Treatment of otitis in cats at home

At a cat an otitis, we can not cure, help or assist than can... can you have had this situation?


Lucy-Zerba _

Approximately, as in humans - penicillin - it is the first in the treatment of otitis.

Maria Evseeva

If your cat constantly shakes his head and scratches his ear with his paw, then she definitely has otitis. As a rule, if you have started a cat with this disease, then the otitis has become chronic. 80 percent of all cats suffer from such a disease. In principle, there is nothing terrible here, just when it has a complication, it starts to tear your ears terribly just plain. Take 70% isopropyl alcohol or medical alcohol, pat the cotton swab on the stick and clean it thoroughly with the ears. It is advisable to do this twice a day. After cleaning, drip into her ears for 1-2 drops of alcohol just-so and massage the ears at the base, so that the effect comes faster. In a short time your cat will become much easier and she at least sleeps "humanly"!
Try to drip hydrogen peroxide by two three drops in each ear, this is for rinsing. In the pharmacy, sell camphor alcohol or camphor oil, make tampons and as that, then adjust them in the cat's ears. This method was recommended by a veterinarian (with tampons)

instagram viewer

Margarita Borisovna

Otitis can be of an infectious origin and parasitic, namely, caused by an itch mite. The preparations will accordingly be DIFFERENT for the treatment of these forms of otitis media. Obviously, the diagnosis is not true.

Nastya Antonenkowa

we have the same cat (can not cure!

Rosalia Ismagilova

cefrodex drops. it is also necessary at the base of the ear to do antibiotics bicillin 3. for a while stop bathing and avoid getting water in your ears

Angela Merkel

Otitis in domestic animals

Treatment is carried out depending on the cause and degree of otitis media:

cleaning of the auditory meatus with physiological saline;
- medical drops are used;
- a long course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed;
- In the presence of a tumor process, surgical treatment is performed.

To prevent otitis media, it is necessary to avoid the reasons that can provoke it. Once a week to inspect and conduct hygienic treatment of the ear canal.

Self-medication can be dangerous for your animals, so you must have a full-time examination and a doctor's consultation.

Atit in cats



Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear. There are external otitis, that is, inflammation of the ear part located outside of the tympanic membrane, and the middle one is the inflammation of the middle ear.
The reasons that caused otitis in a cat may be different, but most often - an ear mite or a foreign body that has got into the ear.
A cat, sick with otitis, usually shakes its head, scratches its ears with its paws. Sometimes she with this disease keeps her head slightly to the side, since any change in the position of the head causes her pain.
When otitis can also be observed discharge from the ears, in severe cases even purulent. The inner side of the ear pinna of the ear of the ear is bright pink or red, swelling may be noticeable, a smell from the ears may appear.
Otitis requires immediate and vigorous treatment, as it easily passes into a chronic form and can lead to irreversible changes in the organs of hearing.
When treating otitis at home, use 70% isopropyl alcohol or medical alcohol, which is cleaned ears 2 times a day. After cleaning 1-2 drops of alcohol can be dripped into the ear and massage the cat's ears at their base in order to strengthen the action of the medicine.
If after 3 days there is no improvement, you need to see a doctor.


And what does the veterinarian say?

Yuliya Gulidova

Otitis can be catarrhal, and can be of parasitic origin. Do tests for the tick (their varieties are many), then depending on the results. Destroy the parasites, and then treat the otitis or just treat the otitis.

in love with sausage

It can be not a cold, but an ear mite. Urgently hand soskob from the ear to the ear mite. If it's a tick - do not worry. Now a lot of good drops, they quickly and reliably act.
Good luck. But to the vet - soon! Procrastination threatens the cat with deafness!


About the disease you have already written. Than it is caused too. There are ear drops Bars-complex preparation possessing acaricidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. It is used for the treatment and prevention of otodectosis (ear scabies) and inflammation of the external ear in dogs and cats.


Quickly, otitis can not be cured, especially if the mite "tried". Get ready morally for a couple of weeks scrupulously following the advice of a veterinarian, and do not fill anything in your ear - you can corrupt the skin of the ear canal. If it has already passed into a chronic form, but a secondary (secondary) microflora has joined - it may be necessary to pierce antibiotics. Appointments depend on the severity of the lesions and on the type of infection - if the tick is, then the treatment is one, if the fungus is different, if the allergy is a third, etc. Not seeing the beast, and especially on the Internet, you can advise a lot - no responsibility... Here people try and suffer your favorite animal.

How to treat otitis in a cat

Otitis means inflammation of the outer, middle or inner part of the ear. How to treat this disease depends on which part has inflamed and to what extent. It can be determined by a veterinarian.

