The baby does not have a runny nose

What to do when the child does not have a runny nose?

Rhinitis in the babyA child's rhinitis is a fairly common phenomenon, which often gives parents a lot of trouble immediately after the birth of their baby. Usually this process is easily treatable, but sometimes the child does not have a runny nose even for a month, which indicates the severity of the disease.On average, the duration of rhinitis is 5-7 days, but with the development of some complications, the inflammatory process can last for a long time.

When there is a protracted runny nose?

If a child does not have a runny nose for a long time, otolaryngologists diagnose chronic rhinitis. In this case, inflammation of two nasal passages is noted, which is not easy to cure. However, not always a protracted runny nose is a symptom of chronic rhinitis, often this sign indicates the development influenza, allergies, infectious diseases, respiratory disorders, adenoiditis. In some cases, nasal discharge occurs against the background of the resulting nose injury, then the treatment of the common cold does not bring relief to the patient and does not help reduce the secretion.

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As a rule, a protracted runny nose, which is a consequence of acute rhinitis, occurs in the cold

ARVItime of the year in the period of epidemics of respiratory viral or colds. On parents' question, why the child does not go through a runny nose for a long time, pediatricians, as a rule, point out the wrong treatment of the disease or even its absence.Erroneous is the opinion that the common cold does not represent any danger to the human body, and therefore it will pass by itself. Inflammatory process in the nasopharynx adversely affects other internal organs, especially bronchi, lungs and heart.Parents should seek emergency medical help if there are such symptoms in their children:
  • a prolonged runny nose, which has been observed for more than 10 days;
  • constantly stuffy nose, breathing through the mouth;
  • decreased or complete loss of sense of smell;
  • presence of yellow or green thick discharge from the nose;
  • itching in the nose;
  • lethargy, tiredness;
  • headache;
  • deterioration of sleep.

All these symptoms indicate a protracted runny nose, requiring compulsory treatment. Referring to a specialist will avoid serious consequences of chronic rhinitis.

BreastfeedingIn infants, a permanent runny nose, manifested by secretions of clear liquid mucus from the nose, indicates the development of an allergic reaction of the body. If such a phenomenon is observed immediately after the birth of a crumb, the most likely cause of a cold is the physiological process taking place in the body of the newborn. In this case, a protracted runny nose does not require treatment, parents only need to carry out certain activities aimed at caring for a baby spout.

To exclude recurrence of rhinitis, it is necessary to work on strengthening children's immunity. The child will benefit from a walk in the fresh air, trips to the sea, to the mountains, parents should enrich the baby's diet with healthy food, preferring fresh vegetables and fruits. If necessary, you can drink a multivitamin complex prescribed by a pediatrician. If a runny nose does not pass a month or more, there are serious reasons for concern, because the inflammatory process can lead to the development of sinusitis or otitis.

What should be the treatment?

To conduct the correct treatment of a prolonged inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, you need to understand the cause of its development. You should know that when treating young children, you should avoid using strong drugs that can cause serious complications in the child's body.

Treatment of an allergic rhinitis

Prolonged allergic rhinitis must be treated by eliminating the allergen. An allergic reaction can cause such things as:

  • down pillows;
  • bed dress;
  • Pets;
  • flowering plants and trees;
  • dust;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • chemical substances.

It is necessary to remove from the child's room all objects that provoke a morbid state of the body, daily to air the room and conduct wet cleaning in it. Almost always at the same time as a runny nose, allergy causes nasal congestion due to swelling of the mucous membrane. The most dangerous for the baby's life is puffiness of the larynx, which can also occur against the background of the course of the allergic process in the child's body. To avoid this unpleasant effect, children are prescribed antihistamines - Claritin, Citrine, Suprastin, Diazolin, Erius and some others.

Treatment of an infectious and viral cold

SARS in the childSometimes a runny nose in a child does not last a month if the disease has a viral or bacterial origin. This process is much more dangerous than allergy, because the infection can spread to other parts of the respiratory system. In the case of a viral illness, specialists usually prescribe Interferon, Arbidol, Aflubin, Anaferon to eliminate the common cold.

