Neck massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine


  • 1Massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - self-massage technique and contraindications
    • 1.1What is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
    • 1.2Benefits of the procedure
    • 1.3Kinds
    • 1.4Technique of performing therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
    • 1.5Massage with cervical osteochondrosis at home
    • 1.6How to do neck massage for osteochondrosis
    • 1.7Contraindications
  • 2Massage with cervical osteochondrosis: indications, benefit and harm
    • 2.1Massage - a method of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
    • 2.2Massage and exercise therapy complete each other
    • 2.3Massage session with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 2.4In which cases is massage not recommended
    • 2.5Self-massage with cervical osteochondrosis
  • 3Massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
    • 3.1What is osteochondrosis
    • 3.2If not treated
    • 3.3How to do medical massage with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 3.4Contraindications
  • 4Whether it is possible to do or make massage at a cervical osteochondrosis: the answer of the expert
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1What is this disease?
    • 4.2How to be treated?
    • 4.3Specialist massage
    • 4.4Is it possible to massage with cervical osteochondrosis?
    • 4.5Acupressure
    • 4.6Massager
    • 4.7Honey for massage
    • 4.8Self-massage
    • 4.9Conclusion
  • 5How to do massage or self-massage for cervical osteochondrosis?
    • 5.1Technique of performing massage
    • 5.2Neck and collar massage
    • 5.3Stroking
    • 5.4Squeezing
    • 5.5Trituration
    • 5.6Kneading
    • 5.7Vibration
    • 5.8Segmental massage techniques for cervical osteochondrosis
    • 5.9Acupressure with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 5.10Self-massage with cervical osteochondrosis
  • 6Is it possible to massage with cervical osteochondrosis?
    • 6.1Types of massage and features of their use
    • 6.2Self-massage and the possibilities of its use
    • 6.3Benefits from massage treatments
    • 6.4How to improve the effectiveness of massage procedures
    • 6.5Contraindications and precautions

Massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - self-massage technique and contraindications

For effective treatment, doctors often prescribe a massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which examines the collar zone, strengthens the weakened vertebrae.

The procedure can be performed at home, but hardware massage in the hospital is very popular. It is important to understand that such a treatment course is part of restorative therapy, but it is not able to stop the pain syndrome.

Massage of the collar zone with osteochondrosis should be performed by a specialist strictly for medical reasons.

What is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

This procedure provides for a set of therapeutic measures aimed at restoring disturbed blood circulation, elimination of spasms and strengthening of weakened cervical vertebrae of the vertebral post.

The mechanical effect applies not only to the muscles, but also to the lymphatic, circulatory system. If the timely course is intensive, you can reduce the number of relapses, reduce the severity of the pain in the future.

Massage of the neck with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is performed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention.

Classical massage of the collar zone does not harm the patient's health, on the contrary, it provides a stable positive dynamics in osteochondrosis.

With systematic exacerbations, this is part of a comprehensive treatment, supplemented with medication and physiotherapy methods.

The procedure itself involves not only stroking, but also beating, tingling, stretching, kneading, rubbing the problem area with increased muscle tension.

Benefits of the procedure

Massage of the cervical spine is good for the health of not only the back, but the whole body. Carrying out this procedure significantly slows down the aggravation of the disease, reduces the number of seizures. Among the additional useful properties of massage, it is necessary to distinguish the following points:

  • quickly removes severe spasms;
  • removes muscle tone from increased load;
  • normalizes the outflow of lymph (it is desirable to carry out lymphatic drainage additionally);
  • improves blood supply to tissues responsible for feeding intervertebral discs;
  • reduces puffiness in the inflammatory process;
  • slows the process of destruction of disks;
  • eliminates stagnation of connective tissue;
  • strengthens the cartilage, prevents their destruction;
  • breaks muscle cords;
  • reduces pressure on the affected collar zone.


In dystrophic processes of the spine, it is necessary to undergo a treatment course consisting of 10 to 12 procedures, which are to be performed daily for 30 to 45 minutes.

Massage for the neck with osteochondrosis is considered to be most effective in the implementation of one of the following methods, the implementation of which should preferably be entrusted to an experienced specialist. It:

  1. Classic (traditional). Massage is performed while sitting. First, the muscles need to be heated, then use five manipulations to strengthen the "vertebral framework". This kneading, stroking, squeezing, rubbing, effleurage.
  2. Vacuum (canned massage). The procedure is carried out by a special plastic can by hand. It is important to pre-lubricate the body with oil, create the required level of pressure in the jar. Also used to work out the lumbar zone.
  3. Acupressure (spot). It consists in pressing on certain points of the body for local anesthesia and productive removal of muscle spasm, increased muscle tension.
  4. Honey. It is often performed in order to prevent osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The procedure involves the use of natural honey with further stroking and rubbing the problem area.

