It hurts under the left scapula behind from the back, which means why it hurts

Pain sensations appearing on the left under the scapula are not such a rare symptom that is observed not only in adult men or women, but even in children.

At first glance, the scapular pain on the left may seem an insignificant symptom. But this is not so! The pain under the left scapula from the back can be a harbinger of some dangerous pathological conditions.

There are many reasons for this pain syndrome. However, they are not related to the problems in the scapula as such. More often the cause of pain in such localization may be inflammatory and other pathological processes in the organs of the thorax, spine and heart.

This annoying nuisance, which causes discomfort during movement, and even breathing, can not be underestimated. And yet. ..


Why does it hurt under the left scapula?

For a better understanding of why it hurts under the scapula, a good knowledge of which organs are closest to the area in question will help. But this is not all, the pain can also irradiate( give off) the nerve fibers from the more distant focus of the disease.

The left scapula is located on the back of the ribs, which form the thorax. The ribs are joined together by ligaments and intercostal muscles, and between each rib there are intercostal vessels and intercostal nerves. In turn, the intercostal nerves move away from the spinal cord, which is located in the trunk of the spine centrally above the scapula. Together with the ribs, the scapula protects the left heart, left lung, stomach, spleen, pancreas and aorta.

Therefore, the sources of pain can be divided into two groups:

  1. Pain associated with disorders in the musculoskeletal system, as well as muscle pain.
  2. Pain associated with pathological changes in the internal organs( diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, spleen, respiratory system).

The focus of pain in the scapula can be determined based on their nature, intensity and location:

No. Nature of the pain Explained
1 Acute pain under the left scapula The pathological source of such pain can be far from the place of pain. Most often, such a symptom is characteristic of diseases of the stomach or heart.
2 Aching pain under left scapula Testifies the presence of a protracted chronic process. Such pain manifestations can be associated with chronic heart diseases( pericarditis, myocarditis), as well as with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
3 Dull pain under the left scapula Most often occurs against the background of development of thoracic or cervical osteochondrosis. Usually, painful sensations spread down from the back of the neck on the back, arm, under the shoulder blade and are accompanied by nausea, dizziness, numbness( tingling) of the hands.
4 Strong pain under the left scapula Intense pain is not characteristic for the scapula zone, which means it serves as a signal of a pathological condition that can threaten life. At best, severe pain can indicate intercostal neuralgia, but more often such feelings indicate the presence of peptic ulcer and the development of pre-infarction.
5 Sharp pain under the left scapula Causing severe pain can intercostal neuralgia - while inhaling pain syndrome is clearly amplified, there is a feeling that "intercepts the breath."Sharp pains can cause left-sided pneumonia in the acute phase, while the patient feels the cutting and stitching symptoms in the area around the left side of the chest, giving to the left shoulder blade. Less severe pain can occur with exacerbation of pancreatitis - the pain is shinier and cramping.
6 Drawing pain under the left scapula May indicate the initial stage of development of cervical osteochondrosis. The pain begins just below the occipital bone and is given to the left( or right) side of the back.
7 Burning under the shoulder blade This symptom may indicate a prolonged intercostal neuralgia, attacks of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. Sometimes, the appearance of burning under the scapula may indicate the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In this case, pain is accompanied by tachycardia, tremor of hands, a strong sense of fear.
8 Constant pains under the scapula on the left Such a pain syndrome may indicate the development of left-sided pneumonia. In this case, the pain is accompanied by a dry cough, low temperature, a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath.
9 Stitching pain under the left scapula Stitching pains( so-called "lumbago") are often a sign of osteochondrosis, but can also indicate intercostal neuralgia. Tingling in the back, arising from physical exertion, deep breath or cough, may be signs of pleurisy or pneumonia.
10 Pressing pain Testifies to the development of osteochondrosis, may also indicate the initial stage of coronary heart disease and exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
11 Pulsating pain Most often this way is manifested by left-sided protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the thoracic or cervical spine. Pulsating pain may indicate a hernia of intervertebral discs or the beginning of exfoliation of the aorta.
12 Pain, giving to the left scapula Testify for dangerous conditions and require immediate medical intervention. The causes of pain syndrome can be: attacks of angina, left-sided protrusion of the intervertebral disc, stomach ulcer.