If you start to cure a cold for 10 days from the moment of its appearance, when the disease is not yet very much started, you can use folk methods.Parents should know that traditional medicine can be used with absolute certainty that they will not cause an allergic reaction.Rhinitis in children can be cured with the help of such treatment procedures:

  • Inhalationinhalation;
  • warming of the nasal sinuses;
  • warm foot baths;
  • washing the nose with saline solution;
  • burying in the nose of essential oils, decoctions and infusions of herbs;
  • acupressure.

If a child does not have a runny nose for a long time, despite his treatment, a thorough examination of the baby's body should be carried out in order to identify the pathologies that triggered the development of this process.

The child does not have a runny nose for more than two weeks ...


Personal Cabinet Removed

Treatment must prescribe, of course the doctor!
But there are means that will be useful always and in any case.
1) Folk, as described above
2) On herbs, for example VITAON [balm Karavaeva] (bury in the nose, heals all mucous and skin), SYNUPRET (drink, can even cure sinusitis).
3) And in most cases - it is desirable to instill something antimicrobial.
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Ira Manuzina

the doctor change is a genyantritis

Anna Protskaya

I wash my nose with chamomile and my feet should always be warm! consult a different doctor. but in general we have a runny nose that lasts 8-10 days! Get well!


Coryza - the same common phenomenon in children, as imprints of dirty children's little hand on the door. And when the children get together, the number of noses that drip out exceeds the number of healthy ones. This is because the cold is almost always accompanied by discharge from the nose, and according to experts, the average child has a cold about eight times a year. Add to this the fact that the cold spreads fastest with constantly moving hands, multiply it by the number times when children touch the same books and toys, and the result will be a huge number of noses, from which flows.
In addition, viruses are not the only culprits for nasal secretions. From the nose can flow due to cold air or allergens such as dust, wool and down animals, flower pollen.
Of course, the discharge from the nose has a positive side. It is a mechanism specially created by nature to cleanse the body. The nose from which it flows is of some use, because it helps to cleanse the body of bacteria, viruses, irritants and organic tissue residues associated with inflammatory processes.
But even a good one has some limits. If the nose is flowing too much or too often, it's annoying and causes anxiety for both you and your child. If this is the case, that's what the experts advise.
Convince the child to blow his nose in handkerchiefs. The most difficult thing in clearing the nose is to convince the child to blow his nose. One way to convince a child to blow his nose often is to give him a pack of his own paper handkerchiefs. Do so that they are on his favorite stickers depicting comic heroes, for example, Little Mermaid.
When should I see a doctor?
If you have a baby, you should consult a doctor if the discharge from your baby's nose is accompanied by high fever, or if these discharge interferes with eating or drinking.
As for older children, consult a doctor if discharge from the nose is accompanied by a temperature of 38.5 degrees or higher. If the discharge does not stop within two weeks or if they become yellowish and get a strong smell, also consult a doctor. Color, smell and cough - all this may indicate an infection that should be treated with antibiotics.
Teach him the habit of throwing them away. Used paper napkins should immediately be thrown away, otherwise your child can pass on his viral illness to other children. Make sure that there is a trash can near your child, and emphasize the need to throw handkerchiefs there.
Teach him to wash his hands after that. Studies show that infected hands spread viruses faster than sneezing. Remind your child that after blowing your nose you need to wash your hands, and after a while it will become a habit.


My wife is a doctor, and most often in such cases, uses folk remedies in the form of juice from onions through a pipette, or aloe juice, too, through a pipette


Can be allergic... It is necessary to hand over a blood on allergens, and as to consult at an ENT of the doctor.

Marina K

there is such a cool thing, called a shower for the nose!
find in the pharmacy! I experienced on myself and on children! for two days no rhinitis! and with drops you can burn the mucous membrane and it will be even worse!


it's bad that drops: (
It is necessary to estimate, what is it a rhinitis. if there is a mucus constantly, it's a sinusitis. if your nose is just hammered, then, most likely, a chronic cold. you need to take a snapshot of the sinuses. it is quite possible that you will have to moxibust (this is a fearless and virtually no-pain operation)


Do not worry, it will pass! As my grandmother says: the groomsmen or girlfriends will grow up (depending on the sex of the child) everything is drained :) !!


oh, just do not think to take advantage of advice or council "gladiolus" and to drop a reeku in a nose juice from an onions - sorzhoti nafig all mucous. A renite can be and allergic. Find a good ENT.


