Purulent wounds, treatment at home. Than to process, what ointment to apply

Any wound can always be complicated by the development of a purulent process if it becomes infected when an injury is received, or because of insufficient processing and attachment of a secondary pathogenic microbial flora.

No one is immune to damage to the integrity of the skin, from purulent wounds, which are the result of complications of incorrect and untimely treatment of injured wound surfaces. Therefore, you need to know how to properly treat wounds, what drugs and products can be used.

Any suppuration is fraught with troubles, and with weakening of the body, there is a possibility of gangrene development. The issue of treating purulent wounds at home is very serious. And it can only be carried out in consultation with the treating surgeon.


Ulcers and purulent formations, their types

Ulcer is a lumen with a purulent fluid around which the originIT inflammation. The disease occurs against the background of infection of any wound( cut, scratch, puncture, etc.).

Pus is formed due to penetration into the wound of a pathogenic microorganism. Purulent contents are lymph with a mass of dead white blood cells as a result of fighting bacteria.

Purulent formation can occur in any part of the body, but is most common on the foot, arm, buttocks, abdomen, on the finger. Pus may have a thick or liquid consistency, as well as a different color.

The color of the contents of the ulcer sometimes helps to determine the type of pathogen infection:

  1. the whitish and yellowish color of the dense structure indicates the infection of the bacterium with staphylococcus aureus;
  2. , with a liquid consistency of a brownish-yellow hue, it is an E. coli;
  3. for the watery structure of yellow and green is characterized by infection with streptococcus;
  4. brown stinking liquid - anaerobic microbes;
  5. if the hue of the pus is inside yellow, but when it comes in contact with the air, it changes color, then it is a Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

What are the possible symptoms of purulent wounds?

We list the most common signs of the manifestation of the disease:

  1. Sticking, pulsating or pressing pain.
  2. Redness of the skin around the lesion.
  3. On palpation, the burning of the skin is felt.
  4. Skin discoloration at the site of pathology localization.
  5. Swelling and headache.
  6. Increased body temperature, chills, weakness.
  7. Loss of appetite and increased sweating.

Infection: causes of

It is understood that purulent wounds occur due to infection. But then why does one person immediately notice the inflammatory process, and the other not? It turns out that there are certain factors that affect the transformation of a simple wound into a purulent form.

First of all, it is the weakened immunity and presence of some pathologies( a diabetes, a HIV-infection and other).A huge role is played by climatic conditions( high humidity), extensive pollution of the area.

A pathogenic microorganism can be infiltrated by dirty hands or using non-sterile processing materials.

How to help a patient?

The first question that arises is how to treat a purulent wound. Because on this depends the effectiveness and duration of subsequent therapy.

Not everyone is ready to go with such a minor problem to the clinic. And it is not always possible to consult a doctor right away, so you need to know the rules of the primary treatment:

  1. Wash and disinfect the wound. Than it is possible to wash out? Probably every house has a first aid kit, and in it - hydrogen peroxide .Use it. It is possible, as an option, to use " Furacilin " diluted in water potassium permanganate or solution " Chlorhexidine ".
  2. Next, you need to process the area around the wound. For this, you can take the diamond greens or iodine .Spread around the skin and the edges of the wound. Then it is necessary to make a dressing( to impose a sterile bandage).
  3. Further care involves the application of ointments, daily rinsing and other treatments.
  4. In especially neglected cases, the doctor prescribes surgery. For example, if the wound is torn, open, with the presence of foreign bodies. The surgeon conducts deep cleaning, removing blood clots, debris, dead tissue and cells. This will speed up the healing process. If necessary, the doctor cuts out uneven edges, then stitches.

Quite often the doctor suggests introducing a special serum against tetanus, and with bites, not vaccinated animals, a rabies vaccine. Do not give up the procedure, as this will prevent complications.

Treatment of wounds, general rules

The algorithm for treatment of purulent lesions is based on the removal of the deadened epithelium, purification from purulent fluid, acceleration of regeneration processes and prevention of the development and growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

For the treatment you will need a sterile bandage and gauze wipes, scissors, washed in alcohol, sterile gloves, sticking plaster, solutions and ointments.

