Inflammation of the salivary gland: symptoms and treatment of sialadenitis, glands of the parotid, submandibular and sublingual areas

Inflammation of the salivary glands occurs in adults and children, in acute and chronic form. In medical terminology, the disease has several variants of names - sialadenite( sialadenitis).Parotid salivary glands are most often affected, much less often submandibular and sublingual.

To briefly describe the pathology in question, it is possible as an inflammation of the salivary glands, often resulting in the formation of stones in the salivary ducts( calculous sialadenitis, sialolithiasis, salivary disease);then there may be obstruction of the duct with subsequent inflammation and intermittent painful swelling of the gland. The stones are most often found in the submaxillary glands.

The disease has a code for ICD-10: K11.2 Sialadenitis. K11.5 Sialolithiasis.

And to what doctor to apply? If you suspect a salivary gland inflammation, you should contact your dentist or maxillofacial surgeon. If you suspect a "mumps" the child should consult a pediatrician( infectious disease specialist), and an adult - a therapist.

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Today we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of the inflammatory process in the salivary glands.


Why inflamedsalivary glands: causes of sialoadenitis

The cause of acute inflammation of the salivary glands is the presence of an infectious agent inside the glandular tissue. Depending on the pathogen sialadenitis happens:

Viral .It develops with airborne infection with the virus of mumps( "mumps"), to which the salivary glands are very sensitive. After entering the body through the mucosa of the respiratory tract, it penetrates into the tissue of the parotid salivary gland, multiplies, causes inflammation. In the unfavorable course of the infectious process, the virus of mumps enters the testicles of boys, inflames and damages them, a complication - a high probability of male infertility.

Bacterial ( nonspecific).It is manifested when the infection passes through the ducts of the glands from the oral cavity, a path is possible - through the blood and lymph. Pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity leads to the development of acute sialadenitis with the following factors:

  1. Insufficient oral hygiene.
  2. Reactive obstruction. Surgery in the abdominal area, diseases leading to malnutrition, malignant neoplasms, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stress, diabetes, eating disorders lead to a reflexively narrow lumen of the ducts of the salivary glands. This leads to a decrease in salivary secretion, its accumulation in the gland itself, and ultimately - stagnation leads to the development of pathogenic microbes.
  3. Mechanical obstruction is the overlapping of the gland duct with a stone or a foreign body. Stagnation leads to a similar pathological process.

Infection into the glands can come through blood and lymph during severe infectious diseases( typhoid, scarlet fever), with inflammatory diseases of the face, pharynx, mouth mucosa: furunculosis, purulent facial wounds, tonsillitis, periodontitis.

Chronic sialadenitis, as a rule, is not a complication of acute forms of the disease( they are independent in development).The disease is chronic initially, due to the predisposition of the salivary gland to changes in its tissue. The cause of chronic sialadenitis are genetic processes, autoimmune diseases.

Provoke the emergence of chronic sialadenitis stress, hypothermia, trauma, weakening of the body and immune defense.

Often, chronic inflammation of the salivary glands develops in old age.

Inflammation of the salivary gland: symptoms and photos

Epidemic parotitis has an acute onset, body temperature rises to 39-40 degrees. Parotid salivary glands swell from one or two sides. There is pain, which is aggravated by chewing. Swelling of the parotid gland is very noticeable and spreads to the sides, which is why the disease was nicknamed "mumps" by the people.

In adults, sublingual and submandibular glands can be involved in the pathological process. The manifestations of sialdenite can be divided into local and general.

In acute nonspecific inflammation of the salivary gland, symptoms depend on the type of inflammation. In the absence of treatment of acute sialadenitis in the parotid salivary gland, the disease undergoes stages of serous inflammation of , then of purulent and even of gangrenous .

The serous form of is characterized by dry mouth, the appearance of tenderness and swelling in the ear region, earlobe is elevated.

Pain increases with eating and after reflex salivation at the sight of food. The skin around the gland is not changed. The body temperature may increase slightly. When pressing on the iron, saliva is not released at all or very little is released.

Purulent sialadenitis is manifested by a sharp increase in pain, which leads to sleep disturbances, an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees, there is a restriction on opening the mouth, swelling spreads on the temples, cheeks, lower jaw.

When pressing on the gland in the oral cavity, pus is released. The gland is dense at the palpation, painful, above it reddening of the skin.

Gangrenous sialadenite can flow violently, with a rise in temperature, although, with a general weakening of the body, its manifestations can be moderate. Above the gland is revealed the site of destruction of skin tissue, through which there is a constant separation of the rejecting parts of the necrotic salivary gland.

The disease can lead to a fatal outcome when the infection spreads through the body and the development of sepsis, as well as to fatal bleeding when the walls of large vessels of the neck are melted.

Inflammation of the submandibular salivary gland is characterized by the appearance of swelling in the submaxillary region. The gland becomes enlarged, tuberous and very painful when palpated. With increasing inflammation, edema increases, pain occurs when swallowing. In the mouth, redness and swelling are noted under the tongue, it is also possible to observe the secretion of pus from the duct of the gland through its duct.

