Cleansing the intestine from toxins and toxins at home with linseed flour and kefir

Slagging of the body is the main cause of the vast majority of diseases.
All kinds of harmful substances, deposited and accumulated, cause a decrease in immunity, malaise, general fatigue and other problems.

To prevent the effects of body contamination, you need to regularly clean it, in particular, the most important is cleaning the intestines.

A little about toxins
  • Purification of the intestine with water
  • With juices
  • Laxatives
  • Food for self-cleaning
  • With herbs
  • Who is contraindicated
  • Prevention and recommendations

  • For self-cleaning of the intestine, it is not necessary to consult a doctor and put an enema,because there are many other home methods.

    They are good for those who, for some reason or another, can or simply do not want to use an enema, and also that they release not only the large intestine but also the thin one.

    A little bit about the harm of toxins

    Before you resort to cleaning, you need to understand the essence of the problem.

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    If the intestine is slagged, it can contain up to 25 kg of slag stones.

    Over time.they decompose and release the products of disintegration falling into the blood.

    It is customary to call them toxins. Getting into different organs and tissues of the body, toxins can provoke a number of dangerous diseases.

    In addition, if the intestines are dirty, build-ups are formed, mucus and even mold are deposited.

    All this is a consequence of a careless attitude to one's own health, malnutrition and bad habits.

    If you want to keep your health in order, you need to take care of the qualitative cleansing of the intestines, which you can also do at home.

    Purification of the intestine with water

    This method is the simplest and most gentle, while it allows you to remove from the body even the largest and oldest "deposits".

    The first rule - accustom yourself every morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of warm clean water.

    And you know what it is possible to prepare masks for cleaning the face at home? Learn several recipes in the proposed article.

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    This will help to quickly start the metabolic processes, and begin cleansing the body.

    You can use salty water to clean the intestines. It does not suck blood from the intestine, but, on the contrary, it draws out the liquid itself, cleansing the intestinal wall and soaking the perennial growths.

    To prepare the solution, take salt( preferably sea salt, but you can also use a simple kitchen) and dilute it in water in the proportion of one teaspoon per liter.

    To drink liquid it is necessary in the morning on an empty stomach: first two glasses as water gets into the intestines from the stomach, and one more glass after.

    For about an hour and a half you need to drink about ten glasses, but their number should not be more than twelve. Some time later, there will be a urge to empty the intestines.

    You need to drink the solution until clear water is emitted during emptying. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to drink ordinary water, eat porridge and fruit.

    Such cleansing is carried out in a course of 3-5 procedures with a break in one or two days.

    Clear the bowels without enemas at home.helps the lemon-salt solution.

    It is practiced by yoga practitioners.

    Need a tablespoon of salt and juice of one lemon for one and a half liters of water.

    On the day of the procedure, you need to get up early, three hours before going out.

    It is necessary to drink one glass, and within a couple of minutes to do exercises like tilts and turns of the trunk. It is forbidden to lie. The next glass should be drunk after a couple of minutes, and then repeat the exercises.

    Usually, the desire to go to the toilet occurs after the fifth glass. Otherwise, you need to drink another glass.

    Using juices

    Vegetable and fruit juices are a great way to cleanse the intestines without enemas. It is better if they are natural and freshly squeezed.

    Any colorants and preservatives for cleansing are not allowed. You can drink one juice or mix different.

    Apple, carrot, pumpkin, citrus and other juices are useful. Two liters of juice should be divided into 5-6 portions and consumed throughout the day.

    And you know, Tips on how to take care of the skin around the eyes at home? Tips and folk recipes can be read in an article hidden under the link.

    About the best folk remedy for hair growth read here.

    On the page: http: // uhod-za-kozhej / skrab-dlya-tela.html it is written how to make a scrub from coffee for the body and from cellulite.

    This day you can not eat anything, only water is allowed. This cleaning can be done once a month. You can also use juices with laxative effect - beet or plum.

    They should be drunk a glass before each meal of .


    To purify the intestine, laxatives, both of chemical origin and natural, are often used.

    • Hay grass( Alexandrian leaf)

    Has a powerful laxative effect and is used to clean the bowels without enemas. You can drink it only to adults, and you also need to remember the side effects in case of an overdose.

    The course should not exceed 7 days. It is necessary to prepare on its basis a decoction. To do this, take a tablespoon of herbs on a glass of water, boil it for five minutes, and let it brew for 15 more minutes.

