Bronchitis acute in children and adults: symptoms and treatment

Bronchitis is bronchus inflammation , or a disease of the respiratory system, in which bronchial tubes are involved in the inflammatory process. Acute bronchitis is the most common reason for seeking medical help.

In most cases, the cause of bronchitis, in acute form, is infection( viral, bacterial), therefore treatment with antiviral drugs and / or antibiotics is required. Chronic bronchitis can become a complication of acute, or as a result of prolonged damaging effects of non-infectious irritants, for example, dust.

It happens when bronchitis due to edema of the mucous membrane is blocked bronchi, a bronchitis called obstructive. In this article we will consider acute bronchitis in adults and children, its symptoms and general recommendations for its treatment, review videos on the topic, and also learn how to treat and cure acute bronchitis with folk remedies at home and with the help of medical medicines and funds.


Causes of

Acute bronchitis is a frequent illness at any age. Almost always it develops as a result of an acute respiratory illness or flu. Of great importance is the state of the organism, the degree of its hardening and physical preparation.

Acute bronchitis rarely appears as an independent disease, often it is associated with inflammation of the trachea( tracheobronchitis) or laryngeal larynx( laryngotraheobronchitis).

Predisposing factors include colds, as well as chronic foci of infection, such as chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. Smoking plays an important role in the development of pulmonary diseases, greatly weakening the defenses of the body and leading to the destruction of lung tissue.

Symptoms and signs

In acute bronchitis patients complain of malaise, a feeling of tightness in the chest, a feeling of tickling along the course of the bronchi. The temperature can rise to 37-38 ° C.Appears dry agonizing cough. In the elderly, especially in weakened patients, the inflammatory process can spread to the smallest bronchi and even to the bronchioles. In this case, the general condition of the patient deteriorates sharply - intoxication, adynamia, tachycardia( rapid heart rate) develops. Breathing becomes superficial, the symptoms of heart failure quickly join.

When tracheobronchitis cough acquires a barking shade, it is very dry and painful, often has a paroxysmal character. Feeling is felt during the trachea. Associated laryngitis adds to the disease symptoms such as hoarseness of the voice or its complete loss.

A constant companion of the disease is a runny nose. After two to three weeks of illness, there may be disorders of the stool.

Treatment of acute bronchitis: general recommendations

Treatment of bronchitis depends on the provoking factor, such as the course and form of the disease.

In acute bronchitis, the onset of the disease is gradual, intoxication is weak, the temperature is raised slightly.

For bronchitis in the acute form of the patient it is desirable to put him to bed, recommending him an active position in bed( more movements to improve sputum discharge and avoid blockage of small bronchi).Useful massage, elevated position of the body in bed, therapeutic breathing exercises. Very important in acute bronchitis are distractions such as cans and mustard plasters, iodine mesh and pepper plaster. A good effect is given by the mustard foot baths ( on a bucket of hot water 1 a tablespoon of dry mustard or 5-6 mustard plasters. We need to steam your feet 10-15 minutes, no more pouring extra hot water. From the legs and a bucket cover with a blanket.

than to treat and cure acute bronchitis with folk remedies at home

Traditional medicine advises many effective home remedies, prescriptions and recommendations for the treatment of children and adults, but do not forget that a doctor's consultation is necessary, especially if you are going to treat a child.

Eucalyptus ball. Eucalyptus broth( 10 g of leaf per 200 ml of water).Boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, let it brew for 1 hour, strain, diluted with water( a glass of water 1 tablespoon of broth) is used for inhalation with bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.

Thuya. In Chinese folk medicine, decoction of the seed nuclei of thuja is used as an expectorant for bronchitis and bronchial asthma ( WITHOUT PREGNANCY!)

With pulmonary diseases accompanied by cough, Bulgarian healers recommend drinking the infusion of althea roots in half with the creeping thyme grass. To make infusion of 10 g of herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, cool 1 hour, strain, wring out and bring the volume to the original. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Inside fat from intestines melt on low heat, merge and place in a cool place. Dissolve in a glass hot milk dessert spoon of fat, drink in a hot kind of sips. For outdoor use, mix lard with turpentine or kerosene and rub it dry. It is recommended for both acute and chronic bronchitis.

A glass of oats and 4 medium size bulbs boil in 4 liters of water until 0.5 liters remains. Strain the mixture, and drink for 2 days. The drug is good for cough and inflammation in the bronchi.