Initially, the area around the wound is washed and treated with hydrogen peroxide, manganese or other solutions. Then cut with a scissor a sterile napkin to the size of the wound, apply an ointment on it and attach it to the hearth. After that, bandage. All manipulations should be done with gloves.

If you are removing a bandage with accumulated pus, do it with rubber gloves. After removing the purulent napkin, replace the gloves. Otherwise, you risk spreading the infection through the body.

Treatment of purulent wounds, effective methods of

Before you treat purulent wounds, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic methods. Medical principles of treatment include the following:

  1. cleansing from purulent fluid and dead tissue, cells;
  2. neutralization of swelling and other symptoms;
  3. destruction of bacteria.

If pus can not be removed naturally, drainage is performed. It can be passive and active.

In the first case, drainage from tubes, strips, turundas and napkins moistened in antiseptics is used. Active draining involves the use of devices for aspiration.

Antibiotic therapy

Since purulent wounds are an infectious group, the need is the use of antibiotics. Depending on the severity of suppuration used a variety of forms of drugs.

For example, with a slight suppuration, there is sufficient local exposure, and in more complex cases, treatment is complex. That is, wounds are treated with antibacterial ointments and solutions, and inside the patient takes pills. Quite often, injections are prescribed.

The most popular antibiotics for purulent wounds:

  1. tetracyclines;
  2. cephalosporins;
  3. penicillins.

Ointments and creams from the pharmacy: the best

Well heals wounds ointments and creams of pharmacy production.

Modern pharmacology produces a huge number of universal ointments that have a comprehensive effect. But what ointment to use for purulent wounds in a particular case, will be decided by the attending physician and directly, you yourself.

The best ointments, list:

  1. " Eplan " refers to a universal remedy, as it is used not only to treat purulent wounds, but also for dermatitis, ulcerative lesions, burns. Ointment has microbicidal properties, due to which harmful bacteria are suppressed. Also, the drug regenerates damaged tissue. In the composition there are no antibiotics, synthetic harmful additives and hormones. It is strictly forbidden to use with bleeding wounds, as the ointment has an anticoagulant effect( the blood is poorly coagulated).
  2. " Baneocin " refers to an antibacterial group. Quickly heals wounds, destroys bacteria, speeds up metabolic processes and anesthetizes. It is recommended to use it in the recovery stages or immediately after the injury, as it is intended to be applied to a clean cavity. You can also use after a deep cleansing from a purulent liquid.
  3. Ointment Vishnevskogo used since Soviet times, but now has not lost its popularity. Has another pharmacological name - "Liniment Balsamic".Is an antiseptic. Neutralizes bacteria, eliminates inflammatory processes, has an immunomodulatory effect at the local level. Due to the irritating effect on the tissue receptors, microcirculation of the blood and the healing process of tissues are accelerated.
  4. Salicylic and ichthyol ointment is an antibiotic. Relieves pain syndrome, regenerates tissues, destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. The streptocid ointment is used only for superficial suppuration and the presence of streptococcus bacteria. It stops the growth and multiplication of the pathogen.
  6. " Rescuer " is available in the form of balm. The peculiarity is that a thin film forms after application, so deep cleaning is necessary.
  7. Ointments for purulent wounds " Levomekol " refers to a group of antibiotics and reparants. In addition to regenerating tissues and destroying bacteria, it also cleans the wound cavity.
  8. " Solcoseryl " is used only for the wiping type of wounds. Before application, clean and dry the surface.
  9. Group of ointments: " Heparin ", " Troxevasin ", " Dolobene ".They do not destroy bacteria, but quickly eliminate the symptoms. Have analgesic effect and absorbency. Eliminate the inflammation, dilute the blood, not allowing the wound to form bloody clots.

