How to cure a cold

How to cure a cold for 1 day: methods of traditional medicine

For the treatment of colds often do not have enough time, especially in those people who are constantly busy with work. That is why the question of how to cure a cold in 1 day, effectively and without unpleasant consequences, is topical.

In fact, one day is not so little, even a day with proper behavior can improve the health.

How to get rid of a cold in 1 day, using a saline solution

How to cure a cold in one day, most likely, will tell folk medicine. The fact is that there are no such medications, the course of treatment which could be a whole day.

If you are exposed to rain, get cold, or feel that your body is infected with a virus, come home and immediately wash your nose. This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of a cold in 1 day, using saline.

For the procedure, you can buy special products based on sea water, but it will be cheaper to cook it yourself: a liter of warm boiled water will need a tablespoon of salt. The solution must be tightened with one nostril, so that it comes out on the other.

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Such a simple action, like washing the nose, will clear it of pathogenic microorganisms and prevent infection from penetrating deep into the body.

How to quickly cure a cold for 1 day to a child: warming up and inhalation

When the nose is cleared, the next step in the treatment of rhinitis will be the heating of the nasal sinuses. For dry heating, you can use a warm boiled egg or heated salt. How quickly to cure a cold in one day by heating? Just need to keep the wings of the nose warm, it will help to remove the inflammatory process and restore the function of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

If you ask a pediatrician how to cure a baby's cold for 1 day, he can recommend inhalation. For the procedure, you should warm up the water in a saucepan, pour a few drops of eucalyptus oil and breathe in pairs for 10-15 minutes. It is important that the water is not too hot, otherwise the mucous membrane may burn.

How to cure a cold in 1 day: therapeutic procedures

With the accelerated treatment of rhinitis at home, the following therapeutic procedures are popular:

1. Some people use mineral water without gas in the treatment of rhinitis.This remedy very well helps with the first signs of the disease. Mineral water should be washed every hour, and if possible, it is better to do it more often - once in half an hour. After washing the nose with mineral water before bed, the mucous membrane must be carefully lubricated with honey, if there is no allergy to this product.

2. Hot foot baths.Influencing heat on your legs, you can get rid of not only from the common cold, but also from other signs of a cold. It is useful to make mustard foot baths, and for the time of treatment, the feet should always be kept warm, wearing woolen socks. For the night in socks it is possible to pour dry mustard powder. This is one of the effective ways how to quickly cure a cold in 1 day, which can be used for adults and children.

3. If you find the first signs of a cold, you can use the onion.It should be rubbed on a grater, put on a napkin and put on the wings of the nose. The rhinitis will pass, and not having begun. It is also useful to breathe phytoncides onions and garlic or to drip the nose with garlic-onion juice.

4. On the first day of development of the common cold, you can get rid of it with the help of iodine.To do this, before going to bed on the wings of the nose, draw an iodine grid using a cotton swab. To protect the body from colds, it is also recommended to drink a glass of warm water for the night, adding 5 drops of iodine to it.

5. Want to know how to cure a cold in 1 day, so that the next morning feel good?Every hour, drip your nose with honey, diluted in water. To make drops, take honey and water in a ratio of 1: 10.

How to recover for 1 day from a cold: an effective medicine

If you do not have the opportunity to stay at home, you can improve your health and for 1 day. Do not forget that you have another night ahead, but at this time the body will not be distracted by anything and will be able to restore its strength. To accelerate the recovery process in an adult, you can drink an effective medicine at night: stir a teaspoon of red hot pepper in a glass of vodka. The substances present in red pepper dilate the blood vessels well, so the functioning of the nasopharynx can be normalized overnight. Drink such a medicine before bedtime, after which the patient should immediately go to bed. At the same time, you can make the procedure with mustard powder, pouring it into your socks.

Children do not need to try to cure a cold for a day, since it is important to ensure bed rest until full recovery. Intensive treatment for one day can have a heavy burden on the children's body. Having become acquainted with the methods for recovering from the common cold within 1 day, each person will be able to choose the most suitable treatment option for himself.

How to cure a cold in the home

Many at least once faced with the problem of how to cure a runny nose at home quickly and effectively, because this is a very common disease. Usually, under the common cold, or rhinitis, is meant inflammation of the nasal mucosa.Runny nose is rarely seen as an independent disease and most often is a symptom of some other disease.