Causes of otitis media

Otitis in cats can occur for several reasons. Among them is the accumulation of earwax and its subsequent decomposition; getting into the foreign body's ear; proliferation of wool inside the auricle; various injuries of the auricle. Also, otitis can be caused by the presence of ear mites (otodectosis).

Types of otitis and symptoms

Often there is inflammation of the external ear. This is the outer otitis media. Common symptoms of otitis in cats are redness or discharge, smell from the ears. The animal becomes restless, shakes its head, scratches the ear and reacts very aggressively to touching the sore spot. With purulent otitis, pus, fluid, or blood can be secreted.

With inflammation of the middle ear, the pet may experience pain when opening the mouth. In this case, he refuses to eat, because he can not chew food. If the cat has otitis media, other symptoms are possible, such as strabismus or discharge from the eyes. The animal can tilt its head towards the diseased ear.

Internal otitis occurs with a started form of inflammation of the external and middle ear. In the inner ear are the organs of hearing and balance. This is a serious form of the disease, the treatment of which often ends with surgical intervention.

Once you notice the symptoms of the cat, you should immediately consult a doctor. Before this, it is necessary to rinse the animal with a physiological saline so that the doctor can determine the degree of the disease.

Than to treat an otitis

In the mild form of external inflammation of the ear, special drops and ointment for the ears are usually prescribed. In difficult cases, antiseptic drugs. They are usually several: some are designed to deal with the cause, others are with inflammation. The liquid from the ear is removed with a 3% alcohol solution of salicylic or boric acid.

To treat otitis in cats, a doctor can prescribe a number of drugs: Dexamezaton, Sofrax, Propolis, Protargol, Trypsin, and Cyprinol. To treat inflammation of the middle ear, antibiotics and medical drops are prescribed.

In order to drip drops, you need to remove the wool from the auricle. Then, with a cotton swab, clean the ear passage from the sulfur and secretions. Vat should be moistened in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, boric acid (2%) or in a solution of furacilin. Then wet the remaining moisture with a gauze napkin.

If the doctor does not offer, ask him to take a scraping from the ear for analysis. This is necessary in order to exclude the appearance of otitis caused by ticks. Because in this case the treatment can be completely different.

Strictly it is not recommended to treat otitis independently! It must be remembered that as a result of untimely and incorrect treatment of otitis, the cat may remain deaf for life. And if the inflammation passes to the meninges, the pet may die.

The cat has a suspicion of otitis, how to cure at home


Alexey T

Buy "Otypaks" and bury it in her ears

young Cth

or "Otiphi, but it's best to start going to the vet when my dog ​​had otitis media and we were doing blockade ...

Klim Samgin

Go to the wind. clinic, there and the diagnosis correctly put and what and how to drip will tell, you as the diagnosis have defined, are assured of it or him !?

Ovsienko Natasha

Hello! There are very good drops in the ears-OTDEPIN! Get well!


they treat not a suspicion, but an established disease!

call Veta at home, and treat at home.

Och the black cat

Do not run, show the cat to the doctor! If she has otitis, I sympathize with her... From personal experience, when the ear has a continuous cannonade and pain, it is very inconvenient. By the way, I ended this operation.


You can also treat at home. even diagnose. If I invite home Veta with a lamp and a microscope. T. To. otitis is a consequence. You need to treat the cause.

Ear drops for cats

Usually, a cat is buried with ears in two situations - when it has an ear mite or otitis develops. What ear drops are needed for cats in each case - find out below.

Ear drops with a tick

Ear scabies or ear mites are one of the most common diseases in cats and dogs. Most often they are sick young and old. The causes of the disease can be several - contact with the sick animal, transmission of the pathogen from the mother, infection from shoes and clothing of the owners, etc.

Treatment is to maintain hygiene and the use of drops. If you see that your cat's ears are covered with oily, black crusts, she constantly scratches her ears and is nervous, which means that the ear mite does not give her rest. First, clean your ears with ear wax. Then treat with anti-malignant drug. Even if it is only the ear that is affected, both should be treated.

As a therapeutic drug can be used ear drops for cats Anandin, Otoferonol, Bars, Aurizon.

Anandine contains, mg permethrin, 20 mg glucamine-propylcarbacridone (anandine) and, 5 mg gramicidin C. First, the ears are carefully cleaned of sulfur and scabs with a swab dipped in the preparation, and then instilled in 3-5 drops in each ear canal. Then the ear is slightly massaged for a more even distribution of the drops. To treat it is necessary 3-7 days.

Oferironol-premium contains,% permethrin, dimexide, glycerin, dexamethasone phosphate disodium salt, isopropyl alcohol. Before use, the ears are cleaned of contamination and the effects of the disease with a swab dipped in the preparation, then instilled in 3-5 drops in each ear. After that, the ear is folded in half and massaged at the base. Treatment lasts 5-7 days.

