of plants. When directly interacting with the source of irritation, the body immediately "turns on" its reaction, which is manifested in a strong cough, "fighting" persecution and the urge to drink water.

-disease of a professional nature

The described symptoms are often peculiar to people whose occupations are related to metallurgy. Suffer from cough and miners, slingers. This is due to the constant exposure to the body of dust and high temperatures. In works where you constantly need to strain your voice device, loudly shouting also has a risk of getting chronic persecution along with a cough. This is, first of all, teachers, singers, etc.

-Thyroid gland diseases

This disease involves the manifestation of the described symptoms. However, they usually arise when the disease is accompanied by the development of nodes. In other cases, it can do without persecution.

-reflux esophagitis

During this disease, the acid content of the stomach goes up. Therefore, after eating, discomfort is felt, the pharynx is irritated and there is a sensation of perspiration.


This disease often has symptoms such as perspiration. This is due to the fact that the sugar dries the mucous membranes. As a consequence of this, a person suffers from a dry cough. If it dies down after taking water or any other liquid, it's best to check the blood for sugar. Most likely, the diagnosis with diabetes is correct.


Of course, this bad habit can not help but make itself felt in the form of unpleasant sensations in the throat. Smokers probably already noticed this for a long time. And if you have not seen such manifestations yet, this does not mean that they will pass you by. So think again, do you need this bad habit.


Children often suffer from persecution because of too active games. They like to be worn as restless, while breathing with their mouths and screaming. As a result, the following symptoms appear. Therefore, before the time is not necessary to breed a panic. The main thing is do not let the child drink anything cold. But if after a while the persecution does not go anywhere, then maybe the child is sick.

If the perspiration in the throat has been bothering you for a long time, immediately contact a specialist without delay. Perhaps, it makes itself felt by some kind of disease. Especially if discomfort is disturbed in the lying position, after eating. Then it will be an excuse to worry, because such symptoms are often inherent in the hernia of the esophagus, gastritis and other gastric diseases. In this case, the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get rid of the disease.

How to cure pershenia?

There is no universal method. This will be confirmed by any specialist who knows his business. Treatment in any case will depend on the causes of the onset of symptoms. Therefore, the first task will be to determine these very reasons.

If the cause of the inflammatory nature, it is usually prescribed antiseptics like falimint, inhalipt or libexin. In bacterial infections, treatment will be based on bioparox. Also actively used anti-inflammatory drugs on medicinal herbs: infusions of chamomile, sage, calendula, etc. Among home remedies, it is worth emphasizing warm drinks. So drink more tea with honey or raspberries, milk. Of course, the smoking and drinking spirits will have to be forgotten. In addition, reduce the intake of salty and spicy food. And in general, revise your diet. Fried, flour and fatty dishes for you while under the ban. Food should not be too hot or too cold.

When perspiration occurs as a result of the action of allergens, it is necessary to undergo a course of antihistamines. In a number of such put tavegil, suprastin and analogues. Of course, try not to contact with allergens, otherwise the treatment will lose all meaning. Often clean the house, if the cause of your allergy is dust, solve the problem with pets.

The fight against the neurological imbalance of folk remedies is ineffective. Without supervision of the doctor and his recommendations can not do, so do not delay the visit to a specialist.

If you do not have time to go to the examination or there is no extra money for this, you will have to turn to folk medicine. There are simple enough, but effective recipes to get rid of the disease.

The simplest option is mint candies. You can at any moment be able to calm a fit of coughing, if in your pocket there will be a mint candy. Cheap and angry.

You can buy in the pharmacy, olive, sea buckthorn or dog rose oil. To drip it it is necessary in a nose, it will go down on a back wall of a pharynx and will calm a tussis.

Also, with such symptoms helps onions. Take two medium bulbs, finely chop and fry in sunflower oil until a golden crust appears. At the same time, the oil should not be boiled. On cooking, strain the oil through the cheesecloth, cool it and rinse the throat. Onion can be added to a dish and eaten.

Very useful in the coughing and coughing of juices. Among them, carrot, currant, cherry. The old grandfather's remedy, the juice of black radish with honey, will also come in handy. The truth with the last option is not to get involved, there are enough and three spoons before bed.

But from what you need to warn, so it is from mouth rinsing with salt, soda and iodine. Contrary to popular belief, this explosive mixture will have the opposite effect and will only irritate the irritated mucous membranes.

But once again: if cough and perspiration torment you for a long time, do not limit yourself to folk remedies. They can be used only to calm down unpleasant sensations. It is necessary to treat the very problem, not its manifestations.