The problem of the common cold

Very often a runny nose is accompanied by such unpleasant manifestations as:

  • nasal congestion and shortness of breath;
  • lack of full-time work, food, sleep;
  • and, finally, if the runny nose is allowed to run, then complications such as sinusitis, frontalitis, polyps, sinusitis, inflammation of the adenoids, otitis media, meningitis, etc.- all these are types of inflammatory processes, the treatment of which is more prolonged, costly and painful.

The main causes of the onset of the common cold include:

  • weakening of immunity and the impact of viruses on human health;
  • influence of ambient temperature on a person, hypothermia;
  • cases of curvature of the nasal septum, various injuries to the nose, any surgical intervention;
  • allergic reactions, prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs.
Subcooling is the cause of the common coldIn most cases, in order to completely cure a runny nose, it is necessary to influence not the most obvious symptom, but to seek and eliminate the cause of this symptom. Treatment of snot, too, should not be ruled out, as it can bring temporary relief to the patient and save the person from the discomfort caused by the runny nose.

Almost always the fight with the common cold begins at home, and consultation with a doctor is either postponed until the last moment, or completely ignored.

With the independent treatment of the common cold, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, the observance of which can guarantee a more effective, and therefore faster, disposal of the snot.

Treatment of a common cold is based on the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to constantly clean the nose of mucous secretions. The most effective method of purification is regular washing.
  2. If the runny nose is accompanied by a temperature of up to 38 degrees and above, the patient needs rest, taking antipyretic medications and consulting a doctor.
  3. Any vasoconstrictive medications are addictive and addictive and lose their effectiveness. Term of use of preparations of this type should not exceed 7 days.

Treatment of a cold in case of allergy

Nasal wash with runny noseIf an allergen is known, the best treatment for allergic rhinitis is limiting contact with allergens or completely excluding them.

For example, to exclude from the diet foods that cause an undesirable reaction, negate contact with animals, try to avoid smells, If possible, temporarily leave the region of residence in case of an allergic reaction to the pollen of flowering plants, etc. To determine the sources of allergy as accurately as possible, you will have to go to an allergist for an appointment.

To get rid of allergic rhinitis at home, you need to take care of the air in the room where the patient spends the most time. So, for example, most likely, you should get rid of "dust collectors" of various types - curtains, carpets, soft toys, etc., because it is they create excellent additional conditions for the accumulation of dust and other various allergens, toxic substances, bacteria of various types.

To combat allergic rhinitis, it is recommended to conduct a wet cleaning of the premises daily, as well as to regularly moisten the air by any available means. The most effective way is to use air humidifiers equipped with anti-allergenic filters. And, of course, the reception of antihistamines, recommendations for the reception of which were previously obtained from the treating doctor.

Rhinitis in hypothermia

Wet cleaning for prevention of coldsThe most important way to treat colds during hypothermia is, strangely enough, its prevention. Simply put, you need to dress on the weather, then hypothermia can be avoided.

If it was not possible to avoid it, and as a result of hypothermia, a person developed acute rhinitis, then in domestic the following measures will help to get rid of it: first of all, the person needs to be warmed.

You can do it by drinking it with hot tea with lemon or raspberry jam, hitting your feet in hot water with mustard. Then, warm socks are put on the patient's feet, the patient is wrapped up in a blanket and goes to bed.

If these measures are taken in an emergency, most likely, the next day from the cold will not remain a trace.

Rhinitis in case of colds and viral diseases

There are a variety of home remedies, some of which help to overcome the symptoms and get rid of the cold as well as medications. Folk recipes from the common cold in adults are able to compete with the disease "in a complex way", some products can successfully enhance the defenses of the body, the best fruit for these purposes is lemon.

Rinsing of the nasal cavity

Treatment of a runny nose at home involves primarily washing, which is very useful. As a result of such procedures:

Preparation of a saline solution for the nose
  • mucus containing viruses and microbes is removed;
  • moistens the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • edema is eliminated, the congestion becomes less or less.

Solutions with salt can be bought at any pharmacy or made by yourself. To prepare the solution you need 0.5 liters of warm boiled water and 1 tsp. salt.

Infusions are often made from any medicinal plants that have antiseptic properties. The most common herbs from the common cold are camomile flowers, marigolds, leaves of the string, sage. Widely used tincture of eucalyptus.