Technique of performing therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

With limited mobility of the neck and not only need to contact a specialist in a timely manner, but do it preferably not with acute pain.

Initially, the expert massages (warms up) the collar zone, while the movements should be smooth and progressive without excessive pressure with high amplitude.

Further the masseur operates in the following sequence:

  1. Performs stroking and rubbing, before reddening, working through the interscapular and supraclavicular area.
  2. Then intensively massage the weak muscles of the neck and upper limbs until the skin becomes hot. This is a clear sign of increased blood flow, intense nutrition of the muscular structures.
  3. Then he removes stagnation in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra by means of a grasping squeezing of the corresponding zone.
  4. Works out the so-called "fatigue zone" to increase muscle tone, while using a special massager (the characteristic area is between the 7 cervical vertebra and the scapula).
  5. If there is a "widow's hump" on the 7th cervical vertebra, massage is performed along the line of the spine - from the top down - from the occiput to the pelvis (approximately to the lumbar region).

If this progressive technique is chosen for the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is important to understand which pressures provide the desired therapeutic effect, while not damaging the patient's health. Here is the valuable information for conducting acupressure massage:

  1. Penetration. Maximum pressure on soft tissues without pain.
  2. Pressing. It is performed by the index, middle and thumb.
  3. A prick with a fingernail. The nail plate of the index finger and the thumb are engaged.
  4. Warm up and local massage. It is carried out with the help of the elbow joint along the entire length, it is often used for the lumbar zone.

Massage with cervical osteochondrosis at home

Stretch shoulders with increased fatigue can be done at home, and such movements make massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine effective.

This is a good way to warm up weak muscles, stimulate the vascular circulation.

Further actions of the masseur in the home environment are presented below, accompanied by pleasant sensations of the patient:

  1. Performs stroking, moving in the direction from the nape to the upper back and alternately to the shoulders.
  2. Spends stretching, squeezing phalanges of bent fingers along the spine to 6 repetitions on each side.
  3. Intensively kneads the muscles along the spine, gradually moving to the side groups.
  4. He rubs the back of his neck with soft fingertips.
  5. Finishes the massage with strokes, gradually moving from the occipital area.

How to do neck massage for osteochondrosis

Knowing how to step-by-step you can do a massage, to hold a self-massage session is quite real at home.

Preliminary it is required to enlist the support of a specialist, to exclude the presence of medical contraindications.

Home massage provides two main directions, which in practice provide a stable and lasting therapeutic effect:

  1. Warm-up of the cervical spine with fingers, palms and fists.
  2. Use of special massage aids, for example, home massager.


Massage is not allowed for all patients with osteochondrosis. Doctors stipulate contraindications, which can only exacerbate the prevailing clinical picture. Medical restrictions to this kind of manipulation are presented below:

  • the presence of cancer in the body;
  • presence of open wounds and mechanical damage to the skin;
  • suppurative and inflammatory diseases of the relapse stage;
  • renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • tendency to internal bleeding;
  • an open form of tuberculosis;
  • presence of benign neoplasms on the skin;
  • mental disorders;
  • somatic diseases;
  • disturbed temperature conditions, fever.

A source:

Massage with cervical osteochondrosis: indications, benefit and harm

The best evidence is that osteochondrosis is a disease of an immobile lifestyle - a fact of the epidemic of this disease among young people.

Initial signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are seen at school or at the institute, because when sitting for a long time at a computer or over a textbook, the main load falls on the neck.

Muscle fatigue accumulates and, as a result, spasm in the muscles, compression of the discs and primary dystrophic changes accompanied by pain and discomfort.

Often used as a treatment massage with cervical osteochondrosis.

Massage - a method of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Self-treatment of osteochondrosis massage is not:

  • This procedure does not restore the intervertebral discs and does not increase the distance between the vertebrae
  • It can not be considered as a method of treatment of acute pain syndrome

But as an excellent additional method, included in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, massage can and should be used.

Massage and exercise therapy complete each other

It is especially good if the procedure is combined with such a basic leading method as exercise therapy.