Inflammation of the submandibular salivary gland can often be calculous. In this case, the cause of inflammation is the overlapping of the duct with a stone, which is formed when a foreign body enters, frequent inflammations in the ducts, and also with an increased amount of calcium in the blood plasma.

Signs of calculous inflammation will be:

  1. Sharp stitching pain, aggravated during eating;
  2. Impaired salivary secretion;
  3. Dry mouth;
  4. Swelling and tuberosity of the submandibular gland.

When the gland is massaged, pus appears under the tongue. The patient can note the enlargement of the gland during meals, which makes eating uncomfortable, and in the worst case impossible.

Inflammation of the sublingual salivary gland develops extremely rarely and is a complication of abscess or phlegmon of dental origin. It appears in the swelling and soreness, localized in the sublingual region. The development of suppuration aggravates the situation.

Inflammation of the salivary gland: treatment of sialoadenitis

When symptoms similar to acute inflammation of the salivary gland appear, treatment should be performed in a hospital. Most often, therapy is performed with conservative methods, only with the development of purulent process is shown a surgical opening of the abscess.

With , the epidemic parotyte ( mumps) is symptomatically treated and an interferon preparation, for example leukinfer, is prescribed. Symptomatic means in this case are those that reduce temperature and reduce pain in the area of ​​the inflamed gland. The patient needs bed rest, treatment is possible at home.

With of acute nonspecific sialadenites , the goal of treatment is the elimination of the inflammatory process and the restoration of saliva secretion. Therefore, the following events are shown:

  1. The salivary diet .It consists of the use of rusks, sour cabbage, cranberries, lemon, supplemented by the ingestion of 5-6 drops of a 1% solution of hydrochloric acid pilocarpine( it contributes to the reflex reduction of the muscles of the excretory ducts of the salivary gland and secretion);
  2. In the duct of the gland antibiotics - penicillin, gentamicin, as well as antiseptics - dioxidin, fugaginate potassium;
  3. On the gland area apply compress with 30% dimexide solution, once a day for 30 minutes. It has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, stops the development of infection;
  4. Physiotherapeutic treatment : UHF, warmers;
  5. With increased edema and inflammation - Novocain-penicillin blockade ;
  6. Inside antibiotics ;
  7. Intravenously injected solution of trasylol, kontrikala .

Surgical treatment is indicated in the development of purulent inflammation. They produce an autopsy of the abscess from the outside. With gangrenous form, urgent surgery is performed under general anesthesia. If there is a stone, it is removed, for otherwise the process will often become aggravated.

Chronic sialadenites are treated during an exacerbation similarly to acute forms of the disease. Outside the exacerbation the following events are shown:

  1. massage ducts with the introduction of antibiotics inside to eliminate purulent masses;
  2. for the purpose of increasing the secretory activity of the gland, novocain blockades in the subcutaneous tissue, electrophoresis with galantamine or its subcutaneous injection for 30 days;
  3. daily galvanization for 1 month;
  4. Introduction to the gland 4-5 ml iodolipol once every 3-4 months, which prevents the development of exacerbations;
  5. intake of 2% solution of potassium iodide inside by 1 tbsp.3 times a day 30-35 days, the course is repeated after 4 months;
  6. X-ray therapy on the area of ​​the salivary glands. It has a good anti-inflammatory and anti-infective effect;
  7. removal of the problem salivary gland.

Preventive measures

There is no specific prevention( introduction of vaccines) against sialadenitis, except for mumps. In the latter case, a three-component vaccine effective against measles, mumps and rubella is introduced. She is a living inactivated. The vaccine is given to children at 1.5 years of age.

Nonspecific prevention includes the following activities:

  1. standard oral hygiene;
  2. sanation of foci of infection in the mouth;
  3. prevention of stagnation of saliva and reproduction of infection in general infectious diseases, by taking pilocarpine inside, mouthwashing solutions of furacilin, manganese, rivanol and other antiseptics.

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Mumps: symptoms in children

Video channel "Catch the answer!".

What are the symptoms of mumps in a child?

The primary symptom of mumps is primary fever. So, the child begins a sharp increase in body temperature, he complains of chills. In addition, the disease and its development is accompanied by severe headaches, which can not be stopped. The fact is that none of the above symptoms is simply not amenable to the treatment of conventional antiviral medications.

The second sign of mumps is inflammation of the parotid salivary glands. Sometimes submandibular and sublingual glands are involved in the process. In their projection appears swelling, and when palpation the patient feels a sharp pain. With a strong increase in the parotid salivary gland, the patient's face becomes pear-shaped, earlobe on the affected side is raised. In a few days the inflammatory process can seize the gland from the opposite side, but most often the lesion is unilateral.

The third symptom of mumps is banal apathy. So, the kid ceases to show any interest in the things that are usual for him. Often he even refuses to eat, as eating food causes him discomfort. Doctors recommend even at sharp temperature rises to contact the clinic as a pig it will be easier to treat in the early days of the disease, and not when the parents have watched "the same" moment.

Mumps, mumps: symptoms and treatment


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publication Source:Editorial articles from the site http: // vospalenie-slyunnoj-zhelezy-simptomy-i-lechenie /