What is dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is an ailment in which the cornea experiences a lack of tear fluid, and the conjunctiva is affected. The disease develops when the eyeball lacks a tear fluid (for various reasons). There is a thin film on the surface of the eye. Dry eye syndrome occurs when this film evaporates rapidly.The result is a violation of the production of mucin and tear fluid. With the syndrome of dry eyes, lipid metabolism is disturbed.The disease is diagnosed in 14% of the population, mainly in women. In the development of the syndrome, age plays a role: people over 45 years old suffer from a lack of tear fluid. The first sign of a disease can be a difficult perception of the text. About the symptoms and treatment of dry eye syndrome, read this article.


  • 1Causes
  • 2Symptoms
  • 3Possible complications
  • 4Treatment
    • 4.1Medication
    • 4.2Surgically
  • 5Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions


Dry eye syndrome causes discomfort. The main cause of the disease is inadequate production of tear fluid.

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  1. Syndrome of dry eyes can occur against the background of autoimmune diseases associated with connective tissue.
  2. The disease develops with endocrine ophthalmopathy.
  3. Dry eye syndrome is often associated with pathologies that affect the hematopoiesis system.
  4. There are cases when the ailment developed against the background of lymphoma (cancer disease).
  5. The cause of "dry eyes" may be a neurological disorder, for example, Parkinson's disease.
  6. The disease can indicate a pathology associated with the kidneys.
  7. Autoimmune skin diseases lead to dry eye syndrome.

If the disease associated with the connective tissue progresses, this tissue proliferates. The result is clogging of the sebaceous ducts.If a person is sick with Shcherbin syndrome, the sebaceous glands are affected. The result is a lack of tear fluid in the eyeballs.With the syndrome of Scherbina, the lacrimal fluid changes, becomes thicker. In this case, its properties are violated: the active components fight microbes worse. A separate group includes diseases that are associated with the organs of vision.

Dry eye syndrome may occur in people who have undergone eye surgery.Complex manipulations lead to the fact that the tear film does not stabilize. The disease appears against a background of chronic conjunctivitis, keratitis.Dry eyes are observed after the plasty of the cornea, blepharoplasty. There is a pathology called "Lagoftalm".

In a person with such a disease, the eyelids do not close completely, there is a lack of tear fluid. Blepharoplasty can provoke dry eye syndrome. The procedure should be performed by a highly qualified specialist.

There are predisposing factors.

  1. Dry eye syndrome can develop in people who sit at the computer for a long time.
  2. To the ailment of a person inclined, which is in a heated room for a long time (you need to periodically go out into the air).
  3. The predisposing factor is the wearing of contact lenses.To avoid "dry eyes you must follow the rules of use.
  4. According to statistics, people living in cities are more susceptible to this syndrome.
  5. The pathological condition can arise against the background of vitamin deficiency.
  6. The predisposing factor is genetic predisposition.
  7. The level of hormones plays a role in the development of the disease.Syndrome of dry eyes is observed when the level of estrogen changes.
  8. Disease often occurs in residents of cold regions.

If a person rarely blinks, the cornea loses sensitivity. Wearing contact lenses leads to dryness of the cornea. As we have already said, dry eye syndrome occurs due to diseases affecting the production of tear fluid.Hormonal contraceptives should be used with caution; the same applies to antihistamines, corticosteroids.


The dry eye syndrome has a two-sided nature: this means that the damage affects both eyes.

  1. The disease is manifested by dryness of the cornea.
  2. A person feels like a foreign body in the eyes.
  3. Symptoms of ailment are: burning, itching, allergies.
  4. Redness leads to the development of an inflammatory process.

If the tear film is damaged, it is vulnerable, respectively, the eyes are more prone to disease. If you observe that the eyelids stick together after sleep, you should be alert!It is recommended to consult a doctor. Some people have blurred vision: this symptom may indicate the disease in question.When a person blinks a tear film is updated, objects become more distinct.

Dry eye syndrome leads to lacrimation. In patients, photophobia (or acute perception of light) is observed. The peculiarity of the ailment is that the eyes acutely perceive pain. A person does not tolerate the instillation of the eyes.

Pain occurs in conditions where dry, dusty air. When developing a pathology, one should not be in a smoke-filled room. If the wind affects the cornea, the eyes become strained and painful.

Pathology is manifested by conjunctival secretions. The patient can see the threads of mucus. Symptom of the disease is conjunctival hyperemia. Very often, dry eye syndrome leads to burning and burning.But it is worth noting that these symptoms are manifested in various diseases. It is necessary to turn in time to the ophthalmologist and make a diagnosis. Specialist to identify the true cause of the disease.

Possible complications

Dry eye syndrome is dangerous complications. Eye tissues can be infected. Possible damage to the corneal layer, the formation of small erosion. The most dangerous consequence is loss of vision.



The diagnosis is based on symptoms.Biomicroscopy is performed. For treatment, medications identical to natural tears are used. The operation may be required in case of complications.As for medicines, the doctor can appoint Vidisik, Oftagel, Lakropos. These funds moisturize the cornea. Gels and drops are used every 2 days.

For the removal of inflammation, antibiotics, immunosuppressants (recommended by a doctor) can be used. Depending on the symptoms, the ophthalmologist can prescribe funds with tetracycline: as a rule, it is an ointment.Course of application - 8 days. Dry eyes and vision problems are observed in those who sit at the computer for a long time.You should provide the eyes with rest. You can apply moisturizing compounds that form a film on the surface of the eye. Effective drops with hyaluronic acid: they relieve fatigue. There is also an effective tool - computer glasses.

Such means differ in their effects. If eye fatigue is observed during the day, you need to use drops with protectors: they have a prolonging effect. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the composition of drops includes vitamin B12: it is an antioxidant.


  1. Depending on the nature of the pathology, the doctor can prescribe the obstruction of lacrimal ducts. The ducts are plugged with stoppers; result - a teardrop liquid accumulates on the cornea (dacryocystitis).
  2. Corneal surgery is carried out in the presence of indications. It is prescribed for necrosis, ulcers of the eye.
  3. Lateral tharzoraphasia. Indications for surgery are lagophthalmos.


  1. It is important to exclude harmful effects.
  2. You should eat well, consume liquid (pure water).
  3. It is necessary to be more often on air.
  4. Heated room should be ventilated.
  5. Avoid direct contact with gas and dangerous liquid.
  6. Do exercises for the eyes.

Signs of barley on the eye

The causes of yellow eyes sclera are described in this article.

What can not be done after eye surgery? http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lazernaya-korrekciya/posle-operacii-na-glaza-chto-delat-nelzya.html




Dry eye syndrome is not dangerous if it occurs separately from concomitant diseases. In this case, you need to see a doctor and use the drops that he will assign. Surgical treatment is required in rare cases: mainly the disease is treated with medications.

Read more about the drops of Ofloxacin in this article. And this article will tell you about the features of the application of droplets Okvis.