Massage properties in stages:

  • It breaks down the muscles
  • Maximally relaxes the muscles of the back, through the fault of which there was a spasm
  • It leads to muscle tone, without which no strengthening of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the spine is possible
  • Improves blood circulation in painful areas and helps reduce inflammation

The goals of therapeutic exercises are about the same:

  • Stretch the contracted muscles
  • Strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the spine
  • Consistently complicating the exercises, using more and more power, achieve stretching of the spine and reducing the load on the discs
  • Stimulate the internal exchange and circulation at a deep level, which will have a beneficial effect on the nutrition of the disk

On the other hand, massage after physical education:

  • Relieves stress and fatigue after exercise
  • Helps to achieve the maximum relaxation required at the end of the session

Massage session with cervical osteochondrosis

Massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has its own specifics, although it is done in the standard sequence:

First, massage the collar zone:

  1. The session begins with stroking and rubbing the interlopar and forehead areas to redness
  2. The muscles of the neck and upper limbs are also massaged
  3. With the help of a grasping squeezing, stagnation is removed in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra
  4. Further kneaded: bunches of trapezius muscles, rhomboid muscle, scapular supraspinatus and subacute muscles, straightening the spinal column
  5. The scapula is mobilized with simultaneous massaging of the scapular muscular muscle
  6. A zone of fatigue is worked out (between the cervical seventh vertebra and the upper edges of the scapula)
    You can use the techniques of labile (uninterrupted) vibration)
  7. In the presence of a mound on the seventh cervical vertebra (widow's hump) massage is carried from the top down, towards the pelvis
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Then, massage the cervical region directly to remove static stresses.

  • Begin with strokes for relaxation and outflow from the head, this removes the headache, a frequent companion of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  • Then rub the cervical and suprapubic areas. Used techniques:
    • tweezers using three fingers
    • bracing with "crossing"
    • easy wringing and kneading
  • When massaging the cervical section, one must always pay attention to the craniovertebral transition (the base of the skull), since in this place usually the maximum of dystrophic phenomena

More information about the massage of the cervical department can be found in this video:

: Massage with cervical osteochondrosis

In which cases is massage not recommended

  • In acute pain, rest and treatment with analgesics are recommended. Use massage procedures in the subacute and recovery period of the disease.
  • Also, do not massage with a hernia without a doctor's permission:
    • Not all types of hernias "love" this type of treatment
    • It is impossible to carry out deep kneading and survival
    • Massaging the spine is also prohibited

In addition, there are general contraindications to the conduct of a similar procedure:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Purulent and inflammatory diseases
  • Renal or hepatic insufficiency, etc.

Self-massage with cervical osteochondrosis

In some cases, people resort to independent treatment:

  • Stretch the cervical region with fingers, palms and fists
  • Use massage tools

The neck is a very vulnerable department, and the use of a rolling pin for dough or some kind of needles for it seems dubious.

: Self-massage of the neck with osteochondrosis

: Another variant of massage with cervical osteochondrosis

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A source:

Massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

About the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, a person most often learns from a doctor, who was contacted because of frequent pains in various areas of the shoulder joint, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus.

But this is by no means all signs of the disease, as patients can also be bothered by a feeling of discomfort or sore throat, pre-fainting condition, hearing, memory or vision impairment, "flies" or colored spots before the eyes, together with a pulsating head pain, etc.

What is osteochondrosis


OsteochondrosisIs a complex of dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage. Pathology can develop in almost any joint, but most often the lesion affects the intervertebral discs. Given the location of the problem, osteochondrosis can occur:

  • cervical;
  • thoracic;
  • lumbar.

In fact, osteochondrosis is an incurable disease, but with proper treatment it is possible not only to achieve its stable remission, but also to start the reverse process.

As for massage, it is successfully used among restorative methods of therapy along with medicines, physiotherapy and physiotherapy (LFK).

Most often, osteochondrosis occurs in people with 35 years of age, but it can also develop at an earlier age. This is facilitated by factors such as:

Watch your posture

    • heredity;
    • metabolic disorders, infection of the body, poisoning;
    • excess weight;
    • malnutrition (if the body does not receive the necessary amount of trace elements and liquid);
    • trauma of the spine (bruise, fracture);
    • age changes;
    • violation of posture, scoliosis, flat feet, instability (hypermobility) of segments of the spinal column;
    • adverse environment;
    • conducting a sedentary lifestyle;

Do not forget about the movement

  • work, which involves the lifting of significant masses (weights), frequent changes in the position of the body (flexion and extension, turns, jerks);
  • excessive physical activity, uneven development of the musculoskeletal system;
  • at professional sportsmen - sharp termination of constant trainings;
  • spine overload due to foot diseases, wearing high heels, other uncomfortable shoes, and also during pregnancy in women;
  • stress, nervous overstrain;
  • smoking.

The impetus can also become such seemingly harmless factors as carrying bags on the shoulder, using too soft mattresses and pillows.

Look at the causes of the disease, perhaps you can change something in your lifestyle to prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis or, if there is one, to ease your condition.