Keep in mind that most of the pain under the left scapula of is caused by heart disease or of the stomach !

The nature of pain, its localization may vary, but most often the pain under the left scapula is a very dangerous symptom that requires immediate medical intervention.

Pain under the left scapula, what diseases can cause?

So, the painful syndrome on the left under the scapula is most often due to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, heart, stomach and bronchopulmonary system.

Let's consider possible diseases, accompanied by pains under the left scapula, and the attendant symptoms. We describe the disease, the nature of the pains and the accompanying symptoms:

Musculoskeletal system

Shoulder-scapular periarthritis .The pain appears in the shoulder region and gives to the scapula. The patient can not move freely( can not get his hands behind his head because of pain), there is a crunch in the joints during movement.

Intercostal neuralgia .The pain sensation is localized in one of the intercostal spaces and is accompanied by a feeling of numbness. Pain syndrome increases with leans to the left. In the course of the inflamed area, redness may appear, characteristic rashes on the skin occur.

Diseases of the back muscles ( myositis, inflammation, lesions).Pain in the back arises sharply, can be noisy. In the left side, there is pain in injuring the scapula, with the muscles stretching.

Oncology .Aching pain under the left scapula or sharp pains of a constant nature. In tumors of the scapula, the thoracic part behind deforms.

Injuries to .Intense pain syndrome, especially the first few hours immediately after the injury. If the pain increases with movement, there is swelling or swelling, this may be a fracture of the scapula or rib.

Osteochondrosis, spondylosis, scoliosis of the thoracic region, intervertebral hernia .Severe pain is manifested either on an ongoing basis, or "lumbago".There are unpleasant sensations in the spine - the feeling that "beat the count".

Heart Disease

Angina of the Heart .The pain under the left scapula behind from a back arises at loads and gives in the left arm or a hand, the left scapula, sometimes - in the left jaw. Accompanied by shortness of breath, fear of death.

Myocardial infarction .Burning pain under the left scapula from the side of the heart. Pain in the heart is not stopped with pills. Nemeth the left arm, there is a strong shortness of breath, the sternum begins to "burn".

Pericarditis and myocarditis .Aching character of the pain on the left side. It is accompanied by chills, which often appear at night and increase in temperature.

Ascending aortic aneurysm .Painful syndrome migrugruet - from top to bottom. Initially, the pain occurs in the chest, then gradually moves under the left scapula and further - in the lower back. Sharp decrease in pressure.

Diseases of bronchopulmonary system

Left-sided pneumonia .The pain is moderately intense. Cough with phlegm, rales in the lungs, fever.

Pleurisy .Pain manifests by breathing. Shortness of breath, wheezing in the lungs.

Pathology of the digestive tract

Gastric ulcer .Pain under the scapula is accompanied by a burning sensation( more often at night).Pain is associated with eating.

Perforated ulcer .Sharp and stitching pain( like stabbing).Increase in temperature, vomiting. Acute pancreatitis .Pain of shingles, sometimes can give in the side. Flatulence, repeated vomiting, fever.