It most likely rhinitis. Here, looking at what stage: Dry, then you can try , 5% oksalinovayu ointment, but not vkoem case can not with menthol, as it can cause spasm of the glottis; if serous discharge, then you can try antiseptics and vasoconstrictor; if purulent, then the Kalanchoe juice. But it is necessary nevertheless to be checked up at the doctor that there was no complication-gajmorita.

The outsider

Up to three years there was a terrible problem Even a snoring was Then I asked for an attack from Laura for surgery - removed adenoids No more sniffles of this kind of snoring (Operation unpleasant, but we said that everyone is given radio-controlled cars and the roar was up to the ward, then all who operated with us played half a day before discharge) Now seven years old Vo sleep breathing nose and runny nose is not so often and not the same as it was (only the hardware was treated by Laura) Another problem with a runny nose from the septum is often
This is not a call to action, but information for consideration

At the child 3 weeks the rhinitis does not pass or take place. What can be cured?


Janna Karachun

it is already a genyantritis


try to smear your nose with oxolin ointment


Irisha, how old is the baby?? Beetroot drops help well, they are made in a pharmacy.

Ramil Zateev

If the child is over a year, you can safely use ointments: oxolinic or "Doctor Mom." You can 3-4 times a day on the wings of the nose from the outside, neatly not touching the eye area. Tested on children and grandchildren.


Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can be both an independent ailment, and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of colds contributes to hypothermia.
There are several good folk recipes for combating the common cold:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Brewed or fresh beet juice to dig in the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton swabs moistened in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day, help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging when digging in the wings of the nose.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix onion, mashed into a gruel, in a ratio of 1: 1 with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Leave for a day in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice to dig in the nose for 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) A wonderful remedy for the cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder to 7-8l. water), as well as drinking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons herb grasshopper (sold in pharmacies) 1L. water, boil for 3 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply in a warm form for irrigation of the nasal cavity with a strong rhinitis.
10) Mix in equal proportions of Kalanchoe juice and hunter's oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with the inhalation of St. John's wort.
11) Grind the onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. With this oil, treat the nasal mucosa with a strong cold.
12) Add 50 gr. pine buds with cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink with a strong runny nose 5-6 times a day with honey or jam.
13) Add 10gr. crushed kidney black poplar 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and strain. Drink 0.3 cup 3 times a day.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of herb peppermint 0.5 liter. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take 0.5 cups of hot infusion, sweetening with honey. Also rinse with this infusion of the nose.
15) Take 4 parts of aloe juice, 2 parts of gruel from hips, 2 parts of honey mixed in equal proportions with pork interior fat, 1 part of eucalyptus oil. Mix thoroughly. Tampons moistened with a mixture are inserted into each nostril alternately for 15 minutes.
16) Mix in equal proportions honey and hibernating oil. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with a cotton swab during the day and at bedtime.
17) Mix 1 tablespoon of hibernating oil with the same amount of petroleum jelly. Enter with a tampon into each nasal passage.
18) Pour 1 teaspoon of herb lawn grass 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. Bury in the nose or draw in the nose with a strong cold.
19) Add 10gr. herbs black-head (sold in pharmacies) 1 glass of vodka. Insist a day. Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
20) With a prolonged runny nose, dry leaves of the initial letter (sold in a pharmacy) crush into powder and snort 2-3 times a day.

Elena Kiseleva

You can try if the child is more than 10 months. 1 drop of beet + 1 drop of bale. water. 1 drop 3 times a day.
Aloe juice helps if the plant is more than 3 years old.
Inhalation (the age of the child is a pity that you did not specify)
In the pharmacy sold prorotol (where they make the medicine) if the nose is clogged, do not first dysplorum in order to breathe and then pradorgol to 1 or 2 drops 3 -4 times a day.
Usually it helps well after 5 days, the cold does not come. There are drops of karalgol, it is stronger than pra-torgola (with genyantritis and for a long time if the runny nose does not pass. It is a pity that you did not specify the age of the child.