If not treated

In the absence of adequate treatment, complications are possible:

  • swelling of the intervertebral disc in the vertebral canal without rupture of the fibrous ring (protrusion), then a hernia;
  • curvature of the upper spine (kyphosis);
  • radiculitis.

With lumbar osteochondrosis, there is even a chance of a spinal stroke with partial or complete paralysis of the legs, a malfunction of the pelvic organs, including the genitourinary system.

With the help of massage, you can completely remove the muscle causes of static disorders of the spine, eliminate pain in the muscles.

Despite the fact that vertebral-bone stress factors will still return the muscles to the initial a condition, nevertheless at regularity of massage (carrying out by its or his courses) the pain is not renewed, and the bearing organ ceases degenerate.

So,massage performed to:

  • to ease or eliminate pain;
  • improve the blood circulation of the affected area;
  • to eliminate muscle spasms of the back and neck;
  • strengthen the neck muscles.

To start the massage should be in the subacute stage of the disease. Sometimes this can be done earlier, including during an exacerbation, but then the exposed are exposed to healthy areas of the body (chest, shoulders, upper back, etc.), the reflex influence on which helps to eliminate pain.

Remember: the first massage sessions should be done sparing. With a hard exercise, the muscle tension will increase and the effect will be opposite - there will be additional pain.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other diseases associated with osteochondrosis (hypertension, circulatory disorders, etc.) in the patient.


To perform the procedure, the patient must be seated on a special massage chair, the head leans forward. the goal is to make the neck as relaxed as possible.


It is very important to be responsible for choosing a specialist who will massage - in this matter the price should not be a priority.

Therapeutic massage includes all known techniques in the form of stroking, kneading, squeezing. The area of ​​massage is limited to the cervical-collar zone, with mandatory massaging of large pectoral muscles.

If the pain is expressed only on one side, massage is performed first with a healthy part, with a further transition to a painful one. Ultimately, both sides should be subjected to the same massage equally.

It is good to supplement the classical medical massage with a point massage.

How to do medical massage with cervical osteochondrosis

The neck is massaged in the direction from the scalp to the back. First, strokes are performed. In the absence of pain in the spine produce 3-4 times squeezing several lines.

Squeezing in the neck and upper back should be done very carefully using the pads of the fingers. After that, the palm rump and the pads of the fingers perform first kneading, and after it - again squeezing.

The neck massage is stroking.

Next massaged zone of the shoulder, where after a brief stroking for two minutes, squeezes are made.

Finally, the neck is massaged again - alternately with 6 strokes, kneading and squeezing. The massage ends with strokes.


You can not massage the cervical spine with:

  • acute stage of osteochondrosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (hypertension, angina pectoris, bronchial asthma);
  • allergic reactions;
  • SARS and influenza;
  • elevated temperature for any reason;
  • the presence of skin lesions in the area of ​​the proposed impact, skin diseases with manifestations, including in the area of ​​the cervical spine;
  • tuberculosis, syphilis;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

A source:

Whether it is possible to do or make massage at a cervical osteochondrosis: the answer of the expert

People whose work is connected to a computer may develop headaches, drowsiness and other unpleasant sensations.

Often this problem is preferred to be solved by taking tablets or drunk coffee. And often this helps, since it can be due only to a lack of oxygen or poor blood circulation.

However, the cause of the described condition can also serve as an osteochondrosis of the cervical region.

What is this disease?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is the proliferation of bone tissue in the vertebrae, leading to the dystrophy of the intervertebral discs, violation of the integrity of ligaments, traumatizing muscles, pinching of nerves, which causes painful sensations and the appearance intervertebral hernia.

The disease first exacerbates periodically, then the pain is felt in the neck, and in other areas. Its symptoms bring considerable discomfort to a person's life.

Therefore, it is important that the situation is not brought to a critical state.

As soon as the signals appear, measures should be taken that begin with a study of the causes of unpleasant sensations.

How to be treated?

Pain in the shoulders and neck, weakness of the muscles of the upper limbs, their periodic numbness, tinnitus, deterioration of eyesight and hearing are symptoms indicating that the patient developed cervical osteochondrosis. Whether it is possible to do or make massage thus, depends on a phase of disease.

So, during the period of exacerbations, the only way to treat is to take medications that help to eliminate the causes of osteochondrosis. Well, if you do not feel any pain, then massage the cervical department. They are restored after the exacerbation of the disease passes.

Thus it is necessary to take into account contra-indications at which the procedure is forbidden:

  • painful feelings, indicative of the phase of exacerbation;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • fever due to infection.

Specialist massage

Massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine should be carried out only by a real expert in their field.

He is made in a special chair or on a table. The patient is massaged the neck, occiput, and the neck area.