Pershit in the throat and want to cough. Remedies for throat pain

Every person has to cough. Currently, medicine knows many varieties of this ailment. If a wet cough does not cause a special discomfort, then this can not be said for dry. This is exactly what will be discussed later. You will find out why a person has a pershin in his throat and wants to cough. The most common causes of pathology will be described below.

Also from the presented material you can find out what are the means from the throat. With perspiration and coughing, they are very effective.

Irritable Throat Syndrome

If you feel that you have pershit in your throat and want to cough, then this may be the initial symptom of an irritated throat. There may be several reasons for this pathology. Quite often the usual perspiration and irritation in the pharynx leads to a cough.

Dry cough is the most unpleasant of all its varieties. A person regularly experiences spasms in the throat. To treat such a pathology is not only possible, but also necessary. Otherwise, you can get pretty serious complications.

Why pershit in the throat and want to cough?

The causes of this pathology can be many. Most often, a cause for irritation in the throat is a viral or bacterial infection. In this case, soon the person begins to notice additional symptoms: a runny nose, temperature, headache.

If you have pershit in the throat and want to cough, then the cause of this can be a banal allergy. At the same time, for a long time you do not feel a deterioration of well-being, and the doctor during the examination says that there is no cause for concern. To treat an allergy it is necessary. However, it must be done wisely.

If you have pershit in the throat and cough is indomitable, then the cause of this may be a wrong lifestyle. Often with this problem faced by heavy smokers. It should be noted that this symptom is very disturbing.

There are a number of other reasons why a person has a pershin in his throat and wants to cough. It is only the doctor who can determine what is the cause for the development of the disease. To do this, the patient is assigned a series of examinations and analyzes.

Remedies for throat pain

Before using these or other funds from the throat, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology. Otherwise, the drugs may simply not help you cope with the problem. For the treatment of pathology, doctors use antimicrobial and antibacterial agents, antiviral drugs, antiseptics, immunomodulators, antihistamines and so on. The list of medicines can be infinite. In addition, doctors use traditional medicine. Consider the most popular drugs that help cope with a sore throat and stop or prevent coughing.

Medications for oral administration

So, you found out why the Pershit is in the throat. Now you can choose the right treatment. Doctors strongly do not recommend doing it yourself. However, most patients do not turn to doctors because of their employment.

If the cause of persecution is an allergic reaction, then antihistamines should be used. These include the funds "Zirtek "Suprastin "Fenistil" and so on.

When a virus infection occurs, it is worthwhile to use immunomodulating medications. Among them you can distinguish drops "Derinat tablets "Anaferon suppositories "Kipferon" and many others. If necessary, use antiviral drugs such as Aflubin, Antigrippin, and so on.

If the persistence is caused by the multiplication of bacteria, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed. Among them you can meet "Amoxicillin "Amoxiclav "Sumamed" and so on.

Local impact

If pershit in the throat, than to treat yet? You can use tools that have a local effect. All these drugs can be divided into sprays, lozenges and rinse aid.

Spray the irrigated larynx several times a day. Among such medicines - "Ingalipt "Cameton "Tantum Verde" and others.

Rinse should be used when there are contraindications to the use of other forms of medication. This often happens during pregnancy or breastfeeding. To the rinse aid can be attributed the following: "Furacilin "Miramistin "Chlorophyllipt" and so on.

Resoluble lozenges can contain medications or be exclusively natural. Among them, we can mention "Strepsils "Bobs "Doctor Mom."

Folk remedies

If you do not want to take medicines, then you can cope with the persecution in the throat with the help of folk remedies.

  • An excellent emollient is a lemon. You can drink warm tea with its addition or to dissolve the product.
  • Chamomile and sage relieve inflammation and have a healing effect. These solutions can rinse the irritated throat or drink them in a diluted form.
  • Lemon restores the body's immune defenses and defeats the infection. The same action is possessed by a cranberry and a dogrose.
  • From persheniya in the throat can get rid of by home inhalation. Breathe over boiled potatoes or ordinary hot water.
  • To prevent cough, which often occurs after a banal persecution, ventilate the room more often. Arrange around the room slices of garlic and onion rings.

Summing up and conclusion

Now you know what can be the cause of perspiration and coughing. Remember that inactivity and delay can lead to complications. It is worth noting that much worse from the misdirection and use of medicines. Ask for help from a specialist. Only in this case, you will be given suitable funds from a throat swelling.

Especially cautious should be if the perspiration in the throat and cough arose in the child. In this case, you can not do without medical assistance. Children's drugs should be selected especially carefully, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

Are treated on time and do not be ill!

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