Buy tablets Sinupret. Good help. My child is now receiving.


if you can not cure a runny nose within 10-14 days, consultation of an ENT doctor (both adults and children) is necessary. So you can not identify the cause.

Tischenko Larissa

For me, a drop was found on the basis of the serum water. Both vasoconstrictive and antibiotic, thus do not dry mucous. They are called Argolife. You can alternate with miramistin. And at night - pinosol. Ideally, you need to do a swab from the nasopharynx and sowing. And to drip depending on the flora and the presence of bacteria and fungi. Yes, these appointments were made to my child by the professor-immunologist Sizyakina L. P.

Irina Kobzar

a rhinitis more than 10 days is already complication-a sinusitis.. . drops alone will not do.. . need treatment


Drops in the nose "DYRINATE". Can be used from the first days of life. Very effective.


Vibrocil - droplets in the nose (vasoconstrictor and antiallergenic)


Nothing is worth trying, it's not a joke. We must run to Laura.

The child has not had a runny nose for a month already, which only did not help, does not help!



go to the doctor

Elena kudryashova

And to LORu to address tried or tasted?

*** SKARLETT ***

to the pediatrician did not try to descend or go? ..


to the allergist iditol - at you obviously not catarrhal. let them make samples

George Avramov

you need to take the juice of garlic, mix with vegetable oil (just a little bit of garlic just a little for five oils) and dip into the nose.


to the pediatric


And what does the ENT say? or you are not lucky with the lor at the place of residence? Then look for another. The reasons can be set, and it is necessary to search for them, only then it will be possible to cure the consequence - a rhinitis.


I have 9 months of the year, and it happens all year round.


can after the birth has not yet cleaned channels.
sea ​​water clean the spout.
and try to maintain the humidity in the air at home. they are dry Pts. quickly react, it is the stuffed spout. itself was excruciated with the.. .
towel hang on batteries, or buy a moisturizer, they are not expensive. and the bacteria are killed.


Runny nose can be allergic. Give the child a tablet of DYAZOLINE. And look, if the runny nose has passed, then it means that the child has an allergy.

The Maiden of the Sun

Maybe a vasomotor rhinitis? Mucous overdried (dry air, constant use of drops of vasoconstrictors) and cracked, it constantly settles microbes and runny nose becomes chronic. Try to lubricate your child with a nose twice a day with Viferon ointment or rinse with Aquamaris. Of course, this should be done after you have dripped vasoconstrictive drops (if you drip them). They say that beet juice mixed with honey - 1: 1 helps to drip into the nose. But (also they say, I did not try it myself) - very shchipet.


It depends on what age.
-Chimelin for children.
-Wear your feet with mustard. (not breastfed naturally).
- Overnight dry mustard in socks.
- Balm asterisk -perion.
- Snort finely chopped onions. At night put in a saucer near the bed.
- There is a onion.


A month is not much. Runny nose is a long-lasting affair. The nose is cleaned. Be like physiotherapy.


Remove the bread from the baby's food and flour products, replace them with porridges (except rice) and warm boiled vegetables. The result will surprise you! Health to your child. About a rhinitis of an allergic acute. Signs - red eyes. sneezing, runny nose is clear-mucous, light. So you will see for yourself.


shodite k allergologu.a eshe poprobuyte sok luka i med, tolko budet shipat`


Flower pollen (Vitamin excellence) propolis, www.

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child if a runny nose does not go away

Unfortunately, many modern parents are not serious about childhood rhinitis, considering it a trivial, treatment-free disease. They are right if the runny nose is short-lived, proceeds without complications, and the child is already quite old. However, if there is a prolonged runny nose - this is a serious reason to be on the alert.

What constitutes a prolonged runny nose in a child?