Muscles must necessarily be relaxed, while the head is tilted forward:

  1. Massage begins with stroking movements from the occiput to the shoulders. The strength in this case should be minimal.
  2. The next movement should resemble squeezing. He is made by phalanxes of fingers several times in one, and then the other side.
  3. After this, the muscles are kneaded, as though brushing the skin. Movement also produces phalanges of fingers in a circle. First they are performed along the spine, and then they pass to the sides. The same rubbing is repeated with thumb-pads, doing a massage of the foreleg and trapezius muscle.
  4. At the end of the procedure, neck massage with cervical osteochondrosis is performed by stroking movements. Begin with the neck area, and then shift to the back of the head. Here, fingers are made circular movements, squeezing and rubbing the occipital region.

Is it possible to massage with cervical osteochondrosis?

Massage is a great way to treat this disease. Thanks to him, the blood flow to the nerves ends, the muscles relax, and the tension is removed. Also goes and spasm. Therefore, the above procedure for osteochondrosis of the neck is very useful.

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But, as it was said, it is not always possible to conduct it. It is necessary to take into account a number of contraindications, including, in addition to the above, the presence of pain, as well as wounds, rashes and other skin diseases.

On the question of whether it is possible to do massage with cervical osteochondrosis, we can say with confidence that it will help best during periods of remission. If it is decided to conduct a course of manual therapy, then it should be done after consultation with the attending physician.

In addition to classical massage, sometimes it is recommended to perform alternative procedures that reduce inflammation and promote recovery. These include:

  • acupressure;
  • application of a massager;
  • application of honey.


The method is especially suitable during periods of exacerbation when aching or severe pain is felt. The process consists in pressing your fingers on special points that help to remove inflammation, increase blood flow and eliminate pain.

The pressure points are some distance from the place of pain. As the pain wanes, the duration of the massage decreases.

The maximum pressing time is five minutes, and then it is reduced to three minutes or less.


A special apparatus that makes neck massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is able to improve the metabolic processes in this area. Currently, there are many devices of this type on the market.

In accordance with their functions, they have completely different costs. A cheap device, however, is not necessarily inefficient. A good example is the Kuznetsov applicator, a roller or belt with buckles.

Such massagers are worn around the neck at night, and the morning pain, as a rule, significantly subsides or passes completely.

However, do not start using this or another device without first consulting a doctor. It is better to consult with him, which model to choose.

Honey for massage

An excellent action has and done with honey massage. Cervical osteochondrosis at home can be alleviated in this way. However, honey should be used correctly.

First it is distributed in the chosen area evenly, and then massage is done, with the efforts of the hands pressing on the neck and breaking away from it. This procedure lasts a maximum of ten minutes.

Well, if it is carried out by an expert who will accurately affect the desired points. If you do it yourself, you will not be able to achieve this effect.


The most common way to do massage with cervical osteochondrosis is self-massage. It can be easily done at home without visiting a specialist and without spending extra time and money.

In addition, self-massage is realized at any convenient time. However, it should be done very carefully, and first you need to carefully study the technique of its conduct.

After all, wrong movements can lead to negative consequences.

Self-massage should be guided by special provisions:

  • first sit on a chair, with a straight back, legs are held at right angles, bending them at the knees;
  • then stand up, putting your feet to the width of your shoulders.

Start self-massage from the neck area on the back. The technique is the following:

  • for several minutes they strok the neck with both hands;
  • then the movements go from the nape to the shoulders;
  • they should be first without pressure, but gradually it is necessary to increase the force to the maximum permissible value;
  • so that your hands do not get tired, you can change them and make movements in turn.

The next method is squeezing, which is carried out strictly along one path, for example, on one side with the edge of the palm, and on the other with the thumb.

Further, rubbing is done with the tips of the fingers. This movement is desirable to be carried out with both hands simultaneously, changing their trajectory. After that, they begin to rub along the spine.

This movement is done in several ways:

  • small spirals from the spine to the sides;
  • the same, only by straight lines with pressure;
  • small tiny movements, as if grabbing the skin and crushing it between the fingers.

Two hands move in opposite directions. Then they move to the side parts. If the grinding is done simultaneously with two hands is inconvenient, then it is produced alternately. In this case, you can use the phalanges of your fingers in these parts.

The last are stroking movements along the trajectory from the back of the head to the shoulder blades. After this, go to the self-massage in front.

First, rub the surface gently with a palm. Then stroking movements are done from the top down. Force is not applied here.


Preparing this way the area, go to rubbing, starting with the mastoid muscle. They move in a spiral, attracting more and more fingers. Rinse should be done only on the sides, without affecting the thyroid gland.


