A sample and a form for filling out the vacation schedule in 2018-2019

The schedule of holidays - a form and a sample of its completion in 2018 and 2019 will be needed both for employers with experience and for businessmen who are just starting their business.

In this article, we will consider: what is this - the schedule of holidays, why and who needs it; when to draw up it and who and how it does it; the nuances of scheduling in the "child" and preferential factors, as affects the transfer of rest days.


Schedule of holidays: what is it, why and who needs it?

The vacation schedule is an internal document of the organization, taking into account the interests of the employer and the work collective. Thanks to it, the rights of employees to the annual leave are realized and the continuity of the production activity is maintained.

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The schedule of holidays is equally important for the administration of the institution (firm) and for its employees. Qualitative drawing up of the schedule allows to minimize conflicts and confusion on questions of leaving of workers in the next holidays.

In Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation you can find information on the schedule of holidays determining the annual rest period for all members of the work collective of the organization.

. At the same time, there is no clarification in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation on the number of employees, under which it is obligatory to draw up a schedule. Simultaneously, we can say that the document is very necessary with a large number of workers in the team.

Likewise, the law provides for fines in case of untimely execution of the vacation schedule. You should know that the punishment of the director of an enterprise that ignored the requirement of labor legislation to draw up a vacation schedule is stipulated under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (a fine of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles), upon punishment of the legal entity, the fine will be more - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles

Moreover, upon repeated admission of a violation, the head of the firm may be disqualified for 1-3 years or punished with a larger fine from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, and a legal person in this situation may be charged a sum of 50,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Schedule of holidays: when, by whom and how is the T-7 form issued?

Since the schedule of holidays is one of the personnel documents, the responsibility for its preparation and timely approval is assigned to the personnel specialist (personnel service) and the management of the enterprise.

The vacation schedule is drawn up according to the unified unified form T-7 (until recently).

This form of the T-7 form can be downloaded here (download form).

How to fill out the T-7 form?

All 10 columns of the T-7 form are filled with the following information, presented in seven paragraphs:

  1. column 1 - the name of the structural unit (office, chief mechanic department, labor protection department, financial department and others);
  2. Count 2 - position according to the staff schedule (director, secretary, locksmith and others);
  3. columns 3 and 4 - last name, first name, patronymic and personnel number of the employee;
  4. columns 5-9 - data on vacation (duration, start dates of rest - planned and actual);
  5. Count 8 - the basis for changing the planned vacation dates;
  6. column 9 - date of anticipated leave;
  7. column 10 is a note.

To date, the use of this unified form of vacation schedule is optional. At the same time, there is no ban on its use in labor legislation. Therefore, the choice is: fill in the T-7 form, or develop your own document similar to the name and purpose.

Most importantly, do it on time. Not later than 2 weeks before the end of the current year. Do not miscalculate on weekends, do a little earlier. For example, for 2019, the schedule of vacations should be developed, approved and familiarized with employees against the signature, at least until December 18, 2017 (not later!), Better do December 16, 2013.

Remember Article 123 of the LC RF. Which says about the approval of the schedule of holidays not later than two weeks before the start of the new calendar year!

Nuances of scheduling in the "child" aspect

Labor legislation affects the timing of leave in the schedule. We list the categories of employees who have the right to rest at a convenient time:

  1. spouses during the holidays of their wives for maternity (art. 123 of the LC RF);
  2. a parent or guardian working in the Far North, to accompany a child under the age of 18 to another area to the place of his admission to a university or college (art. 322 of the LC RF).
  3. one of the parents raising a disabled child under the age of 18 (art. 262.1 of the RF Customs Code).

To this category of the "child" aspect of the vacation schedule, one can also include the obligatory consideration of the opinion on the period of rest of an employee who has not reached adulthood (under the age of 18). For such a group of employees in the Labor Code of the RF holiday features are highlighted in a separate article 267.

Along with the vacation benefits for employees with children, do not forget about the restrictions. For example, in paragraph 20 of the ruling of the Supreme Court of 28.01.2014 No. 1, it is indicated that two or more holidays can not be used concurrently.

Remember that when scheduling a vacation schedule, one should not include the leave of employees on leave for caring for their child and working part-time.