To begin with it is necessary to say that the category "long" gets a runny nose, which during proper treatment and compliance with all the doctor's recommendations does not take more than three weeks. In this case, as a rule, an additional examination in the form of computer or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-ray. These procedures, most often show the presence of a prolonged runny nose.

The development of the disease provokes prolonged uncontrolled breeding in the nasal passages of a viral infection, which destroys the immune system of the mucous membranes and into the sinus. Thus, between the duration of the common cold in children and the likelihood of its occurrence, as well as its severity, there is a direct dependence.

Early diagnosis is difficult, because the symptoms are, as a rule, smoothed and correspond to sluggish ARD or ARVI:

1. Runny nose, which does not last more than three weeks, with secretions of dark yellow or green.

2. Headache

3. Not dropping subtle temperature.

4. Weakness, lack of appetite.

5. Stomatitis and other skin rashes on the background of a general weakening of immunity.

6. The total blood test and the level of ESR indicates that the body is undergoing an inflammatory process.

7. Redness of the skin over the nasal and maxillary sinuses, tenderness when pressing.

When these symptoms are manifested in the aggregate, the child should immediately be taken to an ENT specialist. Self-treatment of a prolonged runny nose can not be engaged in any case, especially if an accurate diagnosis is not made.

Stages of prolonged pediatric rhinitis

Banal rhinitis is not always a harmless disease. If the runny nose does not go away for a long time, the ENT doctor should study the cause of the illness. In general, it is believed that the runny nose should go through a week, regardless of whether you treat it or not. Although if it is an allergic rhinitis, for example, in the spring, during the flowering of some acacia or any other plants that can cause irritation to your mucous membrane - it can last longer than a week. Also there is such a thing as a frequently repeated acute cold. In fact, this type of rhinitis is a defensive reaction of the body to external stimuli. And as soon as the body senses a threat from outside, it begins to produce mucus. This mucus consists of water and proteins that are able to withstand a possible infection. Especially this is manifested in the fall and spring, when the air is literally teeming with various bacteria that "seek refuge" in the form of the human body.

It is always important to remember the stages of the disease:

1. In the first stage, which lasts from 5 to a week, the common cold is not so much a symptom of a disease as its precursor. The mucus is quite fluid and transparent. Particular discomfort is not felt, if you do not take into account the constant need to blow your nose to breathe normally.

2. After a week, a cold, if it does not pass, then begins to change its structure. Mucus changes color, becomes thicker. A person can begin to get sore due to lack of oxygen, pawn ears, there may be a perspiration in the throat, especially when the person is in a horizontal position (i.e. To. a rhinitis starts to flow to a throat).

3. Further mucus begins to occupy the paranasal sinuses. Then the rhinitis becomes denser, the person speaks "in the nose" and to release the nose without much effort simply does not work. A person can feel pain in the area of ​​the cheeks and forehead, the sense of smell is lost, and even the taste buds can not work correctly. This can already be a serious "bell" to begin a very active treatment, since it is necessary to start it as soon as you feel that the runny nose does not pass a week.

Traditionally, rhinitis, which receives proper and timely treatment, must pass within seven days. In the case of a child or a weakened organism, this period is increased to ten to fourteen days. If the runny nose does not last longer, this indicates that there are some more serious pathologies in the body.

For more accurate diagnosis, you should contact an ENT doctor. It is possible that the diagnosis will be completely "harmless" and the cause of the disease will be a foreign body stuck in the nasal passage or chronic rhinitis caused by improper treatment. However, it may be that discomfort, weakness and constant leakage from the nose are caused by more serious problems - purulent sinusitis or sinusitis. These diseases require compulsory professional treatment. In some cases, it requires pumping pus, which occurs through the puncture of the nasal septum. This procedure is carried out, as a rule, in a stationary environment and requires the supervision of a doctor.

How to treat the disease if the runny nose does not go away?

Depending on the reason why you have a runny nose, and because of which it does not pass by itself - you can pick up certain medications. It can be moisturizing, vasoconstrictive, homeopathic, antihistamines (against allergies) and antiviral drops or sprays. Also there are drugs that penetrate purposefully into the paranasal sinuses, and due to the oil or cycle, which is part of - it frees them of excess mucus and removes inflammatory processes. In order to be treated for a cold that does not last for a long time, you need to determine the reason why it overcomes you. Only with this condition can you choose the correct methods of treatment.