To achieve the best result in treating a runny nose at home, rinsing should be done several times during the day, as this is the most effective folk remedy for the common cold. Traditional medicine also offers the use of steam inhalations, but it is important to remember that their conduct is unacceptable at elevated temperature and high arterial pressure.

The best inhalations are those that are held in the old-fashioned way. Very useful is the inhalation of hot steam emanating from freshly brewed medicinal broth, bending over the container, covered with a blanket or towel. For the preparation of inhalant infusions or decoctions fit the same plants, which were mentioned earlier. The whole procedure should not last more than 15 minutes and after it a resting state is recommended, therefore the best time for inhalations is considered the time before bedtime.

Warming up and other methods

Use of aloe for rhinitisTo remove puffiness and get rid of stuffy nose will help warming up ordinary table salt. For the procedure, salt is heated in a pan, poured into a small tissue bag or a clean cotton socks. The bag is tied in such a way that salt does not spill out of it, and is applied to the nasal sinuses. The procedure time is 10 min. on each nostril. You can also warm the nasal sinuses with a freshly brewed chicken egg while it is hot.

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home? There are the following effective folk ways:

  • the inhalation of the vapors of freshly cut onions;
  • burying in the nose the juice of the leaves of aloe and / or Kalanchoe;
  • burying in the bow of beet juice.

This recipe is sometimes recommended even by otolaryngologists. From fresh beets squeeze the juice, give it to stand for 2-3 hours, after which it is bred in equal proportions with water and buried in the nose several times a day.

If the nasal mucosa is strongly irritated, a burning sensation may occur. In order to alleviate your fate and not suffer much from this procedure, you can use cotton or gauze tampons dipped in beet juice.

Very special for home use special labels with essential oils. They are stuck on clothes and inhale the pairs of medicinal essential oils for as long as the sticker is not removed. Sometimes iodine is recommended from the common cold.

In any case, due to possible complications, which are quite often, treatment of the common cold with folk remedies can not be abandoned halfway.

In addition to symptomatic treatment, it is very important to carry out complex therapy aimed at strengthening immunity, since the body needs additional resources to fight the common cold.

This is the most important condition for those who wish to quickly cure a runny nose in the home. Treatment of rhinitis is a simple matter, but requiring patience.

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home?

kak lechit-nasmork-v-domashnix-usloviyaxModern pharmacology offers a large number of different drugs from the common cold. Do not rush to buy them. It is better to prefer folk remedies for the common cold, which you can prepare yourself at home. Such drugs are safe and more effective.

Decoctions and infusions from the cold

For washing and instillation of the nose are used such plant components:

  • Licorice.
  • Motherwort.
  • Sage.
  • St. John's Wort.
  • Mother and stepmother.
  • Birch.
  • Mint.
  • The sequence.
  • Calendula.
  • Chamomile.
  • Fir.

Choose the plant that suits you, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to it, then prepare a decoction from it. In 500 ml of boiling water, brew 2 tablespoons of the selected plant. Insist 6 hours. Drip 3 drops in the nose or can be used as a wash.

Inhalation from the common cold at home

The best method is inhalation, with its help you can remove inflammation from the nasal mucosa. Independently prepare the funnel using thick paper. The wide end of the funnel should be on the edge of the dish, in which the solution is poured. Steam inhale through the narrow end of the funnel.

Use such effective solutions for inhalation:

  • In boiling water, dissolve the soda, then add a few drops of ethereal eucalyptus or pine oil. Due to soda, the nasal mucosa softens, mucus leaves much faster, essential oils destroy bacteria.
  • Inhalation with tincture of mint, eucalyptus or calendula. It is also an effective treatment for the common cold.
  • Suitable for inhalation are various herbal infusions, most importantly, that they do not have an allergic reaction.

The procedure is effective only if performed correctly. Breathe in your nose for about 15 minutes. On the street can not go out after inhalation, lie down under the blanket, keep warm and relax.

With a cold help ethereal pairs of garlic, onions. It is necessary to grate finely onion, garlic, put in a plate and put in the room where you are. So you will constantly breathe ethers.