    You need to drink a third of a glass a couple of hours before bedtime. If necessary, the dose can be adjusted.

    Magnesium sulfate

    Magnesium sulfate is a bitter-salty aftertaste, and it has a laxative effect for the entire next day.

    It is necessary to take it with a calculation of 60 grams per glass of water.

    If you need to clean the small intestine, the dosage will be weaker: a teaspoon of sulphate to a glass of water. The course of admission is 20 days. You can repeat it twice a year.

    The laxative effect occurs within an hour of .

    With the removal of toxins, spasms and flatulence are possible.

    Castor oil

    Castor oil as a laxative is taken with a calculation of one gram per kg of body weight. For the small intestine, the course of treatment is 20 days with the calculation of 10-30 g of oil per third of the glass.

    It should be borne in mind that long-term intake of laxative, leads to the washing out of beneficial microflora.

    This can disrupt the absorption of nutrients by the body.

    Having taken a laxative, try not to eat until the intestines are cleansed.

    On average, it takes from half an hour to an hour to call up.

    Self-cleaning food

    You can cleanse the intestines without enema by using products with a laxative effect and / or more fiber. There are such ways:

    • A mixture of dried fruits .It is necessary to mix 250 grams of dried apricots, raisins and figs. It is recommended to add to them the soaked leaves of the hay. After the mixture, grind with a meat grinder, and take a tablespoon in the afternoon for a week.
    • Bran .Three times a day you need to eat 1-2 tablespoons of bran 15 minutes before meals, washing them with water.
      Bran is swollen in the intestines, and provides a qualitative cleaning of the mucosa. If applied incorrectly, side effects may occur in the form of increased gases and heaviness in the abdomen. For prevention, you can eat before meals so that the total daily dose does not exceed two tablespoons.
    • Oat broth .You need to boil 200 g of oats in two liters of water for 40 minutes. Eat 5 times a day for half a glass for 7 days.
    • Apples .The so-called apple unloading day helps a lot.
      During the day you need to eat 2 kg of apples, divided into 5-6 portions. You can also drink water and green tea.
      Experts recommend to resort to this method once a month.
    • Vegetable salad .It is recommended to consume beet, cabbage, carrot and celery salad in the morning.
      Salt and oil can not be added. If you have lowered the acidity of the stomach, it is better to add the juice of sauerkraut into the salad.
    • Porridge .Try to eat for breakfast and dinner porridge without salt for a week. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, millet are useful.
    • Kefir is a powerful cleansing and laxative effect. Unloading day, during which you drink only this sour-milk drink, you can repeat once a week.

    With the help of herbs

    Herbal products due to laxative and disinfecting effects can be successfully used for cleansing the bowels without enema.

    Cooked infusions and decoctions are drunk according to the standard scheme.

    Most often used chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, celandine.

    To whom is contraindicated

    Although, all methods of cleaning the intestines are considered very useful, there are contraindications.

    So, all experiments are prohibited for diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, ulcerous diseases, as well as oncological diseases.

    Contraindications are allergies to a product or its individual intolerance. In any case, before using any home cleaning method, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist.

    Prevention and recommendations

    To prevent repeated contamination of the intestine, you need to take care of your lifestyle.

    The following recommendations will help in this, useful not only for the intestines, but also for other organs and systems:

    • It is necessary to consume a lot of fiber .
      It includes fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes, bran bread. The daily rate of fiber is 25-35 grams.
    • Try to regularly include in the diet fermented milk products .
    • It is necessary to make a general adjustment of the diet.
      Minimize the use of sweets, flour, canned food, semi-finished products. For the intestines is harmful and overeating - try to eat less and more .
    • Pay attention to your snacks. Forget about harmful cookies and fast food, replacing them with fruits, dried fruits, nuts or the same fermented milk products.
    • Use on a tablespoon of flax seeds every day. Add them to soups, salads, porridges.
    • Drink a sufficient amount of fluid, even if you do not feel thirsty. Be sure to drink a glass of clean water on an empty stomach.
    • As a laxative, you can take cabbage pickle .Enough of half a glass.
      Pre-warm up is recommended.
    • Try to lead an active lifestyle and move more.
    • Do not abuse alcohol .
    As you can see, it is quite simple and realistic to clean the intestines at home without enemas. Regularly doing the above procedures, you will normalize the state of the whole body, you can regain lost vigor and energy, as well as lose weight.

    What products are needed to cleanse the body you will see in the video.

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