Then the front sides of the neck are kneaded. To do this, the head is slightly tilted to the side and plucking movements, grasping the muscle between the side and the thyroid gland, move from top to bottom first with one, and then on the other side.

In the end, strokes are done from the top down, affecting all the muscles that were involved. The neck is clasped with both hands and continues. Then slowly tilt it to the sides and gently make the slopes, and then circular movements.

This massage can be considered complete.


Is it possible to massage with cervical osteochondrosis? As practice shows, this is not only possible, but also very useful. Another thing is that this procedure should take into account all contraindications and should be performed by a qualified specialist.

But what if there is no such possibility? Whether it is possible to do or make massage at a cervical osteochondrosis independently? The answer is positive if it is done very carefully and by the movements described in the article. Then the effect of the procedure will not take long.

A source: http://.ru/article/261433/mojno-li-delat-massaj-pri-sheynom-osteohondroze-otvet-spetsialista

How to do massage or self-massage for cervical osteochondrosis?

To strengthen muscle tone and eliminate pain syndrome it is useful to do massage with cervical osteochondrosis. Mass the cervical spine and collar area (up to the 4th thoracic vertebra).

With pronounced root syndrome, only one side is most often painful. Therefore, massage on painful muscles should be carried out sparing (especially the first procedures), paying more attention to the healthy side.

Technique of performing massage

Neck and collar massage

Massage in the osteochondrosis of the cervical region is performed in the patient's lying position on the abdomen (putting a brush under his forehead and pulling his chin to his chest), or sitting at a table. The muscles of the patient should be completely relaxed.


Begin a massage with the general embracing strokes of the collar area along the lymphatic path to the lymphatic axillary and supraclavicular nodes. Then apply flat palm strokes, comb-like stroking. From the 7th cervical vertebra to the right and left is ironing.


After stroking, squeezing is performed, which involves deeper layers of skin.

The masseur puts his hand across his neck (while his thumb and index finger are together) and performs movements down to the trapezius muscle along the spine (along the paravertebral zones).

Squeezing can be done with the edge of the palm to the shoulder joints. Squeezing of the collar region is carried out from the 4th thoracic vertebra to the shoulder joints from top to bottom.


Trimming techniques prepare the muscles for deeper effects. The purpose of rubbing: warm up and relax the muscles, improve blood flow.

In the neck region, rubbing starts from the place of attachment of the muscles to the occiput (the base of the skull). Apply a circular and rectilinear rubbing with the pads of the fingers. Hands sliding on the skin, shifting it.

Folds the fingers of the area from the spinous processes of the vertebrae on the sides.

On the neck area I apply the sawing techniques (the palms are set parallel to the rib) and the sawing movements perform the reception. On the forelegs - reception crossing (the thumb is diverted to the side, is performed by the inner edge of the hand). On paravertebral zones - circular grinding.


Methods of kneading act at a deeper level (muscles, ligaments, fascia). The kneading is carried out in three stages: muscle grip, muscle fixation and kneading. On the neck perform longitudinal kneading in circular motions along the paravertebral zones.

On the collar area: longitudinal kneading, transverse to individual bundles, annular. Reception can be used with weights by the other hand.

Perform penetration along the outer edge of the scapula closer to its upper part.


Finish the neck and neck massage with stroking and vibration techniques. Methods of continuous vibration (shaking) and discontinuous (chopping, effleurage) are used.

Segmental massage techniques for cervical osteochondrosis

The technique of massage of cervical osteochondrosis includes receptions of segmental massage. Paravertebral zones, starting from the 2nd thoracic to the 3rd cervical vertebra, are carried out:

  • Plane stroking on both sides simultaneously from 8 times.
  • Drilling on the breaking side. With the nut syndrome, the technique is applied on the opposite side.
  • Reception of processing of spinous processes with pads of the index and middle fingers. Work from the lower to the higher-lying departments. Repeat several times (up to 10). On each spinous process to fix for 5-6 seconds.
  • Perform several longitudinal strokes.

The session time is from 10 to 15 minutes.

Acupressure with cervical osteochondrosis

The acupressure is based on the following scheme:

  • First, act on the point of feng-fu (under the occipital mound) for 1 minute (spend screwing in a clockwise direction, hold for a few seconds, and counteract the weakened effect).
  • The point of feng chi. It is located at the width of two fingers from the mastoid processes of the skull.
  • Point i-men (the distance of the width of three fingers from the point of feng-fu). Exposure within 1 minutes.
  • Point da-chju (7th cervical vertebra). The effect of sedation is 1 minutes.

You can treat cervical osteochondrosis at home and in breaks at work, giving 10-15 minutes to self-massage.