The effectiveness of drops Bars is based on the antifungal action of the main substance - dimpilate (diazinon). Before using the drug, the ears are cleaned, then 3 drops are added to each ear, massaged at the base of the ears. The course of treatment consists of two procedures with an interval of 5-7 days.

The aurizone in its composition has 3 mg of marbofloxacin, clotrimazole 10 mg and dexamethasone acetate, mg.

In the cleaned ears pour in 10 drops of the drug, then massage their base. The course of treatment is a week.

Ear drops for cats with otitis

If the cat is suspected of having otitis media, you should immediately contact the veterinarian. Only after the analysis and examination, he will appoint your doctor competent treatment.

To remove the same symptoms and ease the condition, effective complex drops of otitis for cats - Aurikan, Otibiovet, Otibiovin, Otonazol. These drops relieve inflammation and destroy fungi and bacteria, temporarily becoming a cure for otitis media. But in general, the condition requires an integrated approach to treatment.

Otitis in the cat. What can be treated with otitis in a cat at home? there are no mites. From the ear stinks and pus flows


Natalia Artemenko

And why so launched? Any drops in the ears with an antibiotic, once a method of tying to get ready. And in an amicable way - it is first necessary to pass the tests, then to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics, and only then to select the drug. The same staphylococcus, if treated as horrible, develops resistance to anitibiotics, and then the animal can not help.
And considering your addition - especially - first the tests, then - the treatment.
The analysis is not on ticks - but the tank. seeding with a subsequent test for sensitivity to antibiotics.

ken laeda

Powder for the ears is yellowish with an indescribable odor. In the vetaptek.

Nikolai Saveliev

urgently to vetenaru, otherwise it will deafen and pus in the brain will go.


First you need to find out the cause of otitis, it can be both bacterial and fungal. Treatment in these cases is different. Carry the cat to the veterinarian, let him take a smear from the ear and give it to the laboratory, where the pathogen and its sensitivity to the drugs will be determined. What drug the doctor will recommend - so you will be treated at home.


a drop of slightly-alcohol, you can alcohol. calcine solution
duly 2-3 times a day

Marina Koltunova

A thousand times already wrote on this topic. Do not engage in "tykom lead your otitis before the inflammation of the meninges, the third of your cat... Only through the doctor-that will appoint or nominate, that and will treat "in house conditions" ...

Otitis in cats: symptoms and treatment of ear disease

Otitis in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed in this article, causes great suffering to animals. After all, a beautiful rumor is extremely important for your graceful pet. Otitis in cats, whose symptoms and treatment depend on the etiology of the disease, greatly undermines the animal's ability to navigate in space. Let's list the reasons that this unpleasant disease can cause.

Otitis in cats, symptoms

Problems with the ears can be caused by mites, fungal infections, ingestion of a foreign body, trauma, tumor. All these factors cause in the auditory canal an inflammatory process called otitis. In cats, the symptoms and treatment of this disease is identified and prescribed by the veterinarian. Damage to the delicate ear skin with a mite or fungus gives rise to the disease. The cat feels discomfort, combs the ears with paws. This she introduces an additional infection, as well as stimulates increased production of earwax, which is the environment for the causative agents of the disease. This vicious circle must be broken, because while the itching is not removed, the animal suffers.

It should be remembered that, once otitis in cats was diagnosed, treatment should be started immediately. Otherwise, from the external part of the ear canal inflammation will go deeper, reach the eardrum, which may in the future threaten deafness. In very neglected cases, otitis is complicated by meningitis.

Symptoms of otitis enumerate labor does not amount to - it is discharge from the ear, an unpleasant smell of earwax, swelling of the skin of the ear canal and its redness. The behavior of the cat says a lot. She scratches her ears, shakes her head, rubs her sore ear on the ground, becomes depressed, irritable, lethargic. Some animals have an appetite.

Otitis in cats: symptoms and treatment

The first thing a veterinarian should do is to identify the cause of the inflammation and eliminate it. This step may include removing ear mites, treating the fungus, or extracting a foreign object from the ear. At the same time, intense therapy with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. Auditory canals need to be cleaned regularly, because they accumulate secretions - this will help a solution of hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Also the doctor can prescribe a special veterinary lotion. Cotton sticks can not be used for this purpose - no matter how clever you are, there is always the opportunity to damage the cat's ear and aggravate her suffering. Washings are carried out in the following way: the animal needs to fix the head, inject the antibacterial drug into the ear, then massage the ear slightly and release the cat. It will shake out the liquid and dirt from your ear. Care must be taken not to injure the pet and not allow it to scratch or bite you. After curing, it is very important to take time to prevent otitis - scrub the sulfur with wet napkins and make sure that the cat does not get an ear mite.

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