Refinement signs

To help identify the disease caused by pains left under the scapula, other symptoms accompanying the pain syndrome may be:

  1. Pain is worse after eating - peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, gastritis.
  2. Pain is aggravated by sneezing - bone disease, trauma, pleurisy, neuralgia, joint and muscle pathology.
  3. Pain manifested by when turning the head - osteochondrosis, collarbone trauma.
  4. Pain occurs when swallowing - diseases of the esophagus, psychosomatic disorders.
  5. Pain is accompanied by shortness of breath - pleurisy, cardiac pathology, intercostal neuralgia.
  6. In pleurisies, cardiac abnormalities and intercostal neuralgia, pain under the left scapula may cause to have severe dyspnea
  7. appears in the pain - respiratory infection.
  8. The appearance of temperature - infectious and inflammatory processes: pericarditis, purulent pleurisy, subdiaphragmatic abscess.
  9. Pain is accompanied by numbness in the left arm - angina pectoris, osteochondrosis, myocardial infarction.
  10. Nausea and burp accompany pain - abnormal gastrointestinal tract( pancreatitis, ulcer, gastritis).
  11. When the pain comes numbness in the language - angina, osteochondrosis, infarction.

What can a pregnant woman and a child have?

In pregnant women pains under the scapula occur for the same reasons as other people, but the future mother's risk of developing certain diseases is much higher.

The most likely cause of back pain left in a pregnant woman is osteochondrosis( due to a greater strain on the spine), pyelonephritis( due to kidney displacement and activation of their activity), overstrain of the back muscles.

In children, pain under the scapula usually occurs as a result of injuries, with neuralgia( after hypothermia), myositis, pleurisy.

To whom of the doctors to apply?

The doctor to whom you should register should be selected according to the nature of the pain and its manifestations:

  1. Emergency doctor - for sudden, intense pains, burning in the chest, dyspnea, with pain accompanied by severe dizziness, severe weakness or loss of consciousness.
  2. Neurologist - if pain is associated with stress or movement.
  3. Traumatologist - if the pain appeared after the trauma.
  4. Cardiologist - with burning sensation behind the sternum, giving under the scapula, in the left arm, in the jaw.
  5. Pulmonologist ( or therapist ) - if the pain is worse with breathing and accompanied by coughing, shortness of breath, temperature.
  6. Gastroenterologist - if the pain is associated with meals and is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders.
  7. Surgeon - pains under the shoulder blade are accompanied by deformity of the sternum, with severe pain accompanied by high fever.

If it is difficult to decide on the choice of a doctor yourself, it is worthwhile to consult a therapist who, according to the results of the examination, will appoint a reception from a specialist.

What kind of examination will the doctor prescribe?

Diagnostic measures are assigned depending on the causes that caused the pain:

  1. General examination - history and questioning of the patient, visual examination( pulse measurement, blood pressure, temperature, palpation, listening), taking blood and urine tests.
  2. Radiographic examination, CT and MRI - determines the pathology of the spinal column and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as diseases of the pulmonary system.
  3. ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs, PHEGS - gastrointestinal diseases.
  4. Ultrasound and ECG - is prescribed for examination of cardiovascular diseases.

For prolonged pains under the left scapula, you should consult a therapist who will diagnose and refer you to a specialist.

What's next?

Scheme of treatment for pain under the left scapula is selected for each disease specifically - a single treatment protocol does not exist.

Treatment of pain under the scapula on the left begins, first of all, with the treatment of a pain-provoking disease.

  1. If the pains are associated with cardiovascular pathologies, cardiovascular medications are prescribed, compliance with the diet, sparing physical and psycho-emotional activity.
  2. Gastrointestinal pathologies that cause pain are treated with the use of antacids and the appointment of a sparing diet.
  3. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated with long-term therapy, including the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, the implementation of special therapeutic gymnastics.
  4. Surgical treatment is prescribed if conservative therapy is ineffective. Mandatory surgical intervention with a perforated ulcer, severe abnormalities of the digestive tract, rupture of the spleen, intervertebral hernia.

If pain occurs under the left scapula, you should always see a doctor to avoid the occurrence and development of pathologies that threaten life.

Pain under the scapula, video from the Moscow centers VI Dikul

Pain under the scapula is a fairly common complaint in patients and often presents difficulties, both for diagnosis and for treatment. Pain can be localized under both the left and right scapula.

Source of publication: editorial from the site