Home drops in the nose

The pharmacy sells a large number of different drops for the nose, but not all of them are useful. You can prepare drops yourself at home:

  • Burial of oils to choose from, you can use menthol, cedar, fir.
  • It is recommended to drip carrot, beet juice in the nose, do not forget to dilute it with water beforehand. In a tablespoon of water, dissolve 1 drop of juice.
  • To relieve the condition with a cold helps juice of garlic, onions or plantain. A drop of juice is added to the tablespoon of water.
  • Improves the condition of the mucous membrane solution with honey. Prepare it uncomplicated, it is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of honey in 200 ml of water. You get anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops.
  • Effectively use drops with laurel leaves. In 300 ml of boiling water, brew 15 leaves. Wait until the water cools, then add a little salt and honey. Drip in the morning, at lunch and at night for 3 drops, until the symptoms completely disappear.

It is important to properly bury the nose, so you will increase the effectiveness of the facility. First, you must thoroughly clean the nose of mucus. After a little throw back the head, turn left and drip the left nostril. Wait about 2 minutes. Then repeat the procedure with another nostril.

For the treatment of the common cold, tampons moistened in a medicinal solution are used. The product can not be used in cases of severe runny nose, serious complications can occur.

Other home remedies for colds

  • You can prepare ointment from a cold in the home. To do this, you need to grind the lemon, add a tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil. Ointment will help to destroy the harmful microflora. Means to use to soften the mucous membrane, relieve irritation.
  • Warming is an effective way to treat a cold. For this you can use sand, salt, rice, buckwheat. They need to be preheated, then poured into a pouch from the tissue. Also, the nasal sinuses can be heated with boiled potatoes in a uniform, with an egg. The procedure takes about 20 minutes. It is forbidden to use the procedure for sinusitis. You need to warm twice a day in the morning and at night. After the procedure, you can not go out into the cold.

Washing your nose at home

Washing is an effective way to treat a cold. To do this, use water with the addition of iodine, soda. For 500 ml of water there is a floor of a teaspoon of soda, two drops of iodine.

It is useful to wash the nose with a solution of sea salt. In a half liter of water, dissolve a teaspoon of salt. This drug has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and restorative action. You can add tincture of calendula, eucalyptus, other medicinal infusions infusions.

Procedures from a cold before bedtime

  • It is recommended to perform warming procedures. For grinding feet you can use tincture with red pepper, kerosene, garlic juice. After wrapping with plastic wrap, put on warm socks.
  • For the night, pour dry mustard.
  • Before going to bed, it is advised to soar your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard powder. You can use the procedure for the feet and palms, there are a large number of points responsible for nasal breathing. The adult should take a bath for 20 minutes, the child is 5 minutes. After putting on woolen socks and lying under the blanket to sleep. The procedure is contraindicated at high body temperature, with cardiovascular diseases, during pregnancy.
  • To facilitate breathing at a cold in the home will help acupressure.

Thus, the common cold is characterized by dryness in the nose, burning, irritation of the mucous membrane, constant sneezing. After a wet discharge appears, the mucous membrane can swell. If you start to treat the rhinitis at home in time, the person will feel better after a week. First, the amount of mucus decreases, after which the mucous membrane swells. Before using the product, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to it.

Methods of rapid treatment of the common cold

Each of us probably, at least once in my life, came across a situation where one can not be sick in no case, but unexpectedly in the nose begins pershenie and after a few hours it becomes impossible to breathe normally and do not use every minute handkerchiefs. To help yourself and your loved ones who do not catch a cold in time, you need to know how to quickly cure a runny nose at home, if you can spend only 1 day or 1 night on treatment.

What is a common cold?

Rhinitis or rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that can arise as an independent disease or be one of the symptoms of colds, ARVI and other infectious diseases. In any case, the symptoms of rhinitis are quite easily recognizable - the obstruction of the nasal passages prevents one from breathing normally, an abundant nasal discharge appears, and the nose turns red and swollen. Also, the common cold is often accompanied by headache, lacrimation and a sharp decrease in smell.

In order to find the answer to the question: how quickly to get rid of the common cold, you need to know the reasons for its appearance and the processes occurring at this time in the nasal cavity.

Runny nose occurs when infectious agents or allergens enter the nasal passages, as a result of inflammation, the mucous membrane swells, clogging nasal passages, and active mucus production begins, with the help of which the body tries to "clean" the nose, removing microbes from it.