Collection :

  1. mother-and-stepmother - 2 parts;
  2. oregano grass - 1 part;
  3. flowers of chamomile pharmacy - 2 parts.

Two tablespoons of the ground mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew in a warm place for 5-6 hours, strain. Take three times a day in a warm form for half a glass.

Boil 1.5 liters of water and put 400 g of any bran in boiling water. Then allow to cool slightly, strain and drink hot for a day instead of soup, compote and other liquids. This is a popular Serbian-Macedonian remedy for coughing, bronchitis and loss of voice.

In spring it is very useful to drink fresh birch juice or maple tree juice with milk.

Drink decoction of raisins( 1 tablespoon on a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes) with a small amount of onion juice.

Cut into small pieces and boil 10 bulbs and one garlic head in non-pasteurized milk until onions and garlic become soft. Strain and drink 1 tablespoon every hour throughout the day.

Mix rye, oats and barley in equal quantities. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture, 1 teaspoon chicory, half a teaspoon of purified bitter almonds 1 with a glass of boiling water. Drink like coffee, you can add hot milk.

2 tablespoons fresh butter, two yolks, 1 teaspoon of flour and two teaspoons of honey mix thoroughly. Take 4-5 times daily before meals.

In a half-liter bottle of wine , put 4 large sheets of aloe and insist 4 days. Take 1 dessert spoon 4 times a day.

Mix radish juice or carrot juice with milk( 1: 1).Take 1 tablespoon 6 times a day.

With a strong, unstoppable cough that does not allow the patient to fall asleep at night, inhalations with 2% Novocaine solution ( or 3% Dicain) can be offered. In a small teapot, pour ½ cup of water and add 2-3 ampoules of Novocain( or 5-7 drops of 3% Dicaine).Boil on low heat and breathe through the tip of the kettle or through a paper tube 5-10 minutes. The effect is remarkable.

Medical preparations and medicines

Treatment of bronchitis should be aimed at combating the causative agent of the disease, to stop or alleviate the painful symptoms:

  1. , if necessary and obvious signs of bacterial infection, antibiotics, sulfonamide preparations( in case of fever and with bronchiolitis - bed rest) are prescribed;
  2. reception of alkalis( Borjomi or soda with warm milk), with tracheitis - alkaline inhalation);
  3. plentiful hot drink, mustard plasters for inter-flechet area, cans;
  4. with bronospastic phenomena - Ephedrine, Belladonna, Codeine, Dionin;
  5. in later stages of the disease, when sputum is increasing, - expectorants( Thermopsis, Ipecacuana, althea root);
  6. if necessary - cardiovascular funds, oxygen;
  7. a good effect is given by drugs introduced in the form of aerosols.

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Acute bronchitis: prevention and treatment of

One of the frequent complications of antimicrobial therapy is associated diarrhea, which develops in about 5-30% of those taking antibiotics. The causes of this complication are toxic effects from taking antibiotics, a violation of the metabolism of bile acids and carbohydrates, as well as the growth of unwanted microorganisms as a result of suppression of normal intestinal microflora.

One of the most expedient ways to prevent inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, as well as the treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea is the use of probiotics. These drugs are living cultures of microorganisms that are injected naturally and have a positive effect on the physiological and immune responses of the body by restoring the function of its normal microflora. Moreover, probiotic preparations have not only a local but also a common anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to use them not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of local and systemic inflammatory processes.

The use of the preparation "Ecoflor", which belongs to the class of probiotics of the new generation, proved to be the best. It is a balanced combination of lacto and bifidobacteria and promotes immunity, reduces the risk of developing respiratory diseases, improves the adaptive capabilities of the body, including in children. The preparation is distinguished by a high concentration of useful microorganisms, each granule contains not less than 108 cfu / g. The drug is taken before meals before pouring in warm water. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the drug continues from ten days to two weeks.

Regular reception of the probiotic "Ecoflor" helps to strengthen immunity, reduces the need for antibiotics for colds, shortens the duration of the disease, if the patient falls ill, reduces the number of episodes of respiratory diseases, eliminates functional disorders of the intestine. Source:

Acute bronchitis: treatment with folk remedies and methods

Acute bronchitis in children. Doctor Komarovsky


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