Self-massage with cervical osteochondrosis

Do not always have time to visit the masseur. Therefore, you can perform self-massage with cervical osteochondrosis. Self-massage is performed while sitting. Perform the elements of segmental massage from the bottom up from the 4th thoracic to the occiput.

Make stroking of the palms. To do this, you need to put your hands on the back of your neck and wrap your movements to do stroking.

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Then, the pads of the fingers produce circular rubbing, shifting the skin. Carefully massage painful seals in the area of ​​the shoulder. Muds are produced in the form of crushing - extrusion. Between the spinous processes of the vertebrae, drilling is performed.

Massed shoulder straps, including the shoulder joint and trapezius muscles. Massage movements are carried out from the scalp down to the shoulder joint.

The shoulder joint is massaged in a circular motion, making strokes, rubbing and kneading (you can carry out receptions through clothes).

Pay attention to the shoulder and deltoid muscle.

The circular movements of the fingers knead the places of attachment of the muscles to the neck. Finish self-massage stroking and patting the collar area.

The effectiveness of self-massage will increase, if after the procedure, do a few exercises for the neck: slow turns of the neck and circular movements.

Massage and self-massage can not be performed in the acute period of the disease. You can use warming and anti-inflammatory ointments and gels.

Before a massage, it is advisable to visit a doctor. In some diseases, massage is contraindicated.

In order to better understand the technique of massage techniques, it is recommended to watch a video of massage with cervical osteochondrosis:

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Is it possible to massage with cervical osteochondrosis?

Massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, as well as with osteochondrosis of any segment spine, - a method of complex therapy aimed at improving the condition and returning the motor activity.

Osteochondrosis is a disease that can not be cured to the end, but you can pause for a long time, taking all possible measures for this, observing the diet and doing therapeutic gymnastics.

Physiotherapy and massage are measures taken during certain periods of the illness, when their purpose has a therapeutic effect and can alleviate the negative feelings of the patient.


The long and fruitlessly exaggerated question, whether it is possible to do massage with cervical osteochondrosis, suggests the only possible positive answer, although with a reservation about the methods and locations.


Cervical osteochondrosis - the disease is deeply individual, its manifestation can be diverse, in depends largely on the stage of the disease, and on the individual condition of the patient, and even on his weight and growth.

Types of massage and features of their use

Cervical massage is best performed by a qualified specialist.

Neck - a specific department of the human spine, the features of the structure of which are directly related to the functions performed.

It is the cervical department that provides high-quality work of the organs of sight and hearing, and the turn of the neck, associated with pain, significantly complicates daily life activity.

Therapeutic massage with osteochondrosis of the cervical segment should return to the vertebral segments the lost mobility, ensure their possible functionality and eliminate pain sensations.

At the same time, it should be remembered that it is mobility that makes the device of the cervical department vulnerable. Any manipulation in this area should be done with caution.

Specialists apply several common methods with which you can relatively safely massage the neck area:

  1. Classical massage. It is designed to improve the overall condition of the zone, is performed by widespread flat or plucked movements.
  2. Segmented. It is aimed at optimizing the work of the neuro-reflex zones of the autonomic nervous system. Requires special skills.
  3. Vacuum. It is carried out with the help of plastic or glass jars.
  4. Pointed. It is carried out by fingertips in certain points of the neck zone. Requires special knowledge in the field of anatomy, and in massage techniques.

The possibility of using each type is considered by the attending physician. With the assimilation of certain principles of ongoing movements and observance of caution, a classical massage can be performed by any person. By the way, this method helps a lot.

Relaxing muscles, eliminating muscle spasms, improving blood circulation, relieving fatigue and renewing functionality - these are just a few bonuses, which gives regular classical massage with skillful carrying out.

The vacuum method was previously widely used for the treatment of colds, but its use in cervical segment has its own characteristics and contraindications, because such manipulations and require professionalism. With the help of segmental action, a specialist can:

  • eliminate stagnant phenomena;
  • improve blood flow;
  • optimize the work of the spinal cord and brain.

Point massage with cervical osteochondrosis should be performed only by a professional masseur, a specialist in eastern medicine, because pressing the active points is a double-edged weapon that can both heal and to kill.

Self-massage and the possibilities of its use

If you feel the discomfort that accompanies the inflammatory processes in the cervical segment, many people try to massage the cervical collar zone themselves. They are convinced that this relieves feelings of discomfort and pain, and helps to relax. Sometimes, especially at work, this is the only way to ease the condition.