Most often, rhinitis develops as a result of hypothermia or other adverse factors that weaken the immune system system of the body, also a common cold can become the first sign of an "uptake" infection - viral or bacterial. Rarely nasal congestion and permanent nasal discharge are a sign of an allergic reaction and arise in response to the body's interaction with the allergen.

Quick treatment of the common cold at home

The most important rule for those who want to know how to quickly cure a runny nose at home and preferably for 1 day is to start treatment at the first signs of the disease.

Most people prefer to ignore the first symptoms of the disease, hoping that a mild ailment, scanty mucous discharge and a small nasal congestion will soon disappear by themselves, sometimes, if the human immune system is strong enough, so it happens, but more often the infection manages to spread through the body and quickly cure the rhinitis becomes much more difficult.

Therefore, if you want to quickly cure a runny nose at home and for 1 day, begin active therapy immediately, as you feel an ailment or a sensation in the nose and throat.

Preventive treatment

If a person has gotten wet feet, stood in the cold wind or fell under the autumn rain, the likelihood of a cold is almost 85%, and in order to prevent the possible development of the disease, you must immediately take action:

  • as soon as possible remove wet clothes or socks and shoes and put on a dry and clean;
  • take a hot bath or a contrast shower;
  • drink hot tea with raspberries or lemon and honey, it is also useful to prepare the patient a hot broth of dogrose, cranberries or cranberries, warm milk with honey or any other warming drinks will help;
  • put on socks with dry mustard or just warm woolen socks and go to sleep;
  • if there are no contraindications - soak your feet in hot water with salt;
  • rinse the nasal cavity with a weak saline solution, Aquamaris, saline solution or any antiseptic solution of furacilin, decoction of chamomile and other herbs;
  • go to bed, having drunk hot tea for the night, wearing woolen socks and hiding a very warm blanket - the main purpose of such treatment is to sweat as much as possible.

Treatment of a cold in the home

If you can not stop the runny nose in time, you can try to solve the problem of how to quickly get rid of a cold in the home in two ways:

  1. Actively use all kinds of sprays, drops and inhalations - when using any medicines you need to consult with the attending physician and carefully read the instructions, paying special attention to contraindications and the way of application.
  2. To treat a cold with the help of proven folk remedies, which promise to get rid of stuffy nose for 1 day without the use of medications.

Treatment of the common cold with medication

Those who decided to learn how to quickly cure a cold with the help of pharmaceutical products, you need to know: most of the vasoconstricting drops and sprays are not they treat rhinitis, they are only able to muffle the symptoms of the disease, but complex treatment is also necessary to help get rid of the infection.

Quickly cure a runny nose within 1 day using:

  • sosudosuzhivayuschih funds: use any drops in the nose - Naphthyzine, galazolin, Pinosol, Sanorin - all these drugs narrow the vessels of the mucous membrane, due to which the edema and mucus are reduced, they are not recommended to be used more often 4-5 times a day and not longer than 3 consecutive days;
  • You can also use such drugs as protargol or Sinuforte or Sinupret - having a complex effect on the nasal mucosa;
  • to remove strong puffiness and to restore breath help antiallergic agents - klaritin, loratadine, fenkarol, suprastin and so on.

Treatment of a common cold at home for 1 day

To get rid of the common cold with the help of recipes of traditional medicine for 1 day, you need to try to apply several funds at once:

  • washing the nose - helps to get rid of mucus and cleanse nasal passages from bacteria and viruses - must necessarily become the beginning of treatment in any case for washing it is possible use a weak saline solution, various means: Aquamaris, Aqualor, Dauphin and others based on salt water, a solution of furacilin, chamomile broth and so on;
  • inhalation - clean the nasal cavity, warm it up and reduce swelling and inflammation - you can use for inhalation a decoction of any healing herb, aromatic oil (a few drops per 1 liter of boiling water) or a potato broth;
  • onions and garlic - finely chop the onion and a few cloves of garlic, breathe in pairs for 10-15 minutes several times per day - phytoncides have antibacterial and antiseptic properties, reliably disinfecting the nasal cavity;
  • the inhalation of raw horseradish fragrances or the use of it in food is just as good;
  • Do before bed a foot bath with mustard or put on socks with dry mustard and go to bed - if the patient successfully applies several methods from the above, it is almost certain that the next morning he will wake up healthy, forgetting about the beginning of the illness.

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