In the event that there are no pathological causes for the disease, doctors recommend conducting symptomatic treatment aimed at alleviating the general condition of the patient, as well as improve immunity.

You can remove nasal congestion if you regularly wash the nasal sinuses with an unconcentrated saline solution. And the head, when carrying out this procedure should be kept in such a way that the saline solution does not flow into the nasopharynx, and does not flow back, but was as long as possible in the nasal passages.

With a prolonged runny nose, complicated by sinusitis, its conservative treatment is possible, which consists in taking anti-inflammatory drugs, washing and physical procedures. In other cases, the sinusitis is treated with a puncture, introducing an anti-inflammatory solution into the cavity of the sinus. As a rule, the treatment of children who are diagnosed with sinusitis is carried out in a hospital.

Traditional methods of treatment of the disease are widely represented in various sanatoriums, specializing in the treatment of these diseases. Traditional medicine, in turn, if the runny nose does not pass, recommends home inhalations from the decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs, as well as the inhalation of the smell of fresh garlic and onions.

Methods of treatment of prolonged protracted cold in children

If the rhinitis does not pass, it will cope with it especially in the child, it is difficult, but it is quite possible.

1. First, you must carefully monitor the level of humidity in the room, trying to ensure that this figure does not fall below 75%.

2. Secondly, completely stop taking vasoconstrictive drugs, replacing them with a weak solution of sea salt, which you can prepare yourself, or buy ready-made saline in the pharmacy.

3. In the third, regularly (2-3 times a day) lubricating the nasal passages with oil of vitamins A and E.

These measures will promote the early regeneration of the nasal mucosa and the restoration of all its functions.

In time, an untreated long-term runny nose is fraught with a number of complications, the most common of which are middle ear inflammations, as well as purulent and catarrhal otitis.

Especially dangerous is a prolonged runny nose in small (up to three years) children, small nasal sinuses are very quickly overflowing with pus and other organs located in the cranial box-ears, eyes, and the brain-are involved in the inflammatory process. The main task of doctors at this stage is to prevent the development of meningitis, so treatment of such children is carried out exclusively in the hospital.

How to cure a long rhinitis in a child with folk remedies?

In the event that the runny nose does not last for a long time, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, to exclude possible pathologies, the most common of which is sinusitis and sinusitis. If none of these diagnoses are confirmed, doctors recommend resorting to folk medicine, which slowly but surely will help cure even the most neglected chronic runny nose.

1. A good anti-inflammatory effect with a prolonged runny nose is freshly squeezed carrot juice, which is recommended to instill in 2-3 potassium in each nostril.

2. With a prolonged runny nose, you can interfere with two parts of beet juice with one part of honey, mix thoroughly and bury in your nasal passages five drops, every four hours.

3. Healers argue that all beekeeping products do a good job with a chronic runny nose. One of the recipes advises, soak the oil with propolis cotton swabs and insert them into the night in the nose. They say that three sessions are enough to make it easier. However, use this tool with caution, after making sure that the allergy to honey and its derivatives is absent.

4. Well remove the stuffiness of the nose hot foot baths with mustard. By the way, this burning powder can be found and another application - pour it into woolen socks and go to bed. As folk medicine provides for the use of mountaineers, only in this case they are put not on the chest, but on the heels.

5. Both official and traditional medicine agree in the common opinion that if the runny nose does not last for a long time, a good therapeutic effect will be washing the nose and nasal sinuses with saline. You can buy it as a ready-made drug in a pharmacy or cook yourself, mixing one part of sea salt with ten parts of distilled water. Rinse your nose as often as possible (at least four times a day). And in the event that the discharge from the nose is thick and have a greenish tinge, you should wash the nasal passages until the pure water begins to flow.