Pharmacological solutions

Treatment with pharmacological solutions is also used, here the most common and popular drugs:

  1. " Dimexid " is produced in the form of a solution, ointment and concentrate for dilution of the solution. Has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, analgesic and antiseptic action. After treatment with such a solution, the susceptibility of the skin to other drugs is enhanced. That is, they are easier to digest and act faster. The solution can wash the wound, apply a compress or applique.
  2. " Dioxydin " is available in the form of solutions and ointments. It is a synthetic antibacterial drug. Has a comprehensive impact. Destroys bacteria through hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide, which destroys the walls of bacterial cells.
  3. Hypertonic salt solution, in another way " Sodium Chloride ".Refers to physiotherapeutic fluid and active sorbent. For treatment is used in a concentration of 0.9%.Isotonic solution is able to draw in itself purulent fluids, which are in the tissues and cells of the body. Along with pus come out and pathogenic bacteria. Feature: live healthy cells, white blood cells and red blood cells are not damaged.

Recipes of traditional medicine - treatment at home

Modern medicine does not deny the positive effects of medicinal herbs and other components used in folk medicine.

After all, many drugs are made from extracts and plant extracts. Therefore, popular means are popular.

Ointment according to the method of Juna

Juna is a folk healer, thanks to which many people got rid of various pathologies. One of her recipes is Juna's unique ointment.

Although she personally claimed that this remedy came from the people, and she only recommended it. The ointment is able to draw out any purulent fluid in a short time.

So, you need 1 egg yolk of a raw egg, 1 tsp.honey and 1 tbsp.l.wheat flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and refrigerate.

If necessary, apply the resulting mixture directly to the hearth by covering it with a piece of toilet paper or a paper towel. Be sure to apply a protective bandage.

Ointment can be changed every 3 hours throughout the day. If you want to leave it for the night, leave it boldly. After removal, you will find pus accumulations that need to be removed. If there is no purulent fluid, then top another layer of the mixture.

Aloe vera

Aloe belongs to a bactericidal plant that destroys the pathogen, draws pus and heals.

But how to use aloe in the right way to achieve maximum effect? There are several ways:

  1. Wash the plant leaf and cut it along. Attach to the affected area by fixing. To increase the antibacterial effect, you can drop a little iodine.
  2. Aloe is peeled and finely chopped. Kashitsu put on the wound.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the cleared plant, blot it with a gauze napkin and attach it to the injury site.

Aloe must be changed every 2-3 hours. Try to use a 3-year-old plant. Be sure to treat the wound with any solution before the procedure.

Horseradish home, recipes

Horseradish is a powerful antibacterial plant, so it is used to treat purulent formations. Horseradish infusion is used as lotions, compresses and solutions for washing.

Variant 1 : Grind the root part, take 1 tbsp.l.and fill it with boiling water. To insist it is desirable in a thermos for 1 hour.

Option 2 : You can make a tincture of fresh leaves. Weigh 200 grams of the plant and twist the leaves through a meat grinder. You should get a gruel, which you need to pour 1 liter of boiled water( the temperature is slightly above room temperature).

Now place the mixture in a glass jar and close it tightly. It takes 12 hours to insist. Do not forget to stir the ingredients periodically during this time.

Household soap

Soda solution helps to thin out a purulent liquid that has a thick consistency, so that it will soon come out. Make a solution of soda and water in a ratio of 2: 10. Now moisten the gauze in it and attach it for 15-20 minutes to the hearth.

Salt solution

Salt solution for treatment of purulent wounds is used most often, because salt promotes rapid healing. To prepare the solution, take water and salt in a ratio of 10: 1( not more).Apply similarly to the previous method. You can not do compresses. If you have a disease localized on the finger or leg, you can make warm baths from saline.

More options for treatment

  1. Compresses can be made from welded and crushed potatoes .
  2. Washing the wounds is recommended by decoction of chamomile .
  3. baked onion works great. To do this, cut a small onion into halves, separate 1-2 layers and lightly bake in an oven or fry in a pan without oil. Attach the onion to the wound for the night.
  4. You can use Brown Economic Soap .Rub it on a grater, moisten the hearth. Pour the soap on top. Make a dressing and leave for 5-8 hours.

Try not to engage in self-medication, this can lead to complications. It is better to consult with the doctor, as for each type of bacteria can be assigned to a separate group of drugs. And then you will easily get rid of a purulent wound!

Source: edition of the publication http://lechenie-narodom.ru/lechenie-gnojnyh-ran-v-domashnih-usloviyah/