Central venous vein thrombosis - causes and approach to treatment

Problems with blood circulation and blood vessels are always unpleasant, no matter in whatever system of the organism they arise. And in the visual and even more so.Therefore, thrombosis of the central vein of the retina is a very negative phenomenon and in many respects dangerous due to its consequences.We will understand what it is, how this pathology makes itself felt, and also what methods of combating it exist.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classifications
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medicines
    • 7.2Folk remedies
    • 7.3Surgically
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

Thrombosis of the central vein of the retina is a special eye disease that is characterized by impaired circulation in the designated vein.Usually everything is provoked by a thrombus located in the lumen.

Although the disease is not so dangerous in its current, it is extremely dangerous for its potential consequences.

Types and Classifications

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We can conditionally divide this pathology into three key stages:

  • Pretreblosis. At this stage the blood flow slows down somewhat, the vein becomes darker, and small, literally pinpoint hemorrhages can also be observed.
  • The second stage.Circulatory disturbances become much more pronounced. More active hemorrhages begin in the retina, tissues begin to swell.
  • The third stage.Begin atrophic or degenerative changes in the retina of the eye.


Although this form of thrombosis and can hypothetically develop separately, in practice it happens very rarely.Usually it is caused by other diseases, including:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • systemic vasculitis;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophilia;
  • various types of diseases associated with increased blood clotting.

These are the direct causes of this pathology, but there may also be indirect causes.Among other things, they include the following:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • increased use of alcohol;
  • infectious diseases of the eye of various types;
  • tumors (most often those that are inside the eye system);
  • swelling of the optic nerve;
  • overweight and a number of other reasons.


The symptomatology of the pathology in question may differ depending on the stage at which the disease is located.

Also, they can directly depend on the area of ​​the lesion and on the presence of additional small branches of blood vessels, thanks to which blood can flow out.

The main symptoms that arise in most cases include the following:

  • distortion of objects in the field of view;
  • reduction of visual acuity with the course of time;
  • Blurred vision without the characteristic painful sensations;
  • visual defects of any other kind.
Symptoms of central retinal vein thrombosis

Often the symptomatology is manifested at almost any time, but usually the most characteristic signs are formed precisely at night, when a person sleeps. And in the morning, when he awakens, the symptoms will manifest themselves in a most characteristic way.

Possible complications

As mentioned above, complications from this pathology significantly exceed the harm from the direct progress of this pathology itself.The most negative and, at the same time, the most common consequences are the following:

  • hemorrhage into the cavity of the eye;
  • development of neovascular glaucoma;
  • gradual loss of vision.


To diagnose the development of this form of thrombosis, first the specialist conducts a thorough questioning of the patient in order to assess the situation first.The basic symptomatology is identified, which the patient is able to identify on his own.For example, it is asked whether the patient has opacities, whether he has dark spots (cattle) and other "simple" symptoms before his eyes.

Scotoma eyes

If such spots are detected, then this can be a direct indication of where the thrombus is localized at the moment.

It is also very important that the doctor specify in the patient the presence of concomitant and previous diseases, which can clarify the nature of thrombosis.It is specified which medications are taken by the patient, because they can also affect the course of the disease. For example, diuretics and ingested contraceptives of various kinds strongly affect the circulatory system.

Then a comprehensive survey is carried out, which includes the following set of procedures:

  • Visometry.Be sure to check the visual acuity, because it is directly related to the form of the ongoing thrombosis.
Checking visual acuity (visometry)
  • Tonometry. Helps evaluate the internal eye pressure, which is important to know when comparing the indicators of healthy and diseased eyes.
  • Perimetry.Using this diagnostic method, you can determine the narrowing of the field of vision, which allows you to identify the places in which the retina is damaged.
  • Microperimetry. With its help, you can determine the threshold of sensitivity of the retina at its individual points.
  • Biomicroscopy.Helps to identify the shredding of the anterior chamber of the eye, which is an important criterion for determining the stage of development of thrombosis.
Conducting biomicroscopy of the eye

This is only a series of diagnostic measures that can be taken. In less typical situations, the doctor may prescribe less standard approaches to therapy.


No matter what type of disease was detected, treatment should be started as quickly as possible, because it is on this that the success of therapy depends.There are several approaches to treatment. If the help is rendered fast enough, then there is a chance to restore vision back to normal.


Effective may be conservative treatment, which consists in reducing the swelling in the eye with the use of clonidine, ethacrynic acid and similar agents.For the dilution of blood intravenously injected with a dropper solution of fibrinolysin. Also the doctor in individual cases can appoint angioprotectors, antispasmodics and corticosteroids.


Folk remedies

Self-medication with folk remedies is strongly discouraged, but it may be effective to take additional vitamins to help repair damaged tissues more quickly.


To cope with thrombosis of this type, often resort to laser coagulation, which can be no less effective than conservative treatment, and in some situations is more effective.

Laser Coagulation Procedure


To minimize the risk of the disease, you need to try:

  • promptly treat all diseases of the eyes and blood vessels, which can provoke this pathology;
  • to minimize the use of alcohol;
  • to lead an active lifestyle and not to allow the emergence of excess weight in high quantities.



Thrombosis of the central vein of the retina is a phenomenon that is not so dangerous in its essence, but which is extremely dangerous from the point of view of complications.The most dangerous is atrophy of the optic nerve.Do not run this pathology, if it suddenly manifested itself in you, you need to take the most prompt action that will allow it to cope. But do not self-medicate. So you only further aggravate the situation.Contact an ophthalmologist or a similar specialist to assess what you need to do to achieve the fastest recovery from this problem.