Holiday schedule: "Preferential" regulators

The schedule of holidays should also take into account 1 group of employees for whom the employer is obliged to agree with any chosen periods of rest.

Among such employees can be identified:

  1. Honorary donors (the law of the Russian Federation "On the donation of blood and its components" of 20.07.2012 № 125-FZ);
  2. Heroes of Russia and Knights of the Order of Glory (Law of the Russian Federation "On the Status of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and Full Knights of the Order of Glory" from 15.01.1993 No. 4301-I);
  3. Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory (the law "On the provision of social guarantees to the Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory" from 09.01.1997 No. 5-FZ);
  4. Chernobyl victims (the law of the Russian Federation "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation due to the Chernobyl disaster" of 15.05.1991 No. 1244-I);
  5. persons who received a certain share of radiation in Semipalatinsk (Law "On Social Guarantees for Citizens exposed to radiation exposure due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk Test Site" of 10.01.2002 No. 2-FZ).
  6. employees of the internal affairs bodies, if they have not exercised their right to the basic leave stipulated by the schedule (the law "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" No. 342-FZ of 30.11.2011).

If the enterprise practices external compatibility, the part-time worker has the right to go on vacation at the same time as another rest in the main place of work (art. 286 of the LC RF).

The employer, when drawing up the vacation schedule, will also have to take into account the opinion of the employee - the spouse of the serviceman who has the right to go on vacation during the period of time coinciding with the husband's leave (the law "On the Status of Servicemen" No. 76-FZ of 27.05.1998).

What about the newcomers?

When drawing up the vacation schedule for 2019, which is approved in December 2018, it will not be possible to envisage all probable periods of rest for employees who entered work after the beginning of the calendar year (2018). Nevertheless, the lack of a planned release of a newcomer in the schedule does not save the administration from the obligation to provide it.

In accordance with Art. 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who has worked for this employer for six months has the right to leave.

In these cases, the personnel specialist (HR), in charge of the vacation schedule, can do so in the following ways:

  1. without changing the approved schedule, to issue leave by order (on the basis of the application of the employee and the decision of the administration);
  2. add a separate schedule to the schedule in which to reflect information about the vacations of newcomers (the registration of the holiday is made in the usual way).

How does the holiday schedule affect the holiday schedule?

The employee of the organization has the right to change the period of his vacation in consultation with the employer. This will allow articles 123 and 124 of the LC RF. The information on the transfer of leave is reflected in the vacation schedule in the specially designated graphs8and9.

The employee needs to write an application for the transfer of vacation, in which you want to specify the new dates of the vacation and reasons for changing the vacation period.

Also, the rest period can vary due to illness of the employee. Article 124 of the Labor Code obliges the employer in this case to prolong the leave or to transfer it for another term, recalculating in the latter case vacation pay.

To extend leave it is necessary, when the employee was ill before its beginning.

But, no matter what the situation and the details were, the employee writes a statement on the basis of which information on his transfer is included in the leave schedule. Special marks in the schedule for the extension of leave due to illness are not provided.

Adjustment of the terms of rest can occur not only for the personal circumstances of the employee, but also in connection with the production need.

For example, at the enterprise it is necessary to conduct a large-scale reconstruction of the production line in connection with the development of new activities and the introduction of improved technologies. Specialists engaged in this process and who answer each on their site for a certain set of activities are required to be present at the workplace for a long time, so they will not be able to go on leave for a production reason.

In this case, Article 124 of the LC RF is provided, which says that on the basis of the consent of the employee expressed in writing and the management's orders, leave is postponed to the next working year.

Where can I download the completed sample vacation schedule for 2018-2019?

Download the completed sample sample vacation schedule on this site:

Download sample vacation schedule filled out - 2018-2019

How to make a vacation schedule: a video tutorial?

Channel "What to do TV".

At the end of each year, the personnel of the HR department should draw up a schedule of vacations for the next year. What to look for, how to properly draw up documents, what features should be taken into account. In this issue, the Guide to Human Resources will help us answer these questions.

Thus, the schedule of holidays represents an agreed and approved schedule of rest periods for employees of the organization, which is binding for both parties to the employment contract.

Source: the editorial of the articlehttp://nalog-nalog.ru/otpusk_i_vremya_otdyha/grafik_otpuskov_-_blank_i_obrazec_zapolneniya/

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