In order to appoint the right treatment, which will be effective, you need to undergo certain examinations. If you do not get treatment in time, you can have serious consequences. The most common is sinusitis. In addition to inflammation of the mucosa, it is accompanied by a serious inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The main symptoms of this disease are often fever, a feeling of "heaviness" or pain in the area of ​​the affected sinuses.

Similarly, with prolonged rhinitis, naturally the absence of smell, difficulties associated with breathing, headache, stuffiness of the ears. That is why it is important to monitor the state of the child and in time to consult specialists for advice.

Causes and prevention of prolonged protracted cold in children

Rhinitis in children is a common phenomenon. However, a prolonged runny nose in the child, if it does not pass a month or longer, should alert the parents and force them to turn to specialists for a more thorough examination.

As a rule, X-ray examination or magnetic resonance imaging helps to clarify the diagnosis of a cold in a child. Based on these procedures, one of the following conclusions is given.

1. The cause of the disease is sinusitis, that is, the inflammation of the sinuses, caused by the long-term presence in the nasal passages of pathogenic viruses. Symptoms of sinusitis are virtually indistinguishable from the clinical picture of ARI or another respiratory disease. However, left without treatment, a long rhinitis in children can provoke serious complications - from otitis to meningitis.

2. Genyantritis is a common complication after a flu or a prolonged runny nose that does not pass a month. Clinic of the disease is that pus accumulates in the nasal sinuses, causing inflammation.

3. Another cause of the disease may be improper treatment, from which the disease has passed into a chronic stage. As a rule, disturbances in the work of the respiratory system, in its nose, occur due to the abuse of nasal drops, which, drying the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, cause their edema, and as a result, shortness of breath.

Why not have a runny nose for a long time?

Many modern people complain that the cold does not go away for a long time. The reasons for this may be a lot:

1. Rhinitis, which has arisen against a cold, has not received proper treatment, and therefore, despite the improvement in the general condition of the body, the rhinitis continues.

2. Rhinitis moved to a chronic stage. The reason for this may be, as untimely treatment, and abuse of nasal drops, which do not treat, but only relieve the symptoms of the disease.

3. The disease is often not infectious, but allergic in nature, therefore, all antiviral drugs taken have absolutely no effect. Runny nose will continue until they detect and eliminate the allergen.

4. Coryza has a traumatic character. That is, the mucous membrane has mechanical, chemical or thermal damage and is constantly inflamed. Traumatic rhinitis, if the lesions are not strong, is treated with wound healing drugs, in other cases, surgical therapy is indicated.

5. Sometimes the rhinitis does not pass for a long time, because of the influence of an aggressive external environment. Smog, smoke, mechanical impurities in the air, provoke an additional allocation of mucus, which is perceived as a runny nose.

6. Sinusitis or sinusitis - complications after acute respiratory infections or influenza can also cause a prolonged runny nose. These are serious enough diseases that are fraught with a number of consequences, so they require compulsory treatment. In some cases, therapy is carried out in a hospital.

Prophylaxis of prolonged pediatric rhinitis

It is believed that if the runny nose does not go away for a long time, and serious pathologies are not detected, this symptom is the main evidence of weakened immunity. Therefore, children suffering from frequent cases of the disease are shown measures to strengthen the body's defenses:

1. Rejection of bad habits.

2. Regular sports, water procedures.

3. Eating large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables.

4. In order to reduce the likelihood of the disease, it is necessary every evening to arrange "aroma procedures" over a cut slice of garlic or onions. The phytoncides contained in these products can overcome any infection.

Also, people who do not have a runny nose for a long time should carefully monitor the surrounding climate. Air in the premises should not only be sufficiently moistened, but also cool, since the over-dried hot air, in addition provokes irritation of the nasal mucosa.

In addition to general strengthening of the body, programs for strengthening local immunity in the nasal sinuses are provided for adults and children susceptible to the disease. Similarly, patients with a "weak" nose should remember that they are categorically contraindicated in hypothermia, drafts and prolonged exposure to water.

To ensure that recurrence of rhinitis does not happen in the future, it is necessary to take care of the body's defenses - to limit consumption of "unhealthy" food, lead a measured lifestyle, exercise and take multivitamins.

© Author: Olga Rost

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