Skillfully conducted self-massage really helps improve blood circulation and neck functionality, but it should be carried out in a certain sequence, avoiding sharp, strong movements and turns. Massage of the collar zone with osteochondrosis in independent execution should look approximately as follows:

  • in a sitting position on a chair (hard seat);
  • with maximum relaxation of the muscles of the back and neck;
  • in the direction from the back of the head to the face;
  • the first movement - stroking in the girth with both palms;
  • the second is a careful gentle grinding of the skin surface;
  • the third is the treatment by pressing the fingers of the site where the muscles of the neck pass into the back;
  • thorough kneading of the intervertebral space;
  • the final patting of the palms, turning into stroking.

Experts recommend self-massage several times a day, manipulations can be given no more than a quarter of an hour. After a self-massage session, you need to make several circular movements of the head in different directions, this will help achieve maximum effect.

Unlike self-massage, which is associated with disabilities, massage with cervical osteochondrosis at home can be done with the help of someone from the home.


The help is necessary for careful massage of trapezius muscles, a site of transition of a neck in a back and humeral joints which need to be kneaded with application of classical movements.


But even if all the conditions are met, it is hardly possible to process all the muscles well enough during the independent sessions.

Benefits from massage treatments

Massage is a method of traditional therapy, which is required to be carried out regularly. Particularly effective if you alternate between daily self-massage exercises and sessions conducted by a professional masseur.

To ensure that both procedures are not superimposed on each other, you can alternate the classic self-massage (or massaging in the home conditions) and acupressure with osteochondrosis of the cervical department, performed by a professional master, whose competence is not of doubt.

After some time it will be possible to make sure that in the negative state there has come a specific relief, especially if other medical appointments are performed together with the massage. How many sessions are needed, the doctor determines, taking into account the state of the organism and the stage of the disease.

Self-massage can be done regularly. In its conduct there are undeniable advantages, one of which is the ability to control pain sensations, to minimize the load when they appear. With exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, with the help of independent procedures, you can achieve:

  • Reduction of rigidity and spasms of the muscular corset of the cervical department;
  • optimization of circulation of humoral fluids;
  • elimination of tissue starvation, which arose due to oxygen deficiency;
  • intensity of intracellular metabolism;
  • reduction of the pain syndrome, which appears after the activation of metabolic processes in the massaged area.

The only obstacle to such procedures can be a strong pain syndrome, which you need to stop, that is, to eliminate inflammation. Otherwise, the massage can exacerbate the pain due to the influx of blood to the affected areas.

How to improve the effectiveness of massage procedures

For carrying out of medical procedures appointed or nominated by the doctor, it is better to resort to services of the professional masseur.

Only he can carry out the required therapeutic course without damaging either the nerve endings, the muscular corset, or the site of the diseased vertebra.

However, you can strengthen and optimize the effect of self-massage, if you use special massagers, massage gels and creams. To select them it is necessary on the advice of a treating neurologist.

The expert will consider the principle of the device, find out how he massages and applies to a particular type of pathology.

Do not forget that the use of massage will not give tangible results, if you use it as a monotherapeutic method.

In order to restore lost motor activity and eliminate pain syndrome, treatment of osteochondrosis in addition to massage should include:

  • mandatory drug therapy;
  • a diet approved by a doctor.

Exclude harmful products and enter into the menu useful. Physiotherapeutic procedures are shown, therapeutic gymnastics is mandatory.

Self-medication in such cases should not be allowed, because the treatment of osteochondrosis can be carried out after comprehensive examination and analysis, and should be carried out in strict accordance with medical appointments.

Contraindications and precautions

Undoubtedly the benefits of massage procedures, but their use is recommended to limit in some cases, in order to avoid negative side effects.

The possibility of the negative influence of a useful therapeutic method is determined by a neurologist who studies the history of the disease.


The purpose of massage is carried out in cases where there are no contraindications for this - absolute or relative.


Absolute contraindications for any kind of osteochondrosis or any other chronic processes where massage is used include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, leading to a violation of the heart rhythm or the formation of an aneurysm;
  • disorders of blood coagulability both in the direction of increased ability leading to thrombophlebitis, and downwards;
  • varicose veins of any etiology;
  • infectious processes in the active stage, accompanied by inflammation and high fever, tuberculosis at any stage;
  • acute period and manifestation of any exacerbations of osteochondrosis;
  • osteomyelitis and some articular pathologies;
  • Oncological diseases, accompanied by pain, which are removed only by narcotic drugs.

With cervical osteochondrosis, the patient should remember that he is strongly advised against smoking and drinking alcohol.

In a state of alcoholic intoxication, neither therapeutic massage nor self-massage can be performed to avoid the appearance of additional complications.

With proper limitations and concomitant prescriptions, a massage with cervical osteochondrosis is able not only to alleviate the patient's condition, but also to provide a significant therapeutic Effect.

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